[Link is working again]
Whatabout postal? I'm not talking about postal ballots... I'm talking about the network facet in general.
The thing with digital interlinking is that somehow inevitable (and very attractive) track and trace.
Some parts of the blockchain are closed down by your own private key, while you can wait for the "need" to use your "public number" everywhere where you go - because of "convenience", of course freely facilitated by xxx-inc.
Some parts of the blockchain are open with the ability for everyone to check... until someone encodes that data for "your security": also facilitated by xxx inc who's now "expert".
While designed as distributed, sooner or later it will be closed down tighter by either xxx inc. or its lesser supported competitor yyy inc with the "better" blockchain 2.0.
Your personal Meta-data? There it goes "somehow" to some scriptkiddy at zzz inc.
The data shouldn't exist at all, but there it is anyway. If it's so valuable, then it should actually be taxed!!
The slippery slope of this all may simply be the (perhaps) unintended consequence of digitized progress.
A "good" candidate would be a personal Covid-Vaccination certificate. No issues when not scanned, but who tells if it's fake or a copy from someone else?
Thus scan it, thus trace it, analyze it, thus you know, and the rest too... and there you go! (Like
Cambridge Analytica).
No one cares about such track'n-trace, until your personal space gets compromised because data correlation singles you out for otherwise no good reason.
So that was once again my rant about blockchain.
With the trend that more banks and wanna-be banks like your phone-provider accept e-currency, your bitcoins will just become like any other number-pushing system you're currently using.
While still funny by 'going rogue' for now, we, all the people in the World, will eventually demand a lesser speculative value
- see what happened with some of the energy bills in Texas: No-one wants it once on the wrong-side of the "market".
And what will we win in the long run?
A single point of failure.