Most don't realize what's happening in America. God bless America, but it's the end of us.
The feds are spending like drunkin' sailors to solve cash flow problems that would better
be solved by people getting back to work.
NOVA (NOrthern VirginiA) is an international area. I've met people from around the world
here. Early last fall I talk with a la raza member who asked me point blank if I were willing
to fight for America. There are enemy combatants in CONUS.
America's press is corrupt. They carried the Russian collusion water for the Dems and
Polosi. They hid the Hunter Biden HD story. They revealed (The Atlantic) the 4 anonymous
testimonies of how when President Trump was in France he didn't want to muss his hair
to visit the graves of "those losers & suckers". About 20 people that were actually there
said that wasn't the case. Bolton had no memory of it.
I guess from the lips of Obama's mentor to the ears of my client.
I think the world order is getting shuffled.
Proterra announced the intention to become publicly listed through a merger
transaction with ArcLight Clean Transition Corp., a publicly-traded special purpose
acquisition company (SPAC), which is already on the Nasdaq. ... The transaction represents
an enterprise value of $1.6 billion for Proterra."
Most deep staters think proterra is a good bet.