The proof of earth's non-motion: the experiments

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The proof of earth's non-motion: the experiments

Post by Silvertiger »

I am loathe to admit this, but as a Christian, I too once believed what I was taught in school: that the earth rotates at approximately 1,000 mph, revolving around the sun at a velocity of 67,000 mph, while the entire solar system travels along with the earth around the galactic center at roughly 448,000 mph, and then all of that along for the ride of the Milky Way, moving at an impressive speed of 1.3 million mph.

This is going to be a long read, but for those in search of the truth of what exactly happened that led to the fraudulent preservation of the Copernican Principle, then look no further, for EVERY SINGLE scientist mentioned here was a devout heliocentrist, vehemently opposed to any evidence to the contrary - there are NO geocentrists here whatsoever.

This was all in the light of Einstein, as he was surrounded by it, but does anyone know who he really was? Without question, no one has influenced physics and cosmology more than Albert Einstein (1879-1955). Most people know very little beyond the image of the wacky hair, disheveled, absent-minded professor or the famous formula E=mc2 they see in backgrounds of movies and media. They know very little concerning how Einstein’s famous theory of Relativity originated or what it means...or what it actually stands for. Often the extent of their knowledge is the well-overused cliché “everything is relative.� And it is these people represent the vast majority. Go figure.

In reality, Einstein in every way preceded the likes of Hubble, Hawking, Sagan and every other icon in modern science who have done their best to preserve the Copernican Principle in the face of a vast plethora of evidence that said it was incredibly flawed, and by no stretch of the imagination to boot.

With remarkable similarity to what Hubble stated about how an Earth-centered cosmos would be “intolerable� and “must be avoided at all costs,� so Einstein invented Relativity for precisely the same reason, only his biographer used the word “unthinkable� rather than "intolerable." In the massive wake following the famous Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887, Ronald W. Clark describes what came next:
In the United States Albert Michelson and Edward Morley had performed an experiment which confronted scientists with an appalling choice. Designed to show the existence of the ether…it had yielded a null result, leaving science with the alternatives of tossing aside the key which had helped to explain the phenomena of electricity, magnetism, and light or of deciding that the earth was not in fact moving at all.
- Einstein: The Life and Times, 1984, p. 57
The problem which now faced science was considerable. For there seemed to be only three alternatives. The first was that the Earth was standing still, which meant scuttling the whole Copernican theory and was unthinkable.
- Einstein: The Life and Times, 1984, pp. 109-110

One scientist even drew the following conclusion of the result of such data if it had been discovered in the infancy of the Copernican Principle:
It is both amusing and instructive to speculate on what might have happened if such an experiment could have been performed in the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries when men were debating the rival merits of the Copernican and Ptolemaic systems. The result would surely have been interpreted as conclusive evidence for the immobility of the Earth, and therefore as a triumphant vindication of the Ptolemaic system and irrefutable falsification of the Copernican hypothesis. The moral of this historical fantasy is that it is often dangerous to believe in the absolute verification or falsification of a scientific hypothesis. All judgments of this type are necessarily made in some historical context which may be drastically modified by the changing perspective of human knowledge.
- G. J. Whitrow, The Structure and Evolution of the Universe, 1949, 1959, p. 79

And so, for 500 years, the theory of Copernicus was taught, leading the advance of science into the realm of philosophy in order to avoid the unthinkable: a mighty God who created all things. For, according to the results of the experiment, science would have to hand the reins of power and influence, and even science, back to the Church, whose teachings of a motionless Earth never wavered. In short, after the Michelson-Morley experiment the entire future of mankind’s existence hung in the balance.

Most people don’t realize Einstein's intent, and those who knew of it would not admit it, but Relativity was created for one reason: so that mankind would not be forced to admit that the Earth was standing still in space. This was Einstein's defense against any evidence that proved a divine creation.

Enter the Michelson-Morley experiment. The purpose of the interferometer experiment was straight-forward: if the earth moves around the sun at 67,000 mph, and this movement is conducted through a medium that fills all of space through which light propagates (known as "luminiferous ether"), then a light beam discharged into the forward-westward direction of the earth's supposed motion would have its speed impeded to a degree that is proportional to the speed of the earth.

In other words, the speed of the earth could be subtracted from the speed of light, and the final measurement of the light beam would reflect that difference. Light, even though it seems to be without substance, can be and is impeded by any medium through which it travels. That is an undisputed fact of science - and hence it was a dependent variable in the experiment. By that rule, the second dependent variable was this: a beam of light pointed in either the northward or southward direction of the earth (either direction could be chosen) would experience no change in speed since the earth does not move in a straight-line path either toward the sun, nor away from it, for the those directions are perpendicular to its supposed path of movement, and thus not against the ether.

Albert Michelson and Edward Morley were anticipating being able to measure the difference in speed because of their previous success in repeating Armand Fizeau’s experiment with light in moving water. With their new interferential refractometer, as it was originally called, they would be able to determine effects of the second order with an accuracy that was previously unobtainable. Thus Morley wrote to his father that the purpose of the experiment was “to see if light travels with the same velocity in all directions."

To the shock of everyone who followed the doctrine of Einstein, Albert Michelson and Edward Morley found that a light beam discharged in the direction of the Earth’s assumed motion showed virtually no difference in speed from a light beam discharged north to south or south to north. In other words, the experiment failed to detect ANY motion of the earth in or against space, nor against anything that space might happen to consist of. This result was of immense concern to Einstein, and I'm sure it kept him up many a night, since it wasn't the only experiment with which he had to contend, as he was well aware of previous experiments with the same results.

Previous Experiments:
Interviews with Einstein show he was just as concerned with the results of experiments performed 10-50 years earlier. Robert Shankland’s interview with Einstein had this to say:
Prof. Einstein volunteered a rather strong statement that he had been more influenced by the Fizeau experiment on the effect of moving water on the speed of light, and by astronomical aberration, especially Airy’s observations with a water-filled telescope, than by the Michelson-Morley experiment.
- Robert S. Shankland, “Conversations with Albert Einstein,� American Journal of Physics, 31:47-57, 1963

Why would the “Fizeau experiment� and “especially Airy’s observations with a water-filled telescope,� cause such concern for Einstein? Well to put it simply, Armand Fizeau and George Biddell Airy’s experiments are two of the foremost evidences of a motionless Earth ever produced, and according to Einstein's buddy Hendrik Lorentz, these experiments put unbridled fear into the whole establishment of science, in the light of which he made the following, albeit very difficult, admission: “Briefly, everything occurs as if the Earth were at rest…� (From Lorentz’s 1886 paper, “On the Influence of the Earth’s Motion of Luminiferous Phenomena,� as quoted in Arthur Miller’s Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, p. 20)

Eventually, it would take the full force of Relativity theory and its attendant Lorentzian-derived “transform equations� to even begin to make an attempt at explaining the amazing results of Fizeau, Airy and various stellar aberration experiments. Here is what is even more amazing: the Michelson-Morley experiment was actually a desperate attempt, using more sophisticated equipment, to overturn Fizeau and Airy’s findings...but it failed to do so!

Relativity theory, by its very nature, is highly vulnerable to anti-copernican interpretations, for everything that Relativity claims for itself by a moving Earth in a fixed universe can easily be “relativized� for a fixed Earth in a rotating universe. In point of fact, stellar aberration was a rather large pebble in Einstein’s shoe for that very reason, causing him great concern and worry, since Relativity theory, in principle, demands equal viability for both perspectives.

Of course, Einstein’s concern was justified, since Airy’s experiment threw a wrench into the reciprocity of Relativity, for it demonstrated that it makes absolutely NO difference whether the Earth is moving or at rest in regards to how light from a star travels through a telescope mounted on the Earth. In addition, Einstein could not make “relative� the results of Airy’s experiment, since stellar aberration provided a distinction he could by no means overcome. And thus, as a direct consequence of that fact, Einstein was FORCED to resort to the ad-hoc “field transformation� equations of Hendrick Lorentz to provide an answer to Airy’s results; and although others would not let their opinions be known due to the fear of ostracizement, everyone knew that Einstein’s efforts were just mathematical fudge. There was one inescapable fact that Airy’s telescope was revealing: barring any mathematical fudging, Earth was in glaring fact standing still, and the stars were revolving around it - not vice-versa. Hence, the importance of the Michelson-Morley experiment was that it confirmed, by a significantly different kind of experiment, the same results that Airy found in his water-filled telescope sixteen years earlier.

So what EXACLTY did the likes of people like Fizeau, and Airy all do? Here we dive into the history of experiments leading up to Michelson-Morley, from greats like Fresnel to Arago to Fizeau and Airy.

The “Fizeau experiment� and “Airy’s observations� that Einstein revealed in the Shankland interview receive their impetus for concern a few years prior in the work of man named Dominique François Arago (1786-1853). To this day, Arago is one of France’s most celebrated scientists. He was involved in many fields of interest, but it was pointedly his unique work with light that set the pace for many years to come. Of particular note are two things higlighted in his discoveries between the years 1810 to 1818. To start off, Arago observed one star through a telescope for the whole course of an entire year. In the heliocentric system, the Earth will move towards the star, but then will move away. Thus, Arago reasoned that, in order to observe the phenomenon clearly in his telescope, the focal length would need to change when viewing the star since the limited speed of light must be compensated to accommodate both a receding Earth and an advancing Earth at six-month intervals.

Makes sense, right?

But alas, to his utter astonishment, Arago did not need to adjust the focus AT ALL to see the star clearly. If one were predisposed to heliocentrism, one might interpret this phenomenon as an indication that the stars were far enough away that, regardless of whether the Earth is moving toward or away from the star, the star light is unaffected. If one were a geocentrist, one would be inclined to conclude that there is no need to adjust the focus simply because the star is, in reality, actually WHERE it appears to be, and thus there would be very little relative movement between the Earth and the star on an annual basis, regardless of position and direction of movement.

Second, Arago had previously experimented with light beams traveling through glass. He showed that light traveled slower in denser mediums, such as glass or water, which supported the wave theory of light and contradicted the particle theory). Arago assumed the light waves had a uniform speed through the ether. If the earth was moving against the ether (as would be the case if it were revolving around the sun) then the ether should impede the speed of light, just as it had been impeded through glass and water.

However, in stark contrast, Arago’s experiment showed that, whether the light beam going through the glass was pointed in the direction of the Earth’s supposed movement or opposite that movement, there was no more effect on its speed going through the glass than if he had just shone it through glass alone. Moreover, he showed that a light beam pointed toward or away from the Earth’s supposed orbit had the EXACT SAME refraction in glass as the refraction of starlight in glass. And so it didn't even matter what way he tested the incidence of light, for it always revealed the Earth to be at rest in the ether. As E. T. Whittaker put it:
Arago submitted the matter to the test of experiment, and concluded that the light coming from any star behaves in all cases of reflexion and refraction precisely as it would if the star were situated in the place which it appears to occupy in consequence of aberration, and the earth were at rest; so that the apparent refraction in a moving prism is equal to the absolute refraction in a fixed prism.
- E. T. Whittaker, A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity, Dublin University Press, Longmans, Green and Co., 1910, p. 116

So then, this guy named Augustin Jean Fresnel (1788-1827) comes along, who had already worked with Arago on many occasions. Being the more famous of the two, it sort of fell as a mantle upon him from the scientific community to explain Arago’s results by retaining the moving Earth model. And here we go, philosophy at its finest: starting with a conclusion and working backwards through the scientific method.

Arago asked Fresnel if it would be possible to explain the results of his starlight experiment by the wave theory of light. Fresnel came up with an ingenious answer and explained it to Arago in a letter dated 1818. Now, pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION, for what follows will change its form and be virtually repeated as a different lie at a later date: he postulated that there was no effect on the incidence of starlight because the ether through which the light traveled was being “dragged,� at least partially, by the magnifying glass of the telescope.

And here was the reasoning: because ether was understood to permeate all substances, Fresnel hypothesized that there was a certain amount of ether trapped within the glass, and that as such it would be denser than, and independent from, the ether in the surrounding air. The key to understanding this theory is that Fresnel maintained that the ether outside the glass was immobile. As the glass moved with the Earth’s assumed movement and against the immobile ether outside, the glass would “drag� the ether trapped inside along with it.

And so, with that notion in his head, Fresnel, rather conveniently, concluded that Arago couldn’t detect any difference in the speed of light because the glass in his experiment was dragging the ether just enough in the opposite direction to the Earth’s movement so as to mask the Earth’s speed of 30 km/sec through the immobile ether. Oh very convenient indeed!

To understand the rationalization of Fresnel’s “drag� to explain Arago’s results, here is an example. There are two telescopes, one hollow and one filled with glass. Both telescopes are viewing the same star. Will each telescope measure the same aberration (bending) of the starlight? One would decidedly think not, since due to the fact that the glass telescope would refract considerably more than the hollow one.

But that in fact did not happen in Arago's experiment. Rather, all such telescopic views of stars will show no more bending of starlight in the glass telescope than in the hollow telescope.

The least complicated answer for this phenomenon is that Earth is not moving, and since the stars, although moving, are so very far away, the angle of incidence will be virtually identical on one side of the Earth as on the other. It will always be straight overhead and thus produce no refraction or diffraction through air telescopes as opposed to glass telescopes.

Thus, Fresel had NO choice but to say the ether was trapped and dragged in such a way that it only APPEARED that the earth wasn't moving, since the trapped ether equalized the difference, rendering it undetectable. By this clever manipulation of something he couldn’t even detect (the ether) and a nature of light he hadn’t even proven (waves), Fresnel helped science avoid the reality of being forced to accept a non-moving Earth as the most likely answer to Arago’s puzzling findings. Oh, glorious day for!

Of course what was blatantly obvious to any reasonable observers was that Fresnel’s explanation appeared to be decidedly TOO convenient, especially since he arrived at his solution without any physical experimentation whatsoever! Fresnel even wrote an equation for his model, and remember it, for we will see it rear its ugly unproven head again in a different format. Mathematically, Fresnel claimed that ether “dragsâ€� the light in the glass telescope in accord with the equation: c = (1 - 1/η^2)ν, where c is the speed of light, η is the refractive index of the medium, and v is the velocity of 30 km/sec of Earth’s supposed orbit; or more simply f = 1 – 1/η^2, where f is the “Fresnel dragâ€� and η is the refractive index of the medium. This is described in his paper, Ann. De Chimie, 17:180 that he wrote in 1821.

Now, enter Armand Fizeau (1821-1896), one the people whose experiment Einstein cites as causing great concern for his brand new Relativity theory. Since Fresnel never did it, Fizeau needed to prove Fresnel’s “drag� theory so as to have a physical, not merely theoretical or mathematical, answer for Arago’s results. The implications of Arago’s experimental results were so undesirable, that counter-experiments, such as Fizeau's which set a precedent of more to come, were described as desperate attempts to “find the ether� or “discover the nature of the ether� rather than what was truly at stake – finding out experimentally whether the Earth actually moved at all.

It only gets more ridiculous from here. So Fizeau's initial experiments found that the speed of light through glass varied with the color of the light, something for which neither Arago nor Fresnel tested. This meant, of course, that the ether would have to be reacting differently with various colors of light; or there was a different amount of ether trapped in the glass for each particular color - two options which seemed far-fetched. Fizeau proposed the hypothesis that the ether possessed elasticity, and varying degrees of elasticity would cause various reactions with light.

So then, Fizeau reasoned that he needed to test the very constitution of the ether, and so in 1851, he sent two parallel rays of light in opposing directions through tubes of water in which the water was made to flow rapidly, set up in such a way that one light ray would be traveling with the flow of water, and the other against it...which was stupid. Naturally, due to the refractive index of water, the light moving against the water moved more slowly, no different that a swimmer against the current, since more light was refracted due to it coming into contact with more volume of water than the light that was moving with the direction of the water. The speed of light was not a sum of the velocity of the light added to the velocity of the Earth. Rather, the only effect Fizeau found on the speed of light was that which was induced by the water’s refractive index. Duh.

But he tried to "make" it fit anyway. In order to escape this problem, Fizeau postulated that as the water flowed, it would only drag SOME of the ether with it, which would cause the light to move against only SOME of the ether, which would then appear as an alteration in the speed of the light in the water, and which, coincidentally, would THEN magically equal the refractive index of the water, and which would also equal the Fresnel “drag� coefficient...naturally. And so, without any proof whatsoever, they were already discounting a fixed-Earth as a viable solution to the unexpected results of their experiments.

Despite this clearly fraudulent “solution,� there was still an open question: would Fizeau’s use of water to drag ether and impede the speed of light prove to be true for starlight, since everyone knew the difference between its immense distance from earth compared to laboratory light?

Not to worry. Along comes James Bradley and George Airy. Twenty years after Fizeau’s experiment, George Biddell Airy conducted his own water-tube experiment, which, to his utter surprise, also confirmed Arago’s results – that Earth was standing still in space. Why is it that these people are ALWAYS astonished? I don't get it. I really don't. Being a member of the prestigious Astronomer Royal of England, he was thus well-respected, and of course held tightly to a heliocentric view of the universe, just as Einstein did.

Hm. It's funny that Airy was quite certain, at least before he did his experiment, that his water-filled telescope would prove the Earth revolved around the sun. Hence, he was quite surprised at his “failure.� It's funny because he and so many others would not believe the experimental results of so many others that yielded the same results, and yet they thought that THEY would be the one to do the same experiments and get different results. Ironically, this was Einstein's definition of insanity...ironic because according to that, Einstein himself was insane. LOL. Consequentially, this experiment became widely known as "Airy's Failure," and is perhaps the best experiment that disproves the "notion of the motion" of earth in space.

So what exactly went down in Airy's experiment? Well, Airy knew from Arago that the speed of light was slower in a solid transparent medium than in air, that any apparent movement of the earth did not affect the speed of light, and that Fresnel’s explanation of Arago’s experiment was that the glass plate “dragged� the ether and acted independently of ether in the air. Airy, by merely enhancing the procedures of those before him, decided to use a source of light outside Earth, namely starlight, and direct it through different mediums to see if the light was affected.

So what is so significant about starlight, as opposed to light here on earth? Well let's see. In 1640, astronomer Giovanni Pieroni observed that various stars shifted their position in the sky during the year. Now, Francesco Rinuccini had brought this to Galileo’s attention in 1641, but Galileo was not impressed by it. But in 1669, a guy named Robert Hooke noticed the same kind of shift taking place for one star in particular: Gamma Draconis. Hooke actually thought he had discovered the first case ever of stellar parallax as proof of motion. Almost another three decades later in 1694, John Flamsteed observed the same shift in Polaris. And then, yet another thirty years later, James Bradley tested whether Hooke’s observations of the parallax of Gamma Draconis were correct, and from the year 1725 to 1728 he found that throughout the course of a year, the star traced a small ellipse in its path, almost the same as a parallax would make. In the heliocentric system, parallax is understood as a one-to-one correspondence between Earth’s annual revolution and the star’s annual ellipse, but Bradley noticed that the star’s ellipse was NOT following this particular pattern.

So Bradley, reasoning that Gamma Draconis was too far away to register a parallax, found another explanation, and it was a rather ingenious one. He theorized that the star’s annual ellipse was being formed because the speed of light was finite, which is to say that the star wasn't really moving in the sky at all. Rather, its light, moving at a finite speed, was hitting a moving Earth, an Earth that for six months was moving toward the star, and in the next six months was moving away from it. While the Earth moved toward the star, the star’s light would hit the Earth sooner, but while the Earth moved away, the light would hit it later. Bradley reasoned that, if light’s speed was infinite, there would be no such effect, but since it is finite, these back-and-forth movements of the Earth would translate into seeing the star move in an ellipse over the course of a year. My, what a welcome relief to heliocentrism this was!

But, too bad, for it was all for nought with the results of "Airy's Failure." Whereas Bradley had used only one kind of telescope, Airy came up with the idea of using a second telescope standing right next to the first telescope, but filled with water instead of air. He needed a shot-by-shot comparison.

Since the Arago/Fresnel/Fizeau love triangle had already shown that the speed of light was retarded in glass or water, Airy assumed that if a telescope was filled with water, then the starlight coming through the water should be slower than it would be in air, and thus refract the starlight outward toward the side of the telescope and away from the eyepiece (just as light "bends" when you put a pencil in water). In order to compensate for the outward bending of the starlight, Airy assumed he would need to tilt his water-filled telescope just a little more toward the lower end of the star so that its light would hit his eyepiece directly rather than hitting the side of the telescope.

But...wait for his utter ASTONISHEMENT (there it is again), Airy found that he did not have to adjust the tilt of his water-filled telescope at all, any more so than the tilt of the air-filled one! And why was he, like so many others, astonished and stymied? Well, again, results indicated that Earth wasn’t moving, since if there is no additional adjustment necessary for a water-filled telescope toward the direction of the starlight, this meant that the starlight was entering both telescopes at the same angle and speed.

You've read THIS far...should I stop?

Now, let's go back to Bradley's experiment and bear this note in mind: Bradley’s appeal to an arc in the movement of Gamma Draconis, which was measured to be 20.5", as being due to a 30 km/sec revolution of the Earth around the sun, assumes that the sun is a fixed object. Without taking the sun as fixed, Bradley would not have been able to detect any aberration in the star. But according to modern cosmology, no object in the sky is fixed, and thus Bradley’s theory is nullified on that count alone. Otherwise, the sun is at rest or Relativity is wrong. Dig it.

So here we are. Unless Airy’s experiment could be answered, the world was about to stand still in space, both literally and figuratively. Three years prior to Airy, Martinus Hoek, an astronomer at Utrecht, performed another type of experiment, but one that had demonstrated the same results as Airy: that the Earth was not moving. In 1868, he devised a variation of Fizeau’s experiment in order to test the nature of light. Why? Remember, the use of laboratory light by Fresnel and Fizeau had yet to be satisfied with an answer.

He did pretty much the same thing with the light beams going in opposite directions in water, but this time was different. He turned his apparatus into the direction of earth's supposed movement around the sun, and then turned it perpendicular to that direction. In theory, he should have detected a noticeable fringe difference (a fringe gap is the distance measured between two peaks or two troughs of two light waves as they hit a receptor.) The westward movement alignment of the apparatus should have measured a greater difference than the north-south alignment.

But, and this is the part I just LOVE, to his ASTONISHMENT, Hoek noticed no significant difference in the fringes, at least not in accordance with an Earth moving 30 km/sec. Once again, yet another experiment proved that the earth does not move in space. And, in the fashion of Airy, this experiment was thus dubbed "Hoek's Failure."

Keep in mind that all these guys are trying their hardest to get just ONE experiment that proves the earth's motion. That's why they are called failures.

Oh but wait, there's more. These people are just too stubborn to throw in the towel. Along comes yet another dude, Eleuthère Elie Nicolas Mascart, who in 1872 devised an experiment which he believed would allow him to detect the motion of the Earth through ether by measuring the rotation of the plane of polarization of light propagated along the axis of a quartz crystal. Boy that's a mouthful...but if he could do it, it would make him a god among men!

For those who are laymen, polarization is a phenomenon of white light, which propagates along the axis of forward movement at many different angles but is reduced to just one angle. Polarizers are filters containing long-chain polymer molecules that are oriented in one specific position. As such, the incident light vibrating in the same plane as the polymer molecules is the only light absorbed, while light vibrating at right angles to the plane is passed through the polarizer. Mascart set up the experiment so that if the Earth were passing through the ether at the expected speed of 30 km/sec, then the light’s plane of polarization would be affected. Mascart found no such results. His experiment was just another indication that Earth was not moving.

Hopefully now one has a better understanding of the circumstances and failure after failure that led to the ultimate failure: the Michelson-Morley Experiment. It was a lot like Fizeau's experiment, but far more sensitive. Where Fizeau had sent light beams along parallel paths through water, the interferometer sent them in numerous perpendicular paths through air on a rotating table, which allowed a more comprehensive and accurate test.

Aside from this ultimate failure in regards to the earth's supposed movement in space, the procedure could not be faulted, for many do not know that it was first James Clerk Maxwell who proposed to use the interference of light waves to determine whether the earth was moving or not! Maxwell is world-famous for his electromagnetic equations for light travel which are still taught and used to this day.

From Fizeau's experimental data, Michelson had come to expect a fringe of 0.4 on the interferometer. But, instead, it only showed 0.02, which was only 5% of the speed of the expected speed of movement. Michelson said the following in an 1881 issue of the American Journal of Science:
This conclusion directly contradicts the explanation...which presupposes that the Earth moves.
As all of his predecessors, Michelson did not want to believe his own results, and so he did the experiment again, this time making it even more sensitive, and also safeguarding it against any possible outside disturbances may have affected his first experiment. Alexander Graham Bell funded the project, and it was then that Michelson partnered with Edward Morley, as he had done the first experiment alone. The experimented was conducted in 1887...but the results were even worse for them and all other heliocentrists than the first (this was NO different than Planck versus WMAP...same concept basically, different format. Make it more sensitive. Make it better. Make it more comprehensive.) Once again, only a 0.02 fringe gap was measured versus the expected 0.4. The conclusion was devastating: the earth did not move.

In Michelson's own words:
...the displacement to be expected was 0.4 fringe. The actual displacement was certainly less than the twentieth part of this, and probably less than the fortieth part. But since the displacement is proportional to the square of the velocity, the relative velocity of the Earth and the ether is probably less than one-sixth the Earth’s orbital velocity, and certainly less than one fourth.
- A. A. Michelson and E. W. Morley, “On the Relative Motion of the Earth and the Luminiferous Ether,� Art. xxxvi, The American Journal of Science, eds. James D and Edward S. Dana, No. 203, vol. xxxiv, November 1887, p. 341

Once the results were released, the whole of the scientific community was in an uproar, and thus the TOP physicists in the world at the time were contacted in desperation to QUICKLY come up with an explanation for the astounding and unbelievable results of the experiment. One of them was none other than Dutch physicist Hendrick Lorentz (1853-1928). A January 7th, 1981 correspondence between Michelson and Lorentz reveals that Lorentz had communicated with Michelson and had studied both his 1881 and 1887 experiments.

Micehelson wrote:
My dear Professor Lorentz, I am sorry I cannot give more satisfactory replies to your questions - but perhaps you will make more proper allowances when you know that while the American Association honored me by calling on me to preside over the physical section - this as well as all other appointments of the important aims of the association - I forward with this a copy of the Proceedings for 1881 and I hope you may be able to form from it a better estimate than by my imperfect description.

With great respect,
I remain your servant,
Albert A. Michelson
So Michelson couldn't offer Lorentz much help in explaining the results of the experiment, since he was just as confounded as everyone else. A YEAR after the correspondence with Michelson. Lorentz wrote to English physicist Lord Rayleigh on August 8th, 1892, expressing his exasperation over Michelson's experiment:
I have read this note with much interest, and I gather from it that you agree completely as to the position of the case. Fresnel's hypothesis, taken conjointly with his coefficient (1-1/n^2), would serve admirably to account for all the observed phenomena, were it not for the interferential experiment of Mr. Michelson, which has, as you know, been repeated after I published some remarks on its original form, and which seems decidedly to contradict Fresnel's view. I am totally at a loss how to solve the contradiction, and yet I believe that if F's [Fresnel's] wave theory is abandoned, we should have no adequate aberration theory at all for the conditions imposed by Mr. Stokes on the movement of the ether being irreconcilable to each other. Can there be some point in the theory of Mr. Michelson's experiment which has as yet been overseen? In the meantime I have endeavored to apply the electromagnetic theory to a body which moves through the ether without dragging the medium along with it...

H.A. Lorentz
You see, although Fresnel's ether-drag theory was used to explain why Arago could not detect the earth moving, Lorentz admitted that the theory could not be used to explain the MM experiment, for it simply yields too large of a result. But at the same time, Lorentz is afraid to abandon the theory altogether, since THEN he would no longer be able to use it to explain neither Arago's experiment, nor stellar aberration. Desperate for an answer, Lorentz asks if somehow Michelson could have made a mistake in his experiment. Prior to getting any answer from Lord Rayleigh, Lorentz temporarily posited a new theory to explain it.

Working with George F. Fitgerald (1851-1901), Lorentz came up with a creative explanation at long last to explain the nil results of MM. Two years after writing his letter to Lord Rayleigh, Lorentz had developed the solution he had hinted at in the letter: "...I have endeavored to apply the electromagnetic theory to a body which moves through the ether without dragging the medium along with it..."

Lorentz theorized that a material body somehow changes as it travels through space and against the ether, and shared this theory in a letter to Irish physicist George Fitzgerald. The letter, written November 10th, 1894, states:
My dear Sir, in his "Aberration Problems" Prof. Oliver Lodge mentions a hypothesis which you have imagined in order to account for the negative results of Mr. Michelson's experiment. Two years ago I arrived at the same view as you may see from the number of Proceedings of the Dutch Academy of Sciences which I have the honour to send you at the same time with this letter. A memoir in which I consider the whole subject of Aberration in connexion with the electromagnetic theory of light being now of course in publication - it will in fact appear in a week - you would oblige me very much by telling me, if your hypothesis has already been published. I have been unable to find it and yet I should wish to refer to it.

Most respectfully yours,
H.A. Lorentz
On November 14th, 1894, Fitzgerald replied:
My dear Sir, I have been for years preaching and lecturing on the doctrine that Michelson's experiment proves, and is one of the only ways of proving, that the length of a body depends on how it is moving through the ether... I am particularly delighted to hear that you agree with me, for I have been rather laughed at for my view over here. I could not even persuade my own pupil W. Preston to introduce this criticism into his book on light published in 1890 although I pressed upon him to do so and it was only after reiterated positiveness that I induced Dr. Lodge to mention it in his paper; but now that I have you as an advocate and authority I shall begin to jeer at others for holding any other view...

Geo. Fra. Fitzgerald
According to Lorentz's 1895 paper, titled Attempt of a Theory of Electrical and Optical Phenomena in Moving Bodies, Lorentz admitted that: Fresnel's theory...a displacement of 0.4 of the fringe-distance was to be expected. Nevertheless, during the rotation only displacements of at most 0.02 of the fringe-distance were obtained...
Thus, the displacement was 95% less than what was expected if one were to use Fresnel's drag-theory (1-1/n^2) to explain why it appeared as if the earth were not moving. This translated to Fresnel's equation being useless to heliocentrists in trying to explain the MM experiment. Obviously another solution had to be found, naturally.

Here is where stupid got even "stupider."

Stuck for an answer and feeling the pressure, Fitzgerald hypothesized that the west wave of Michelson's interferometer returned "about" the same time as the north wave because the ether through which the earth was moving at 67,000 mph exerted significant pressure on the westward arm of the interferometer, which thereby physically SHORTENED it just enough so that the two waves coincided upon their mutual return!

See...I told you that Fresnel's work would be repeated in a different format later on - albeit much later. Remember his explanation of ether being dragged along JUST ENOUGH? Well, here it was again to rear its ugly head in a different form!

This "shortening" of the arm of interferometer was later dubbed the "Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction (of length)" or the "Fitzgerald Contraction." Lorentz's theory posited that the electrons in the object were "flattened" when the object moved in space against the ether. Many scientists naturally were not pleased with this new level of stupid, since the contraction theory was blatantly an ad-hoc fix to replace the discredited Fresnel ether-drag theory, since it was now safe for Lorentz to abandon it in favor up the "upgrade."

But, since no one had a better explanation to offer that would explain the MM results to be in favor of heliocentrism so that the earth could finally move again, Lorentz's hypothesis went unchallenged...even though it was retarded, and everyone knew it. It seemed that philosophy masquerading as science was now in a bit of a quandary. The American writer explains this confused perplexity in his biography of Einstein:
In the United States Albert Michelson and Edward Morley had performed an experiment which confronted scientists with an appalling choice. Designed to show the existence of the ether, at that time considered essential, it had yielded a null result, leaving science with the alternatives of tossing aside the key which had helped to explain the phenomena of electricity, magnetism, and light or of deciding that the earth was not in fact moving at all.
- Einstein: The Life and Times, 1984, p. 57
The problem which now faced science was considerable. For there seemed to be only three alternatives. The first was that the Earth was standing still, which meant scuttling the whole Copernican theory and was unthinkable.
- Einstein: The Life and Times, 1984, pp. 109,110

So now, we have a stupid ad-hoc theory by Lorentz and Fitzy, and then Lorentz writes a stupid equation for it, second in the line of fame only to Newton's f = ma. It became known as the Lorentz Transform, or the Lorentz Transformation, and here it is: New Length = Old Length x sqrt(1-v^2/c^2). Wow...not much has changed since Fresnel - the value achieved can ONLY BE less than the original. Amazing!

And now, for every experiment ever conducted that gave a negative result, not to worry, the Lorentz Transform can now swoop in and quite literally "transform" the negative result into a positive one. I gotta tell ya I'm amazed...aren't YOU?

Essentially, to avoid the possibility of a motionless earth "at all costs" as a viable solution to the MM experiments, Lorentz's equation was henceforth employed to magically "transform" any such experiment that showed that the earth was not moving into a result that showed that it WAS. And despite the fact that all of the experiments performed in the 1800's had never shown evidence that the earth moved, it was nevertheless maintained the ENTIRE time as undisputable scientific dogma that the earth revolved around the sun. As such, any experimental results that indicated that the earth was not moving were "transformed" into a moving earth by Lorentz"s equation.

Did you notice that I wrote the same thing three different ways? They say that if you repeat something three times that it is easier to remember and understand.

It didn't matter that the equation was based on an ad-hoc theory that was never observed or demonstrated. In fact, prior to the "contraction of stupid" hypothesis, ether was understood as a "perfect" fluid that produced NO pressure or friction against matter. So they actually had to rewrite THEIR OWN scientific laws and contradict themselves ON the fly in order to make room for the earth TO fly.

Physicist Arthur Eddington, a contemporary of Michelson and Lorentz, stated in his 1929 book, The Nature of the Physical World, that there were only two alternatives for modern science after the MM experiment: either they accept that the earth isn't moving, or they had to accept Lorentz's and Fitzy's hypothesis that the length of an object contracted when it moved. Of course, being a heliocentrist, Eddington did everything in his power to make people accept the hypothesis as scientific fact.
There was just one alternative; the earth's true velocity through space might happen to have been nil. This was ruled out by repeating the experiment six months later, since the earth's motion could not be nil on both occasions. Thus the contraction was demonstrated and its law of dependence on velocity verified.
His referral to "six months later" refers to the earth moving now on the other side of the sun, in its supposed reverse-direction for the year in the heliocentric model. So there you have it. Eddington FIRST makes his argument by presuming that the earth is moving around the sun, which THEN leads him to the conclusion that Lorentz's contraction of matter was proven by the MM experiment. You see, he fell into the logical fallacy known as "begging the question," that is, using as proof (the earth orbiting the sun) the very thing he was TRYING to prove (the earth orbiting the sun).

The fact is - no "contraction" of matter was ever demonstrated, for no one had ever measured one.

In looking back on the MM experiment, it is worthwhile to note that it came as close to confirming the medieval world view of a motionless earth as any experiment that CURRENT modern times has to offer. Isn't that astounding?

In 1901, Henri Poincare wrote in his book Science and Hypotheses:
A great deal of research has been carried out concerning the influence of the earth's movement. The results were always negative.
- Stated in 1901 in La science et l’hypothèse, Paris, Flammarion, 1968, p. 182

And in 1905, commenting on what he called the "indubitable results of the experiment of Michelson," Poincare then stated:
Are we about to enter now upon the eve of a second crisis? These principles on which we have built all, are they about to crumble away in their turn?
- Henri Poincaré, “The Principles of Mathematical Physics,� The Monist, vol. XV, January 1905, pp. 6, 20

In 1958, referring to the negative results of the MM experiment, and the DOZENS of other similar experiments conducted throughout the 1930's, that yielded the SAME results as MM's, the famous physicist Wolfgang Pauli admitted to what he called...
The failure of the many attempts to measure terrestrially any effects of the earth’s motion…
In the late 1950's historian Bernard Jaffe stated in his book:
“The data were almost unbelievable… There was only one other possible conclusion to draw — that the Earth was at rest. This, of course, was preposterous.
- Bernard Jaffe, Michelson and the Speed of Light, 1960, p. 76.

It's most interesting that, in the face of admitting that the evidence for a static earth was there, he would stubbornly say that it was preposterous.

And there are many more, such as John D. Bernal, Adolf Baker, James Coleman, and G.J. Whitrow, who all say the same thing: that the earth is at the center. It was Whitrow who said that if this evidence had come to light in the early days when the rival merits of Copernicus and Ptolemy were being debated, that such evidence would have refuted the Copernican Principle, stopping the madness then and there, and thus we would be learning geocentrism today.
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re: The proof of earth's non-motion: the experiments

Post by Fletcher »

We all have to be careful of confirmation bias.

The fact remains that the known universe is 93 billion light years across. The speed of light in a vacuum is say 300,000 km/s = 208 million km/hr. The earth is purportedly rotating around the Sun at 30 km/s = 208 thousand km/hr, or 0.1 percent of the speed of light in a vacuum. Or 1 thousandth the speed of light. So any measurements must be very accurate at those factors. And inferred outer edge (circumference) speeds.

Light has a duality. It has both particle and wave form properties.

Our confirmation bias is that all known waves here on earth must have a medium to propagate in. Therefore we infer that a medium exits in the vacuum of space to propagate light waves, which some call aether (ether). That is a conformation bias in and of itself.

Particles don't need a propagation medium !

Yet many insist that an ether must also exist. But it cannot be experimentally proven to exist afaik.

Einstein did away with all that with his theory of relativity, which says that the speed of light is constant for all observers regardless of your FOR. For that to happen space-time had to be invoked.

The bottom line afaic is that if I were out on the outer edges of the known universe able to look back at earth I'd be very surprised indeed if all the known universe were revolving about a stationary earth (and one that isn't revolving on its axis daily to boot). In fact I could probably plot the relative movements of galaxies etc with red and blue shifts etc and deduce backwards to a center area for the known universe. And I'd be mighty surprised if they were one and the same, imo.

Oh .. I think it's been done. Called the big bang.

Confirmation bias takes many forms and shapes. Sometimes we recognize them, and sometimes we don't, especially when it applies to ourselves.
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re: The proof of earth's non-motion: the experiments

Post by Silvertiger »

This is how you avoid confirmation bias:
Silvertiger wrote:...EVERY SINGLE scientist mentioned here was a devout heliocentrist, vehemently opposed to any evidence to the contrary - there are NO geocentrists here whatsoever.
You find the ones who are opposed to your view to prove the case, which eliminates that bias, which tells me that no one even read the first two sentences lol. These are the guys who DID the experiments. One by one, every heliocentrist who tested the earth's motion proved that there was no motion, to which they admitted. Then they admitted to creating ad-hoc theories. Read it. It's only 10 to 20 minutes of reading time.

The Lorentz Transform is hogwash. Michelson's apparatus didn't "shrink." This can be proven, and I can show you how experimentally. It was originally based on a spaghetti guess that said ether put pressure on the arm...even though ether never had pressure to begin with, nor could it exert it - they literally changed that law on the SPOT. Then Einstein erased the ether from existence because it was the ONLY way to not have the earth sitting still. Then he "reworked" the L-F contraction of length and polished it up and rereleased it as the Lorentz Transform...without observation nor testing nor proof, and yet it is still taught. And it is the ONLY WAY that they can say the earth doesn't physically manipulating the null value of any test into a positive one in their matter what that test is or what value it gives. Does that sound like confirmation bias for geocentrists, or is it theirs? If the MM experiment had yielded the expected fringe gap of 0.4, they never would have HAD to make up the transform, now would they? Think about that.

They worked BACKWARDS from their own presupposed conclusion PAST the experimental data until THEY arrived at the hypothesis THEY wanted...which of course by definition does not make it makes it "begging the question" by saying that the earth moves is what proves that the earth moves.

Also, I would be happy to discuss ether on the poll topic lol.
Last edited by Silvertiger on Sun May 09, 2021 4:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: The proof of earth's non-motion: the experiments

Post by Silvertiger »

Here's a question:

Let's assume that the Lorentz Transform IS valid for the case of this question, and just discuss Special Relativity. Since the postulate of SRT holds that the speed of light does not vary in vacuum regardless of the position or motion of any observer, then HOW in the world does a Sagnac ring or fiber-optic gyroscope surpass and violate this law and even work at all?

Its principles are based on the variance of the speed of light in the ether, and yet it is Sagnac's formula (from Georges Sagnac’s 1913 Interferometer Experiment) that is used in modern interferometry, GPS tracking, and synchronization of communication between satellites. So predictable are the fringe distances that give a measurement of the resistance that light has when moving in different directions in the ether that it is Sagnac's formula that everyone uses for these things.

Sagnac’s data from his experiments (which brings science right back to the Maxwell/Fresnel/Arago/Airy ether) is so solid and irrefutable that current physics finds itself in the unenviable position of having to use Sagnac’s discovery to make their Relativistic formulas function. They use it to make all their stuff work, and then they pop the formula into the Lorentz Transform like a poptart in a toaster to say that nothing is really happening...even though it is...because they have to use it. The popular Global Positioning System literally cannot function properly without adjustments to relativity based upon Sagnac’s experimental results.

IOWs, Sagnac proved that the speed of light was NOT constant, neither was any particular speed impartial to the position and motion of the observer. Thus, OUR OWN technology violates Relativity on a daily basis. Now...why is that?
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re: The proof of earth's non-motion: the experiments

Post by agor95 »

Hi Fletcher

Thank you for your time in posting your content.

I have not be reading SilverTiger content in depth. I believe ST is protesting to much.

You are correct there is confirmation bias all around us. Optical illusion are a form of bias we use every day too cope with perceiving the world around us.

Of cause one can select statements from people which are restricted in some way.

I have supplied a site showing the change of rotation of the Earth. This is being update currently and using various methods to cross check the measurements to this change.

For SilverTigher too show there is no confirmation bias. He needs to focus on addressing the current measurements.

Compiling a selection of material and presenting that is just a form of bias.

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Re: The proof of earth's non-motion: the experiments

Post by agor95 »

Silvertiger wrote:Most people don’t realize Einstein's intent, and those who knew of it would not admit it, but Relativity was created for one reason: so that mankind would not be forced to admit that the Earth was standing still in space. This was Einstein's defense against any evidence that proved a divine creation.
From what I remember the theory Einstein and his wife put forward was around 1901-05. This is well before the modern era of measurement we are capable of doing today.

Have you got proof Einstein actually stated this intent. Or are you projecting your bias?

My bias is to treat the mathematical representation of space-time not as explanation of reality but as a model to predict the motion of objects at or close to the speed of light.

There are many mathematical representation available each with limits. They are also most suited to a region observation. Outside these limits they break down.

Naturally a person fixed to the Planet Earth and measuring properties of light and atoms on the surface. With observation of the far distance stars can create their own mathematical representations to model and predict the future. These partial models do not constitute reality.

If one was to put your faith in a model as reality and that model is replaced due to new facts then your reality breaks down. This could end up with a domino effect.

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re: The proof of earth's non-motion: the experiments

Post by agor95 »

It's a personal bias that I prefer to believe that light on the planet Earth and around it are affected by matter present in the local area.

Here is the modern version of the 'Michelson & Edward Morley' device.

So the light travels the same in both arms. However if there is a significant change in the devices motion then a small change could be detected.
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Post by Silvertiger »

Agor, in all instances of interferometry, the results that show earth is not moving are plugged into the Lorentz Transform to MAKE it move...but the Lorentz Transform was made up. To this day, there has never been any observation of contraction of length, nor time dilation. Math alone cannot make an observation; neither has the presupposed motion of the earth nor its rotation have ever been observed or detected.

Forget about Einstein's intent in the matter - forget him. Find where in all of this the scientific method has been satisfied. can write an equation to represent anything you want, just as the Lorentz Transform does...but you can't MAKE it true.

All observational evidence and experimental testing shows no movement of the earth. LOOK at the experiments. Not a single one showed movement. That's WHY the transform was invented ad-hoc: to change the results from a negative into a positive. WHERE is the observational evidence that supports relativity? To this day they still have yet to observe the shrinking of an object in motion. All they do is apply the transform to it.

Here's an example. Let's say I "observe" one fine day that 1 + 2 = 3, but then people who just don't like the number three come along and decide they like "five" better for their purposes, and so they transform it. For the sake of simplicity, rather than me making up a complicated transform equation on the spot, how about I just make it a variable [n] such that the final output does equal 5? I would write it as n(1 +2) = 5, such that n = 1.67, which I then dub as the "coefficient of transformation," since I begged the question that "five" MUST be the answer, regardless of any observational evidence to the contrary. It looks really really good on paper to all my buddies who just love the number five, but in reality I had never observed the number five to begin with.

That is precisely what the Lorentz Transform does. However, notice that I applied my "coefficient of transformation" to only one side of the equation, rather than both - that is "key." This means that I altered the physical observational evidence, and the LT is no different, otherwise you would see it on both sides of the equation. In their case, they are using two sets of coordinates defined as two different "frames of reference," but it is still an ad-hoc modification to support something that has never been observed or detected.
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Post by Zhyyra »

There is only one absolute universe. This is the frame that God created. All other frames relate in one way or another to that.
That's what I believe.

Assuming ST (and those in agreement with him) are correct about a central static Earth. I would say that makes us the center of Gods attraction :-)

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re: The proof of earth's non-motion: the experiments

Post by agor95 »

I have always believed this deformation is caused by a glancing impact.

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re: The proof of earth's non-motion: the experiments

Post by Fletcher »

Actually ST I did read your opening post in this topic in full. It did take about 20 minutes. And then I posted my thoughts on the matter.

I have also read the posts that come after it this morning, from all the contributors so far. Before replying again this morning to some points you raise. It should take about 20 minutes to understand my reply.

The guts of it imo is that ideally for the scientific method to have reliability (and come first) we want observations and a model developed from those observations to explain behaviour, and predict behaviour reliably.

Without getting too involved (as this is just an area of generalist knowledge for me and of no earth shattering interest personally - therefore no particular axe to grind I hope) I will attempt to sum up MY understanding of what you propose as your belief system. I strip it down to bare basics.

First we take your original postulate from the earlier thread and topic.

That it is a geocentric universe i.e. earth centered universe.

That multiple various attempts over years by eminent scientists of their time to provide real evidence of change in light speed to thus prove that the earth is in motion around the sun had effectively a null result.

You extrapolate that to mean confirmation that the earth is stationary in space and non-rotating as a plausible fact to rationally explain these results i.e. everything else in the solar system (including the sun and milky-way) rotates around the motionless earth. As does the entire known universe with a radius of 46.5 billion light years. In 24 earth hours !

You say that forces like earth's coriolis force can be explained by inertial effects of the rest of the milky-way galaxy and universe in your model of a stationary earth. IOW's the theoretical results of resultant forces are similar for the two models therefore indistinguishable for all intents and purposes. I'll come back to that and its rationality.

You say that GPS systems have to be 'adjusted' by a Lorentz transformation to work accurately. My understanding is that they are adjusted by time dilation mathematics based on Einstein's SR. Which includes LT hypothesis. The overarching need for this was dictated by Einstein's Special Relativity and General Relativity (includes gravity) Theorems. N.B. relativity being the important word. Whereby to explain the earlier null result of MM et al he naturally had to vary the time equation so that the speed of light in a vacuum was a constant. Thus if there is no perceived light speed difference (i.e. light travels at the same speed in a vacuum anywhere in space) then the one variable that must be ad-hoc 'adjusted is 'time factor'. Hence he went on to explain his theory that time slows the faster you go and the closer you are to a massive object (gravity well). And GPS systems are adjusted for this allowance to be accurate. In the initial experiments by MM the null result (not statistically significant within confidence levels of a change in light speed for direction and movement) can thus have this explanation offered up by Einstein as a theory for the observed experiments. Which has been 'proved' since the advent of space travel to the satisfaction of many in the field of astrophysics etc.

Anyhoo .. back to your proposition of a stationary non-rotating earth geocentric universe.

The sun and milky-way, and the known universe, rotate around a stationary (non-rotating earth). Thus the sun travels a roughly circular orbit around earth in 24 hours giving the effect of transition from daylight to night traveling from east to west on earth. And in a year the earth does not wobble on its axis giving the seasons, but in fact by deduction, the whole known universe wobbles (is perturbed) around the stationary earth creating the seasonal differences we observe each year.

Lets look at some rough numbers.

The earths radius is say 6,500 kms. Applying the equation to find the circumference length it is roughly 6 times the radius i.e. 40,000 kms traveled in one 24 hour period. That is a speed of approx. 1,700 km/hr for a point at the equator.

Meanwhile the outer regions of the known universe has a radius of 46.5 billion light years. So in 24 earth hours applying the circumference multiple of 6 x radius that point would travel 280 billion light years in 24 hours on earth. That's a speed of 11.67 billion light years/hr.

Since a light year is the distance light travels in a vacuum in a year and it is proposed that nothing can exceed light speed we are proposing that an outer universe object is traveling 11.67 BILLION light years per HOUR compared to the speed of light at 1080 million km per hr.

That does not 'fit' my rational or cogent argument sniff test by a country mile !

Next .. the persons you quote as producing a null or nil result (for their time) such as MM etc were well before the era of space travel into and beyond our neighbourhood solar system. IOW's there was no competing empirical evidence to the contrary at their time.

Today a bunch of NASA engineers and astrophysicists, and backroom people calculate trajectories (vectors) for planetary intercept missions and momentum gaining (speed gaining) earth flyby slingshot maneuvers to visit other planets, comets, asteroids, and to study pluto and the sun etc. They
rely on celestial mechanics to calculate their trajectories for intercept and save on fuel etc and time etc.

So let's look at a very simple idea to test your geocentric theory.

I want to travel by chemical rocket to the outer edges of the sun to study it closer. I don't have a lot of fuel on board so I have to carefully plan the mission. Let's assume I want to go direct as possible with no gravitational slingshotting to boost speed etc. It's a one-way trip.

I boost into orbit and establish a position where I am matching the earth 'supposedly' orbiting speed (geostationary orbit). I rotate the space craft to point directly at the sun wherefrom light takes 8 minutes to reach me. Since you mentioned them earlier I set the inertial gyroscope for a direct path to the sun where it is now. I boost the space craft again and off we go.

Result : I miss the my rendezvous position by a mile. Because either the sun has moved on in its orbit of earth according to your theory in the time it takes me to get there .. OR .. I was in geostationary orbit with the earth before I set off for the sun. Therefore I had a component of forward velocity in my FOR. Then I set off for the lagrange point on my way to the sun rendezvous. Result is I still miss it by a country mile.

Why : because I have to anticipate where the sun will be at a given time, and aim for that intercept using celestial mechanics.

A simple way to determine whether the earth or sun is moving relative to each other in the local solar system.

Imagine you are looking down on a plan view of a soccer (football) field. At the top of your screen is one goal box. Another at the bottom of the screen. In the one at the bottom right in the center is a marble representing earth. At the top is a beach ball representing the sun.

I want to get from the earth to the sun the shortest route.

I don't know which one is moving orbiting the other.

So I send out two space crafts.

The first I assume that the earth is stationary with the sun orbiting earth from left to right. No good aiming at the center of the goal mouth. I aim at the lhs corner post and off it goes.

The second one I think the sun is stationary and the earth is moving relative to it from left to right. So I aim for the rhs corner post and off it goes.

Result : One space craft will arrive closer to the sun than the other and should confirm whether the earth was orbiting the sun or whether the sun was orbiting a stationary earth.

N.B. I rely on my gyroscope to keep my relative heading in celestial space and don't use thrusters for course corrections once underway and the chemical rockets are turned off and I coast all the way to target intercept.

This simultaneous experiment should tell the backroom boys which model is consistent with reality and end the debate ! IMO !
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re: The proof of earth's non-motion: the experiments

Post by Silvertiger »

Hi Fletcher and thank you very much for putting in the time and effort for your detailed reply. It is much appreciated. :)

Let's get to it.
Fletcher wrote:That multiple various attempts over years by eminent scientists of their time to provide real evidence of change in light speed to thus prove that the earth is in motion around the sun had effectively a null result.
Fletcher wrote:You extrapolate that to mean confirmation that the earth is stationary in space and non-rotating as a plausible fact to rationally explain these results i.e. everything else in the solar system (including the sun and milky-way) rotates around the motionless earth. As does the entire known universe with a radius of 46.5 billion light years. In 24 earth hours !
These extrapolations are not mine. I did not contrive them. I'm sharing them from the vast number of scietists, researchers, historians, physicists, astrophysicists, professors, and all other professionals involved who have made these extrapolations and made this data available for anyone who is interested in its merits.
Fletcher wrote:You say that GPS systems have to be 'adjusted' by a Lorentz transformation to work accurately.
Actually, it's the other way around. They have to adjust their relativistic equations according to Sagnac's formula. The LT toaster crack was a bit of a jest LOL.
Silvertiger wrote:The popular Global Positioning System literally cannot function properly without adjustments to relativity based upon Sagnac’s experimental results.
Thus, whenever the need arises for inertial navigation (i.e., an absolute frame from which to measure all other coordinates), the Sagnac effect is always included. The Sagnac effect is a universal principle for all electromagnetic counter-propagating beams, as well as neutron beams, de Broglie waves, and even sound waves - pretty much any waves that travel on opposite paths. All the various beams and waves show the same time differences, both for matter and light, independent of the physical nature of the interference. These various testing elements show that the Sagnac effect is not dependent on the nature of light, per se, but solely on the principle of absolute motion. Ring laser experiments have confirmed the Sagnac effect to within one part in 10^20, a truly remarkable verification. To escape the embarrassment, Relativists often claim many and varied reasons for Sagnac’s results. For example, In 1921, Paul Langevin said that the universe’s “radiant energy� was "dragging" the light in the interferometer around with it. This circular motion of the universe creates a centripetal acceleration toward the center of rotation. It was admitted later, however, that this solution would involve changing the speed of light from a constant value, not to mention allowing for an Earth in the center of a rotating universe. And there are more examples, but I want to keep this short lol.

The GPS system is approximately 24,000 km (app. 14,900 miles), above the Earth. When an electromagnetic signal is sent from the ground station to the GPS, the signal takes 0.080 seconds to arrive based on the terrestrial speed of light at 186,000 miles per second. To keep the GPS within at least a meter of determining a designated location on Earth, the GPS clock must be accurate to within 4 nanoseconds, which requires a time stability ratio on the order of 1:10^13, and thus atomic clocks are employed for this purpose (e.g., cesium clocks). Still, the GPS requires frequent uploads of “clock corrections� to keep everything in synch. Even when making adjustments for the Doppler effect and gravitational redshift, there still remains a margin of error. If these factors are not taken into account, a GPS could be off by as much as 11 km (6.8 miles) in one day.

More interesting is the fact that since the whole GPS system is revolving around the Earth, the signals sent from the ground arrive either at an approaching or a receding GPS satellite. As such, the microwave beams sent to an approaching GPS satellite take 50 nanoseconds less time to reach the satellite than beams sent to a receding satellite. The 50-nanosecond difference is built into the computer programs of the GPS since each satellite must, without exception, take into account the Sagnac effect (i.e., that electromagnetic waves in a moving device do not travel the same distance in the same time if they are sent out in opposite directions) in order for the GPS to keep accurate time and determine proper coordinates on Earth. The fact that the GPS must use the Sagnac formula to rectify this quite literally in practice says that relativity is wrong.

According to GPS Engineer Neil Ashby:
One of the most confusing relativistic effects – the Sagnac effect – appears in rotating reference frames. The Sagnac effect is the basis of ring-laser gyroscopes now commonly used in aircraft navigation. In the GPS, the Sagnac effect can produce discrepancies amounting to hundreds of nanoseconds....The Sagnac effect is particularly important when GPS signals are used to compare times of primary reference cesium clocks at national standards laboratories far from each other….A Sagnac correction is needed to account for the diurnal motion of each receiver during signal propagation. In fact, one can use the GPS to observe the Sagnac effect.…this creates some subtle conceptual problems that must be carefully sorted out…For example, the principle of the constancy of c [speed of light] cannot be applied in a rotating reference frame, where the paths of light rays are not straight.
- Neil Ashby, “Relativity and the Global Positioning System,� Physics Today, May 2002, pp. 5;6
Fletcher wrote:My understanding is that they are adjusted by time dilation mathematics based on Einstein's SR. Which includes LT hypothesis. The overarching need for this was dictated by Einstein's Special Relativity and General Relativity (includes gravity) Theorems. N.B. relativity being the important word. Whereby to explain the earlier null result of MM et al he naturally had to vary the time equation so that the speed of light in a vacuum was a constant. Thus if there is no perceived light speed difference (i.e. light travels at the same speed in a vacuum anywhere in space) then the one variable that must be ad-hoc 'adjusted is 'time factor'. Hence he went on to explain his theory that time slows the faster you go and the closer you are to a massive object (gravity well). And GPS systems are adjusted for this allowance to be accurate. In the initial experiments by MM the null result (not statistically significant within confidence levels of a change in light speed for direction and movement) can thus have this explanation offered up by Einstein as a theory for the observed experiments. Which has been 'proved' since the advent of space travel to the satisfaction of many in the field of astrophysics etc.
This is a difficult trap to get out of. It's the tail wagging the dog. The only reason for the existence of GR/SR and the LT is precisely to plug it back in to things like Sagnac in order to mathematically state that the earth is moving...that's all there is to it. The Sagnac formula works just fine without it! Once again, the LT formula is BASED on the presuppostion that the earth moves, against all evidence to the contrary, upon which they say that, because of that very thing, they can thus use the formula to "prove" that the earth moves. NOW they can change whatever result from whatever experiment they want from a null result into a positive one. But at the end of the day, it falls into the logical fallacy, "begging the question," to say that BECAUSE the earth moves, we can use THIS transform BASED on that assumption to prove THAT the earth moves by applying it to an experiment that showed otherwise. Hm...we know that the earth moves...because the earth moves?? Like I said earlier, I can "transform" anything I want. If I choose to say that the number "three" does not exist, then I can write a transform that will MAKE it that way...but only mathematically; not in real life. That's what makes the LT/GR/SR a fantasy. It's not reality.
Fletcher wrote:Since a light year is the distance light travels in a vacuum in a year and it is proposed that nothing can exceed light speed we are proposing that an outer universe object is traveling 11.67 BILLION light years per HOUR compared to the speed of light at 1080 million km per hr. That does not 'fit' my rational or cogent argument sniff test by a country mile!
This can get pretty confusing...but it's the GOOD stuff. I mentioned this to you before, but you may have had other things on your mind. Those stars you're talking about...they aren't actually exceeding the speed of light! Light is as fast as the gravity that carries it. If a system with gravity rotates, then its gravity moves with it. As a popular scientist explains it:
…it is permissible to assume that the Earth is a nonrotating frame of reference. From this point of view, the stars will have a circular velocity around the Earth that is much greater than the speed of light. A star only ten light-years away has a relative velocity around the Earth of twenty thousand times the speed of light.
- Martin Gardner, Relativity Explosion, 1976, p. 68

Einstein himself admitted this very principle:
In the second place our result shows that, according to the general theory of relativity, the law of the constancy of the velocity of light in vacuo, which constitutes one of the two fundamental assumptions in the special theory of relativity and to which we have already frequently referred, cannot claim any unlimited validity. A curvature of rays of light can only take place when the velocity of propagation of light varies with position. Now we might think that as a consequence of this, the special theory of relativity and with it the whole theory of relativity would be laid in the dust. But in reality this is not the case. We can only conclude that the special theory of relativity cannot claim an unlimited domain of validity; its results hold only so long as we are able to disregard the influences of gravitational fields on the phenomena (e.g., of light).
So...according to Einstein’s own words, (and I'm just repeating myself at this point) a limitation on the speed of light is only true when gravity does not affect the light, such that variations in the gravitational field will allow variations in the speed of light. Also, if light COULDN'T vary in speed, it would destroy their own vision of the Big Bang...which they say happened in a fraction of a second to go from a singularity to a universe. Boy that's fast! LOL. But, in a Machian universe FILLED with the gravity of the stars, this renders the limit on light imposed moot, since it is ALWAYS under gravitational influences.
Fletcher wrote:Next .. the persons you quote as producing a null or nil result (for their time) such as MM etc were well before the era of space travel into and beyond our neighbourhood solar system. IOW's there was no competing empirical evidence to the contrary at their time.
Yes they were. But now we have COBE. And WMAP. And Planck. And they all mapped it and the anisotropies of the CMB which place the earth at the center of the universe, mapping such alignments that we simply would not ever see in any lifetime if we were moving. They found the yellow lines that are painted on our parking spot in space so-to-speak. And thus, the CMB has BECOME our known "absolute" frame of rest against which we can now measure all motion and positions. And I'll just briefly remind you of the confirmed observations of the distribution of stars and galaxies in concentric spherical shells separated by gaps of roughly 250 million light years of empty space, as well as the concentric dispersion in all directions AWAY from the earth of concentric shells of quasars and gamma ray bursters with receding measurable frequencies.
Last edited by Silvertiger on Mon May 10, 2021 2:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: The proof of earth's non-motion: the experiments

Post by Fletcher »

It's difficult to not start cherry picking everything we read.

It doesn't help explain or test the basic premise of a geocentric universe with a non-rotating earth center.

Can you think of a practical thought experiment to test the hypothesis ?

I kinda like Eotvos Effect - I got used to it. Shame to throw it away :7)
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Post by Silvertiger »

I'll tell you this. I've been researching this avidly over three years now Fletcher, and the whole of it seems to rest upon two elements, and two elements alone: the invalidity of the Lorentz Transform, and the data from Planck. I see it in paper after paper and journal after journal. I just spent three days toe-to-toe in conference with physicists who don't believe in the scientific method. They don't even KNOW that observation is supposed to precede hypothesis, confirming that they do indeed work backwards from a conclusion...they thought it was just the first chapter of every text book they ever read that everyone skips through.

I have to go to bed now. :)
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re: The proof of earth's non-motion: the experiments

Post by ovyyus »

Would it be equally difficult to prove that Mars is moving after conducting the same experiments from the surface of Mars?
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