TGM's Universe, or God's

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TGM's Universe, or God's

Post by Silvertiger »

I thought this was a very insightful post by TGM, so with his permission I placed it here in this new topic. I disagree, and I'm here to explain why. Anyone else is welcome to express their views of course.
As much as it is an old term, I say GIGO is happening here. At least on the surface.

We are most probably in a simulation. Some observations will not have the predicted actions due to the algorithm in our machine.

The operators have left us significant clues. One is the size paradox. The fact we cannot see the 'bottom' of our physical world is one clue.

The double-slit experiment is another clue. The fact that light reacts to being observed, other than being mind-blowing, should alert you that you cannot trust what you see. Does the Earth move? Does it matter?

A simulation would allow for either a stationary or moving Earth. And that's the dilemma in play here. If we are stationary, the universe can revolve around us at impossible speeds. If we are moving, does it matter?

The aether cannot be detected. The movement of the Earth cannot be detected. The 'bottom' of things cannot be detected. It's also probably true that matter doesn't physically exist. And therefore, you do not physically exist either.

In fact, you are just a figment of a computer program. You only see the instantaneous image the simulation allows when your eyes are opened. Want to prove it? Close them. Does the universe still exist? But your program does. The system just conserved a minute amount of power not displaying the images you think you can see.

It gets better. When you do open your eyes you only see what is immediately in your focus. Nothing real exists behind that wall in front of you. Nothing exists behind you. The only thing that exists is what you can see. And that is a simulated image.

And what about time? In our simulation, it can be changed to any time. If you were operating the sim, what time would you set it to be? 20,000 years in an invented past where communication doesn't exist? 20,000 years into the future when simulated science can actually detect we are in a simulation? Nope. It's right 'here' right 'now.'

Not one of you can explain our existence. You can fall back on the old standby, that God is doing everything but there is no absolute way you can know. But then again, maybe God is the computer running our simulation.

So does the Earth move? Is it stationary? Is this important?

What is important is where did the physical world come from if it exists and likewise where did the simulation originate if it exists. In fact, where did anything come from? Was there ever a real physical universe?

My contribution as to arguments of whether the Earth is moving or is stationary is this:

You are both right.
I won't tackle science here, at least not yet. First and foremost, I disagree with the notion that we are in a simulation because I DO believe in God, and serve Him daily to the best of my ability. That being said, it does NOT mean there are NOT simulations in the universe. On this count, TGM is correct. It may seem like a contradiction, but not from the perspective of God. There are "false realities" out there, and they are the perspective of what YOU SEE, not necessarily WHAT IS. We see what we want to see, and we also see what we are given to see.

For those who may or may not believe in God, everyone recognizes that God's enemy is Lucifer - Satan. He is the worship angel who delivered prophecy from the trumps in his chest to the earth itself in the ancient days. He also loved himself, and thought himself beautiful. In one such event of prophecy, the earth was being prepared by the watchers. They were building cities, as ordered by a previous prophecy that Lucifer had delivered. But this time, he came to earth with a prophecy he couldn't fathom - a prophecy of the creation of man. Needless to say that he DID NOT like what he received. Here is what he had to say about it:
O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy Name in all the world! which hast set thy glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength, because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. When I behold thine heavens, even the works of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained, What is man, say I, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than God, and crowned him with glory and worship. Thou hast made him to have dominion in the works of thine hands, thou hast put all things under his feet: All sheep and oxen: yea, and the beasts of the field: The fowls of the air, and the fish of the sea, and that which passeth through the paths of the seas. O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy Name in all the world!
Now, it started out with Lucifer praising God. But then he saw the prophecy of man. That's when he went to God and questioned Him about it. Who was this MAN that he was to be set in a position above all the angels? Who was this MAN that would receive such adoration and attention from God, who would also be robed in the Glory (the literal life force of God, given by His blood, which is light, and clothed by it from "within," as in genetically) and given the mantel of worship to replace the worship of the angels themselves? After he questioned God, he was aware again of his "place," and gave praise one last time...but it was the first time that he didn't mean it. That is precisely when Lucifer's heart turned, and he lusted over what he could never have, and he rebelled against God for it, convincing a third of the angels of Heaven to do the same. You see, at the point he received the prophecy, Lucifer wanted to BE a man, and that would make him JUST LIKE God, and it would set him above all things, and just under God, and God saw this evil in his heart, and cast him from Heaven with lightning.

Since then, Lucifer has been trying to steal the Kingdom of Man for himself so that he may rule above the angels...JUST LIKE God, for man looked exactly like God, since God casted man upon of mold of Himself that He pressed into the earth. Anyways, it started in the Garden of Eden, when he bade the serpent tempt and deceive Eve while Adam watched her eat of the fruit. That day, Adam gave away his Kingdom authority to Lucifer, and for a time the Kingdom of Man and the Kingdom of Angels reversed in their hierarchy, and angels were set above man. From that point on man had to utilize his dominion over all other kingdoms to subdue the earth, and to atone for sin with ritual sacrifices of beasts.

However, when Jesus came and died and was resurrected, he reclaimed the authority that had been stolen from Adam, and for the last 2,000 years the authority of man above angels has been here all along...but Lucifer deceived us into believing this wasn't the case. And prior to the crucifixion, Lucifer tempted Christ in the wilderness (where Christ went to hear from God) with kingdoms that he promised Christ he could have if he would but submit his authority. But the kingdoms he promised to Christ were not his to give, and there are five: the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Man, the Kingdom of Angels, the Animal Kingdom, and the Plant Kingdom, all listed in order of authority.

You see, Lucifer wanted Christ out of the way. He didn't care if he was alive or dead, just as long as he wasn't operating in authority in the kingdom of man, which is what Lucifer wanted. So he tempted Christ of all the OTHER kingdoms, to which Christ told him, "You get behind ME, Satan," which is where he belonged.

And Lucifer left him alone, but not us. And then after he died, Christ defeated Lucifer in the bowels of Hell and melted the faces of all the demons, and stripped Lucifer's breast of his gemstones and took back the keys of death and the grave, while the saints of old (who had died and whom Christ had delivered of their wait in Abraham's Bosom during his descent) looked on and saw the whole showdown between Lucifer and Christ. Since then, Lucifer has been successfully trying to get man to operate in ANY kingdom except his own. Man has dominion over the plant kingdom in agriculture. Man has dominion over animals with cattle, hunting, zoos, and the fresh market. Man even has dominion over angels, and can command the Host of Heaven (if he is righteous)...but man to this day still cannot unify among himself nor have dominion over himself as all the other kingdoms do.

This is the SIMULATION that Lucifer set up. It is a fraud. A deception. A false reality that IS a reality for those who GIVE him the authority to use it against them. For Lucifer has no authority on earth because he does not have FLESH. He is "spirit," and spirits have NO authority on earth except the authority given to them by those with flesh - man. That's why the WORD became flesh and was named Christ, so that he could have the power and authority and dominion originally given to flesh - to Adam - but was stolen, and thus take it back and give it back to man.

Now, TGM brought up an excellent point: how do we or how CAN we know? The answer is that the proof is in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the foremost being prophecy. Prophecy proves the Word by revealing not only the future, but also the past, many hidden mysteries, and even exposure of sin into the open. The gospel as it stands right now is not a FULL gospel, for the gospel can only be fully preached with the accompaniment of signs, wonders, and miracles. These are the proofs that bear out the one true God and the truth of all things, including of His Creation: he is the God of Moses, and of Elijah, and of Elisha; the God of Israel, and of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and of Joshua, Caleb, and Aaron.
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re: TGM's Universe, or God's

Post by daxwc »

So science has tried to eliminate the possibility of having only one point in the universe serve as a centre. I concur if that is true we are at the center then we live in a hologram in 2 dimensions in a computer. Whether God runs the SIM is an individual decision.
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re: TGM's Universe, or God's

Post by agor95 »

Hi daxwc

Good for you; I will accept your decision. But have I a choice to not agree?

However we are running simulations all the time in the neurons present in our heads; God given of cause.

With that being so; Then is God not running simulators within his/her creations?

When you look into holograms it's possible they can be implemented inside a neural network. But that is another story.
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re: TGM's Universe, or God's

Post by TGM »

I cannot take any more of this.
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Post by Silvertiger »

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. In this case, the pudding is prophecy. The prime purpose of prophecy it to PROVE that God exists, and thus to make believers out of nonbelievers, and to edify the church.

Examples of prophecy:
- 07/22/2005, Kim Clement prophesies Hurricane Katrina, a judgment (harvest) of the seeds of iniquity New Orleans had sown. Radar picked up the first puff of wind 32 days later on August 23rd as a tropical depression, and on the 25th it became a hurricane.

- 04/04/2008, Kim Clement prophesies the time of the "two presidents": Trump and Biden.

- 4/30/2019, Robin Bullock prophesies the coming of Covid-19. He didn't know the word "pandemic," so he used the words "pestilence" and "epidemic." The virus' first appearance was in Wuhan, China eight months later in December, and was not classified as a pandemic until November 11th, 2020.

- 02/02/2021, Robin Bullock prophesies the Suez Canal incident. The incident, involving a ship getting stuck crossways that blocked all traffic upwards of 300 ships, did not occur until March 23rd.

And those are just a few of my personal favorites that I selected from hundreds of prophecies. If there is no God, then where does this knowledge come from? Who is giving this knowledge to man?
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Re: re: TGM's Universe, or God's

Post by agor95 »

TGM wrote:I cannot take any more of this.
:-) With you on that. This is a Bessler Wheel site.

Shall we go Off Topic and progress a Bessler Wheel inspired design?

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re: TGM's Universe, or God's

Post by daxwc »

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. In this case, the pudding is prophecy. The prime purpose of prophecy it to PROVE that God exists, and thus to make believers out of nonbelievers, and to edify the church.
I don’t think prophecy proves anything other than we don’t understand time or the flow information.
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re: TGM's Universe, or God's

Post by daxwc »

And those are just a few of my personal favorites that I selected from hundreds of prophecies
What about the millions of prophecies that don’t come true? What happened; parallel universes? What kind of God is only right sometimes?

If there is no God, then where does this knowledge come from? Who is giving this knowledge to man?
What makes you think Satan isn’t? Can’t Satan prophesize? What’s in it for Satan? If he can't prophesize didn't he read the Bible he knows he is going to be defeated.

God is an easy concept to believe in. Good and evil are also easy concepts. Satan isn’t. I have no problem doing evil without him.
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Post by Silvertiger »

Satan has no knowledge of the future. He can only make predictions based on his intellect. The same goes for man. Those are the illegitimate sources of false prophecy. Prophets of God are never wrong...even if it seems wrong in the limited mind of man.
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re: TGM's Universe, or God's

Post by agor95 »

Hi Silvertiger

When you are ready. Can you pop into the other threads and answer the questions.

This thread is distraction from your main premise.

I will take it you have accepted the proof the Earth is moving and rotation otherwise.

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Post by Silvertiger »

It isn't a distraction for me. It takes no time to share what is already in me. Pretty cool about prophecy as proof of God though, isn't it? :)
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re: TGM's Universe, or God's

Post by daxwc »

This thread is distraction from your main premise.
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Post by WaltzCee »

Silvertiger wrote:It isn't a distraction for me. It takes no time to share what is already in me. Pretty cool about prophecy as proof of God though, isn't it? :)
My favorite from the OT (Isaiah) begins
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and
bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
Some scholars dismiss it yet Mathew cites it. About 700bc.
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re: TGM's Universe, or God's

Post by agor95 »

Hi daxwc

Every rabbit hole needs a warren.

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Re: re: TGM's Universe, or God's

Post by Silvertiger »

daxwc wrote:every rabbit hole needs a rabbit.
It goes deeper than you can ever imagine; such is the nature of truth.
Philosophy is the beginning of science; not the conclusion.
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