Head of Israel’s space security program for 30 years

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re: Head of Israel’s space security program for 30 years

Post by daxwc »

Why release the footage? It's part of the effort to slowly awaken the public consciousness to the reality of this phenomenon. People aren't falling for the 'weather balloon' explanation anymore.
Isn’t this how they started leaking prior to revealing the Stealth.
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re: Head of Israel’s space security program for 30 years

Post by agor95 »

I expect we are going to be surprised how large the leaked material has been so far.

Of cause with a lot of false material to hide the real intel.
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Re: re: Head of Israel’s space security program for 30 years

Post by Fletcher »

Wubbly wrote:That was an interesting video.

The USA does not want to admit to the retrievals they have because they don't want to share the technologies with other nations, and they want to maintain a military advantage if the technologies can be reverse engineered.

As to contracts and treaties with ETs, who knows? There are reports of such during the Truman or Eisenhower administration, but there's no way to confirm if it's an urban legend or has any truth.

The US president changes every 4 or 8 years, and policies can change with every president. The intelligence communities wanted to control the information and maintain the secrecy despite presidential policy changes. President Kennedy was going to disclose and that's possibly one reason he was assassinated by the intelligence community. Other presidents wanted to disclose and they were threatened. Reagan was lied to and told they were a threat, and we got SDI out of it.

If they are a threat, why are we still alive 70+ years after Roswell? How do you break out of a 70+ year old lie? ... you slowly leak out the information in little bits and pieces and see how the public reacts. If the pilot saw them every day beginning in 2019, maybe they perceive us as the threat that needs monitoring.
I think your summary is quite plausible Wubbly. Human nature is human nature. That is if they are real physical unidentified craft (there is a percentage that can't be explained by professional observers for sure).

I think what is also interesting at the present moment is that many of these 'sightings' and video and radar captures etc occur in and around bodies of water. I think Lue Elizondo makes the case that they might be transitioning between under water and the sky and space beyond. And what better place to remain undetected for so long than to have a habitat under the sea (or deeper) etc, where we don't venture and have dominion as a rule.

Then we have the thought that if true these things have been around for hundreds and maybe thousands of years.

If so that makes it unlikely that they are 'modern-man-made' in origin and are a 'force projection' exercise of some military might that is not from the USA or her allies.

So this leaves the question are they extraterrestrial .. or intraterrestrial ? That is from this earth and homo-sapien or not of homo-sapien genus ?

I always wondered when I was a kid (going right off the reservation here) that if the dinosaurs were around for 165 million years, and evolved themselves from the reptiles (as mammals did) for much longer than that, then what dinosaur occupied the slot occupied by johnny-come-lately mammalian man today ? i.e. the 6 foot opposing thumbs, bi-pedal big brained dino. They had plenty of time to evolve and find a niche, and exploit it, and plenty of resources. Way longer than our piddly million years or last 10,000 of industrialization and farming. Just a thought, tho not original I suspect.
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re: Head of Israel’s space security program for 30 years

Post by daxwc »

Strange how many deny the Deep State then invoke it when it serves their purpose. Not pointing a finger at you Fletcher or Wubbly but urban culture as a whole its one of those strange human phenomenon.
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re: Head of Israel’s space security program for 30 years

Post by Wubbly »

Someone is really pushing this story. Just came across it again on my home page.

Earth has had several mass extinction events. I thought they kind of reset the playing field. If there was no asteroid impact that killed off the dinosaurs, maybe they would have evolved to be the dominant intelligent species on this planet.

If humans could travel between the stars and had advanced knowledge and techniques of DNA manipulation, what would stop us from tinkering with life on other planets? Some people believe extraterrestrials have been doing exactly that on Earth for millions of years and humans are the result of it. That would explain how we suddenly got opposable thumbs, complex vocal cords, and a larger brain in a relatively short amount of evolutionary time.

If the crafts are not extraterrestrial, another possibility is that it is us from the future.
Jim Penniston from the Rendlesham Forest incident believed the craft he interacted with was man-made and from the future.
Rendlesham Forest Incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaYfsxbiKsM

What ever report they put out in June will most likely be disappointing. How long can they still pretend this stuff isn't real.
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re: Head of Israel’s space security program for 30 years

Post by Fletcher »

Earth has had several mass extinction events. I thought they kind of reset the playing field. If there was no asteroid impact that killed off the dinosaurs, maybe they would have evolved to be the dominant intelligent species on this planet.
Dinosaurs didn't die out from a mass extinction 165 million years ago. Birds are dinosaurs, and mammals and reptiles, all lived on. A big brained but small bodied animal might have found a way also in small pockets or underground etc.
If humans could travel between the stars and had advanced knowledge and techniques of DNA manipulation, what would stop us from tinkering with life on other planets?

Some people believe extraterrestrials have been doing exactly that on Earth for millions of years and humans are the result of it. That would explain how we suddenly got opposable thumbs, complex vocal cords, and a larger brain in a relatively short amount of evolutionary time.
Agreed. That's my favourite hypothesis atm. There are apparently hard to explain 'jumps' (transposons) in our junk dna. That a case can be made for a deliberate genetic intervention.
If the crafts are not extraterrestrial, another possibility is that it is us from the future.

Jim Penniston from the Rendlesham Forest incident believed the craft he interacted with was man-made and from the future.

Rendlesham Forest Incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaYfsxbiKsM
Yes, that is a curious case. I remember watching a doco on it. Your video shed more light on Penniston's position which I didn't remember from that doco.

He seems credible and honest. One problem is the time line of the binary code he wrote out being loose leaf and not looked at again till 30 years later. A skeptic would say plenty of time to learn about binary coding of the alphabet etc and insert later.

Lots of possibilities for who and what they might be, if they are real 'manned' UAP/UFO.

If from the future what was the purpose of the Rendlesham 'visit' unless something went wrong in the 'jump' ?

Curious about the plethora of exact way points in the binary code.
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re: Head of Israel’s space security program for 30 years

Post by daxwc »


https://www.foxnews.com/media/ufo-reali ... -filmmaker

Wubbly: Someone is really pushing this story.
Still wondering if it isn’t media lemmings or there is a Piped Piper. I guess 24hr news channels have to fill the Trump void somehow.
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re: Head of Israel’s space security program for 30 years

Post by daxwc »

https://futurism.com/former-military-of ... ears-ahead
“It seemed to have some knowledge of where the pilots were headed ahead of time.�
Wow the same powers as my mom!
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re: Head of Israel’s space security program for 30 years

Post by daxwc »

https://www.rt.com/news/508962-israel-s ... ederation/

There sure is a lot of this in the media. Just filler news for the vacuum left by Trump? Hard to imagine former head of the Israeli military’s space division is lying about all of this. Obama has been very coy on the subject. If the president didn’t sign the contract then who signed it? Just can’t see an agreement already has been signed. Why would you sign one? We are nothing but dog shit on the heel of their boot if they are as technically advanced as they say. Sure seems though some softening up of the public has begun.
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