Ambergris Device

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Ambergris Device

Post by agor95 »

This thread accompanies the Algebra thread.

This device is a conjecture at this time. The device's form is malleable, grey and oddly sweet smelling of rubbing alcohol.

The conjecture is 'Acceleration due to gravity can be transferred to the rotation acceleration of the device'.

The equivalence principle that gravity is equivalent to an object being accelerated; In our case up.

Also an object resist being accelerated and this is treated as a counter acceleration. Normally this is formulated as a force. However force and acceleration can be interchanged.

Many members have designed a vertical wheel that use unbalanced mass objects to accelerate the wheel's Z-axis of rotation.

The object drops too achieve this and then the question is how to get the object back up?

So lets get the wheel rotation accelerated without dropping the object [aka a steel ball].

If there is a ball on a radial track then the ball can move along that to create the wheel's rotation.

So this track has an angle Theta1 and a length R1.

When the ball rolls along the track the wheel rotates. So the track drops and we want the ball not to drop?

So the track needs to curve up. What is the curve in the tack do we need?

What causes the ball to move along the track from hub to rim?

Well initially the ball is always on a local horizontal and never gains or losses height.

We could use the vertical rotation to rotate the wheel along the Y-axis.
The ball would be rotated around like a turntable.

That's Theta2 angle [All angels are in radians].

This would but C.F. on the ball to cause it to move to the rim?


We could have a spiral guide to push the ball along the track.
This would use the main rotation Theta1 to cause a change in Theta3.

We could do both.

To be continued - We get the ball to the rim. How do we get in back to the hub.
Last edited by agor95 on Sat May 29, 2021 6:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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re: Ambergris Device

Post by raj »

Difficult to follow the explanation.
Will follow this thread.
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re: Ambergris Device

Post by agor95 »

You are correct.

I have to get on and create a virtual model we can view.

Then the Algebra to describe the dynamics.

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re: Ambergris Device

Post by raj »

Its all for HUMAN goods!

Go forward and follow your instinct, my friend.

My very best wishes to you.
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re: Ambergris Device

Post by WaltzCee »

So the track needs to curve up. What is the curve in the tack do we need?

What causes the ball to move along the track from hub to rim?

yes, my friend. You have unearthed a great mystery.
da vinci.jpg
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re: Ambergris Device

Post by raj »

What does it take to discourage and make fun of a man to follow his dream that does no harm to mankind.

ONLY contempt?
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Re: re: Ambergris Device

Post by agor95 »

WaltzCee wrote:
So the track needs to curve up. What is the curve in the tack do we need?

my friend. You have unearthed a great mystery.
Humor is always tricky as it is hard too translate it around the world.

Thanks for the image. It's better than nothing.

The 'great mystery' is calculating the curve.

That needs some algebra that is a little more complex than most.
man to follow his dream
I would like that to be to inspire others to improve and to dream.

dream on

You will notice a basic curve will cause the ball to rock back and forth around the current minima in the curve. It acts like a mini-pendulum.

The rate this local minima in the curve moves from the hub to the rim is effected, in part by the Z-axis [vertical rotation].

That is created by the torque and the counter affects of inertia.

This concept is trying to remove this rocking back and forth.

acceleration/deceleration dissipate energy
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easter eggs

Post by WaltzCee »

When one stops dreaming it's necesito to figure out how to overcome the real world's
objection or dictate energy in a gravitational field between 2 given levels is path

3D Dah Vinci.jpg
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re: Ambergris Device

Post by agor95 »

You are correct they are independent 'Orthogonal'.

Now what happens when you link three wheels one for each axis?


The result is this bind bending idea is they are not independent any more.

How does that work in the Ambergris?

In your first image the curved tracks can be a loop; seen from above.

So the main rotation is vertical Z-axis, that is slowed as it is linked to a horizontal [turntable like] Y-axis rotation.

Then the ball is moving on a loop on the horizontal plane.

The ball is always on a local small section of horizontal track and traveling around a loop at a constant speed [momentum] and pressing down giving torque.

The ball travels around the loop anti-clockwise as seen from above.
This loop is on the left side of the hub out to the rim.

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re: Ambergris Device

Post by WaltzCee »

Now what happens when you link three wheels one for each axis?
You create pure, unmitigated raj?
It's settled. We'll call it The Raj.
P.S. welcome to my world [PMS] :)
Everyone has their addictions.
2nd place has to at least work.
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re: Ambergris Device

Post by agor95 »

When you learn the Algebra that models the interactions of the Ambergris Device.

Then you can name your own device and be less ignorant in the process.

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re: Ambergris Device

Post by WaltzCee »

and when you accomplish the final proof* of your hairbrained idea, I'll tip my hat to you.
of cause, dawlin'.

some algebra

* final proof = build a working model.
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re: Ambergris Device

Post by WaltzCee »

There have been 2 threads recently claiming a working idea and also claiming if they can
sell it they plan on using the proceeds to 'help the world'.

I'm skeptical of their altruism. What are their present charitable contributions? I'll bet they
are their favorite charity.

If you want to show some algebra, I can get a bit analytical.
Da Vinci gave this idea amazing analysis. Could be he missed something.
the interactions of the Ambergris Device
You named it. Don't blame that on me.
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re: Ambergris Device

Post by agor95 »

Hello WaltzCee

It's good to see you helping FredMich with your WM2D work.

Which is to your credit.

You also helped others by alerting us to the WM2D server dependency.

You can recognize Raj has respect and to his credit present many prototypes.

I look forward to you gaining his level or even more respect by supporting others in the future.

It's good to see you are planning to be open and not close / patent your ideas; As you appear to not approve.

Saying that doing close is your or others right.
WaltzCee wrote:You create pure, unmitigated raj?
It's settled. We'll call it The Raj.
I do not blame you for your actions friend, now you have apologized
by confirming this hairbrained idea's name.

Thank you for the complement for it is really hairbrained.

However 'The Raj'' is a really good name and with ower help Raj Device could be honored with this title; when is production ready.
This device is a conjecture at this time. The device's form is malleable, grey and oddly sweet smelling of rubbing alcohol.
The description of the Ambergris Device is a conjecture only at this stage.

The description should be treated as constraints in the Algebra.

The path of the track/s are malleable to the results supplied by the maths.

I am using Python to implement the maths and Glowscript [standalone] to present the virtual model.
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re: Ambergris Device

Post by agor95 »

Think on this observation.

A gyroscope positioned with one end of it's horizontal axis resting on a stand.

The gyroscope mass rotates in he Z-axis. The mass converts the mass dropping to rotation in the Y-axis. Imaging using the Y-axis rotation to increase the Mass Z-axis rotation?

Gyroscope are hairbrain by design.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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