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re: Covid-19

Post by agor95 »

Well the UK has started to move into it's forth peak.

We have had three peaks so far. The government merge peak two and three together.

Odd really three was an exponential rise from 3rd March 2020 resulting in a Lock-Down on 23rd Match 2020.

We are seeing and exponential rise again into the forth peak. The odd thing is peak two/three started from a lull 343 daily cased.

Now the forth start with a lull of 1730 on the 11th April.

So here we go again.

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re: Covid-19

Post by agor95 »

These are the new names for each of the variants:

• Kent / B.1.1.7 - Alpha
• South Africa / B.1.351 - Beta
• Brazil / P.1 - Gamma
• India / B.1.617.2 - Delta
• US / B.1.427 / B.1.429 - Epsilon
• Brazil / P.2 - Zeta
• B.1.525 - Eta
• Philippines / P.3 - Theta
• US / B.1.526 - Iota
• India / B.1.617.1 - Kappa
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Re: re: Covid-19

Post by TGM »

I cannot believe no one here commented on my post earlier. I have not had even a cold in the last year.

Take 20-40 mg of zinc, 400 mcg magnesium, 10K-20K of D3, and 1000mg of Vitamin C each day. These supplements help you kill viruses in the bloodstream by keeping your immune system functioning at top efficiency.

If you get sick, find a doctor to prescribe a safe dose of HCQ or Ivermectin for you to take. Worldwide studies show Ivermectin defeats the virus at any stage. HCQ, taken immediately, is effective at killing the virus in your bloodstream. I also take 1000 mg of Quercetin, as it is the closest non-prescription chemical that mimics antiparasitic drugs.

There is much in the professional literature that shows viruses act like parasites in the bloodstream. Anti-parasitic drugs keep viruses at bay long enough for your immune system to eliminate them.

A year ago, I crossed CCP virus outbreak data with malaria data. In areas that take anti-malaria drugs, the incidence of the CCP virus is near zero, with small outbreaks due to those in areas where mosquitos are less of a threat.

Don't believe me? Look at the data on Madagascar. 11+ million people, 866 deaths.

I would never take the "vaccine." There is SO much wrong with taking this particular "cure." Just wait until next year (or sooner) when people start getting sick again.
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re: Covid-19

Post by WaltzCee »

You better watch what you post, TGM.
The CCP might turn your information over to the greys and the next thing
you know you'll be waddling around like a penguin.

Real good information though.
Here's some more.
  • Pre-mass hysteria of the kung-flu a military company in China applied for a
    patent for a vaccine. Follow the money.

    The China virus has the chemical marker sequence ccg that although doesn't
    have a counter part in nature, doesn't rule out a natural origin. Just makes it
    highly suspect. It is common practice in genomic engineering to tag things
    in this manner.
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Re: re: Covid-19

Post by agor95 »

TGM wrote:I cannot believe no one here commented on my post earlier.
I did not think your information required a comment. Some will take your advice and others will take a jab.

With all the social distancing and lock downs the flue and colds are no were to be found.

I expect people will get sick in the future. We will see if it kills people or not.

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re: Covid-19

Post by MrTim »

Let me get ahead of the "conspiracy" curve here:

Dr. Fauci did not kill himself...

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re: Covid-19

Post by justsomeone »

Lol Mr. Tim!!!
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
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Re: re: Covid-19

Post by agor95 »

MrTim wrote:Let me get ahead of the "conspiracy" curve here:

Or he did and THEY replaced him with a double.
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re: Covid-19

Post by Robinhood46 »

I've been wondering if he isn't an alien, or maybe one of those lizard people.
We must accept that the probability of him being either is pretty similar, which makes it very hard to choose.
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re: Covid-19

Post by agor95 »

That is interesting :)

So your choice is an alien or a lizard person.

So a lizard person is not and alien to allow the choice to exist.

Hello lizard person. ;-)
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re: Covid-19

Post by Robinhood46 »

I haven't given it a great deal of thought, to be honest, I've been too busy trying to get a stupid wheel to go round on it's own.
My biggest obstacle for choosing between the two, is the humongously greater probability that he isn't either, i just can't rid myself of the belief that it is all complete nonsense.
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re: Covid-19

Post by agor95 »

Ho Well here we go.

The population of England are test rats again.

In the forth wave even trying to cover up the third wave as a part of the second.

We had bragging that we got to zero deaths. Now we have increasing deaths and that is fine.

Lets see what they do to use in the next six months.

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re: Covid-19

Post by daxwc »

We had bragging that we got to zero deaths. Now we have increasing deaths and that is fine.
It is time for the world to get out from hiding under the bed to just having the vulnerable hiding under it. A little personal accountability and not relying on the Nanny State might be the closest to the cure we will ever get.
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re: Covid-19

Post by gravitationallychallenged »

As more people get vaxxed and they become ill the governments will keep blaming it on the unvaxxed. If the vaxxines are safe and effective in preventing vaxxinated people from becoming infected why do the unvaxxed with natural immunity have the lowest infection rates? Does anyone else see how twisted this logic is?
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re: Covid-19

Post by Robinhood46 »

"Does anyone else see how twisted this logic is? "

The general consensus from the start of this pandemic has been twisting and turning like a twisty turny thing. (a quote from Black Adder goes forth).
The vaccines are no where near as a success as it was thought and hoped they would be. The refusal to accept this and the question of making them obligatory is craziness.
They don't want them to fail and everything will be done to blame their failure on everything other than the vaccines.
The vaccines do have a place in the toolbox to get us through this but they will not do it alone.
The vaccines have caused more serious side effects and deaths in 6 months than Ivermectin has caused in 40 years. The vaccines should be obligatory for everyone on the planet and Ivermectin should be banished from the face of the earth.
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