cloud camper wrote: ↑Wed Jan 05, 2022 12:24 am
OK folks - just been playing around with impacts. This is not a full wheel just a test to see if we can get the weights to flip over and reset.
Here we have a nutcracker mechanism from MT143 combined with the flipover weights from MT138 toy page.
And of course B taunting Wagner with "this is a nut you can't crack!"
Just trying to see if the lower weight when it reaches the top would flip over due to impact and it flips with energy to spare!!
We actually employ CF and momentum to get the weight to flip and go uphill!
The weights are all 10 kg and the weight of the yellow wheel is 600 kg!
The upper weight which actually becomes the lower weight doesn't do much and needs to flip over but I will be trying a simple rope connection between the weights to use the apparent extra energy of the upper weight to help the lower weight to flip.
If we can get both weights to flip, then we are back to initial conditions with both weights reset.
Keep in mind we have just delivered a hellatious blow to the 600 kg wheel!!
Are we making progress with impacts or not?
Isn't this a lot more fun than boring gravity wheels?
Nice, but you're torquing the wheel against a stator, hence it isn't an inertially closed system and thus the input FoR cannot undergo divergence from the absolute frame. Remember EMGAT! The maths don't solve otherwise..
I have precious little time for this ATM (due to being a bloody wage slave), however some other points that may be worth sharing:
• again, everyone should meditate on the hypothetical low-speed, hi-torque wheel Bessler said was
possible, if time-consuming to build
• such a wheel is thus evidently
not simply passively overbalancing, as with everything going around together, the only way to limit keeling speed would be via a never-ending rise in MoI to absorb the momentum sans velocity, the wheel radius growing ever-larger. This would obviously be absurd..
• hence the only way to decouple drop speed from RPM is if the weights are
levering the wheel around, by torquing it against something else.. yet that
other thing cannot be in the earth / absolute / static reference frame, relative to which input energy costs are inevitably going to square with rising velocity.. additionally, unless the momentum gain is sourced directly from gravity and time per kiiking, any counter-momenta produced need sinking to gravity and time; ie. the co-rotating pseudo-stator has to be transiently gravitating, or else interacting with something else that is; one way or anther, N1 and N3 say net system momentum is constant over time unless you can open it to some external force field, and gravity * time is the only one on offer in 1712..
• however here we hit another potential breakthrough conclusion: if radial or linear drops are required to explain the hypothetical slow-but-powerful wheel, ie with many fast discreet drops per unit angle of
slow system rotation, then the re-lifts cannot be angular (ie. riding the wheel / rimstops back up), since this would immediately lead to a complete blowout of all GPE with little if anything rotating back up over the same period.. hence, the re-lifts must
also be radial / linear.
• now consider the MT 80's, depicting these idiosyncratic pairs of linear pumps.. is it 85 and 87 that also depict the 'thresher and scholar' characters? What are they, then, but inertial torques - ie. alternate strokes of an MoI variation / the ice-skater effect? The 'flail' would rather be with the thresher because this describes the scissorjack extension, raising MoI and limiting speed, while potentially collecting rotKE as centrifugal PE (as by stretching a spring, say), while the scholar is performing work against CF, ie. a retraction of the scissorjacks / MoI, AKA
kiiking.. to pump liquid... ie. to raise GPE..
• so the sequence of actions looks something like this: a weight's dropped linearly, torquing the wheel against some other transiently-gravitating 'pseudostator' while MoI on one or other body is increasing, followed 180° of system rotation later by the 'reset' stroke in which relative
deceleration between those two key interacting angular inertias drives a re-lift of that GPE, while augmented by positive inertial torque from an MoI retraction
• so the top hammer toy on the toys page - the thresher and scholar - indicates alternate strokes of an MoI variation..
• .while the lower toy must represent acceleration vs deceleration / collision phases of a gravitationally-augmented asymmetric inertial interaction. As i've laboured ad nauseum, if the Toys page is depicting five cycles to OU ("something extraordinary"), then the resting MoI ratio of these two angular inertias must be 1:1 (or close anyway - an extra gram here or there wouldn't make a jot of difference..)
Thus the real lesson of MT 41 is probably not necessarily that radial lifts with angular drops could also be inverted to radial drops with angular lifts, but rather that the mechanism for re-lifting the weights is precisely the same one responsible for converting their drops into net torque / angular momentum in the first place.. simply alternating roles as 'driver' versus 'driven' (ie. inflected 'A' vs regular 'A' in MT-code), every 180° of system rotation. Note that a Roberval-type linkage wouldn't work here, the kiiker-plus-linear excursion mechanism on each side of the wheel needing to remain independent from the opposite side, so each can complete half its cycle every half-turn.
In short, the hypothetical slow-but-torquey wheel has to re-lift its weights just as busily as it drops them, precluding angular lifts and implying they must be linear, and, thus, accomplished by the same, if inverted, mechanism responsible for converting their falls into an angular inertial interaction between wheel and pseudo-stator, which 180° later closes in the act of re-lifting them.
Do the weights / mechs actually need delineating into separate sides of the wheel, as depicted, or else is that simply a way of clearly depicting the principle and instead the actual linear paths could all be purely radial - ie. overlapping in the axial plane, but hence impractical to draw that way? I don't know. The general picture however seems to be firming up, centering as it does around an angular inertial interaction between two MoI's closely matched over a full cycle, if one or other varying between, and performing alternate phases of an oscillating cycle every other 180° of system rotation; the momentum symmetry (and thus per-cycle momentum gain) of which is somehow biased (inevitably in terms of G*t) by overlapping and concurrent strokes of an MoI variation (ice-skater effect) also alternating every 180°.. and with a 90° offset between each half of each mech (hence a minimum system having a cross-shaped structure).
Getting real close now.. if only i had more time to work the case! It's not the only one i'm working on tho, and none of this pays rent..
Fix the unit energy cost of momentum from or to (ie. sinking counter-momentum) gravity and time for two or more full cycles and you're OU. That''s what the physics say. Fundamentally, one way or another, that's
mathematically what Bessler's core principal achieved..