What I'm building doesn't rely solely on gravity. Even Newton knew back in 1687 in his book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia
Mathematica that energy could be conserved. In his first law of motion, an object will not change its motion unless a force acts
on it.
And for fun, I pointed out this drawing of Bessler's which apparently no one knew about. It's Wagner's Roaster. In the maschinen tractate
that orpheus.org did, they thought it was clues to Bessler's wheel when it isn't. It might just be him having fun with Wagner.
p.s., I guess this means I've done a lot of research myself and not just with building. And who owns the book is willing to consider
demonstrating a working wheel with the book. Kind of why I should stay away from negative or jealous people. And with that said,
that is something that I can feel good about.
What is funny though is AB Hammer wanted to act like Bessler and then I'd build his wheels while trying to figure out his clues. And
I told him that I wanted to build Bessler's wheel. He simply didn't think perpetual motion was possible. That was his mistake. And myself,
I don't think anyone in here or at overunity.com actually believes it's possible. The real reason people have caused me so many problems.