Donald Trump 2016?
Moderator: scott
Re: Donald Trump 2016?
If you're not a Nato country you won't get a Nato military response to a hostile occupation (lessons learned). It has little to do with democracy and more with geopolitics.
The real problem is that Ukraine forces are powerless to stop Russia's air superiority - not good.
China fails to condemn Russia and Putin etc because it wants to see how this plays out for Russia (future reputation, sanctions and trade). They know we in the West have short memories especially when life's luxuries start running short.
We in the South Pacific having been watching China's debt politics sweep thru the world and in particular down thru our region in the last decade.
We also know that if Russia can annex East and then West Ukraine, and hold them, China will move on annexing Taiwan soon after - with Russian tacit support on the world stage. Strategically that seems a strong possibility.
The real problem is that Ukraine forces are powerless to stop Russia's air superiority - not good.
China fails to condemn Russia and Putin etc because it wants to see how this plays out for Russia (future reputation, sanctions and trade). They know we in the West have short memories especially when life's luxuries start running short.
We in the South Pacific having been watching China's debt politics sweep thru the world and in particular down thru our region in the last decade.
We also know that if Russia can annex East and then West Ukraine, and hold them, China will move on annexing Taiwan soon after - with Russian tacit support on the world stage. Strategically that seems a strong possibility.
Re: Donald Trump 2016?
I have, like most, been watching and trying too analyse the bigger picture with current global events.
The biggest picture I see is the global variation in climate.
That said; to defend Russia from food shortages Ukraine has to be integrated into the Russian Federation; at all costs. That means the first harvest each year goes to the Russian Federation and any surplus goes to the highest bidder or aligned state.
However the removal of a country off the map too achieve this by another with the 'My Country First' mantra is at this time brutal.
Geopolitical Groups
There are different groupings creating divers. With their own perspectives.
We see democracy [Force of the People] on one side and dictatorship [Force of the one] on the other.
There are other Groupings Capitalism [using money to gain power] and Socialism [using power to gain money].
The big picture is the control of information to gain power over the perceptions of the people.
Also control of finance to gaining money from the people.
Within these drivers is the tendency to undermine the rights of 'The People'
for the betterment of a sub-group of the people.
P.S. For this planet to survive we have to protect each and every person without qualifying them with a label.
All the Best
The biggest picture I see is the global variation in climate.
That said; to defend Russia from food shortages Ukraine has to be integrated into the Russian Federation; at all costs. That means the first harvest each year goes to the Russian Federation and any surplus goes to the highest bidder or aligned state.
However the removal of a country off the map too achieve this by another with the 'My Country First' mantra is at this time brutal.
Geopolitical Groups
There are different groupings creating divers. With their own perspectives.
We see democracy [Force of the People] on one side and dictatorship [Force of the one] on the other.
There are other Groupings Capitalism [using money to gain power] and Socialism [using power to gain money].
The big picture is the control of information to gain power over the perceptions of the people.
Also control of finance to gaining money from the people.
Within these drivers is the tendency to undermine the rights of 'The People'
for the betterment of a sub-group of the people.
P.S. For this planet to survive we have to protect each and every person without qualifying them with a label.
All the Best
Last edited by agor95 on Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
Re: Donald Trump 2016?
I have looked a little more into Sparta on the grounds; if you do not know your history then one will repeat the same mistakes.
This is a culture were in this case 'Spartans' becoming dependent on the original farming population.
This shows that a modern mirror to this historic dependency.
All the Best
This is a culture were in this case 'Spartans' becoming dependent on the original farming population.
This shows that a modern mirror to this historic dependency.
All the Best
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
Re: Donald Trump 2016?
Following the big picture view I took another look at supreme deities.
First I look at the Omni's
1. omnipresent - present everywhere
2. omniscience - all knowledgable
3. omnipotent - all powerful
a. omnibenevolence - all good
b. omnimalevolent - all evil
Would a supreme deity be considered rich and powerful ?
Allowing people or sub-groups of people to become rich beyond avarice; Is it a good idea ?
All the best
First I look at the Omni's
1. omnipresent - present everywhere
2. omniscience - all knowledgable
3. omnipotent - all powerful
a. omnibenevolence - all good
b. omnimalevolent - all evil
Would a supreme deity be considered rich and powerful ?
Allowing people or sub-groups of people to become rich beyond avarice; Is it a good idea ?
All the best
Last edited by agor95 on Sat Mar 05, 2022 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
- MrTim
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Re: Donald Trump 2016?
Just a word of advice, y'all might want to start stockpiling food (while it's still relatively cheap, and available.) I think things are going to get really bad worldwide, soon. Just pick stuff that will last, and that you like to eat (you can always give the stuff you don't like to your neighbors later... ;-)
"....the mechanism is so simple that even a wheel may be too small to contain it...."
"Sometimes the harder you look the better it hides." - Dilbert's garbageman
Re: Donald Trump 2016?
Good advice MrTim, it looks like everything is about to change. Hopefully Trevor still has a few days.
Re: Donald Trump 2016?
Well pan cakes are quick and the basic flour and water mix can be supplemented with other ingredients. You could buy multi-vitamins.
This could be your fallback position along with plant protein.
P.S. We know the real reason for the current events.
Putin is worried that the energy income will be devastated by Trevor's
invention. The repeated threats by Trevor in revealing all any day now
has sent him over the edge.
Crepery for the masses?
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
Re: Donald Trump 2016?
Rant .. I'm not a fan of today's 'finger hovering' social media platforms and climate, I'm too old and entrenched to appreciate it, and to me it smacks of phones surgically attached to the hip, influencer narcissism, woke key board warriors, and the lowest common denominator. However I can't deny this kind of social engineerings power for good or bad - the experiment continues, and I watch on bemused. My son on the other hand knows no different and takes it all in his stride, as perfectly normal.
So we were talking about the Russian/Ukraine situation and where and how this could play out. He was more knowledgeable and insightful than I had given him credit for, as an observation. Anyways, we discussed whether the power of social media could rise up the in-country Russian population to overtly rebel against Putin and his cabal of 5. And whether the pressure from this source, along with wide-spread international sanctions (trade and economic etc), the crashing of the ruble, locking out of the Swift payment system, and freezing the assets of the Oligarchs aligned to Moscow, could ever or should affect Putin's military advance into Ukraine (and whoever next).
I think we agreed that an interesting experiment was happening - if the wave of sentiment for Ukraine could gain a world wide critical mass, at all levels that matter, then the possibility existed for it to bring Putin down, and into line, in one form or another. Hence why China watches on with interest to how the world at large reacts. These are the times of the power of social media, which transcends geographical, political, and economic boarders. Does it have the power, and the will, to effect real change where it matters ?
For once I actually want social media to create an indelible din, and mobilize the masses, and strike fear into the hearts of Putin and his cronies etc. They, or others may decide for them, that the enduring cost is too high.
As I said, a very interesting experiment (imo) is playing out alongside the classic chess moves for territory, money, and power !
Can social media win a war ?
So we were talking about the Russian/Ukraine situation and where and how this could play out. He was more knowledgeable and insightful than I had given him credit for, as an observation. Anyways, we discussed whether the power of social media could rise up the in-country Russian population to overtly rebel against Putin and his cabal of 5. And whether the pressure from this source, along with wide-spread international sanctions (trade and economic etc), the crashing of the ruble, locking out of the Swift payment system, and freezing the assets of the Oligarchs aligned to Moscow, could ever or should affect Putin's military advance into Ukraine (and whoever next).
I think we agreed that an interesting experiment was happening - if the wave of sentiment for Ukraine could gain a world wide critical mass, at all levels that matter, then the possibility existed for it to bring Putin down, and into line, in one form or another. Hence why China watches on with interest to how the world at large reacts. These are the times of the power of social media, which transcends geographical, political, and economic boarders. Does it have the power, and the will, to effect real change where it matters ?
For once I actually want social media to create an indelible din, and mobilize the masses, and strike fear into the hearts of Putin and his cronies etc. They, or others may decide for them, that the enduring cost is too high.
As I said, a very interesting experiment (imo) is playing out alongside the classic chess moves for territory, money, and power !
Can social media win a war ?
Last edited by Fletcher on Sun Mar 06, 2022 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Donald Trump 2016?
A large emp detonation in the ionosphere could destroy all non-military satellites. Social media would be back to old school for everyone. Putin might think he has a better chance fighting in the dark.Fletcher wrote:Anyways, we discussed whether the power of social media could rise up the in-country Russian population to overtly rebel against Putin and his cabal of 5.
Last edited by ovyyus on Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Donald Trump 2016?
Very good point Bill .. watch this space.
Re: Donald Trump 2016?
Apparently a lot of Russians don't have internet, and some are unaware of the Ukraine situation. How can the West send a message that is immediate, politically unfiltered, and reaches all ? Then .. let social media and jungle drums do the rest !
Kudos to McDonald's - Hot off the grill - closed operations at 850 Maccas outlets in Russia a few hours ago - I'm Lovin It.
.. Now if only COKE would would shut down their bottling plants and not supply eh !
I'm being facetious of course, but it raises the questions .. people generally don't want to mix sport and politics, unless in extreme circumstances. Where does the ethical boundary lie between large corporations and geopolitics, the importance of profit and influence ?
Obviously Maccas drew an ethical line in the sand and stood up to be counted. Their decision won't do their brand any harm, if not improve it. What other corporations with that sort of reach will step up and put pressure (above profits) where it is deserved ? Fries with that .. ?
ETA : Coke follows suit, as does Starbucks and Pepsi.
I guess its Caviar and Vodka again for Putin.
Kudos to McDonald's - Hot off the grill - closed operations at 850 Maccas outlets in Russia a few hours ago - I'm Lovin It.
.. Now if only COKE would would shut down their bottling plants and not supply eh !
I'm being facetious of course, but it raises the questions .. people generally don't want to mix sport and politics, unless in extreme circumstances. Where does the ethical boundary lie between large corporations and geopolitics, the importance of profit and influence ?
Obviously Maccas drew an ethical line in the sand and stood up to be counted. Their decision won't do their brand any harm, if not improve it. What other corporations with that sort of reach will step up and put pressure (above profits) where it is deserved ? Fries with that .. ?
ETA : Coke follows suit, as does Starbucks and Pepsi.
I guess its Caviar and Vodka again for Putin.
Last edited by Fletcher on Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- eccentrically1
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Re: Donald Trump 2016?
Add L’Oreal, Ferrari, Netflix, IKEA, Apple, Dell, Nike, GM, IBM, H& M. Close to 300 so far.
Re: Donald Trump 2016?
Ne pas oublier Cartier, qui ne livrera pas les bagues de fiançailles (vrai).eccentrically1 wrote: ↑Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:50 pm Add L’Oreal, Ferrari, Netflix, IKEA, Apple, Dell, Nike, GM, IBM, H& M. Close to 300 so far.
Poutine est complétement étanches à toutes discutions, à part peut être un mot de son copain chinois, un chuchotement suffirait, mais voila, la copain vise Taïwan, donc observe la situation...
Le seul moyen c'est de vaincre Poutine de l'intérieur, les médias ont un rôle énorme, encore fait-il pouvoir le faire.
Do not forget Cartier, which will not deliver the engagement rings (true).
Putin is completely impervious to any discussion, except maybe a word from his Chinese buddy, a whisper would be enough, but here, the buddy is aiming for Taiwan, so watch the situation...
The only way is to defeat Putin from the inside, the media have a huge role, but it is still necessary to be able to do it.
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
Re: Donald Trump 2016?
We had a interview on the radio with a Russian politician.
It appears the bombing of cities and killing none combatants
is a nazi thing to do. The Russian army would not do a thing like that?
I suggest the para-military squads beating up women on Russian streets.
Will get the word out on TikTox and Telegram. The the young IT media users will show their parents. If the parent can see the street or know the person the new will spread.
I was curious to know a little more on the other Russian invasions.
All the Best
P.S. Start building your flour stocks. The world will have less food next year.
It appears the bombing of cities and killing none combatants
is a nazi thing to do. The Russian army would not do a thing like that?
I suggest the para-military squads beating up women on Russian streets.
Will get the word out on TikTox and Telegram. The the young IT media users will show their parents. If the parent can see the street or know the person the new will spread.
I was curious to know a little more on the other Russian invasions.
All the Best
P.S. Start building your flour stocks. The world will have less food next year.
Last edited by agor95 on Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
- eccentrically1
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Re: Donald Trump 2016?
Chernobyl lost power this morning. Only enough fuel for generators for 48 hours to power critical safety systems. Same 210 staff has been there 2 weeks. Something is going to give very soon,