I won't need to. All I'll need to say is that you guys know that I have a serious medical condition to John Collin's granddaughter
and it's okay for you guys to constantly attack me because of my medical condition. That is rather disgusting. I mean my having cancer
and serious complications from it.
Yet to be so viciously attacked because of my medical situation will make the people of this forum look bad. Can you imagine John
Collins explaining it to https://www.tiktok.com/@amyepohl why he and his friends have no issue with the abuse I have to tolerate.
And since Amy is John's granddaughter, I doubt her father will like knowing what John and his friends support. That's better than
going to the police. And with Scott Ellis, all of his friends will wonder why he'd allow a disabled Veteran with multiple disabilities and
handicaps to be constantly attacked. And since I am 1/2 Norwegian, people like you Walt enjoy showing that you're a white supremacist.
And yet Bessler was 1/2 Polish and 1/2 German. Maybe I will finish the prototype. After all, I do need surgery. But I also know my situation
is manageable. Still, I got banned for working while you and AB Hammer were never banned for hating people who aren't like you. 🙂