Thx Machine II
Moderator: scott
Re: Thx Machine II
Pendulum connected to an unbalanced wheel
Another idea coming from the depths of space, which I like very much, the idea of the balls which circulate seems relevant to me, the implementation is a little more complicated.
Another idea coming from the depths of space, which I like very much, the idea of the balls which circulate seems relevant to me, the implementation is a little more complicated.
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
Re: Thx Machine II
Le printemps arrive...
L'idée : les disques avec un balourd sont le moteur !!!
il faut qu'à un moment précis l'effet balourd disparaisse pour se transformer en disque d'inertie, pour ce faire un écrou mobile (temporaire dans sa forme) doit faire le job. C'est ma théorie, mais pour l'instant je n'ai jamais vu mieux, il faut peaufiner la construction.
Spring is coming... :D
The idea: the discs with an unbalance are the engine!!!
At some point the unbalance effect has to disappear and turn into an inertia disc, to do this a movable nut (temporary in its shape) has to do the job. This is my theory, but for the moment I have never seen better, the construction must be refined.
I'm a bit ahead of the game, it's bi-directional. lol
L'idée : les disques avec un balourd sont le moteur !!!
il faut qu'à un moment précis l'effet balourd disparaisse pour se transformer en disque d'inertie, pour ce faire un écrou mobile (temporaire dans sa forme) doit faire le job. C'est ma théorie, mais pour l'instant je n'ai jamais vu mieux, il faut peaufiner la construction.
Spring is coming... :D
The idea: the discs with an unbalance are the engine!!!
At some point the unbalance effect has to disappear and turn into an inertia disc, to do this a movable nut (temporary in its shape) has to do the job. This is my theory, but for the moment I have never seen better, the construction must be refined.
I'm a bit ahead of the game, it's bi-directional. lol
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
Re: Thx Machine II
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
Re: Thx Machine II
I captured this image because for me it is the most representative of a self-maintained wheel, it has been eight days that I cogitate and nothing concrete.
The simple realization of this sketch seems almost impossible to me with marbles or balls maybe cylinders.
Maybe balls with a central hole that would allow to pass a rope? or cylinders would be logical...
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
Re: Thx Machine II
In the end, this video that served no purpose was very inspiring.
A few days later...
This picture is a model, not even a prototype, it allowed me to check some things.
The idea is to maintain a slight imbalance for a while in back and forth, starting from the center with a cam, which pulls or holds (in the broad lines).
After thinking about it, the ideal is to come, I hope at the end of the week...
A few days later...
This picture is a model, not even a prototype, it allowed me to check some things.
The idea is to maintain a slight imbalance for a while in back and forth, starting from the center with a cam, which pulls or holds (in the broad lines).
After thinking about it, the ideal is to come, I hope at the end of the week...
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
Re: Thx Machine II
I have several pans on the stove lol.
The Apologia form is the only one that allows an almost constant imbalance
It's by far my favourite proto:
It all starts at 6 o'clock for understanding
If you move the C module up a few millimetres, and rest it on a ramp at around 6 o'clock, it weighs nothing (not much) on the Apologia cross.
If you push module C 1 degree to the left, both modules A and B become unbalanced and become Motor...
Naturally, module C will have to return to its original position (it will do so thanks to an internal cam, on which it will rest, not currently represented), module B will in turn be raised... etc
On 360°, some degrees are neutral but the essential is motor.
The ramps are very long to print, but at the beginning of the week we will know. lol
Last edited by thx4 on Thu Apr 07, 2022 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
Re: Thx Machine II
It's like in violent series you should never get attached to the characters. lol
It's like in violent series you should never get attached to the characters. lol
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
Re: Thx Machine II
Why doesn't it work? :)
Module C is lifted by the black ramp, but at the same time modules A and B are held in neutral position by the white ramp, and the wheel weighs nothing, no more motorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
Module C is lifted by the black ramp, but at the same time modules A and B are held in neutral position by the white ramp, and the wheel weighs nothing, no more motorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
Last edited by thx4 on Fri Apr 08, 2022 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
Re: Thx Machine II
The effort it takes to lift is the same amount you get from them on the way down. It is the same reason MT13 doesnt work.
Re: Thx Machine II
Absolutely right, I know it will never work lol
For me it's recreational, and if I put my finger on an anomaly, it would be magic, but for that you have to do (with your hands), even the craziest things.
I have 15 years of computer science behind me, I have no doubt that no software on earth will show you any physical anomaly and for good reason. So you have to study with and without B, (maybe with a software to avoid the obvious for some) but above all go through the DOING.
Concerning this proto I like the idea of the imbalance from C, a bit like the marble that I subtract around 6 o'clock, so I continue with pleasure, I have fun..... :)
For me it's recreational, and if I put my finger on an anomaly, it would be magic, but for that you have to do (with your hands), even the craziest things.
I have 15 years of computer science behind me, I have no doubt that no software on earth will show you any physical anomaly and for good reason. So you have to study with and without B, (maybe with a software to avoid the obvious for some) but above all go through the DOING.
Concerning this proto I like the idea of the imbalance from C, a bit like the marble that I subtract around 6 o'clock, so I continue with pleasure, I have fun..... :)
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
Re: Thx Machine II
You have a healthy view. The pleasure of being curious is fun.
With each new design you build on the skills you have developed.
Each time the process becomes more efficient.
A good design is one that can be adjusted without a total rebuild.
If I may request can you record the duration for the device to stop.
Then run the device in the opposite direction.
There is a need to do these recording several times.
The results in one direction should be the same and if not some form of standard initial force is required.
Another request is: Can the back rails be setup to have different angles?
That would be like rotating the back board.
Then doing the test again.
The reason for doing these test is to look for results we were not expecting.
All the Best - Have fun
With each new design you build on the skills you have developed.
Each time the process becomes more efficient.
A good design is one that can be adjusted without a total rebuild.
If I may request can you record the duration for the device to stop.
Then run the device in the opposite direction.
There is a need to do these recording several times.
The results in one direction should be the same and if not some form of standard initial force is required.
Another request is: Can the back rails be setup to have different angles?
That would be like rotating the back board.
Then doing the test again.
The reason for doing these test is to look for results we were not expecting.
All the Best - Have fun
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
Re: Thx Machine II
I think that we have to rethink the concept of the Apologia version of disequilibrium, contrary to what I thought the system is not driven at 359° but at barely 110°...
The choice of the rail is not good much, too much friction, and it is necessary to consider pulleys to :
1) lift at 6:02
2) put back in position around 10:00am
I put it aside for the moment, I'll come back to it later.
I think that we have to rethink the concept of the Apologia version of disequilibrium, contrary to what I thought the system is not driven at 359° but at barely 110°...
The choice of the rail is not good much, too much friction, and it is necessary to consider pulleys to :
1) lift at 6:02
2) put back in position around 10:00am
I put it aside for the moment, I'll come back to it later.
Last edited by thx4 on Wed Apr 13, 2022 7:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
Re: Thx Machine II
Two swinging weights try to come back to balance, horizontally... It's easier than trying to lift a weight...
Two swinging weights try to come back to balance, horizontally... This time they are coupled to a wheel which is itself desequilibrium.
From there, it might be desirable to conjugate a TM of some kind...?
Two swinging weights try to come back to balance, horizontally... This time they are coupled to a wheel which is itself desequilibrium.
From there, it might be desirable to conjugate a TM of some kind...?
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
Re: Thx Machine II
Je vais essayer de vous faire rêver un peu (c’est mon cas)
Je reviens sur mon post principal c’est une continuité de mes expérimentations c’est plus clair ainsi.
J’ai évaporé définitivement toutes les idées d’un quelconque modèle qui pourrait s’auto-entretenir en basculant des parties de lui-même, tout en puisant son énergie de je ne sais où. !!!
Le MT47 m’a donné du fil à retordre (expression française) mais réellement très enrichissant dans la compréhension de l’énergie gravitaire, c’est au moins ça😊.
Je me suis aperçu que les fameux becs de cigogne de B ne suffiraient pas à remonter les billes dans la synchronicité voulue. Très efficace en vitesse mais trop gourmand en énergie, à mettre de côté malgré tout, (sur un très grand modèle peut être).
Il a donc fallu trouver autre chose !!!
J’ai cherché et je pense avoir trouvé un modèle réellement satisfaisant. Les billes remontent quasi gratuitement à la hauteur voulue. (Aucun miracle vous verrez)
Voici pour commencer la roue du moteur, pas la roue finale lol
J’ai mis sur une périphérie 24 modules de réception de billes sur une face et je peux ainsi avoir si nécessaire 24 modules supplémentaire sur l’autre face soit 2,4KG au total de pression. Une bille fait 100 Gr.
Toujours pour une seule bille évacuée (gratuitement) et une autre mise en service vers 12 h, avec un coût ridicule, mais d’autres mouvements sont à prévoir, qu’il faudra bien provisionner aussi.
En principe nous ne sommes pas à l’abri d’une bonne surprise. Lol.
Les modules sont en cours d’impression c’est très long (18 h x 8) environ.
I'll try to make you dream a little bit (that's my case)
I come back to my main post it's a continuity of my experiments it's clearer that way.
I have evaporated all ideas of any model that could be self-sustaining by tilting parts of itself, while drawing energy from who knows where.!!!!
The MT47 gave me a hard time (French expression) but really very enriching in the understanding of gravity energy, that's at least that😊.
I realized that B's famous stork beaks would not be enough to wind the logs in the desired synchronicity. Very efficient in speed but too power hungry, to be put aside anyway, (on a very large model maybe).
So I had to find something else!
I searched and I think I found a really satisfying model. The balls go up almost for free to the desired height. (No miracle you will see)
Here is to start with the motor wheel, not the final wheel lol
I put on a periphery 24 modules of reception of balls on a face and I can thus have if necessary 24 additional modules on the other face is 2,4KG in total of pressure. A log is 100 Gr.
Always for only one log evacuated (free) and another put in service towards 12 h, with a ridiculous cost, but other movements are to be envisaged, which it will be necessary to provision also.
In principle we are not immune to a good surprise. Lol.
The modules are being printed, which is very long (18 h x 8).
Je reviens sur mon post principal c’est une continuité de mes expérimentations c’est plus clair ainsi.
J’ai évaporé définitivement toutes les idées d’un quelconque modèle qui pourrait s’auto-entretenir en basculant des parties de lui-même, tout en puisant son énergie de je ne sais où. !!!
Le MT47 m’a donné du fil à retordre (expression française) mais réellement très enrichissant dans la compréhension de l’énergie gravitaire, c’est au moins ça😊.
Je me suis aperçu que les fameux becs de cigogne de B ne suffiraient pas à remonter les billes dans la synchronicité voulue. Très efficace en vitesse mais trop gourmand en énergie, à mettre de côté malgré tout, (sur un très grand modèle peut être).
Il a donc fallu trouver autre chose !!!
J’ai cherché et je pense avoir trouvé un modèle réellement satisfaisant. Les billes remontent quasi gratuitement à la hauteur voulue. (Aucun miracle vous verrez)
Voici pour commencer la roue du moteur, pas la roue finale lol
J’ai mis sur une périphérie 24 modules de réception de billes sur une face et je peux ainsi avoir si nécessaire 24 modules supplémentaire sur l’autre face soit 2,4KG au total de pression. Une bille fait 100 Gr.
Toujours pour une seule bille évacuée (gratuitement) et une autre mise en service vers 12 h, avec un coût ridicule, mais d’autres mouvements sont à prévoir, qu’il faudra bien provisionner aussi.
En principe nous ne sommes pas à l’abri d’une bonne surprise. Lol.
Les modules sont en cours d’impression c’est très long (18 h x 8) environ.
I'll try to make you dream a little bit (that's my case)
I come back to my main post it's a continuity of my experiments it's clearer that way.
I have evaporated all ideas of any model that could be self-sustaining by tilting parts of itself, while drawing energy from who knows where.!!!!
The MT47 gave me a hard time (French expression) but really very enriching in the understanding of gravity energy, that's at least that😊.
I realized that B's famous stork beaks would not be enough to wind the logs in the desired synchronicity. Very efficient in speed but too power hungry, to be put aside anyway, (on a very large model maybe).
So I had to find something else!
I searched and I think I found a really satisfying model. The balls go up almost for free to the desired height. (No miracle you will see)
Here is to start with the motor wheel, not the final wheel lol
I put on a periphery 24 modules of reception of balls on a face and I can thus have if necessary 24 additional modules on the other face is 2,4KG in total of pressure. A log is 100 Gr.
Always for only one log evacuated (free) and another put in service towards 12 h, with a ridiculous cost, but other movements are to be envisaged, which it will be necessary to provision also.
In principle we are not immune to a good surprise. Lol.
The modules are being printed, which is very long (18 h x 8).
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
Re: Thx Machine II
Well done. Notice what you have done is created an imbalance and then the wheel went balanced. I suspect that is how Bessler lifted weights. Create an imbalance, then go balanced so that there is no back-penalty to the wheel.
No matter how hard you try, you will never get a single, solitary weight over the top. But you can lift half of it over the top and then let it meet its buddy on the other side. :)
Keep it up because what you've done is a great start. You just have to make that ball go the other direction. :)
No matter how hard you try, you will never get a single, solitary weight over the top. But you can lift half of it over the top and then let it meet its buddy on the other side. :)
Keep it up because what you've done is a great start. You just have to make that ball go the other direction. :)
Last edited by JUBAT on Sun Feb 26, 2023 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.