Bhāskara's wheel

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Bhāskara's wheel

Post by agor95 »

The current musing is on the creation of a standard device based on the concept above.

So it can be replicated and evolved with minor changes.

That would allow a continuous collective improvement; when shared.

One possible change based on current a conversation.
The conversation being on the application of force or acceleration.

Alas a major one where ball-bearing guides replaces the mercury.
Maddening I know and quite toxic to my current threads.

These guides follow radial arms to a partial degree.

The overview concept use the rotation of the device to accelerate a ball-bearing [BB] down the radial arm guide from the top towards the axle.

Curve the guide along the horizontal arm with an upward curve to the full length of the arm.

Use the remaining speed too curve round the BB using the guide.
To place the BB on the opposite radial arm on the other side of the device.

This BB is accelerated down when it reaches the vertical.

The BB does not gain the total arm length height; but does so virtually.

As the imparted speed on firing down gives the BB a near axle speed of a BB dropped from a greater height.

P.S. This is so in the present I have not create a complementary image.

Last edited by agor95 on Wed Jun 29, 2022 8:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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