What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by Fletcher »

No time P .. leaving for the airport in an hour and away a few months.

Good luck to everyone.
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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by Tarsier79 »

Hi P.

I have been busy trying to help on Overunity.com.

Your design is balanced in the position shown, but any rotation will wreck that and cause them to pull downwards (in at the top, outwards at the bottom).

For instance, try turning your drawing 90 degrees.

The COM movement reminds me of what would happen in Besslers "demonstration of balance". It needed to be fixed to ground to balance.

I think gravity will overcome any CF actions you wish at any low speeds, at high speeds the weights will fly out and stick there.
One thing about CF: As the weights move outwards, the wheel needs to slow due to the increased inertia.... The weights don't magically speed up and gain energy just because they are further out.

In short: I don't think it will run. Are your weights different sizes? There are some similarities to Leafys design.
pulley shifter.png
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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by preoccupied »

You completely missed my descriptions and just looked at the picture Tarsier79. This is an improvement of Leafy's design. The bottom left weight and the top right weight are heavier. So on the left the weights start in the center and drives to the outside like its currently drawn, and on the right the weights start outside and are driven to the center. The spring stores centrifugal force on the top left and releases it on the bottom right. How much is the impact on the bottom left, because impact is reduced on the top left by a spring so all impact is released on the bottom left. The only place on the wheel where there is impact on the outside of the wheel is on the bottom left. I think the impact is equal to the total difference between the weights and the centrifugal force.
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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by Tarsier79 »

Correct, I did skim over the description. I am time and energy poor. So the light weight impacts the spring? I don't see any value of having a spring here...

For CF to help with the spring, the wheel needs to speed up or be at maximum speed while the weight impacts the spring, then slow down for the spring to give some energy back. I guess you would need some sort of latch to hold the weight into the compressed spring until the wheel is at its slowest.

The way your weights move, they both move out at the same time, and in at the same time. Is this what you meant it to do?
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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by preoccupied »

Tarsier79 wrote: Tue Aug 02, 2022 9:27 am Correct, I did skim over the description. I am time and energy poor. So the light weight impacts the spring? I don't see any value of having a spring here...

For CF to help with the spring, the wheel needs to speed up or be at maximum speed while the weight impacts the spring, then slow down for the spring to give some energy back. I guess you would need some sort of latch to hold the weight into the compressed spring until the wheel is at its slowest.

The way your weights move, they both move out at the same time, and in at the same time. Is this what you meant it to do?
Yes the light spring impacts the spring. There is a magical property where because the spring is being driven into it stores energy and because the spring is being driven away from it releases energy until the centrifugal force overwhelms the difference between the weights. I don't think that you need to slow down the wheel for the spring to give back energy because the spring is being released by the weights driving to the center. I did intend to move the weights at the same time. In fact they could be connected by the center pulley so that they drive each other thereby making the difference between the weights double and doubling the force of the impact on the bottom left minus centrifugal force.
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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by preoccupied »

I'm on a roll. All of my perpetual motion machines work. The Stork's Bill modification, the dolly crowbar, and the conveyor belt weights will all work. The Stork's Bill uses the properties of a spring to store energy from a Stork's Bill to create infinite rotation on a wheel. The dolly crowbar can cause heavy weights to be lifted with much lighter effort. The conveyor belt weights use centrifugal force to assist the reloading of the weights and the impact on the bottom left is isolated and the only thing driving the wheel in one direction from the weights shifting. My infinite leverage device is top secret. I can't share that with anybody. It's my secret. It's a weapon of mass destruction, it can destroy planets.
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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by Robinhood46 »

As long as it only destroys planets in the universe you're in, we don't need to be too concerned.
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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by justsomeone »

Tell us again about that head injury you suffered when you were younger.
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by preoccupied »

justsomeone wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 11:54 pm Tell us again about that head injury you suffered when you were younger.
It deleted my accomplishments. I had created a time machine and was building a business with ghost writing. I was assaulted several times hit on the head fed gasoline etc by people.. Luckily I have 4 other copies of me created by the time machine in the present time and they are healthy and successful. The last time I saw documents on my business I had 141 trillion dollars. It invested in Franchises and other things with my ghost writing money. Imagine if I had 300,000 McDonald's that did average of 3 million dollars and I mortgaged the restaurants to gain capital at a bank for 10x revenue, that's 9 trillion dollars. Do that for 40 years and that's about 40 trillion, about a third of the 141 trillion dollars. After I had a concussion and lost contact with my business I worked at a Little Caesars as a manager and me and one other guy did like 400 dollar hours so about 40 dollars an hour ran the restaurant then so if my business had 100,000 Little Caesars like that I would be earning 36,000,000 dollars an hour from Little Caesars by itself. It's not that much of an exaggeration. If I find this business it might be worth more than I think. I am only going on memory for the 141 trillion dollar amount. It might have been 1.41 quadrillion. Or 14 trillion. I hope that I'm right and I can find a way to contact it again. I did a lot of ghost writing when I was a kid.
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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by preoccupied »

Year 2001 I slipped and hit my head several times because I was being shoved over some ice on an ice storm. The girl had slipped and hit her elbow and got angry that I didn't help her up and proceeded to shove me several times. I hit both sides of my head on the ground several times and bled out of both of my ears. All of the males in my family have hit me on the head. I was hit over the head by a hammer a couple times and with a house pipe and someone fed me gasoline year 2008. Year 2007 a large rock hit me on the head from a driveway construction accident that I'm pretty sure was deliberately thrown at me. I was punched on the forehead and he broke his wrist. I sort of head butted his punch. Sometimes head injuries make people into savants and they gain genius traits. I don't think that this happened with me. I think that I had more potential before I was hit on the head such as inventing infinite leverage and time travel before ever being hit on the head and my voice acting skills were better for my ghost writing. It's possible that all of my singing made me more intelligent, I could have started as a very talented singing and voice acting kid and grown intellectually because of the singing because music makes people more intelligent and that might explain why I invented a time machine. I am not very smart right now but I think my perpetual motion machine designs recently would work.

I didn't give random examples by saying 300,000 McDonald's and 100,000 Little Caesars. I really think that my ghost writing business invested in hundreds of thousands of various Franchises for several decades now. Specifically I think that I owned over 300,000 McDonald's because I read an article about McDonald's a long while ago and at the time I recognized my company name in the article and it owned over 90% of McDonald's franchises and there were over 300,000 McDonald's worldwide. I have since tried to find the article and only found McDonald's probably lying about its Franchise population saying it has 38,000 locations which is much less than the article that I remember reading. And because I remember seeing my company's name in the article I think that article was correct and McDonald's might be just lying right now to the internet. I don't remember my company's name right now so I can't look it up. I think that I blanketed the Franchise market and some international real estate with the excess capital so the 1.41 quadrillion dollar amount that I speculate about might be how much money my company had. As CEO I haven't collected pay in decades but I could become the highest paid CEO in the world if I pay myself trillions of dollars. I think that it's highly leveraged by banks around the world so if I collect too much pay like a quadrillion dollars that I would put my company in debt and I don't know if that's legal, it might be though, because its leveraged on assets on real estate and businesses. I wish that I didn't get hit on the head and potentially lose contact with this business. One of the reasons that I lost contact with it is because I told it not to contact me and I was mailing in cassette tape instructions on how to run the business. They don't care, they are paid on a bonus structure like restaurant managers are. It could be several years before they contact me if they ever do.

What do you guys think of Brachistocrhone ramp? Johann Bessler said the weights gained force from their own swinging, right? What if what he meant to say was the weights gained force from their own falling? Is there a way to loop the path of fastest descent on a ramp and make it go faster and faster? The path of fastest descent on a ramp would be have been knowledge available to Bessler because of Issac Newton.
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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by MrTim »

Sounds like your friends & family have been trying to do you in. Did they take large life insurance policies out on you, by any chance...? :-o
Year 2001 I slipped and hit my head several times because I was being shoved over some ice on an ice storm. The girl had slipped and hit her elbow and got angry that I didn't help her up and proceeded to shove me several times. I hit both sides of my head on the ground several times and bled out of both of my ears. All of the males in my family have hit me on the head. I was hit over the head by a hammer a couple times and with a house pipe and someone fed me gasoline year 2008. Year 2007 a large rock hit me on the head from a driveway construction accident that I'm pretty sure was deliberately thrown at me. I was punched on the forehead and he broke his wrist. I sort of head butted his punch. Sometimes head injuries make people into savants and they gain genius traits. I don't think that this happened with me. (...)
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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by preoccupied »

I don't think they had life insurance on me or were trying to kill me. They just had some temporary internal aggression. You would think this would happen more with black people in the hood. The aggression I activated was by violating their unique cliques. They become isolated in their cliques and think other people are enemies. Except with my father who was accused of abusing me when I was a kid and doesn't want me to acknowledge it. I activated the violence each time and didn't have the sense to run. Although a few times that I was hit over the head with a nail hammer were pretty petty. My brothers had poor temperament but they were molded by their clique. One was overly territorial and one was a hot head with friends that promoted being hot headed as part of their intermingling. If they were rich they would probably not be acting like they had nothing to lose, but they are on that fringe where it's like there is no consequences. The territorial one was time traveled to the past by me and was two important people in history Thomas Jefferson and Leonardo Davinci. Technical geniuses run in the family, my uncle Steve had a 200 IQ in college. If my brother cared about his education more instead of video games he would probably be similar right now to Leonardo Davinci or Thomas Jefferson, his identical time travel duplicates in the past. The girl was just bad news. She got angry because she hurt herself and attacked me like a crazed lunatic.
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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by preoccupied »

I consider my shifting weights drawing to be somewhat of a clever design but not a working model right now. I think that it can be improved by making it balanced.
pulley shifter2.png
In this picture the shifting weights are more balanced. I have to admit that I didn't thoroughly think this through. The weights in the position to drive the other weights are slightly heavier. Then it rotates 180 degrees and shifts again. The centrifugal force is stored in springs and is only released on the bottom left of the wheel. The impact on the bottom left should be equivalent to the centrifugal force plus the difference between how much the weights weigh. Instead of being out of balance and then reloading, it's balanced almost entirely the entire turn. All of the turning force would come from the impact on the bottom left.
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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by Tarsier79 »

I don't think balanced weights moving radially impacting can drive a wheel.
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Re: What Bessler’s crossbar looks like

Post by preoccupied »

Tarsier79 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:48 am I don't think balanced weights moving radially impacting can drive a wheel.
If there are four of what I drew then it would hit every 45 degrees and you would only need on impact to cause the wheel to turn 45 degrees. How much is each impact worth? It should be the difference between the weights. If the heavier weights are 1.0 and the lighter weights are 0.8 then the force would be 0.2. Centrifugal force might add to it. I think it will be basically balanced so if there is any impact at all it would cause some rotation. For every weights left and right of the axle it is the same distance with a corresponding lighter and heavier weight I think. It should rotate out of control until the speed eliminates the time needed to shift the weights or the centrifugal force pulls the spring flat. If this works it would cool the Earth's core if we use it too much.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
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