TommyK - How about an update - Jan has come & gone ?

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TommyK - How about an update - Jan has come & gone ?

Post by Fletcher »

The title says it all ! So ... have you got your provisional patent on your gravity powered wheel ? Are you now ready to disclose more about how it works (i.e. the O/U principle/mechanism to turn the generator) ? Has 'Popular Mechanics' come back to you & are they interested in running your story ?

Regards Fletcher
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re: TommyK - How about an update - Jan has come & gone ?

Post by TommyK »

Partial, but enough art is posted. Answers are there for those who seek them.
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re: TommyK - How about an update - Jan has come & gone ?

Post by Jonathan »

I think Fletcher's act of posting this thread was an act of seeking answers.
Last edited by Jonathan on Sun Feb 22, 2004 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: TommyK - How about an update - Jan has come & gone ?

Post by ovyyus »

My bet is that TommyK has in fact solved the wheel and is about to be suppressed. No, really - we'll never hear of it again!

Here's a fool-proof method of adding yourself to the illustrious list of immortal and suppressed free-energy inventors:

1. Make a believable claim of success.
2. Share no specific data.
3. Continue to share no specific data.
4. Whatever you do, don't share any specific data.
5. Finally, after an appropriate amount of time has passed - sometimes years - claim: a) Patent office suppression b) Tied up in mega-buck negotiations c) Government or transglobal "dark forces" suppression. d) Die. e) All of the above.

Bingo!, your on Jim's list :)

Information just to hand... a trusted high level source holds conclusive evidence proving that subtle global mind control methods are being directed at all conscious individual and group thought processes involved with free energy research and technology. The source, code named '42.5', confirmed that "Aural Suppression Science" has been in secret use for years, being instigated way back in 1962 after "too many close calls" in the mid 20th Century. The ASS system is functionally based on global field delivery technology discovered by Nikola Tesla over 100 years ago. With the addition of modern super computer 'souping up', the system is self correcting and autonomous. The resultant field modulation is completely safe with minimal biological side effects other than the creation of "foggy thinking" within the target demographic. When asked how effective the system is, 42.5 responded, "look around you, what do you see - it's 100% effective - the only system side effect we've found to date is a moderate global temperature increase which is expected to level out soon".
Last edited by ovyyus on Sun Feb 22, 2004 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

re: TommyK - How about an update - Jan has come & gone ?

Post by coylo »

To which idea is this thread referring too?
Has TommyK actually built something that works, or was his idea wishful thinking? Which we all fall victim to from time to time.
One thing I've learned in idea realisation is the old saying - "never count your chickens before they hatch."

Avoid the hype.
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re: TommyK - How about an update - Jan has come & gone ?

Post by TommyK »

It was wishful thinking. Anyway let's be respectful of the host bandwidth and end/lock this thread here.

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