New insight into 4:1 ratios

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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by WaltzCee »

3 men go into a hotel. The man behind the desk says a room is $30 so each man pays $10 and goes to the room.

A while later the man behind the desk realized the room was only $25 so he sent the bellboy to the 3 guys' room with $5. On the way the bellboy couldn't figure out how to split $5 evenly between 3 men, so he gave each man a $1 and kept the other $2 for himself.

This meant that the 3 men each paid $9 for the room, which is a total of $27 add the $2 that the bellboy kept = $29. Where is the other dollar?
Vladimir stole it.
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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by preoccupied »

spinner361 wrote: Sat Oct 01, 2022 8:12 am Does this look correct?

step 1: 16 fall 4 = 16 x 4 = 64
21 rise 3 = 21 x 3 = 63
64 : 63 ratio

steps 2, 3, 4 (one weight falls three times): 1 falls 1 = 1 x 1 = 1
1 rises 1 = 1 x 1 = 1
1:1 ratio

step 5: Wait... how do 4 weights fall 4 levels here? I think there are only 3 weights that can fall 4 levels, and then also 1 can fall 3 levels. What is missing? Between your steps 5 & 6 did 1 weight magically rise 1 level? Are you being sneaky?
The ratio in step 1 is the distance falling and rising. It's just 3:4. I don't know what you were doing.

3 weights fall and then you have to take another step to fall one more weight. Remember that when 1 weight falls 4 weights are lifted to the top position. One of the weights that are lifted can fall again to lift four more weights. Really the OU is so small it's not worth trying. Better is my weight swinging design. If my weight swinging design works it should work a lot like Bessler's wheel. There would be eight bangs on the side of the wheel going down. Weights are swinging. It takes from his hints like talking about 4:1 ratios. So on the left side of the drawing for the swinging weights design it's over balanced about 20 to 18. Then on the next 45 degree turn it becomes balanced and the weights need to swing into position to be unbalanced again. I think it would run perpetually. The key to making it overbalanced is that the heavy weights are positioned half way between the lighter weights and the axle.
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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by spinner361 »

WaltzCee, that is a trip. 27 - 2 = 25. The men paid 27. From the 27, the hotel got 25 and the bellboy got 2. He would have gotten away with it too if you had not posted it.
Last edited by spinner361 on Sun Oct 02, 2022 3:43 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by SHADOW »

si les hommes ont payé 30 et que le groom s'en est mis 2 dans la poche il en resulte que cela leur a couté 28, tout est dans le point de vue non pas de celui qui reçoit mais dans celui qui débourse!!!

If the men have paid 30 and the bellhop has put 2 in his pocket, the result is that it cost them 28, everything is in the perspective not of the one who receives but of the one who pays!!
Last edited by SHADOW on Sun Oct 02, 2022 4:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by SHADOW »

mais vous avez tout à fait raison car 27+ 2 pour le groom = 29 !! paradoxe.
ne pas oublier que nous sommes dans un système cyclique et non linéaire.

But you are absolutely right because 27+ 2 for the groom = 29 !! paradox.
Remember that we are in a cyclical, non-linear system.
Last edited by SHADOW on Sun Oct 02, 2022 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by WaltzCee »

Maybe we can sleuths out Vladimir's mysterious energy gains with some ASCII art.

=== 2 oooo
=== 1
=== 0
=== -1
=== -2 oooo

Once upon a time there were four blue marbles and four red marbles. The blue marbles were so lonely. They were blue. They spied the red marbles and wanted them to come up to their high level. But they reasoned if they abandoned their high spot, some time traveling marble might come by and own it.

The wisest of the blue marbles had an idea. He would hold down the fort while the other three went after the four red marbles.

The plot thickens . .. .. .
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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by WaltzCee »

=== 2 o
=== 1 oooo
=== 0
=== -1
=== -2 ooo

Four torquing at one and one torquing at two (six) balancing three torquing at two (six). All was still balanced and the three blues were no closer to the red marbles than they were to begin with.

However the wise (and evil) blue one was so close to the reds he could taste them. He realized if he jumped down four the four reds would jump up one to the coveted high level.

Yet if he jumped down one, only one red would jump up. Then he would have three reds all to himself.

=== 2 o
=== 1 oooo
=== 0
=== -1
=== -2 ooo

Then the wise blue marble yelled down to his three Bros, "suckas!!"
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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by WaltzCee »

The moral of the story is, Don't lose your marbles or you'll end up like Vladimir.
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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by preoccupied »

Does anybody want to help me build my weight swinging design that uses the 1:4 ratios of gears at the corners of a square? If someone helps me build a prototype we can make a deal and I will split some of the profits with the helper if it works. I am not very good at building. Do you guys have 3D printers? How do you create your gears?
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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by Tarsier79 »

Why would it work? Your 4:3:1 ratio doesn't show any OU.

You will get better at building if you try. You can start with paddle pop sticks, pins for pivots, some craft glue and some thick cardboard.

I recently bought gears like this for a project:

I also use bicycle gears. I get them from the refuse recycling shop, $10 per bike which supplies chain and gears.

Lego is another excellent choice for testing this type of mechanism.

You don't need gears if your lever only moves 90 degrees. You can do it with levers or make a circle and use ribbon to connect. Sorry can't find my post where I made a roberval balance using this method.
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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by preoccupied »

The loading weights thing isn't my weight swinging design. Why is so much emphasis going into my weight loading design? I said it wasn't important.
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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by WaltzCee »

SHADOW wrote: Sun Oct 02, 2022 7:44 am mais vous avez tout à fait raison car 27+ 2 pour le groom = 29 !! paradoxe.
ne pas oublier que nous sommes dans un système cyclique et non linéaire.

But you are absolutely right because 27+ 2 for the groom = 29 !! paradox.
Remember that we are in a cyclical, non-linear system.
The crux of this shell game is the magic of misdirection. Not too different than Vladimir's puzzle or a lot of folks feeling they have a working wheel.

Some good might come of it though.

renters ↓$30 ………… $3
bellhop …………………… $2 *
hotel ...→..$25 ... ↑...$5

* This is where the misdirection begins. Follow the money. If the thieving bellhop gave the $2 to the hotel it makes sense.

They paid $27 for the room and the hotel (& the bellhop*) collected that amt. The $2 should be subtracted from the $27 to arrive at the $25 they paid, not added.
Most probably figured that out.

* eta, to clarify
Last edited by WaltzCee on Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by WaltzCee »

preoccupied wrote: Wed Oct 05, 2022 11:52 pm The loading weights thing isn't my weight swinging design. Why is so much emphasis going into my weight loading design? I said it wasn't important.
You also said you were a time traveler so you must understand our skepticism about any thing you say.
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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by preoccupied »

Tarsier79 wrote: Wed Oct 05, 2022 10:25 pm Why would it work? Your 4:3:1 ratio doesn't show any OU.

You will get better at building if you try. You can start with paddle pop sticks, pins for pivots, some craft glue and some thick cardboard.

I recently bought gears like this for a project:

I also use bicycle gears. I get them from the refuse recycling shop, $10 per bike which supplies chain and gears.

Lego is another excellent choice for testing this type of mechanism.

You don't need gears if your lever only moves 90 degrees. You can do it with levers or make a circle and use ribbon to connect. Sorry can't find my post where I made a roberval balance using this method.
Those gears on ebay aren't too expensive. You look like you are perfectly capable of building my wheel if only you believed it would work. If you build my wheel and it works we could split the profit by some amount on the wheel patent revenue. I recommend having the wheel used only in cases of emergency so it's not going to be as profitable as someone who wants to use the wheel as much as possible. Why would it work? Well it's overbalanced when the weights are in position on the first 45 degree of the turn and the second 45 degree of the turn it's balanced. There are 20 weights distance on the left and 18 weight distance on the right at the start of the wheel's turn when the weights are in position. It slows down when the wheel turns faster than the weights go into position after the first 45 degree turn.

I am a typical run of the mill mad scientist time traveler with brain damage. You are so privileged to hear from me. I have a multi quadrillion dollar investment bank that I'm out of contact with. I have many time travel duplicates. I have one time travel duplicate that I have not shared about and that guy is Jesus Christ. I remember exactly when I duplicated and became Jesus too. I was with another duplicate of mine, a space traveling copy of me that did a skull surgery on himself making his skull very wide kind of like a space alien or Stewie from Family Guy. So then year 2007 he used his time machine on me and I duplicated into the past. About around year 2009 when I had gasoline poisoning brain damage from someone feeding me gasoline late year 2008 I absorbed the consciousness of my time travel duplicate Jesus and shared in some of his experiences. Jesus used something that I made year 2003 that allowed me to run faster. I had made an implant for my shoes that made me lighter. So Jesus used that to walk on water. He was so light from his mechanical implant in this shoes that he could walk on water. I really think that all of my inventions have religious significance. I might not be in the best state of mind with brain damage from being hit on the head and fed gasoline but everything comes from the friendly mad scientist that is worshiped in the bible with unrealistic super powers. I listened to some stories about the bible recently and I remembered my time travel duplicate Yahweh killing cities and having human sacrifices. While I might not be the all knowing all powerful super being that the bible claims that I am I am probably most of the stories in the bible and Jesus minus the magic just with the science behind the stories being real. Like walking on water which was done mechanically with an implant in his shoes. I know you might be thinking that maybe I was hit on the head too hard to believe this. But someday someone will discover the same thing as Jesus or I could just share it right now and that would give some validity to what I'm claiming. This shoe implant is a weapon so I'm not going to share it. However, a gravity wheel used in cases of emergency might not be as dangerous. But I don't know the solutions to gravity wheels.

I think that gravity wheels are possibly by overbalancing the wheel but I don't think that a wheel can be made that can run out of control and explode. I think that there is always going to be a stopper in the way such as physical collisions that increase to a stopping point or weights not being able to move into position in time. I think that this picture here is something that will work but will slow down after an increase in physical collision. So it will accelerate and then slow down the harder it hits the first peg. If it hits the first peg harder it will slow down until it reaches a stable maximum speed. The red lines touch only the red lines the brown lines touch only the brown lines and the blue lines touch only the blue lines otherwise they overlap.
bessler wheel 01.png
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Re: New insight into 4:1 ratios

Post by WaltzCee »

I think a few more whacks to the head and you'll be perfect.
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