WaltzCee wrote: ↑Thu Oct 06, 2022 2:29 pm
I think a few more whacks to the head and you'll be perfect.
Sometimes being hit on the head brings out genius in people but I don't think that that is what happened to me. I was already smart before being hit on the head in fact I invented a time machine before many of my head injuries. The funny thing is I might be highly resistant to brain damage. Despite blows to my head that should have given me permanent brain damage, I think that my brain damage has been very mild. When I was a kid I added super powers to Titanium and ate the Titanium in cupcakes because I mixed it with sugar. So my brain is probably leathery or stiff instead of squishy because of the electrical activity in my brain. Every material reacts to super strength differently. Titanium releases the super powers when it passes through electricity. In fact Titanium does this a little without the super strength added to it. Titanium naturally has a small amount of super strength that it releases with electricity. Anybody can electrocute themselves with Titanium and become slightly stronger, I just added a great amount of power to it using a press. When I'm electrocuted I can rip through solid steel with my bare hands or rip a metal pipe in half with my hands. Anyways I probably do have brain damage but it might not be as bad as it could have been if I didn't eat this powered up Titanium when I was a kid. I think that I have the equivalent to maybe hitting a soccer ball on my head a lot or something. Probably the biggest thing slowing me down mentally is my inactivity for a long time and my biological health. Like I had a great experience drinking coconut water and I possibly had electrolyte issues from diarrhea from ulcerative colitis that I got from being fed gasoline that remained untreated for like a decade potentially. I don't think that I have as bad of brain damage as I might think that I have but I have been hit over the head with nail hammers many times and house pipes and struck to the side of my head near the memory center of my brain repeatedly deliberately and slip and fell and bled out of both of my ears from falling on the ground more than once on the ice when a girlfriend was shoving me.
Interestingly enough the memory that sticks out the most from being crucified as Jesus in my memories is wanting to dodge being hit on the head by a soldier or something like that. I think that after Jesus was hit on the head by the soldier that part of his vision was damaged for the rest of the crucifixion like a tunnel vision. I have experience in my memory of being hit on the head a lot and one memory of being shot in the temple as Adolf Hitler from that time travel duplicate. George Washington used to shoot himself point blank to the back of the head to gain super strength. The back of my head has an implant that I created when I visited King David of Israel another time travel duplicate when I was visiting time travel duplicates when I was a preteen and that implant if hit hard enough releases super strength. So I used that when I was George Washington to be bullet proof in battle. George Washington also ate bull's shit as a stimulant because he liked the sensation of wanting to completely destroy things and the adrenaline.
I think that all of my ideas are religiously significant. I think that I remember when congress was talking about making first to File copyright law that they wanted to make religiously significant information first to invent. That make sense. I want my ideas to be first to invent because if I am religiously significant it would be offensive to steal Jesus Christ's original ideas.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
justsomeone wrote: ↑Thu Oct 06, 2022 11:32 pm
Not sure what to say after that , except may God bless you dude.
I am not religious. I was hiding that my time travel duplicate from a year 2007 time travel event was Jesus Christ. I think that he became a preacher for the money and was a carpenter for the money. He is a paper chaser like me. He probably didn't even know that he was a time traveler because year 2007 I had a bad concussion from being assaulted and might have forgotten about being a time traveler. So he adapted to the past and tried to live life without an explanation for how he got there probably. I wish that I could share the anti gravity mechanics that he used to walk on water. I'm craving the friendship it would give me and the recognition but it's just too dangerous of a weapon to share publicly. I realize that I'm bat shit crazy for believing that I'm a time traveler. I was hit on the head a lot. I know that I could be wrong. It's like my religion now to believe it.
Here is another picture of the Bessler wheel design that I drew today. I drew another one. I'm not sure what dimensions are perfect for it. It looks like there is 1+0.707=1.707 extra leverage on the right side. And the point of most resistance on the reload appears to be 2*0.707=1.414. So there is about 0.3 unit of force driving it minus friction. But it will slow down as it starts moving faster because the weights need to fall into position and as the weights are falling it puts less force on the right side. So it has a maximum speed it won't spin out of control if it's OU.
Last edited by preoccupied on Fri Oct 07, 2022 2:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
I think that the larger the wheel is and the smaller the weights levers are the more likely it is to work. Because the shorter amount of angle of a turn it takes to load the weight the less extra weight is added to the left side of the wheel by the weights on the very bottom moving left. SO this drawing is more likely to work than the previous drawing. There is probably about 0.3 driving force difference regardless of how large and small the wheel and levers are. I think the key to getting it to work is to not use up all of that driving force by having the weights move into position sooner, at an earlier angle in the turn by having smaller levers and a larger wheel.
Or maybe the key is to have smaller pegs. Well the position of the circle peg reduces the resistance of the reloading counter torque when it's larger because it's further out on the lever, so whether the peg is large or small will probably be proportional. But if the wheel is larger then there will be more angle to build up momentum before the next reload and that will build extra force. Then again to do that you would need a smaller lever on the weights and a smaller lever on the weights will cause less of an impact when the weight slams down on the rim. So what's better, the weight slamming down on the rim or the weights reloading into position sooner on the angle?
I think that the weight slamming down on the rim is less than the weights reloading into position sooner because the constant extra torque just seems a lot better of a deal. So if the length of the weights levers stays the same then the wheels power will be proportional to its diameter. I think that was one of Bessler's statements too. The wheel's power is proportional to its diameter. Could I have found one of the wheel's that Bessler made in the castles here with these drawings? Since Bessler said the wheel's power is proportional to its diameter and this wheel's power is proportional to its diameter it might be the same wheel.
Last edited by preoccupied on Fri Oct 07, 2022 4:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
The positioning of the weights is not instantaneous on this design like others like it and it has a little more force when the weights are in position. The larger the wheel is if the levers stay the same size, the longer the weights will be in position for a longer turn. The longer the turn the more force builds up to restart the mechanism. I believe that an angle over twice as long as the lever along the rim of the wheel would restart the mechanism. So this picture might work.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
Now that I think about it other designs like this would work if the wheel were large enough because their force is proportional to their diameter too. The problem with the other designs though is that they would require a ridiculously large wheel with 8 weights on it to work. The impracticality of the large mechanism is probably what people overlooked when seeing this Over Unity. I suppose if people could see into infinity concepts they would have noticed it and that is probably what Bessler did when he designed the same thing as me here. He looked at it as if it were infinite. By using two weights and getting a larger difference between both sides of the wheel a smaller more practical wheel can be created instead of an infinitely large one to do the same thing. The thing is building up momentum by having a larger wheel. I think that is the key to why it works. The weights based on their lever distance and weight size have a certain amount of torque and that can build up over a longer turn of the wheel a greater angle and it will help reposition the next weight. So if you keep only 8 weights and have a larger wheel the built up momentum would help restart the wheel. Then again now that I look at it it would probably turn with extra weight sets. I just made a GOOD design. I suppose that 8 weights is still probably a good idea because more than that might cause the wheel to spin out of control and explode. Didn't Bessler say that one of his wheels exploded?
Last edited by preoccupied on Fri Oct 07, 2022 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
I think my concept is good but my measuring ability or my math could use some work. I actually think my math ability is physically hindered right now by my brain squishing against the roof of my skull. My back is messed up right now and my ham strings are super tight and it feels like my brain is squishing against the roof of my skull. The mathematical strengths in your brain are located near the roof of the skull. So maybe when I stretch my ham strings the rest of the way and my brain is no longer squishing against the roof of my skull then I won't make anymore mistakes with Math.
The measurement that I would have gotten wrong is how far the weights are on the right compared to the weights on the left. I think that I wrote like 1.7 or something in the previous message. Well in that position on the top right it's actually two 0.707 position enhancements. So it's 1.4. And on the middle right it's a little less than that around 1. So the total torque added to the wheel is 2.4 or around that. I think that with 8 sets of weights every 45 degrees that it won't spin out of control but if your wheel is large enough you can position the top weight with enough space to fall to build up momentum to restart the process. So I think the practical wheel would be a large 8 weight set every 45 degrees. Because with 16 weight sets every 22.5 degrees it will spin out of control and explode. That's why I haven't drawn that yet. It would explode. It would have like 5 force which is over kill on the reload at the top.
I don't know how much force is required to push the weights over the pegs at the top. But I'm guessing that it's two steps to calculate it. There is the force pushing on the peg and the force required to lift it up over the peg. At the maximum resistance when the weights are vertically aligned, I guess that 2*0.707=1.4 is the force pushing on the peg and another 1.4 is the force required to lift it over the peg. So it might require 2.8 torque to flip the levers over the peg. There is only 2.4 force without the extra momentum from the wheel turning, but you only require 0.4 force then from the momentum from the wheel turning so if the wheel is large enough it will build up that momentum. Because you should use this momentum to restart the process because the wheel would have a maximum speed. If you have 16 sets of weights every 22.5 degrees there will be too much torque and the wheel will spin out of control and explode.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
I realize that I made a mistake. The larger wheel will have a larger lever to push against when the peg is reloading the weight. So a more proportional wheel is more likely to work like this picture.
The two wheels are in a drum together so that they can overlap some. It appears that about 2.1 force is resisting at maximum when the weights are aligned vertically and there is a driving force of about 2.4 when the top right weight falls into position. Because the weight needs to fall into position this will be slower while the wheel is moving so it won't spin out of control and explode. I got the 2.1 from the length of the lever of the wheel to the pivot at the top which is 1 times the two weights suspended half way on a lever on the wheel plus 2 *0.707 for how hard it will be to lift up the weights up the ramp. That's (2*0.707) or 1.4+ 1*0.707=.7 =2.1. That should be the point of most resistance and the only obstacle to overcome to create Over Unity. There is a little extra resistance on the left but I don't think it's anymore than 0.15-0.2. I'm doing guess and check mechanics calculations because I am an idiot. I'm an idiot who was fed gasoline year 2008 and began to believe he was Jesus Christ year 2009 from a time travel duplicate made year 2007. You know typical crazy bullshit. If I found a working over balanced wheel that would be pretty crazy too. Are you rooting for me? Hip hip hurray! Hip hip Hurray! Someone check my wheel and correct me because I think I've got it!
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
I guess I assumed my second peg was positioned correctly but apparently the lever stabs into it. It needs to be positioned further down where the lever will be after it goes up the first peg some.
There is about a little over 1 resistance and 1.4 drive when the pink levers are loading on the second peg.
I am in the pursuit of perpetual motion. A noble pursuit in a world in need of alternative energy solutions. Although I think gravity should be used sparingly and only in cases of emergency I think this working wheel design would be a great deal for people. I mean I thought that I got the concept correct but I keep hitting road blocks in the design because admittedly I don't understand these kinds of overbalanced wheels yet and I'm still learning. Before some of my really bad concussions like year 2007 and 2005 and 2008 year 2003 I scored 169 on an online IQ test. I didn't get much of the educational questions right but I think that I did good on the puzzles especially the one that asked to look for patterns in dots and that didn't explain what it was about. Although if I were to take an IQ test right now I probably wouldn't do very good. I know that I have it in me though. Deep within this battered brain is potential. I think that I might be the one to find Bessler's wheel.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
I redrew my picture with the peg up to the top which I think is more appropriate and I noticed the the green lever goes vertical then and I was able to put a spring loaded second peg in place to catch the lever after it goes vertical.
So in this picture the wheel is continuously over balanced. The pegs take turns adding resistance to the wheel. But because they take turns it's like I can flip the weights 180 degrees with half of the force required to do it at a time. The spring loaded peg could be played with to find the optimal spring tension and position. The key to the design working is the use of two weights at 90 degrees from each other. I suppose that there could be slight variations using two weights at similar angles to 90 degrees. So the real key might be flipping two weights 180 degrees with two pegs that split up the force between the two pegs one at at a time.
I'm surprised nobody tried to contribute to my wheel design here. I think it was a good design it just needed some tweaking. I have no collaborators here. For gravity wheel enthusiasts you aren't participating in my designs much. I guess I had to figure it out for myself. That's what I did.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
I'm surprised nobody tried to contribute to my wheel design here. I think it was a good design it just needed some tweaking. I have no collaborators here. For gravity wheel enthusiasts you aren't participating in my designs much. I guess I had to figure it out for myself. That's what I did.
Kaine gave am excellent suggestion of attempting a build using basic materials. I'd add 2 more ideas.
*Use basic materials to test if things actually behave as you imagine & *Distill the idea to some principle that addresses an objection physicists have 'proving' perpetual motion impossible
Do you think that the weights apply pressure on the suspended weights at the pivot point or where the weights are positioned on the levers? I think that both weights apply force at the pivot point. So at the top when the weight is reloading on the second peg the little bit of space it moves to the right is applying to the pivot point so both weights the weight fat to the left on the other side of the axle and the weight far to the right both apply to the pivot point. Do both weights apply to the pivot point with the full force of their weight or is it reduced mechanically like an anti gravity effect? I believe that that is a characteristic that I'm trying to exploit with my crowbar dolly. Is the force on the left side from the suspended weights going up 0.707+0.707=1.414 on the pivot point?
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
Weights "apply their load" where they are. Sometimes they don't, but only under certain conditions, ie swinging under their own CF or hanging from a string.
I disagree. I think that the weights apply pressure at the pivot point. I think it's the angle of the balance in some equation that represents both angle and the balance. I don't know the equation. It would probably win my a Nobel prize because of the crowbar dolly that would utilize the equation. If it's perfectly balanced it would be easier to calculate. It should just be the angle on the pivot point. When I counted the distance from the axle of the weights it was the same as calculating the angle of the pivot point while it's balanced. Obviously when it's unbalanced you calculate the forces separately but maybe there is an equation that can exist that would calculate the angle at the pivot point based on how balanced it is that way you don't have to calculate other forces.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
I kept trying to improve my design but maybe the original drawing that I ever posted works. Here is a very similar drawing with measurements that is like my original drawing.
You see in this position it's balanced but it should be unbalanced in other positions and overlap this balanced position.
I think Tarsier79 was right about weights in their position applying force on the wheel. I can't seem to find a formula for the pivot point but then again I'm not very good at math right now. Not like my time travel duplicate Sir Isaac Newton. He was good at math.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain