A rediscovery of a rediscovery

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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by mryy »

StephenG345 wrote: Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:49 am I am well aware that I have to share this knowledge with others and I have I'm not seeking recognition by anyone to what I already know to be true I am looking for a method that will ensure dissemination of this information it is not my intent to invoke controversy over whether I have or have not achieved understanding. To assume that it should only be one way would be not only illogical but also naive to the facts and circumstances of human nature. since I do not possess the resources at this time to do it on my own to best Ensure it's success I am looking for alternatives it is reasonable that anyone else here who had the design for whatever reason would not post it as easily as you say and Trust that it would be done correctly for example we only have to look at the life of Johann Bessler to understand that individuals have their own agendas and would carry them out without hesitation regardless of the circumstances of others I would think all of you already understand this in studying Johan Bessler's testimony. To entrust someone with this knowledge without knowing anything about them would not only be naive but would all be irresponsible it's far too important then just to gamble with the outcome and risk it being lost by means of delegitimizing and cover up it has to be done on a large scale true enough with overwhelming
StephenG345, my fellow mobilist,

We live in the age of the Internet much different from the time of Bessler. You claim you have the solution and you don't seek recognition. Just post it here or anywhere and the information will be accesible to all, to every corner of the world. Imagine a villager in the misty highlands of Vietnam to the current President Napolean in Paris perusing the exact same information.

The Internet is the Great Equalizer.

You can upload the information anonymously if you prefer (e.g., use a VPN). You may have your concerns (for whatever reason). Those who come into possession of your information can do as they wish. There are 8 billion humans on this lovely planet. Imagine that number enjoying the fruits of your labor. And remember:

The Internet is Forever.

Your contribution will be everlasting!
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by Tarsier79 »


I don't think Stephen is making his true intentions clear, perhaps unintentionally.

A few precise sentences might have been better than large paragraphs.

I think he is looking for someone to collaborate with, but wants to vet them first.

I think it would be difficult to find someone that doesn't want recognition for their work.

I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting a fair reward for something that deserves it.


Good luck, I hope you find what you are after.

Over and out.
Last edited by Tarsier79 on Thu Dec 01, 2022 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by agor95 »

StephenG345 wrote: Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:49 am ... I'm not seeking recognition by anyone ...
Well I work on the rule there are around 10 active members here and viewers pop into the forum around the December break. They have a read for anything new from the previous year.

Therefore distributing to a reading audience is the plan then this month is the best one for that.

Just remember the three section rule. 1 third text, 1 third images and 1 third white space.

I think you were wanting to use the word 'verification' because you get recognition with every post as you are the only person that can use your moniker 'StephenG345'.

As you say you do not need to have your solution verified.

When you distribute to the largest readers possible a small number will go off and verify.
It's human nature and it's a good thing because you will get some support.

After all this is a support Forum. It is refreshing you posted on the topic of this site's reason for existing.

P.S. What resources do you want from this Forum?

Last edited by agor95 on Thu Dec 01, 2022 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by justsomeone »

Quote from Steven:

Seriously that's laughable you want to know where I live you sure you wouldn't want to Prime me with some liquor first! I do appreciate the humor you should be doing stand up comedy don't give up easily someday you'll get the timing right I hope!

My oh my, you sure read me wrong. I could care less to see your design and even if you have a working wheel in simulation, I wouldn't trade it for what I am currently working on!

I asked where you live, not address. Do you live in New York, France, Down under..... I thought if there was someone near you, maybe they could help.

By the way, there is another guy out there with a working design in simulation. You could buy his several hundred page book to see how his works.
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Influencing Skills

Post by agor95 »

StephenG345 wrote: Thu Dec 01, 2022 5:30 am Finally after all that I've said here at this time I'm looking for more connections to solve the inevitable problem that exists as I see it right now the only course is to collaborate with like-minded individuals who understand that the disclosure of this design must be complete to the largest audience possible.
I thank you in advance for constructive suggestions and hopefully one day making it clear exactly what Johann Bessler discovered.
When you analyse the text you get some objectives

1. Make connections and collaborate with like-minded individuals.
2. Complete the disclosure to the largest audience possible.
3. Gain constructive suggestions.

Well it is fair to say this site has like-minded individuals.
Completing the disclosure is an interesting one too achieve and also covers the gain constructive suggestions.

Disclosing is a process of influencing the minds of others and originally yourself.
When disclosing one needs to influence others to understand and propagate the disclosure.

One can release information without thinking about the readers motivation to take out time to read, learn and understand the release. That is before them taking the time to be influenced and pass on the message.

So think about your post so far. Imagine how you are influencing the minds of the readers.
In this case Forum users.

These are the skills you will need to prevent your disclosure being forgotten.
https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/ca ... ing-skills

Last edited by agor95 on Fri Dec 02, 2022 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by WaltzCee »

Hello Stephen,

What does the G345 signify?
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by preoccupied »

Hi Stephen

I hope that you become comfortable sharing your design here or through a publication that I can see. I'm interested. If you want to share your idea with someone important you could consider writing to Congress or the President. If you aren't confident in your design enough to do that then perhaps this place is a good start. I am not to be trusted enough to provide physics accuracy like an engineer. I believe if you have discovered a perpetual motion machine that you should do a very completed product in an attempt to get financial compensation for your invention before you disclose how it works. If you post publicly I recommend that you be prepared to make a prototype within a year and patent it also. I recently learned that rapid prototyping exists and special 3D Printers that help with that.
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by StephenG345 »

@ preoccupied

It's not about securing rights in a patent and it's certainly not about monetary gain nor is it about any one country having power over a design.

By the way this design is far older than any country to talk to a congressman or the president for that matter would only serve to discredit and shelve it. I hope you realize that their obligation is to maintain stability within the market maybe stability is the wrong word it would be more correct to say they're obligation is to maintain the status quo.

I appreciate your enthusiasm however Common Sense dictates your suggestions would lead to a conclusion not favorable to the intent of the original design.

Having said all this there's nothing I would like more than to live in that naive world would you perceive. However reality has slapped me in the face far too many times and I have learned my lessons well.

It's not about me nor is it about you it's about who comes after what they're going to have to deal with. We have only one job to improve the quality of life.

Life continues it is perpetual we are all connected it is not just philosophical it is physical. This cycle of life that I am is coming to it's conclusion a cycle that goes on after this is important not just for me it is connected to everyone it is the mother the Father the sister the brother the friend the acquaintance it is everyone we ever thought of perceived understood and even were confused about.

I'm not just physical I have a soul.

Consciousness does not only exist in an electrical circuit within the physical body this is an assumption based on a narrow limited understanding of what is reality. you probably are aware that there is something more if not you wouldn't believe that perpetual motion exists.

We are all connected everything and everyone!
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by preoccupied »

StephenG345 wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 2:27 am ...

By the way this design is far older than any country to talk to a congressman or the president for that matter would only serve to discredit and shelve it. I hope you realize that their obligation is to maintain stability within the market maybe stability is the wrong word it would be more correct to say they're obligation is to maintain the status quo.

I have full faith in Congress. It's not like you are sending your invention designs to enemies of some kind when writing to Congress. You are wrong to not trust Congress. We disagree on that.

Someone shared about this company with me and it's the reason that I had recently become aware of rapid prototyping. This company is an example of how laser 3d printing is becoming more advanced and might eventually play a larger role in manufacturing as it improves.

There is probably some way to turn your designs into something that can be printed cheaply. You can print complex pieces for your prototype using 3d printing rapid prototype companies somewhere without ever having to buy a printer. I don't know the CAD necessary to do it but when I figure it out I might go that route myself for a design of mine.
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by StephenG345 »

@ preoccupied

I have every faith that Congress would most definitely fulfill it's mandate based on the Constitution.
A matter of fact every branch of government would do the same it is probably the only issue they would all agree on.

I'll leave that up to you whether or not the outcome would be favorable to allowing such a thing to exist there's a reason for all those regulations for the patent office on this topic it's not beneficial to the so-called inventor.

I really truthfully would love to live in your world but as I say I've been slapped in the face by reality too many times.

Thank you for your comments have a nice day!
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by StephenG345 »

@ preoccupied

By the way I am very aware of the advancements 3D Fabrications it is not necessary to utilize this technology I suppose it could be helpful in a small way but not necessary.

Thanks again
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Post by agor95 »

StephenG345 wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:00 am ... as I say I've been slapped in the face by reality too many times.
Good to see you are sticking around.

Thank you for changing the typing style. Although I kind of admire the connection technique.
Resulting in 'Hunt the "Full Stop" '. Translation software really loses it on such pieces of text.

So keeping the sentence structure simple. It helps in passing the message on to the 'largest audience possible'.

So when you disclose your endeavours to some one. What would you want them to do; so you are not 'slapped in the face'?

How long have you been studying 'The Quest' before last year simulation build?

All the Best.
Last edited by agor95 on Sat Dec 03, 2022 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by rounder »

Last edited by rounder on Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by agor95 »

rounder wrote: Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:36 pm I SIT HERE WITH IT SINCE 2017 IM REAL AND IM READ, LETS DO THIS
Hello Rounder

It has been a while did you find a simulator program during the last 4 year?

Is your keyboard got a stuck caps lock?

P.S. I am online and looking through my simulator projects to see if any could be 'present dropped' onto the forum.

Note. I am sorry about this, but a working piles treatment fits your capitalized statement quite well ;)

Last edited by agor95 on Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:59 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by rounder »

I havent used wm2 since it went dead a few years ago, the poraguse version still has some pull. ANYWAYS YEA IM HERE FOR INVESTORS TO MAKE INDUSTRAL SHOWS _+ = industrial, commercia,l residential, means out of it all. non exclusiveive pattens i need some bigger hands here i know some of you have them. IM READY
Last edited by rounder on Sat Dec 10, 2022 2:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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