A rediscovery of a rediscovery

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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by justsomeone »

Could you be a little more specific rounder?
Do you have a working simulation or an actual physical build?
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by rounder »

Lets do this with non-exclusice pattens rights since it will be picked off so fast Interantionaly as to every country. As it will only be taken otherwise.. im here and ready..for a good set of internatinal patten rights and measure of many means. Lets do this ....
Last edited by rounder on Sat Dec 10, 2022 2:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by justsomeone »

Could you be a little more specific rounder?
Do you have a working simulation or an actual physical build
. I can assure the reader that there is something special behind the stork's bills.
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by neuberlintourist1 »

probably he has neither of them...
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by agor95 »

rounder wrote: Sat Dec 10, 2022 2:05 pm IM HERE FOR INVESTORS ...
How much money do you want from an investor?
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by andyblues »

Hi Stephen 345 merry Christmas, looking forward to your sharing the solution like your self i have no faith in our institutions to release this solution to our brothers and sisters the reality is the fuel prices are through the roof not due to lack of supply of fuel but because we are living in a broken system that needs to recover its debts through fuel duty ect everything in our economy is linked to the price of fuel our pensions everything ,they can not do this ,i have spoken to leading members of our political systems and have been threatened and abused im not really that bothered, but the concern is that the system will never allow this to happen you may be concerned that your solution will create a global collapse of our economy, it' s already collapsed its our kids future that matters and i know you understand that , back in 97 stanley meyer made a hydrogen car he was killed for his work another gentlemen made a constant magnetic motor he's dead many teachers discussing gravity control systems using varying alloy sheets to create lift died just for spreading the word, we live in a world full of fear, if its not fear of the being threatened by our institutions then its our peers turning on us,i beg you to share your work with the world it really needs it, we really need it, i like many on this site will be happy to work with you to bring it into public arena and maybe this will change the nature of politics as well, it will certainly create the opportunity for a new way forward and don't forget you may be forcing these institutions to release all there far superior tech which according to stanley meyer would be released by the year 2022 2025 he found that out just before he was killed , if you do not release it then world 3 may happen and it will be too late ? not that i am placing any pressure on you just stating the facts as i see them, twisted and worrying .keep up the good work dude looking forward to hearing more and getting somewhere positive ,love to all Andy
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by agor95 »

andyblues wrote: Sat Dec 10, 2022 3:14 pm constant magnetic motor ...
Have you a link too this device?
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by Senax »

StephenG345 wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:11 am @ preoccupied

By the way I am very aware of the advancements 3D Fabrications it is not necessary to utilize this technology I suppose it could be helpful in a small way but not necessary.

Thanks again
This is a public forum so if he published here he could prove he was the originator of the idea and he would get the credit.

If he wants to speed things up he should write an article for an magazine such as Infinite Energy. As members may or may not know I published an article on the Aether and Cold Fusion in that magazine some time before Mallove the editor was murdered.

I would be happy to co-author an article of his with him as principal author and me as junior author.

In spite of his lack of paragraphs he sounds fairly sane to me so if his idea has any merit I'm optimistic that I would find it ok for publication with my name as co-author.

I've sent him an email earlier today which I copied to my own email address. However, the copy did not arrive so I sent him a PM giving him my name (Frank Grimer) and full address in the UK.

Long time forum members are probably aware that "senax" is caesar code for "frank".
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by Tarsier79 »

He stated he did not want money or credit for the design. So what did he want? It must have been something. If he truly wanted to share, he would have done so without the song and dance. Others have freely shared their designs.

I understand not wanting to share a design. Although I do not have a working design, if I did, I would not share it with the general public until I had developed it to a point where it could at least do something useful. In truth, I would not even let people know I had it. I might share some information with a few trusted individuals.

He did say he wanted to work with some people after getting to know them. Perhaps some members have already contacted him, or perhaps he has sought help elsewhere. There are a lot of people that believe they hold the answer, but they do not. There is every possibility he falls into that category.
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by Senax »

Tarsier79 wrote: Sun Dec 11, 2022 2:01 am ...
There are a lot of people that believe they hold the answer, but they do not. There is every possibility he falls into that category.
He almost certainly does fall into that category.
But one doesn't want to reject the author of the Harry Potter book, does one. :-)

I believe in anyone who claims to have the answer until it becomes manifestly obvious that they haven't.
Last edited by Senax on Sun Dec 11, 2022 3:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by andyblues »

hi no not a direct link but utube has a video called surge.com very interesting to me it all makes sense but many wheel members dont believe its possible, i say its obvious ,there is another member who posted a piece about these motors it was concerning the orion project , my spelling is crap ,this group pulled in a us scientist who worked for the government, he got some time to help , then was pulled off, then the whole project was but in to court apparently taking 30 years to get to the truth these are the times we live or survive i should say ,sorry i dont have the info more easilly available but i recon some one will come forward and help if you wish to read more ,have fun stay positive and jolley ANDY
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by andyblues »

Senax well said stay open stay positive we have nothing to loss by supporting deluded members they will sink into the ground when they realise they have made a error, trust me i know plenty about delusion and failure its painful enough with out others giving you a hard time, stay polite stay supportive and share as much as you dare you never know he may have it ,i certainly hope so .merry Christmas mobile seekers and all your family members Andy
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by agor95 »

Hello Frank
Senax wrote: Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:41 am I've sent him an email earlier today which I copied to my own email address. However, the copy did not arrive so I sent him a PM giving him my name (Frank Grimer) and full address in the UK.

Long time forum members are probably aware that "senax" is caesar code for "frank".
I remember you making contact with the inventor of the 'Dominant Flywheel'.

Would you like to give us an update of your progress with developing a working duplicate?

Note. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_Mallove

Last edited by agor95 on Sun Dec 11, 2022 11:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by Senax »

agor95 wrote: Sun Dec 11, 2022 11:28 am Hello Frank
Senax wrote: Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:41 am I've sent him an email earlier today which I copied to my own email address. However, the copy did not arrive so I sent him a PM giving him my name (Frank Grimer) and full address in the UK.

Long time forum members are probably aware that "senax" is caesar code for "frank".
I remember you making contact with the inventor of the 'Dominant Flywheel'.

Would you like to give us an update of your progress with developing a working duplicate?

Note. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_Mallove

I was never able to make contact.
AVE MARIA, gratia plena, Dominus tecum.
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Re: A rediscovery of a rediscovery

Post by neuberlintourist1 »

Well, if someone really should have something working and looking for Investment, Theres probably nothing better than Dr. Steven Greers new Crowdfunding Film About new Technologies,
watch this and see for yourself:
BREAKING NEWS: Dr. Greer Announces Discovery of 4 New Energy Technologies That Could Save The Earth!

He is searching for Inventors, willing to come forward, getting the new energy Systems out in the World and making the inventor/s World famous as side effect to the money that would be earned, and history has shown that if it isnt done the right way, inventions vanish,like their inventors..

its just sad bessler didnt make it open source and let other people know it, i mean think about if yourself would have been bessler, didnt you would tell anyone the secret?
i think maybe he wouldnt have told his wive/s but family-mother and father-These are the people you would trust and tell didnt you?
whats your thoughts?
i think i would make sure my invention didnt die with me, maybe he really was that greedy and didnt tell anyone beeides karl but i still believe he may did so-just by side by side comparison with besslers wheel and the Gentleman Magazine Wheel from 1751-either the Autor of the Gentleman Magazin would have seen Besslers Wheels, Maybe it was Johann itself, just look at Axle, The Letters and the Time Frame -3 years after his passing, you can not deny that these are not looking like they coming from the same Autor.
Last edited by neuberlintourist1 on Sun Dec 11, 2022 2:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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