A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

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A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by neuberlintourist1 »

Is this A.I confirming the possibility of Bessler Type Wheels?
i believe so-try for yourself, which answer do you get?

The Website: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/
and the ChatGPT Bot: https://chat.openai.com/chat


---I SAID:



Hello! How can I help you today?

---I SAID:

please show a wheel that is self moving


It is possible to create a wheel that is self-moving, but the specific design and implementation would depend on the desired characteristics and applications of the wheel. Some examples of self-moving wheels include:

Perpetual motion wheels: These are theoretical devices that are designed to move indefinitely without an external energy source. Perpetual motion wheels are not possible according to the laws of thermodynamics, so any wheel claiming to be perpetual motion is likely to be a scam or a hoax.

Self-propelled wheels: These are wheels that are able to move on their own using an internal energy source, such as a battery or fuel. Examples include electric scooters, Segways, and some types of robotic vehicles.

Self-balancing wheels: These are wheels that are able to maintain their balance and stability while moving, often using sensors and algorithms to adjust their orientation and speed. Examples include the Segway and some types of self-balancing scooters.

It is also possible to design wheels that are self-moving in the sense that they are able to rotate without an external force, using mechanisms such as gears, levers, or springs. However, these types of wheels would not be able to move from one place to another on their own.


IS THIS CONFIRMATION BY A.I. - that Bessler-type Wheels are a scientific Possibility?

I find this Sentence Important: ,,It is also possible to design wheels that are self-moving in the sense that they are able to rotate without an external force, using mechanisms such as gears, levers, or springs. However, these types of wheels would not be able to move from one place to another on their own.´´

So does it say: It is also possible to design wheels that are self-moving in the sense that they are able to rotate without an external force,(BY) using mechanisms such as gears, levers, or springs.(TO MAINTAIN ROTATION)


any thoughts?
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Last edited by neuberlintourist1 on Fri Dec 16, 2022 5:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by neuberlintourist1 »



so the wheel maintain its motion through internal forces is that possible?

---ChatGPT-AI Bot Reply:

Yes, it is possible for a wheel to maintain its motion using internal forces, such as an internal energy source like a battery or fuel, or through the use of mechanisms like gears, levers, or springs.

For example, an electric scooter or Segway uses an electric motor and a battery as an internal energy source to propel the vehicle forward. Similarly, a self-propelled lawn mower uses a small gasoline engine as an internal energy source to move the wheels and cut the grass.

On the other hand, a wheel that uses gears, levers, or springs as internal forces to maintain its motion would not be able to move from one place to another on its own, but it could continue to rotate indefinitely as long as the internal mechanism is functioning properly.

It is important to note that a wheel that is self-moving in this sense would still be subject to the laws of thermodynamics and would eventually come to a stop due to friction and other forms of energy loss.

---- WOW thats impressive to me- do you have some questions i can pass on to this Bot? Please Reply!
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Re: A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by Tarsier79 »

I asked it to calculate how much potential energy was required to fake Besslers 12 foot wheel 90 day test. It refused to give an answer, but with some coaxing, it gave a figure of 45 million joules. It now refuses to answer me if that amount of potential energy could fit inside his wheel. I coaxed this answer out:
It is not possible to accurately calculate the amount of weight that would be required to generate 4.5 million joules of energy using a clockwork mechanism, as this would depend on the efficiency of the mechanism and the height from which the weight is released.

In general, the amount of energy that can be generated by a falling weight can be calculated using the equation E = mgh, where m is the mass of the weight in kilograms, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and h is the height in meters from which the weight is released. Using this equation, it can be calculated that a weight of approximately 462 kilograms (1014 pounds) would be required to generate 4.5 million joules of energy if it were released from a height of 1 meter. However, this is a very rough estimate and does not take into account the efficiency of the clockwork mechanism or any other factors that might affect the amount of energy that can be generated.

It is likely that a weight of this size would not fit inside a 12 foot 18 inch thick wheel, as it would be much larger than the wheel itself. Even if it could fit inside the wheel, it is not practical or safe to use such a large weight as a source of energy, as the forces involved would be extremely high and could cause serious damage to the structure of the wheel and any surrounding objects. There are more efficient and effective ways to generate and use energy.
So, by the looks of it, the error was because it is basically not possible for Bessler to have hoaxed the 90 day test of his wheel using potential energy if the mechanism was 85% efficient.
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Re: A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by Tarsier79 »

It also is having trouble calculating the energy required for the flight of a bumble bee.
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Re: A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by Tarsier79 »

It also is having trouble calculating the energy required for the flight of a bumble bee. I don't think it can do it.
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Re: A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by neuberlintourist1 »

you can correct it and ask it again or replie with something like the math is wrong the correct is xy and it will do it most times, watched this video about it when i first saw it, and there the guy asked for a website code, got one from the bot but it was wrong, then he replied to the bot it got the code wrong and the bot replied with a repared error free code, there are many things to try out, im sure
the video with shows the chatbot correct itself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkhdP9ZYi3s

I recently got this far in my conversation:


can you build a wheel permanent unbalanced?

---ChatGPT-AI Bot Reply:

Yes, it is possible to build a wheel that is permanently unbalanced. This can be done by adding weight to one side of the wheel in a way that cannot be easily removed or redistributed.

However, it is generally not advisable to do this, as an unbalanced wheel can cause problems such as increased wear and tear on the bearings and suspension components, as well as reduced stability and handling performance. In some cases, an unbalanced wheel can also create a dangerous driving situation, especially at high speeds.

It is generally best to keep wheels balanced in order to ensure smooth and safe operation of a vehicle. If a wheel becomes unbalanced, it is usually necessary to add or remove weight from the wheel in order to balance it properly. This can be done using a variety of methods, such as adding wheel weights or balancing beads to the rim of the wheel.


i mean with internal moving mechanism to perpetual turn the wheel

---ChatGPT-AI Bot Reply:

It is possible to design a wheel with an internal moving mechanism that causes the wheel to rotate continuously without the need for an external force to be applied to it. This type of mechanism could potentially be used to create a "perpetual motion" device, which is a hypothetical machine that can operate indefinitely without any external input of energy.

However, it is important to note that perpetual motion machines are considered to be impossible according to the laws of thermodynamics, which state that energy is always conserved and cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore, it is not possible to build a machine that can operate indefinitely without any external input of energy.

Any device that appears to be a perpetual motion machine is likely to be operating on the basis of some hidden energy source, or to be experiencing some other form of external input of energy that is not immediately obvious. For example, a device that appears to be a perpetual motion machine might be powered by a hidden battery or by heat from the surrounding environment.
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Last edited by neuberlintourist1 on Fri Dec 16, 2022 8:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by neuberlintourist1 »

regqarding the buble bee question:


calculating the energy required for the flight of a bumble bee

---ChatGPT-AI Bot Reply:

Calculating the energy required for the flight of a bumblebee can be a complex task, as it involves taking into account a number of factors such as the size and weight of the bee, the length and duration of the flight, and the environmental conditions in which the flight takes place.

To begin with, it is important to note that the energy required for flight is typically measured in terms of watts (W), which is a unit of power. The power required for flight is determined by the rate at which energy is used, which is a function of the mass of the object being moved (in this case, the bumblebee) and the speed at which it is moving.

To calculate the energy required for a bumblebee's flight, you will need to know the following information:

The mass of the bumblebee: This is typically measured in grams (g).

The distance traveled by the bumblebee: This is typically measured in meters (m).

The duration of the flight: This is typically measured in seconds (s).

The speed at which the bumblebee is moving: This is typically measured in meters per second (m/s).

Once you have this information, you can use the following formula to calculate the energy required for the bumblebee's flight:

Energy (in watts) = (Mass of bumblebee * Speed^2) / (2 * Distance * Duration)

For example, if a bumblebee weighs 0.1 grams, flies a distance of 10 meters in 5 seconds at a speed of 2 meters per second, the energy required for its flight would be calculated as follows:

Energy (in watts) = (0.1 g * 2 m/s^2) / (2 * 10 m * 5 s)

Energy (in watts) = 0.01 watts

It is worth noting that this is a very rough estimate of the energy required for a bumblebee's flight, as it does not take into account other factors such as air resistance, the efficiency of the bumblebee's wings, and the specific type of flight being performed (e.g. hovering, climbing, descending). To get a more accurate estimate, it would be necessary to consider these additional factors and use more complex mathematical models.
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Re: A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by Leafy »

I think the machine said you can build an internal mechanism like a robot hamster inside the wheel. It also said however the hamster required battery.

I think AI is based on current accepted science. Ask about inertia propulsion. It maybe easier.
I would trade everything to see her again, even a perpetual motion machine…
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Re: A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by neuberlintourist1 »

can a wheel with internal mechanism which works on gravity perpetual rotate?

It is not possible for a wheel with an internal mechanism that works solely on gravity to rotate indefinitely, or "perpetually," as you put it. This is because any mechanical device that relies on gravity to function will eventually come to a stop due to the effects of friction and other sources of energy loss.

In order for a mechanical device to rotate indefinitely, it would need to be able to convert some other form of energy (such as electrical, chemical, or thermal energy) into mechanical energy to continuously power its motion. For example, a motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, which it can then use to drive the rotation of a wheel or other mechanical device. However, a wheel with an internal mechanism that relies solely on gravity would not have any external source of energy to draw upon and would eventually come to a stop.

It is worth noting that there have been various claims made throughout history of devices that are alleged to be able to operate indefinitely or "perpetually," but these claims have generally been proven to be unfounded or based on flawed or incomplete scientific principles. It is important to approach claims of perpetual motion with skepticism and to carefully evaluate the scientific basis for such claims before accepting them as true.
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Re: A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by neuberlintourist1 »

looks like the answer has changed, maybe i got the 1 single lucky right answer, before the bot corrected itself, now it says it is not possible to build it, with my first conversation it says it is possible to construct a wheel with internal machanism that perpetual rotate, see for yourself:
asked 2nd time
asked 2nd time
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asked 2nd time
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Re: A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by neuberlintourist1 »

if the energy would come from the Inside of the Wheel which works on gravity

It is theoretically possible to use the gravitational potential energy of an object to generate electricity. This could be done by using a device called a gravitoelectric generator, which converts the kinetic energy of a falling object into electrical energy. The falling object would be attached to a flywheel or other mechanical device, which would in turn drive an electric generator to produce electricity.

However, it is important to note that the amount of energy that can be generated using this method is relatively small, due to the low efficiency of such a system. Additionally, there are a number of technical challenges associated with building a practical gravitoelectric generator, including the need to find a suitable location with a sufficiently steep incline, and the need to design a system that can withstand the mechanical stresses of repeated cycles of acceleration and deceleration.
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Re: A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by neuberlintourist1 »


what is the bessler wheel

The Bessler wheel, also known as the "perpetual motion wheel" or the "overbalance wheel," is a hypothetical device that is claimed to be able to generate mechanical energy indefinitely without the need for external input. It is named after Johann Bessler, a German inventor who claimed to have built such a device in the 18th century.

The basic idea behind the Bessler wheel is that it would use the weight of a heavy object, such as a ball or a cylinder, to generate rotational energy. The object would be suspended from a pivot point, and as it swung back and forth, it would cause the wheel to rotate. The rotational energy of the wheel could then be used to do work, such as driving a mechanical device or generating electricity.

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that the Bessler wheel is a viable source of energy, and most scientists consider it to be a perpetual motion machine, which is a physical impossibility according to the laws of thermodynamics.
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Re: A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by Leafy »

neuberlintourist1 wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 9:10 pm
The object would be suspended from a pivot point, and as it swung back and forth, it would cause the wheel to rotates.

Huh? How does it knows what’s inside the wheel? What swung back and forth?
I would trade everything to see her again, even a perpetual motion machine…
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Re: A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by neuberlintourist1 »

thats the answers i were given, its amazing, how its figuring it out isnt it?

my latest:

---How does the Reidar Finsrud's perpetual motion machine works?

---It is important to note that perpetual motion machines, which are devices that are claimed to be able to operate indefinitely without any external input of energy, are not possible according to the laws of thermodynamics. Perpetual motion machines violate the first and second laws of thermodynamics, which state that energy cannot be created or destroyed, and that the total entropy (a measure of the amount of thermal energy unavailable to do work) of a closed system must always increase over time.

With that being said, I am not familiar with the specific design or operating principles of the Reidar Finsrud perpetual motion machine. Without more information about this device, it is not possible for me to accurately assess how it might work or whether it would be able to generate energy indefinitely.

---can a wheel eith inside machanism that contains levers and weights been build to make a wheel rotate without the need for external energy?

---It is theoretically possible to build a device that uses levers and weights to generate rotational energy, and that device could potentially be used to rotate a wheel. However, it is important to note that such a device would not be able to operate indefinitely without any external input of energy.

According to the laws of thermodynamics, it is not possible to build a machine that can generate energy indefinitely without any external input. This means that any device that uses levers and weights to generate rotational energy would eventually run out of energy and stop working, unless it was somehow supplied with additional energy from an external source.

In order to generate rotational energy using levers and weights, the weights would need to be lifted and then allowed to fall, using the mechanical advantage of the lever to multiply the force applied to the weight. The falling weights would then transfer their kinetic energy to the lever, which would in turn be used to rotate the wheel. However, this process would inevitably result in the loss of some energy due to various sources of inefficiency, such as friction and air resistance. As a result, the device would eventually come to a stop unless it was supplied with additional energy from an external source.
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Last edited by neuberlintourist1 on Fri Dec 16, 2022 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A.I Confirmation ChatGPT: Bessler-type Wheels are possible!

Post by WaltzCee »

I suppose the question needs to be more specific. General questions fitting the pattern, is perpetual motion possible? are going to return a stock answer, no.
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