Faster than the wind

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Re: Faster than the wind

Post by johannesbender »

Well nothing is waste of time in my opinion , not even failure , its all a learning interesting experience.
Yes she was suppose to be a 25cc gasser with 4 channel control , funny enough my taste in aircraft has changed since then .
Anyway , i actually never thought of wings much in a BW type of context though , its interesting to see that others have had many ideas.
ETA .. LOL, that made me smile. Nothing like jumping out of a perfectly good plane. Done it once or twice. Novice only so no long free-falling but would love to do it again.
Im not a "pilot" so my first (and only) was with an instructor , still a hair raising ear flapping experience , but God when the shoot is finally open ! , to be honest i at first could not process the thought of "why" i would jump out of an airplane too haha
Last edited by johannesbender on Mon Jan 16, 2023 10:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Only way is up

Post by agor95 »

Reading about a land yacht with wind hitting rotating blades from the front or back.

Well I think we should also have this link for rotating blades from above and below.

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Re: Faster than the wind

Post by Fletcher »

One for jb .. outstanding reduction in noise levels for both aircraft (radio controlled / drones ?) and boats.

Big boost in efficiency (fuel savings) by reducing wing tip vortices (major cause of drag energy losses and noise) .. and .. maybe surprisingly a major improvement in Thrust !!! The prop cuts a tunnel thru the medium.

How would one of these go on the Blackbird ??? i.e. Lift to over-all Drag ratio is the velocity limiter - they should go even faster with a higher ratio.

Read to the bottom on outboard motors on boats - outstanding. ... ropellers/
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Re: Faster than the wind

Post by johannesbender »

wow , just goes to show how someone taking a little time to apply critical thinking and application can make such a difference , i suspect this is going to turn in to something huge , think about stealth applications with the noise reduction , the efficiency shown under water is pretty darn remarkable too.
How would one of these go on the Blackbird ??? i.e. Lift to over-all Drag ratio is the velocity limiter - they should go even faster with a higher ratio.
The blackbird already having been so insane , i cant even imagine at the speeds it moves through air how much reduction to drag would affect it , they are designed to fly way up where the air is very thin which itself is mind boggling .

it was done so simple though .

Come to think about it , what could be done with sail boats.
Last edited by johannesbender on Sat Jan 28, 2023 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Faster than the wind

Post by Fletcher »

WOW .. is my initial reaction .. 'Game Changer' if can be commercialized and I don't see why not !!! ... -hydrogen/

Renewables to desalinate ordinary sea water > with close to 100% efficiency of green hydrogen production (9 liters produces 1 kg Hydrogen) and almost no maintenance or loss of efficiency over time > Hydrogen for combustion or fuel cells > emissions only pure H2O.
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Re: Faster than the wind

Post by Tarsier79 »

The problem with splitting seawater with electricity is the release of chlorine from the salt.
When chlorine and bromine atoms come into contact with ozone in the stratosphere, they destroy ozone molecules. One chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules before it is removed from the stratosphere. Ozone can be destroyed more quickly than it is naturally created.
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Re: Faster than the wind

Post by Fletcher »

I'm no chemist T .. but they do say this ..
But the addition of a Lewis acid layer on the catalyst, it seems, was able to capture enough negatively charged hydroxyl anions from the seawater to generate a powerfully alkaline environment with a pH of 14 around the catalyst, stopping both chloride attacks on the catalyst and the formation of precipitates on the electrodes.
Desalination of sea-water by electrolysis happens at large scale already IINM re : Desert Arab countries with oodles of cash for electricity.

AFAIK the resulting brackish water is regularly replaced but the electrodes don't need regular maintenance of replacement.

Might work well in swamps and wet-lands LOL. ... ionization
4.1.4 Capacitive deionization (CDI)

CDI, including membrane CDI (MCDI), is an emerging technology for seawater and brackish desalinations [42]. CDI is a different type of desalination processes that remove ions from the saline water stream at atmospheric pressure using direct current (DC) power. Electrodes become positively and negatively charged when DC power applies to CDI electrodes. During CDI operation, ions in saline water are adsorbed on the cathode and anode. After that, ions are desorbed from the electrodes by discharging of CDI. CDI is operated by the charging and discharging processes to produce freshwater [42].

Even though CDI has some benefits such as energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and high rejection ratio, the commercialization of CDI is limited due to lack of suitable materials for electrodes.
17.4.12 Capacitive deionization

Capacitive deionization (CDI), also called electrosorption, operates by applying a low voltage to mobilize charged species from water to electrodes (Fig. 17.20). No electrolysis reaction occurs at the electrodes because of the use of a low voltage (Biesheuvel, 2009). Upon exhaustion of the electrosorption capacity, the electrodes are regenerated by being shortened or by reversing the polarity of the applied cell potential (Lee et al., 2006).
** IINM halogens like Chlorine and Bromine are photodegraded by UV light all the time in nature. Just consult my pool chemical cost.
Last edited by Fletcher on Thu Feb 02, 2023 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Faster than the wind

Post by andyblues »

Very interesting the hippies over here were running there vans on this but used welding rods in large tanks and a coils, experiments have been done with this gas but they rip aluminium heads to pieces i wonder if the process of acifying the plates can be done in the combustion and piston crown faces this would really make a winner ,the plan will probably be to store the gas but that does not work so decent cells with high frequencies and a good acid coating orsom bring it on the best news i have heard all year whats this about chlorine we dont have to split sea water there are cheap ways to purify it now basically you run the sea water over a membrane and the pure water falls through orsome again we really are doing very well arnt we ladies and gentlemen lets hope some smart nerd figures out the wheel and world piece is declared for the next thousand years great news Andy
only by making mistakes can you truly learn
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