WORK THAT IS not being done

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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by ken_behrendt »

Attached below is a diagram showing why the use of magnetic roller weights might be critical to the operation of James' design. Without them, the weight arms on the descending side will slide down and hit below the edge of the curved ramp which will, of course, stop any rotation instantly.

With magnetic roller weights, the descending side roller weights are properly aligned so that they can begin their ascent on the ascending side of the device.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by ovyyus »

Ralph, did you use magnets in your attempt to reconstruct James' machine?
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by Wheeler »

This may be possible with electromagnets, but I can not see how it works with Permanent magnets.
JB Wheeler
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by ken_behrendt »


Actually, it could be very easy to achieve with permanent magnets. The roller weights would, themselves, be permanet cylindrical magnets which had holes drilled through their centers. These magnets would then be mounted on axles at the ends of the arms and be free to rotate upon making contact with the curved ramp wall. That wall would be covered with a curved sheet of iron which would be nailed down to a curved wooden ramp surface beneath it. Result...the roller weights will have enough magnetic attaction to the curved ramp's surface to ensure that their opposite roller weight will align perfectly with the ramp at the 4:30 position.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by Wheeler »

Are you saying this is PPM?
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by jimmyjj »

Thanks James

I think now we may be getting somewhere, your design seems kind of like a reverse of one i saw recently where the whole curving ramp was a magnet a females design.... figures that she''d put it back to front.

Just out of interest do you use neo dymium rare earth magnets or "normal magnets".

I also wonder what exact curvature you use of the sloping ramp and the length of the ramp? Am i close?

Also do your bars go throught the axle, are they one piece- totalling 4 rods in 8 arm model or two giving 16 arms.

And one last thing if 16 rods are used are their springs in the arms.

Oh whoops i almost forgot did you tell Ralph about the magnets when he built a prototype?

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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by SeaWasp »

Unless the magnets are able to help "lift" the weights at the 6 oclock position, there is just not enough leverage or even COG to raise the weight up again. Simple lever priniciple. The magnets would have an attractive effect on the metal sheet. Which means more rolling friction! This design is what I first started out with. And using 8 weights etc. While you can get some rotation at certain areas, the weights still have to raise at the 6 position. There is just not enough distance travelled (leverage) by the descending weights to raise the ascending weights. If you can devize some sort of system to help raise the bottom weight, either by getting more weight on the descending side or less weight on the ascending side, then it may work!
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by james kelly »

THERE IS NO point in telling you any more seawasp. YOU ARE LOST already and your statement says so.
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by SeaWasp »

Rather than telling me there is no point and that I am lost, how about telling us all "WHY" your wheel works, rather than have everyone trying to work it out for you? Because, that's what everyone is trying to do. You remain silent and don't say anything when you have offered pictures & testimony! James.. Yes I am LOST in your descriptions.. Or lack thereof. Please explain?
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by hopeful »

Jim Kelly,

In a previous post you said, "then with another addition you can make the weight on the lift side zero." Were the magnets the addition, or yet something else? (I'm not asking that you divulge the additional construct, it's just that I had something different pictured in my mind.)

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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by SeaWasp »

James... IMO... I am pretty sure that you don't have a working wheel. You havn't given anyone here any insight to prove otherwise. You havn't answered any questions, or clarified any of your comments. You are working on a design, such as that which you have provided, and you are now looking for workable ideas & concepts to develop it from others who are keen to help and provide feedback to you. So what happens James, when someone does give you that bright spark? Do you then come out & claim that that was what you have developed?
James, I do have ideas about how this concept will work, but it is your attitude which makes me inhibitive about divulging them to you..
All I am asking you is to provide all of us some positive feedback about your design. Not just inuendo.. Then people will be quite happy to provide feedback to you also.
How about starting with one simple question... Does you design use magnets?
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by Fletcher »

Ken, coming in late here. If magnets were in fact used as you describe they could easily be replaced with an inside running surface/guide so that things in effect ran around a slot formation.

This thread is getting more 'de ja vue' every minute.
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by rlortie »

Ralph, did you use magnets in your attempt to reconstruct James' machine?
I have been monitoring this thread and having no questions, refuse to get involved, I am not looking forward to another "Claudio" scenario. This being my first and hopefully last post is in recognition and consideration of the above question directed to me by name.

No I did not use magnets, if I believed that they were necessary I would not have taken on the project. Fifteen pound roller magnets is beyond the fantasies of my wallet. Besides, I was already aware of axeltree and similar concepts. I did not believe they worked then and still don't.

Please remember that I am still under confidential obligations. I ask that you PLEASE! do not ask me what did I use or any questions of a personal nature regarding James Kelly.

I will add the following and hopefully this will statisfy any questions regarding my involvement with Mr Kelly.

Yes, I have the pictures. No, I do not know the present status on his fabrication. Yes I am in conact with him either by mail or phone. Do I feel that he has decieved my by not telling all? No I do not.

I have temporally shelved my version of the Kelly wheel, but I have plans to return to it in the near future. To me it is not a dead issue, it is a design that I question in my mind as to "will it or wont it". I will not let it rest until I have reached a decisive answer to my own satisfaction.

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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by SeaWasp »

While the design of the wheel looks promising, the counter torque produced by gravity at the weights at the 6 & 12 and 2 & 8 oclock positions causes them to want to run downhill on the ramp. There is just not enough mechanical advantage at the 3 oclock position to raise these weights. Now.. Am I missing something here?
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by ovyyus »

Thanks for the reply Ralph. There's no more questions from me.

Based on everything to date, I think the answer to everyone's questions must be pretty obvious by now - same old, same old.

The search continues...
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