Part Three is the Charm

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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by agor95 »

Fletcher wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:08 pm Maybe a bit too esoterical but points out that models are relative to the size and what forces dominant at that scale.
I have been thinking along the same lines.
I wondered could we start by cutting back as much as possible?

That left me with a variable electrostatic potential that is everywhere we can look.

All this is esoterical but a good brain teaser.

So no gravity or magnetism at this stage. But there is movement within 3 spacial dimensions.

If I had the ability then there would be a formula that represents the movement.

However we are talking about the propagation of the potential variation through those 3 dimensions.

There is an interaction with that dynamic which induces a magnetic effect.
That causes the a modification to the electric propagation.

Anyway following the process we end up with photons, particles and gravity.

Time is just how long one propagation pattern takes against the time taken for another one.

So photons don't move but the pattern in the electric potential move by propagation.
That also applies to particles as their internal pattern propagate as they are photonic in nature.

And on we go into a view were particles modify the propagation paths of the photons and particles around them.

Until we end at the pinnacle of creation; a wheel that goes around and does not stop.

Last edited by agor95 on Fri Feb 10, 2023 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by WaltzCee »

WaltzCee wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 10:48 am
Fletcher wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:17 am Hey Walt and ECC1 ..

It's the main reason I said a month or so ago that it may be that the one-size-fits-all (imo) Prime Mover can be cuckooed to just about any OOB wheel.
I have a question, but it refuses to properly form in my mind.
I get the sense you have a design idea for a prime mover, Fletcher. I'm wondering if you can characterize it
  • Gravity driven?
  • Math thrown out the window?
  • other?
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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by ovyyus »

T79 wrote:If you were traveling faster than the speed of light...
Relativity of superluminal observers in 1+3 spacetime ... etime.html
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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by eccentrically1 »

Fletcher's prime mover is other, earth driven. Via lunar force.
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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by eccentrically1 »

ovyyus wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:13 pm
T79 wrote:If you were traveling faster than the speed of light...
Relativity of superluminal observers in 1+3 spacetime ... etime.html
Great stuff! above the speed of light not only does time not stop but it splits into three.
Andrzej Dragan adds that the crucial ingredient of any spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism is a tachyonic field. It seems that superluminal phenomena may play a key role in the Higgs mechanism.
Hello, tachyonic field.
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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by mryy »

Here I lengthened the links of the stork's bill (SB) and attached them to the levers in farther (toward the axle). From 6:00 to 9:00 the spacing between the levers become even wider as a result. I imagine as the levers approach 12:00 they would have an easier time lifting to vertical because of the SB's and the springs. It will be interesting to find out if these SB's have a mitigating effect against back rotation. B. did say these SoB's (hehe) were special ....

The Toys Page shows an odd dark rectangle at the middle top. Could it symbolize a pair of adjacent rhombus SB units around 12:00?
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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by WaltzCee »

eccentrically1 wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:17 pm Fletcher's prime mover is other, earth driven. Via lunar force.
Oh, other worldly.
Last edited by WaltzCee on Fri Feb 10, 2023 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by Fletcher »

WaltzCee wrote:
WaltzCee wrote:
Fletcher wrote:Hey Walt and ECC1 ..

It's the main reason I said a month or so ago that it may be that the one-size-fits-all (imo) Prime Mover can be cuckooed to just about any OOB wheel.
I have a question, but it refuses to properly form in my mind.
I get the sense you have a design idea for a prime mover, Fletcher. I'm wondering if you can characterize it
  • Gravity driven?
  • Math thrown out the window?
  • other?
ECC1 wrote:Fletcher's prime mover is other, earth driven. Via lunar force.
Yes .. I have a design idea for a Prime Mover Walt.

It is relatively simple, as we are lead to believe it is, and needs to be. If I were to give a range of complexity between say Sam's roller disk designs and mryy's designs it would be much closer to the former (no, it doesn't look anything like either). Simple is a subjective term but when Karl said it was easy to understand and simple to build (to his ministers - not carpenters or mechanics) then that is the 'face-value' ruler I apply to most of my ideas. It works well in my minds eye at this time. As yet I've been unable to sim it completely for various reasons. Enough for me to test various elements and string some together but not the whole shebang. The inspiration came from the TP mechanics combined in a unique way and so far I haven't lost interest in this design idea. I could do a static real-world build and look to place it in a wheel at a later time and that will probably be the experimental pathway I take later in the year. In the mean time and before I commit to that route I will continue to try and solve the simming issues I have encountered with some critical parts and simplify the design as much as I am able altho it's pretty lean right now.

How to characterize it ..

Gravity driven? .. Yes, it could be classified as gravity driven in a sense .. in that it needs a gravity environment to operate and develop its forces. Without one it won't. Gravity force is the activation force to start the ball rolling so to speak, in that the device must begin to lose GPE as a first process. Not unlike many OOB wheel designs in that regard.

Math thrown out the window? .. Not as far as I can tell. While using gravity activation it also uses the other quality of mass being inertia, and Angular Momentum Conservation. Inertia is independent of a gravity field presence but this Prime Mover would not work with just inertial forces alone. So it uses both gravity force and inertial forces in concert which of coarse all mechanical designs do down here on earth. The reason I speculate that the math isn't thrown out the window is to do with its imagined energy source. The device in wheel format must be anchored to the earths surface thru its supports to operate as far as I can deduce at this stage. Else it will not develop the full range of forces I wish to employ to turn a wheel proper. That's where the Conservation of Angular Momentums comes into the math i.e. it is parasitic to the earth rotation (not as ECC1 said and it has nothing to do with the moon) taking some of the earths rotational energy and momentum which provides the energy source to the wheel format. If this works out and does give asymmetric torque as I speculate then Conservation of Angular Momentums is currently the only way I can think to reconcile the energy outputs it would have. And therefore be no need to throw known math out the window.

** That's why I explore what B. didn't say or do as much as what he did say and do ! If things are left out there is always a reason. ABC .. Assume Nothing, Believe No-one, Check Everything.

Other? .. Yes. A combination of simple machines from the TP which when brought together in a unique (to me) way will have an interesting twist in their tail (hopefully). As yet it is an untested theoretical device that I happen to think has merit at this time.
Last edited by Fletcher on Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by ovyyus »

Thanks for the update, Fletcher. It sounds very interesting.

Way back in 2014 (quoted below) there was discussion about an eyewitness report of a support post lifting up and down as the wheel rotated. Is this lifting of the support post explained by your current idea? If so, does that mean the wheel/earth push/pull reaction force is perpendicular to wheel rotation?
Fletcher wrote:re: Gartner & Borlach inspected, called 'hoax'
Post by Fletcher » Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:04 am

I think dax that was to show the room to attach pulley ropes like a windless etc - there might have been a more sinister reason in that the wheel axle required a sufficient internal volume & that would follow Bill's logic but doesn't explain why it was located at one end of the axle.

jb .. IIRC the support lifted for a brief time - they saw this at the base of the support at B (as marked) - they saw a horizontal gap appear which showed a colour change in the support colour there.

I too always wondered why he had to have supports all the way up to the roof - it would seem the wheel would 'hop' otherwise.

It also made me wonder about the later translocation tests of the dual wheel - it too must have had supports all the way to the roof, that were notched to receive the brass axle nub ?

Whatever caused the upwards force it must have been strong to lift the entire wheel - N.B. the wheel lifted at B on the long side of the axle with better leverage to show it.

I can conclude that there was a either a great upwards acceleration of mass OR there was a mass given much KE (impact) - that spring mentioned comes to mind.

Whatever, somehow he circumvented the Newton Law of equal & opposite reactions which in turn generated torque, IMO.
Last edited by ovyyus on Sat Feb 11, 2023 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by ovyyus »

eccentrically1 wrote:Great stuff! above the speed of light not only does time not stop but it splits into three. the three dimensions of space converge into one.
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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by mryy »

"Air-jumpers/jacks [blue selection] feather/spring-fencers [green selection] are spry/fast and rapid/brisk like the wind." AP Ralf translation ... ard-17th-c. ... f-fencing/
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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by WaltzCee »

. .. .. .
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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by WaltzCee »

Congratulations on your find, Fletcher. It would be a good thread.
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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by eccentrically1 »

C of AM
L = mvr
The variables vary if the object changes shape ( ice skater) or distance from the center of rotation changes. So the moon pulls a tidal bulge up. The earth pushes it forward, the gravitational interaction of the moon to the earth causes the moon to be accelerated by the extra mass of the bulge, and to conserve momentum it moves to a higher orbit. The earth spin decelerates. That’s the best way I know to explain it.
So the challenge is to change shape or move to a higher orbit. So to speak. The variables for the moon change because it has a net external torque from earth. The variables for a skater because they change shape., but they have no net external torque so their angular velocity increases.
The earth and moon are a collision of gravity force. Earth and lunar force.
The skater is a single spinning object. No collision. No net external torque. But changing MoI.
Anyway, we’ll keep,trying.
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Re: Part Three is the Charm

Post by Fletcher »

ovyyus wrote: Thanks for the update, Fletcher. It sounds very interesting.

Way back in 2014 (quoted below) there was discussion about an eyewitness report of a support post lifting up and down as the wheel rotated.

re Topic : Gartner & Borlach inspected, called 'hoax'


Is this lifting of the support post explained by your current idea?

If so, does that mean the wheel/earth push/pull reaction force is perpendicular to wheel rotation?
Hi Bill .. to answer you I have to go off reservation a bit to add the context so its meaningful. Some may not be all that familiar with the story tho I know you are.

See Topic above .. feel free to correct.

Basically Gartner, Borlach and one other visited B's. place of residence in the "Green Room" Merseburg on a Sunday. B. was sick in bed with a head knock, so his brother Gottfried did the showing of the Merseburg bi-directional wheel to those in attendance that morning including the 3 mentioned. They had to observe the wheel being put thru its paces from behind a railing just like everyone else.

These viewings were before the Merseburg translocation test which came later, in response to Borlachs illustration about the wheel being hand cranked around. See the attachments, Borlach's, and B's. redraw in DT, plus a side by side. Note there are some differences - B. shows no railings and seems to indicate tongue and groove flooring and ceilings etc (or it could just be his way of shading). Anyway .. as has been noted the wheel supports go all the way from floor to ceiling (I probably would have just built a sturdy frame/cradle (maybe on wheels with a wheel chocks) that sat on the floor - unless it was important that supports went from floor to ceiling for some reason ? - like it contributed to how it worked).

The important bit is that the supports were inside floor and ceiling box frames (attached to floor and ceiling) or inside chiseled slabs, like a peg goes in a hole.

N.B. the later Kassel wheel has u shaped plinths so there was an air gap between support of floor and ceiling.

Below is Stewart Hughes translation of what Borlach published about what they observed that day.
"The great wonder of the perpetual motion machine, so long sought in vain by the curious world, and now invented by Mister Orffyre, made known through the 'Leipziger Gazetten' in the 4th article of the 36 week of 1715, of which it was observed on the 22nd July 1715, that a spot was patched/marked in the post at A and that same post lifted up in half a turn of the wheel, and with the other half a turn fell down again, which was seen because the post was coated/painted, and at B the uncoated/unpainted place always came out. Borlach."
What he is saying is that as the demonstration proceeded they watched a spot mark at A near the axle on the left post. And also at B down at the support and floor box section. A gap appeared at B because the support was lifting and setting down again each revolution exposing an unpainted section. The main points are these .. the support post was not screwed, glued, or bolted to this bottom box section attached to the floor, or the fastening had become unstuck etc. So each full turn the exposed post was visible for half a turn and then it fell down again for half a turn.

It did not "chatter or hop" up and down multiple times per revolution - just the once up and then the next half down again. ** Even tho multiple 'impacting noises' were heard on the descending side of the wheel each revolution by witnesses.

Anyways ..

"Is this lifting of the support post explained by your current idea?"

It can I think, if as I've speculated the Prime Mover is the entity requiring most of the internal area (i.e. large diameter wheel) to deploy and not the "about 8 weights impacting each revolution" system, and there is only one Prime Mover (reversible for two-way operation) .. or two, one for each direction.

That would account for why it is lifted for half a turn and set down again for the other half turn. Additionally, because it shares some likenesses to MT18 but where a weight is accelerated resulting in a partial-upthrust vector from its inertia in transition. Bearing in mind that the Merseburg wheel rotated at 40 rpm - 1.5 seconds per revolution > 0.75 secs up and 0.75 secs down. If there were more than one active Prime Mover at a time then the interval would be much smaller. Since it is exactly each half turn up and down it is a coordinated reaction and not alterable.

"If so, does that mean the wheel/earth push/pull reaction force is perpendicular to wheel rotation?"

The thrusting vector has some upward component to it which if revolving fast enough could cause a lifting force sufficient to cause the support to lift in its anchored box arrangement. Providing the actual support length was slightly less than the floor to ceiling length available so there was some slack to react and move and it wasn't hard fixed. Or as IIRC jim_mich suggested it might be springy floor boards "flexing" in response to the wheels internal forces. The floor and ceiling, if wooden, would have joists etc to reduce moving and sweaking and be quite sturdy I should think but it is a possibility I guess.

Short answer is .. that gravity and inertia have their parts to play in this idea. A side effect of inertia's part may well be a temporary upthrusting force and if you didn't want that to be public knowledge you might used a sled/sturdy frame/cradle and half posts bolted to an immovable object .. or .. floor to ceiling supports and sturdy connection to same to save on materials and cost, and keep a secret !
Borlach-Mersburg + Crank Method
Borlach-Mersburg + Crank Method
Bessler re-draw of Borlach
Bessler re-draw of Borlach
Side by side Comparison
Side by side Comparison
Last edited by Fletcher on Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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