Frame of reference

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Frame of reference

Post by JUBAT »

Trying to sleuth out the Bessler Wheel has lead me down many a rabbit hole so here's the latest.

It's what I callthe frame of reference and it's nothing new. Imagine hammering a nail into a board. We are used to thinking of the hammer going to the nail, but what if the nail and the board and the entire universe is thrust up into the hammer? This is much like the other thread on this site at the moment about determining if the Earth is rotating or if the entire universe is rotating around the Earth.

At any rate, imagine taking MT21, allowing the ends of the pendulums to pass through the wheel they are attached to, and hang a weighted ring around the entire structure. The potential would be to cause the wheel to rotate in the opposite direction to what Bessler intended for this diagram.

The impact then at 4 o'clock wouldn't necessarily have been from a weight smacking the rim, but of the weighted wheel being pulled up and thrust into the inner mechanism.

Further, perhaps a heavy weight on the protruding end of the arm would suffice instead of a weighted ring, but I'm sure this has been speculated on many times before.

Just a thought I had.
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Re: Frame of reference

Post by JUBAT »

Further on this line of thinking...what if the outer ring was the part hooked to the axle and the internal MT 21 mechanism pushed itself off of the outer ring?
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Many Rabit Holes

Post by agor95 »

I know how you feel I am inside a rabbit warren of my own.

One option is to look at each mass moving with regards itself and what it is connecting with on it's path.

That way you can look at both tunnels of thought at the same instance. In your case the rim moving up towards the mechanism or
the mechanism moving down.

Another level in the warren; Is the mass path curving through a volume or the mass is following in a straight line path in a curved volume?

The thought at the moment is an unconnected mass is moving and interacting with electromagnetic waves all around in the volume.

One example is heat [infrared] that would cause the mass to wobble as it moved along it's path.

The thought is; does the wobble in it's path increase the distance travelled from cold to hot infrared volumes?

So a mass with a set speed travelling quarter circle one way then several half circles alternating will not receive a speed boost of loss.
However it will take a longer path than a straight line. Therefore from a distance it looks like it took a longer time to go from start to finish.

So my rabbit warren is a mass follows a straight line based on the electric field variation it moves through.

The point is gravity can be replaced with differences in the speed of time. The stronger gravity the more slowing of clocks.
However the moving components in the clocks are slowing down by the longer path they follow because of the reason above.

All mass create electromagnetic waves the more mass the more concentrated the waves are in a volume.
So the longer the path a mass must follow as it passes these other masses. Of cause it is a mass so it's creasing waves in the volume.

Will this help in our Quest? It's a price to pay for original ideas to get to the surface. No were is the tunnel that leads up to were people think gravity exists.

P.S. The strength of gravity drops with distance in the same way the strength of electromagnetic radiation reduces with distance.

Last edited by agor95 on Fri Mar 10, 2023 9:29 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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