An amusement + a bit of effort anyone?

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Gill Simo
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An amusement + a bit of effort anyone?

Post by Gill Simo »

  • Please view these two short Youtube video's...

    The 2nd shows two Sabu discs set at a more reasonably correct distance apart.
    The 1st shows the two discs too close together but I think it actually easier to grasp what is going on in principle here...& once grasped, to then apply it to video 2.

    Video 1.

    Video 2.

    Ok...set Video 1 to full screen & right click the video window to select loop.

    Then just watch it...if you imagine you're looking straight down then concentrate right there, at the 12 o'clock position.

    I beg of you to persist...for what starts off as a confusion to the mind becomes ordered & apparent over time.

    When you feel that you've managed to derive some satisfactory degree of order from the initial confusion, perhaps the point where you feel yourself to have reached your limit, then please pm me...whereupon I shall respond with a set of observations.

    How easily you can verify these observations will depend on how much time/effort you've put into reaching some satisfactory degree of order...there is no cheating the possible Enlightenment on offer here!

    Hopefully, having received my set of observations, then you'll see fit to offer added input to this thread.

    Apologies for the drama but watching the video's whilst at the same time attempting to work through a set of observations, laid out here, is likely what most of you's would do if given the opportunity...and it just will not cut it here.

    Here there is something of great fascination...but I can only point as to precisely where to have to do the actual looking...unavoidable I'm afraid.

    I'm hoping that at least one amongst you's will feel sufficiently intrigued so's to want to learnt of exactly what these two reverse turning Sabu discs are actually getting up to.

    For sure it's divinely simple, though far removed from of course any solution to this riddle must prove to be.
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Re: An amusement + a bit of effort anyone?

Post by agor95 »

Hello Gill Simo

Good to see you are almost back.

My imagination brings me to a differential like device.

So a two output shafts connected to their respective tri-disc.

Then a complementary object caged within [tetrahedron] like object.

As one shaft turns in relation to the other then the Tetra' tumbles within in response.

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Gill Simo
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Re: An amusement + a bit of effort anyone?

Post by Gill Simo »

Thank you as ever agor for the best wishes you always care to express...they're always much appreciated, especially as they're just about the only ones ever received as ill health grinds constantly on.

Still...mustn't grumble, I might suffer from physical disadvantage but when it comes to this particular quest that's not half as debilitating as a mental disadvantage, which is clearly & most sadly the case with most everyone here at
By no means do I suggest that you's good folk are stupid...but it stands to any good reason that this particular quest requires something special, if not extra extraordinary & in that respect most all here have more chance of burning a salad sandwich than ever be able to seriously attempt the matter at hand, never mind ever actually solve it!

As previously mentioned, I was hoping to get a `bite` from at least one interested party but in all honesty I wasn't holding my breath...might as well offer you's folk a thought/presentation in Cantonese for all the sense you're mentally capable of making of it me thinks.

Howz about I spoon feed you's one observation at a time...perhaps that might then help/happen to galvanize a couple of brain cells into some attempt at spontaneous interaction with each other?

As Gravity sits so predominantly for you's all then please take a look at Video 1 again, should you have even bothered to actually look at it, in any real sense, before...set the video to the point where you are looking straight down on the twelve o'clock position, at two aligned petals.
Assume/imagine there to be a sphere resting on top of these two petals.

As the two discs turn against each other, the left upwards, the right downwards, there is reached a point whereby the two petals are fully this point, at the twelve o'clock position, there is alignment between the back edges of both petals.

Continuing on, then this alignment between the two edges starts to a spiraling kinda fashion. As they widen then the assumed sphere starts to drop into to centre of the two discs.
At the point where you're now looking at two aligned shoes then this sphere has now dropped fully in.

Moving on then you should notice that these two spiraling rear petal edges now drift away/apart to immediately be replaced by the two front edges of two petals that now start to spiral back upwards from the eventually return you to the original start point of two aligned petals.

This might suggest that our assumed sphere goes through the process of dropping into the centre & then rising back out...and what do I know, perhaps it does?
However, I far more strongly suspect that, when the two shoes are fully aligned & the sphere is fully in, then the sphere is able to pass on through the centre to then face what is presented on the opposite side....which would be two aligned petals which, as they separate in that spiraling fashion, will allow for the sphere to move from its centre position outwards.

I won't dare to offer any insights as to how many spheres are involved, how they might be arranged or as to what principle of any use might result.

For now, just this one observation.....that a sphere, held high, at the twelve o'clock position...pushing downwards...pushes the two petals apart in that spiraling fashion...turning the two discs against each other...until that sphere reaches the centre point, whereupon it continues to push two petals apart again...until it reaches the six o'clock position.

Now of course....two 5,000+ year old discs that, to this day, defy any explanation as to their true purpose...very clearly showing signs of doing exactly what I've set out above...aren't worth your consideration...because to your way of thinking it's way more likely to involve duck bills, springs and the best continue to consider these things, as they've been considered countless times over millennia.

Ameoba's spring to mind!

Please bear in mind that this observation is simplified...there are other factors to be taken into account....if the Sabu disc is starting to suggest a smartness beyond then rest assured, it's even smarter in truth!
Last edited by Gill Simo on Wed Mar 15, 2023 4:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: An amusement + a bit of effort anyone?

Post by Tarsier79 »

Is the problem everyone else, or is it you?

I don't understand your obsession with a sabu. It doesn't bring anything useful to the table. The small amount it does bring can be easily investigated using simple machines.

If you want to obsess over something simple and useless, that is your prerogative. You don't have to force your opinion on everyone else like some brainwashed religious zealot.

If you do show the sabu brings something specific, new and useful to the table, I am sure you will have a big enough audience.
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