WORK THAT IS not being done

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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by Paul »

yes same old, like Bessler fraud, same old.....
is it possible that only a person has been able to find a way to obtain this perpetual motion? this is really too strange ..sorry
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by Fletcher »

Seawasp, you are pretty much on the money. Depending exactly where the placement of the roller weights on the ramp are when you start it, the wheel will move slightly up hill or down hill until the torque position is zero. Usually this is half way between segments.

This is a completely closed system so that when friction etc is accounted for there is a net loss of energy & the wheel cannot turn thru the segments without a substantial push (activation energy) to start it off. Regardless, it quickly stops.

Magnets are & act just like springs & both are conservative in nature just like gravity, so they can add nothing to the energy imbalance equation that is necessary.
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by ken_behrendt »

Wheeler asked:
Are you saying this is PPM?
No, I am not. I was just commenting on a possible way that magnetic rollers could be used to solve the alignment problem of the roller weights as they approach the 4:30 position.


Your previous illustration does, I think, accurately portray the counter torque problems with Hurford type wheels. As the ramp's surface begins to raise the roller weight arms in preparation for their becoming horizontally oriented, a counter torque is created that tends to oppose the expected rotation of the device.

However, James has assured us that he has a method of neutralizing this counter torque and has, in fact, built working devices using it in the past.

Without a current working model, it is easy to dismiss his claims, however, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt when possible. Just because Johann Bessler is the only person in history that we are all reasonably sure achieved OU/PM does not mean that someone else can not do it and might even achieve it with a different design. If we believed it was impossible, then there would be no need for any of us to continue our efforts.

Ultimately, James will have to duplicate his past claimed achievement if anything real is to come of it all. Perhaps if we can be more supportive, then he would be more willing to divulge the details of his design, prior to patenting it, so that we can all be reasonbly certain that he does, if fact, have something real...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
james kelly
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by james kelly »

This is my final post for a while. All of you ask questions, which I answered in good faith. All of you for the most part have called me a liar and a fraud. Who, in their right mind would want to tell any of you anything. Most of you have never built any thing. Let alone automatic transmissions, engines , differentials, fuel injection. and design all of them. you have not built your own computers, built houses, gained heating and air licenses, or electricians licenses, you never were granted the rating of p.e. you have not built powerlines nor substations nor built automatic conveyor and boxing systems, Neither are any of you members of mensa. I am too good and the world deserves better. So all will be hand to my children. There are 10 of them. only two are not college grads. with this information , I leave you. Every thing is in my posts. I feel sorry for some of you and my prayers go up for you. JAMES L. KELLY
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by hopeful »

Jim Kelly,

I'm seriously considering what you've revealed of your design, as well as what I believe it contains. I'll re-ask my question from last night:

In a previous post you said, "then with another addition you can make the weight on the lift side zero." Were the magnets the addition, or yet something else? (I'm not asking that you divulge the additional construct, it's just that I had something different pictured in my mind.)

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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by ovyyus »

I can do a standing back-flip and land on my ass - bet no one else can do that! LOL

Sounds like a bunch of sour grapes, James. It appears you're leaving us with what you came with.
Last edited by ovyyus on Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by jimmyjj »

Perhaps the bottom half of the lift ramp contains no metal in it after all it is not needed there and would only produce drag.

Magnetic contact is only really required from 9 oclock till 11-12 depending on the ramp and even then the magnetic contact required from 9 -10 oclock would be less than that required AT 10-11 oclock. hence the steel plate would need to be at maximum contact at about 11 oclock IMO, and perhaps slightly less from 9- 10 oclock.

The ratio between magnetic lift and the weights would have to be somewhat precise and the magnets need not necessarily have to be the weights as the weights could be placed just above the magnets.

Its a shame you keep walking off the stage James i would really love to hear your input in these matters.

Sure its hard working with a bunch of hard nuts but im sure if you hit them hard enough they will crack.

I would love to build a model of your design but it is quite costly to build and i would at first like to learn from you how it is exactly that you made your model work. Say would the model you are building generate enough power to turn an alternator sufficiently to generate power.?

What sort of power output would you expect.

Why do i ask questions when there will not be a reply?Well im going back to the toy page in 3d until i hear from you again goodluck in all you do:-)

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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by Fletcher »

For those discussion group members who think the James Kelly affair ended badly.

You cannot bully respect from people ! You earn it with deeds & actions. Then it will be given in kind !

He was predictable to the bitter end, his stock proving just as worthless.
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by james kelly »

I DO have to answer . I bullied no one. There are several of you, who give yourselves away by trying to intimidate and debase people.What Fletcher said was a long way from the truth. so were a lot of others. i did not bully anyone. some of you are like muggers . I gave all information necessary and then some. there has been an awful lot accomplished that didn't work as everyone said. engineering figures say that a dragster could not exceed 160 mph. I proved that wrong many years ago. now they are exceeding 300mph.and getting there from a standing start in 1320 feet in under 4.5 seconds.
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by SeaWasp »

James.. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours. I truly do hope you have something that works! I just couldn't see it with the information you provided.. You said, "All of you ask questions, which I answered in good faith." You havn't answered not one question of substance that anyone here has asked of you! Check your replies! I don't think anyone here has called you a Liar & a Fraud! People were just wanting clarification on your statements! You may see many things that are obvious to you, but all we see is what's written on our screens! You havn't given us any pictures like you have said you would or provided any further information that needed clarification! This is what makes it so frustrating for everyone to understand you! If you don't want to provide this information, then just say so! I think that that is not too much to ask off you?

And by the way, I have done a lot of those things that you have mentioned in your list. I have Built & re-assembled "automatic transmissions, engines , differentials, fuel injection." I have raced my own car at the drags.. But that was years ago! I have designed & built my own house, and designed hundreds of others, And built all of my own computers. The others you mentioned.. Well you have it over me! If we don't hear from you again then Good Luck, & best wishes to you and your VERY BIG family!

Last edited by SeaWasp on Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by Paul »

Sincerely I do not understand James Kelly thing wants from this forum. Why are you here null with the pretended intent to share if then you do not share? you are that you have opened new thread on this forum. You begin a thing and then pull you back. what sense has all this?
james kelly
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by james kelly »

Isent my pictures to KEN. Hoping THat he would put them up for you. He did not pass the test. All things that I do are recorded and the receipt of what I do and say is also a matter of record. james l. kelly
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by JuddBrooks »

Ken, did you receive james pictures?
did you feel you had his permission to upload?
did you have trouble uploading or decide not to upload?
can you make any comments about pictures?

Thanks in advance for any reponse. :)
Looking for fellow inventors who want to share and go public (without patents/selling) to jointly develop a couple different bessler wheels :)
303.921.1554 cell anytime
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by ken_behrendt »


Yes, I did receive some photos from James and he did say I could "pass them on", but I did not know if he was specifically authorizing me to post them on this Discussion Board.

However, since that appears to be his original intention in sending them to me, they are attached below.

Unfortunately, while these images do show a 6 ft wheel that James has under construction, they are not really clear enough to tell exactly what the mechanism is that he is building.

Here are the images James sent me...
Here are the images James sent me...
On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by Trev »

Blurry pictures of someones junk pile...I think we've been here before.
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