My Invention

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Re: My Invention

Post by eccentrically1 »

Are you the forum psychiatrist? We can read between the lines.
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Re: My Invention

Post by WaltzCee »

WaltzCee wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:29 pm That's true. However some words have various conotations. I never once used that meaning.

Let me try and settle this matter. James is going to troll people with lies & impunity. It's a waste of time trying to reason with him. He enjoys being a victim, gives him a sense of control.

He'll assemble his wheel. It won't work. We'll move on, till the next time.

I'm quite done with the this.
Are you the forum psychiatrist? We can read between the lines.
What you read between the lines is all you.
Last edited by WaltzCee on Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Invention

Post by eccentrically1 »

I'm quite done with the this.
Good, I think we all are.
Da Ewe
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Re: My Invention

Post by Da Ewe »

The frame is nearing completion. Between tomorrow and the next day I should be able to mount all of the weighted
levers and lockout mechanisms. The new axle (all thread rod) has been ordered. And in a couple of days I'll be able
to make a basic stand for it to sit on. Why it'd be basic is because it will not have the gear rack on it that will create
the resistance to rotated the weighted levers to their OB position.
The basic math for this is when a weighted lever is rotated upwards so it's "lifted" 10 inches, the average distance to
the right of the axle will be 64% of its radius. This means that 6.4 in.lbs. of work is need. Or to simplify, when the weighted
lever to the right of the axle drops 10 inches, about 2/3rds of its torque will rotate the top weight. So it'll still have about
1.7 in.lbs. of torque. The other 2 OB weighted levers will have a total of about 7 in.lbs. of torque for a total of 8.7 in.lbs.
of torque.
When a weighted isn't being rotated at top it will develop more momentum. I like the math.
Wheel Frame 1.1.png
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Re: My Invention

Post by bruno »

Mi piacciono le tue costruzioni e la tua inventiva; complimenti! Vorrei che altri membri di questo forum presentassero le loro costruzioni anche quelle che in passato non hanno funzionato per non ripetere inutili sprechi di tempo. Se le loro costruzioni fossero pubblicate da qualche parte le cercherei. Grazie e ancora complimenti!
Buona giornata da Bruno.
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Re: My Invention

Post by Da Ewe »

bruno wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 4:40 am Mi piacciono le tue costruzioni e la tua inventiva; complimenti! Vorrei che altri membri di questo forum presentassero le loro costruzioni anche quelle che in passato non hanno funzionato per non ripetere inutili sprechi di tempo. Se le loro costruzioni fossero pubblicate da qualche parte le cercherei. Grazie e ancora complimenti!
Buona giornata da Bruno.
Grazie! A volte una nuova prospettiva su una vecchia idea aiuta.
Last edited by Da Ewe on Tue Apr 04, 2023 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Invention

Post by Da Ewe »

The lockout mechanisms are almost finished. I need to buy some washers to use as spacers and relocate 1 screw location.
I've noticed that some work better than others, easier to work. This could be because the springs are manufactured and that
process might cause some to harden. I may need to buy 100 springs to find 16 that I like. And with use, metal becomes fatigued.
That would also allow the springs to be compressed more easily.
The other picture shows the bolt I am using for the axle for the weighted levers. The c-clamp on the wood is a fixture I am
making to drill 1 hole through both sides of the frame at the same time. This will ensure proper alignment where the axles will
be mounted. Then once I can mount a weight wheel I can mount the lockout mechanisms that will work with that weighted lever.
I do try to keep everything paired with the same parts. Minor changes in dimension will change how well something works or does
not work.

The axle is being delivered in a couple of days. I might be able to put the wheel on a temporary stand and see if 1 OB weight
can rotate the wheel while :lifting" (rotating) the top weight. Basically I'll use a bolt to held a tab on the top weight. That is how
research and development is usually pursued. A basic construction being tested. And as everyone knows, I really do like the
Weighted Lever Mount 1.0.png
Weighted Lever Mount 1.1.png
Last edited by Da Ewe on Tue Apr 04, 2023 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Drilling Holes and Countersinks

Post by Da Ewe »

While this was a cheap bench top drill press, it came with the vice. With building, it's best to limit everything
to a step by step process. And one piece of advice that Ant Burr gave me was to cannibalize my builds.
Instead of always buying more wood or metal, take apart previous efforts and modify them.
When building like I am, I can modify the design while building it. While that does slow things down, it's better
than starting that work over again and spending more money. Without a good shop to work in, it'll be necessary
to be able to work with "close enough"
And I have my new axle and tomorrow I will have the lockout mechanisms finished. That will leave the axle
mounts for the weighted levers and the stand itself. The "To Do" list is growing much shorter.

p.s., It is nice to be able to enjoy working on the build. And if this does work, I don't think people will want me
pointing out all of its flaws. And with how much I've gotten done, it's possible I'll be able to test whether it can
work or not this week. While a minimum of 3 weights will be overbalanced, the test will have 2 weights OB'd.
One weight which will be pointed up and to the right will generate about the same amount of torque as it will
take to rotate the top weight. That will leave the OB weight to the right of the axle free to rotate the wheel.
Last edited by Da Ewe on Wed Apr 05, 2023 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Invention

Post by WaltzCee »

And one piece of advice that Ant Burr gave me was to cannibalize my builds.
did someone (who will remain nameless) get ahead of their skis?!

Stay tuned.
Last edited by WaltzCee on Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Invention

Post by JUBAT »

I've never heard that term about the skis until now.

Would it be rational to say you would never need to cannibalize your builds if the first one you built worked?
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Re: My Invention

Post by WaltzCee »

JUBAT wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 5:56 pm I've never heard that term about the skis until now.

Would it be rational to say you would never need to cannibalize your builds if the first one you built worked?
funny ewe should ask that.

If one wanted to claim they've discovered something the greatest minds in history overlooked, and further claim they used the math and science these same geniuses developed to engineer the answer, then no, you should not have to can·ni·bal·ize that build.
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Re: My Invention

Post by WaltzCee »

bruno wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 4:40 am Mi piacciono le tue costruzioni e la tua inventiva; complimenti! Vorrei che altri membri di questo forum presentassero le loro costruzioni anche quelle che in passato non hanno funzionato per non ripetere inutili sprechi di tempo. Se le loro costruzioni fossero pubblicate da qualche parte le cercherei. Grazie e ancora complimenti!
Buona giornata da Bruno.
I like your constructions and your inventiveness; Well done! I would like other members of this forum to present their constructions even those that have not worked in the past so as not to repeat useless waste of time. If their constructions were published anywhere I would look them up. Thanks and congratulations again! Good day from Bruno.
The forum used to have an album and people used to publish pics of their work there. Some have a lot of builds under their belt and don't build too much unless they have a good reason to.

I'm in that camp.

A build isn't a useless waste of time if one learns something from it. Some one might tell you why it won't work, yet there's nothing like the actual experience of the failure to drive the point home.

Finally, just because someone failed with a design doesn't mean there's nothing in it. I use mechanisms I've never seen published. Everyone sees differently.

grass•ie for your input.
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Advocate of God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and redeemer of my soul.
Walter Clarkson
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Re: My Invention

Post by JUBAT »

Agreed WC...Ewe Da man. I designed a gravity latch that used a little ratchet and hammer to break the ratchet. It would catch a pendulum, hold the spring tension, then when the hammer fell, it would release the pedulum. Everything on it was able to be timed. Problem is that when the spring tension was released it caused kickback and stalled the wheel. Can't think of a use for it elsewhere, but designing failed gravity wheels isn't without its merit (unless you claim to be smarter than everyone when you fail).

I have a gut feeling there is some kind of an anomaly somewhere to be exploited, but it falls in the realm of these weird designs you would never use anywhere else but in a gravity wheel or never thought to use it in a certain way.

I had a dream last night that involved the toys page and so I plan to share it later, but I need to test the weight layout to make sure it would work. I took Bessler's talk of saying one weight closer to the axle and 1 farther away and applied it to the same half of the wheel. Taking Bessler at his word is folly imho so I try to twist his words. You either get farther away from the truth twice as fast or at least get as close as one could expect while trying to hammer a nail blindfolded.
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Re: My Invention

Post by WaltzCee »

I have a gut feeling there is some kind of an anomaly somewhere to be exploited, but it falls in the realm of these weird designs you would never use anywhere else but in a gravity wheel or never thought to use it in a certain way.
I think so too. My current design uses a single weight/mechanism & the the weight and the structure are going to be the same material.

I don't think the answer is a mechanism or any combination of them. There needs to be some principle.
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Walter Clarkson
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Da Ewe
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Axle Positioning Jig

Post by Da Ewe »

This shows the steps I took to make the jig with and how well it works. Most of the wood I used came
from the clamps I made to secure the spars in place while I fastened them to the hub and rim. While
not perfect, it is close enough. With this, the wheel won't realize a 1/32 in. or a 1mm difference.
I will need to add spacers for the axles of the weighted levers. Those will be easy enough to make. I'll
get a 3/8 in. thick board and will use my hole saw. The hole saw uses a drill bit the same diameter as the
axle so the round "plug" it makes will work just fine.
I've ordered the oak plywood for the base and have the plywood it will cover. When I get the board for the
spacers I'll also buy the oak plywood for the stand. This means that Sunday morning I'll be very busy. Until
then I'll finish the lockout mechanisms. I'll be using #12 wood screws to secure those to a spar and then
will saw of the excess. The head of the screw will be on the inside of the spar. The head of the screw will
strengthen it's hold on the part.
And with the gear rack that will cause the weighted levers to rotate, I'll show how those are being designed
and will explain why. I'm relying on math to simplify that. And for fun, this is how limits can be considered;
If this build, Bessler's Wheel, etc. works, I think people will want to know this for their own use. And with what
I've explained, people wouldn't need to know all of the math behind something like this, they'll only need to
know how to Plug & Play. Just insert the numbers they want and hit run. With perpetual motion, net torque =
power. Vertical drop = acceleration.

p.s., With the jig, the 2 pieces that extend out from it are the same width as the spars. If you notice, that allows
for the jig to be positioned where I want it to be. And with limits, the integral allows for an upper and lower limit.
Those 2 values can be averaged over an x amount of degrees. That'll give a rough estimate of net torque.
Axle Jig 1.0.png
Axle Jig 1.1.png
Axle Jig 1.2.png
Axle Jig 1.3.png
Last edited by Da Ewe on Thu Apr 06, 2023 6:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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