Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

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Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by ArchCalc »

I think I've discovered what was inside the small compartments that lined the inside perimeter of the wheel.
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Re: Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by preoccupied »

Be careful if you've found my infinite leverage gear train device don't share it, because it is more of a weapon of mass destruction. But do tell what you found if it's not that.
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Re: Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by JUBAT »

What the hell? Telling people not to share on a public forum? What say you WC?
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Re: Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by preoccupied »

If you can make a series of gears that can produce greater and greater leverage like I can that's something that is not for extra energy that is a weapon and why share a weapon online where any terrorist or rogue country could try to use it against your peace and safety?

I don't know what he wants to share. Don't criticize me for saying that this research could be dangerous. If you find a gravity wheel that's fine but if you create an exponentially increasing leverage on a gear train that is different.
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Re: Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by Tarsier79 »

I think I've discovered what was inside the small compartments that lined the inside perimeter of the wheel.
That would be nice.
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Re: Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by WaltzCee »

What say you WC?
This should be good. :)

Bring on the full Bessler Schpiel.

Share away!
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Re: Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by JUBAT »

preoccupied wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 7:28 pm If you can make a series of gears that can produce greater and greater leverage like I can that's something that is not for extra energy that is a weapon and why share a weapon online where any terrorist or rogue country could try to use it against your peace and safety?

I don't know what he wants to share. Don't criticize me for saying that this research could be dangerous. If you find a gravity wheel that's fine but if you create an exponentially increasing leverage on a gear train that is different.
Yeah okay. What are you here for if you think you know the solution but won't share? I suspect you're a plant meant to distract.
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Re: Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by JUBAT »

WaltzCee wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 9:22 pm
What say you WC?
This should be good. :)

Bring on the full Bessler Schpiel.

Share away!
Imagine that. Here all along I thought b.s. meant something else.
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Re: Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by ArchCalc »

No gears Preoccupied. Only a couple things Bessler was translated as having said, and one of the MT drawings, that made me think of something a couple days ago.
Bessler "did it" I'm sure, but have come to the conclusion that all the MT notations are just sarcastic nonsense.
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Re: Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by WaltzCee »

Well Jubat, I do agree with Archcalc's point:
  • Bessler "did it" I'm sure, but have come to the conclusion that all the MT notations are just sarcastic nonsense.
My only quibble would be with the emboldened text. I think Bessler deliberately led his readers along a failed path he knew very well, knew experientially.

Bessler wasn't giving anything away.
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Re: Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by JUBAT »

If the entirety of MT is b.s. then what else is there left to try? I cant think of anything else.
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Re: Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by JUBAT »

What about a series of figure 8 ball tracks around the circumference and the figure 8 ball tracks are in cases that can rotate a little bit this way and that?

I dunno - I'm at a loss. JC's latest blog speaking of tilted pentagrams and triangles completely lost me. Now I'm just a Bessler cynic. I know he did it, but it's too difficult of a problem to solve, and so now I just give myself up to cynicism and quit trying so hard, knowing full well that in my lifetime - it won't be solved.

Prove me wrong.
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Re: Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by WaltzCee »

There has to be some principle embodied in any number of mechanical configurations addressing contemporary scientific thinking as to why perpetual motion is impossible, aside from the sophistry of semantics.

We're sure if our sun goes super nova that would be the end of our PMM. We're equally sure the electron clouds of every speck of dirt in the universe have been going in circles at about 1/5 the speed of light ever since dirt began to coalesce.

That motion should end in a couple hundred bazillion years, we'll have to wait and see.

Any of the first MT's (roller balls) have the problem of control. One can't time them or add energy to them effectively. Like water they seek their lowest level. They're born to keel.

More can be said about the rest of the MT's yet why bore everyone?

Chin up, Jubat. When the Walter rumbles, you better run, you better run for cover. *\0/*
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Re: Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by JUBAT »

I know you've said you discovered something WC, but so have a lot of people. I've poured tons of money and thought into this over the decades and was sure I had it so many times. The emotional turmoil, nights of lost sleep, heart palpitations, and tolerance of my wife throughout leaves me feeling like I wasted a big chunk of my life. It truly was all for nothing.

The exact mechanical principle is not found in MT for if it was, this would have been solved already. As far as I'm concerned, Bessler saying the combining certain MTs one could find a movement is no different than if I drew a line on a piece of paper and said the same. Cutting the line into segments and assembling it into a tinker toy windmill is no different. Or taking a pile if iron ore and saying guess what you can make from this? Skyscrapers and cars. Well who would have thought. It's just too big of a leap from one to another and such is this Bessler wheel.

I think we truly would have been better off knowing it was possible and then have no clues, no mt, no apologia wheel, nothing that would have corrupted our minds and sent us down the wrong path.

I do fear if the solution is truly that simple and I find out about it, it will send me to the asylum. It will be a disappointment too large a burden for me to bear. Not only would I be disappointed in myself for not being smart enough to figure it out, Id jump to the next worry of what other painfully obvious tech are we overlooking that could have helped us eons ago?

Since God has known the solution all along, I wonder why he didn't gift such helpful technologies to us? Maybe the wheel has nothing in it that will redeem our souls and so he is not interested in it.

I'm glad you have hope WC. I've completely lost mine and for the first time in decades when I think of the wheel...i have a big black blank where ideas used to flow. I'm completely log jammed. It's weird having a void where once there were mental pictures.

Somewhere along the line I've developed a complex where I don't feel entitled to use technology that I didn't invent. I feel guilty for using smartphones and driving cars because I didn't invent them. That makes me a consumer pawn. I think that's why the wheel was so important to me because it represented freedom from this enslavement to other's ideas. Even though Bessler invented it, he is dead so I don't owe him anything but gratitude. But someone else inventing the wheel gives them the power and just one more person I have to stay enslaved to with my dollars. So if someone figures it out, I wish them all the best but in the end I more than likely will never own it or care to know because my reasons for wanting it are gone...if that makes any sense.
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Re: Preparing To Go "Full Bessler".

Post by ArchCalc »

JUBAT. All is not lost, and you are one of many seeking redemption from the "secret sin" of accepting the challenge of Bessler's wheel.
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