Iris wheel

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re: Iris wheel

Post by hmalone »

The Iris wheel is one of the more pratical designs I've seen, though I may be predjudiced because it is similar to a design I'm constructing.
I see many rather complex designs that are fraught with friction loss. I recall a comment by Count Karl stating the Bessler wheel is so simple that a carpenter boy could construct it. I believe the pendulum, and any other extraneous attachment, was nothing more than a 'smoke screen' that merely used the impetus of the wheel.
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re: Iris wheel

Post by SeaWasp »

I really like this design that Gordon has come up with! I am wondering if anyone has played around with the idea? The wheel seems to have great promise in principle and I am wondering why it has taken so long to post a follow up? It seems that there is hardly any counter-torque produced by the wheels on the ascending side! Centrifugal force will also help the weights on the descending side to open out! The only hiccup I can see is where the roller wheel at the top "bumps" the weights to open out. It may be ok, but the collision may have to be "tuned" to enable the weights to fly out. Springs may have to be utilised to help the weights open out, but not strong enough to keep them out!
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re: Iris wheel

Post by jim_mich »


On page 4 I show a sketch of the wheel I built that didn't work. (I didn't have a digital camera back then.)
On page 5 Jonathan shows his Knex model that didn't work.
We really tried to get Gordy's wheel to work. There might be a 'magic' condition by adding springs, etc. Feel free to build it and try.

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re: Iris wheel

Post by SeaWasp »

Yeah, thanks Jim.. I might just give it some further investigation! I think that timing is critical with this idea. I am thinking of merging some other ideas with it. Need to think this one out though! It definately looks to be promising. I think that the bottom weights at the 5 to 6 oclock position may have to be pulled in sooner and I think the weights at the 12 position need some sort of boost to raise them sooner! IMO! Something is drawing me to this principle because it is very similar to MT 9 & 10 and I can see no counter torque coming from the ascending side. I think it needs some sort of interconnectedness?...
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