You know with John Collins latest clue releases, I think it might be high time we start experimenting with ropes and pulleys. Bessler said if he added ropes, pulleys, and crossbars it would move with more power or something to that effect.
So what has JC said so far? He thinks the solution involves 5 weights, 5 cords, 10 pulleys, and the cords follow an N-shaped path. Now N-shaped could be N shaped or Z shaped depending on how you look at it. If you follow any 3 legs of the dodecagram you get a triangle where 2 sides are longer. You can also sort of get this N shape with 2 pulleys used in the standard configuration like this:

- Figure 9.26.jpg (12.49 KiB) Viewed 1499 times
- taken from
Of course now if you set up pulleys and cords to pull in one direction like the picture shows, you have the problem of pulling the other way. With ropes and pulleys you don't get a free lunch in both directions - if you lift a weight, you have to move quite a bit of rope for what movement of weight you get in return. Then at some point that weight must pull the rope back into the pulley arrangement so that it can be lifted again. True the ropes can kind of pull back through by slipping if they aren't in tension, but the wheel would get really tangled up with cord and pulleys.
I'm guessing a standard pulley arrangement is not what JC has in mind.
There are many other neat arrangements such as diagrams 1 and 2: ... _282282247 - notice how the middle one looks like lazy tongs.
So what kind of cord and pulley arrangement could be used?
Well I started thinking of something where there are 5 weights on arms arranged similarly to mt21 and each weighted arm has a pulley on it. Then run a rope through all the pulleys in a 5 pointed star configuration. Perhaps weights that are more prone to falling would help to raise the weights on the ascending side - just a little - by leveraging the weights all off of each other.
Another possibility is a proportional travel arrangement which is basically how pulleys and cords work anyway - where your descending weight would move X distance and the ascending weight would move X/2 or even X/4 distance. All it takes is the weight on the ascending side to be pulled in just a little - and it wouldn't take much - to create an imbalance.
It doesn't take too much imagination to start envisioning a connectedness principle where all the weights in a wheel are hooked via pulleys and cords in a zig zag fashion that would use the force from the fallen weights to create leverage to help lift the weights - just a little - on the ascending side.