I am going to build some sort of wheel to be sure. The wheel? I've already SIM'ed what I think Fletcher views as the prime mover. It self started and in no time at all was spinning over 9 million rpm.Now are you gonna build the wheel? ;)
Harvesting energy at one place then spending it somewhere else? Might work, but kind of Rube Goldberg-ish.
Combining the 2 ideas? Maybe a better course for success. But no, none of those ideas.
If the build fails, I will strap on Fletcher's prime mover. Not to be confused with The Fletcher®, which is a whole nother animal.
I've sharpened my pencil more times than I can count and got the problem to the point I get the same answer every time.Having said all that, there is a principle more foundational/fundamental to the notion of perpetual motion than this idea.
You can take that assertion to the bank.
I can figure it now in my head. The only next step is to build it or shut up. I'm not the sort that's going to shut up, so I really only have one choice.