MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
Moderator: scott
Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
Pathfinder was a prolific builder. He built amazing mechanisms out of perspex and standoffs. I don't know for sure, but I believe he hand cut and filed all his gears and parts. This would have taken many hours per build. He tested many variations of this. As his name suggested, he believed there was a weight path that would lead to PM.
There is a good possibility Fletcher may have simmed some part of them.
I don't see the answer here.
There is a good possibility Fletcher may have simmed some part of them.
I don't see the answer here.
Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
Thanks for your considered response, JUBAT, I do appreciate it. For the sake of clarity I've responded to your post below with comments in blue...
JUBAT wrote:
No actually I agree with you o. I just want people to give a serious think about they are embarking on. It's like people who wish to be a rock star, only to find out at some point they are never going to make it big in the music industry. They look back on years of failed attempts and even though they had the right stuff, they didn't spend enough time selling themselves on the casting couch.
I think a warning sign at the entrance of any endeavour is probably redundant. People are strong-willed and will often do the opposite on principle alone, so you might find your own warnings are seen as a challenge!
I'm quite an adept mechanic and am considered bright by my peers, but I've diverted quite a bit of time and money over the years to the quest, and it's left me severely jaded because I could have funded some pretty good trips with the missus, improved the home, or became a pilot. I had hopes of what I could gain financially if I just did this or that. It would have made more sense to actually go to school and become what I had wanted to become originally instead of wasting my life on such a fruitless and pointless endeavour. Yes I made the choice, and I was totally duped.
I think regret can be very corrosive and it often blinds us to the good. Nothing is all bad. You're not dead yet so you can't know if the duping was total... all those conversations you've had with fellow dupees over the years might be an ingredient for someone's eventual solution.
I've watched and followed the progress of the restoration of Union Pacific's Big Boy 4014 and Ed is the lead engineer. What an amazing life. Astronauts have gone to moon, Chuck Yeager broke the speed of sound, Henry Ford developed the model T, Edison the light bulb, Tesla AC current, and the Wright Brothers the aeroplane. All the inventor greats whom I look up to and admire greatly. What they all had in common is actual manifestation of their ideas and on some level we all admire them.
True enough. These greats might also tell you the greater the reward, the greater the risk!
In the case of the Bessler - a slice of the population wants something for nothing and indeed it could be regarded as the all time greatest invention, but we have no proof at all - just some German writings from in the 1700s - way before the industrial revolution, when sailing ships were king, when horseback and walking is how you got from point A to point B, you pooped in an outhouse, and beam engines were a toy for the rich...and we are expected to believe than an invention that would literally change the world was invented by a temperamental German simpleton?
I pooped in an outhouse when I was a kid. I used to watch the 'soil man' run up our driveway every Thursday morning before sunrise with an empty can on his shoulder, and run back to his truck with our brimming week's worth of contributions. That was well before the 1700's :D
I don't think Bessler was a simpleton. In some ways, people 300 years ago were smarter than they are now. From what I see currently happening in the world today, smartness might even be trending away from us and towards them!
I'd like to believe it was true, and no doubt an invention of this sort could help a lot of people in 3rd world countries put gravity to work for them, but it's quite a farfetched story when you buckle down and study the details and I get a strong feeling that it's quite a clever story that is meant to suck people in and distract them things they should really be pursuing - things with a tangible reward for the effort put forth.
It is a far-fetched story if you limit Bessler's solution to some kind of impossible gravity powered wheel. I certainly don't think that is how Bessler solved his problem. I do think he was happy to allow people to be distracted with their own preconceptions.
I don't think Bessler was a fraud at all. He performed the perfect prank to ensure that he would never be forgotten. The pictures, and stories, and everything else just wreaks of a theatrical performance and he's the ultimate carney - still hawking and selling his promises of what-if and there is a sucker standing there in line right behind me to fall for it. I have serious doubts that any of it is true. The perpetual interest in perpetual motion is the only thing perpetual about it and Bessler is only eclipsed by Shakespeare in theatrical magnitude.
I don't think Bessler performed a 'prank'. While he certainly was a showman, there is no getting around his incredible demonstrations and the tests he allowed to be conducted on his wheels. I doubt you would still be here if you thought all these great men had been duped by a simpleton with a show.
Until I'm proven wrong, I'm right but severely disappointed in being so. I just advise all of you to give a think about what you're embarking on because time is ticking by and you're missing out on life by chasing snakes in the grass.
You can't prove a negative and be right. As stated already, you're advice is too little, too late, and on deaf ears :D
I just don't want everyone to be yes-men and nod up and down like a bobble-head on the dash of their car. All these hopefuls running around here like chickens with their heads cut off. Can't one of us be a nay-sayer or the voice of reason? At least I'm not Da Ewe telling everyone how dumb they are and how my invention is the best. I'm actually supportive and make regular suggestions despite my heavy skepticism. I guess it's just a past-time for this senior citizen since I've got nothing else to show for my life.
Almost everyone who thinks they are right about something, especially in this field, seem destined for some hard lessons. I've certainly learned some hard lessons and I've seen many take their licks. The crazies who keep coming back for more even seem to like it!
I don't accept that you have nothing to show for your life. That doesn't sound right. That sounds like a perspective issue, rather than a balanced quantitative analysis. I think perspective is a key component in solving this puzzle, so maybe that's something to think about.
A lot of people have died without ever knowing whether it was for real or not. Do you want to be next?
I share most of my work and ideas in an effort to help someone, if not me, solve this problem. While I'd certainly like to live to see a solution (although time is definitely running out), I don't like to dwell on things I can't control. I'll continue to help and learn and confront while I can. That seems like reward enough.. well almost :D
Last edited by ovyyus on Mon Jul 03, 2023 5:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
There is a solution using Path Finders gif image but it's not how he drew it. How those gears work when you have a gear attached to a lever attached to an outer rim, the position of the weight close to the rim is a fraction of a force. This force though is gravity itself's force without mass because it's a 1:1 gear ratio attached to a lever on a wheel. Lever on lever action negates the force pushing downwards because it's structurally held. The force is gravity itself when it's 1:1. It's 1:1 when the weight is near the center because the same distance to the axle on the swivel to the rim of the wheel. So the trick that I'm sharing is when the weights are in the center of the swivel they provide weight on the wheel itself. This is the only way to provide actual weight on the wheel itself. Every other part of the swivel is fractional of the weights, they are not even the weights, they are the force of gravity with no mass.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
@ovyrus, je rejoins en tous points tes analyses,
Sommes-nous plus intelligents qu’en 1700 je ne pense pas. Il y à 100 000 ou 10 000 ans l’homme était aussi intelligent qu’aujourd’hui, l’écriture, environ 6 500ans a permis la transmission, la mémoire.
Mais aujourd’hui sur le sujet qui nous occupe, il règne trop de confusion, trop d’information, de la dispersion, et surtout beaucoup de solitude dans la réflexion et la modélisation.
Il faut dire que les sempiternelles « ça ne marchera pas » décourage plus qu’il ne mobilise.
Il manque ici l’essentiel, « un esprit d’équipe » …
J’ai enfin accepté après des heures de discussion avec Robinwood46, de rediffuser librement tous ce que je fais ou pense sur le sujet, et tant pis, même si un petit colombien dit c’est moi qui l’ai trouvé, aujourd’hui je m’en fous…
En dehors de l’intérêt documentaire du personnage, il faut oublier définitivement les pistes (MT ou autres) de Bessler, pour espérer approcher la vérité, sinon c’est la confusion.
Il a fait quelque chose sans aucun doute mais très probablement pas ce que nous croyons.
La fin de sa vie en dit long, il quémandait des subsides pour survivre, c’est très étonnant quand tu es assis sur une mine d’or, il ne connaissait pas les soldes…
@ovyrus, I agree with all your analyses,
I don't think we're any more intelligent today than we were in 1700. 100,000 or 10,000 years ago, man was just as intelligent as he is today, and writing, some 6,500 years ago, enabled transmission and memory.
But today, on the subject at hand, there's too much confusion, too much information, too much dispersion, and above all too much solitude in thinking and modeling.
It has to be said that the eternal "it won't work" discourages more than it mobilizes.
What's missing here is the essential "team spirit"...
I finally agreed, after hours of discussion with Robinwood46, to freely repost everything I do or think on the subject, and too bad, even if a little Colombian says I found it, today I don't give a damn...
Apart from the documentary interest of the character, you have to definitively forget about Bessler's leads (MT or others), to hope to approach the truth, otherwise it's confusing.
He undoubtedly did something, but probably not what we think.
The end of his life says it all, he begged for subsidies to survive, it's very surprising when you're sitting on a gold mine, he didn't know the balances ...
Sommes-nous plus intelligents qu’en 1700 je ne pense pas. Il y à 100 000 ou 10 000 ans l’homme était aussi intelligent qu’aujourd’hui, l’écriture, environ 6 500ans a permis la transmission, la mémoire.
Mais aujourd’hui sur le sujet qui nous occupe, il règne trop de confusion, trop d’information, de la dispersion, et surtout beaucoup de solitude dans la réflexion et la modélisation.
Il faut dire que les sempiternelles « ça ne marchera pas » décourage plus qu’il ne mobilise.
Il manque ici l’essentiel, « un esprit d’équipe » …
J’ai enfin accepté après des heures de discussion avec Robinwood46, de rediffuser librement tous ce que je fais ou pense sur le sujet, et tant pis, même si un petit colombien dit c’est moi qui l’ai trouvé, aujourd’hui je m’en fous…
En dehors de l’intérêt documentaire du personnage, il faut oublier définitivement les pistes (MT ou autres) de Bessler, pour espérer approcher la vérité, sinon c’est la confusion.
Il a fait quelque chose sans aucun doute mais très probablement pas ce que nous croyons.
La fin de sa vie en dit long, il quémandait des subsides pour survivre, c’est très étonnant quand tu es assis sur une mine d’or, il ne connaissait pas les soldes…
@ovyrus, I agree with all your analyses,
I don't think we're any more intelligent today than we were in 1700. 100,000 or 10,000 years ago, man was just as intelligent as he is today, and writing, some 6,500 years ago, enabled transmission and memory.
But today, on the subject at hand, there's too much confusion, too much information, too much dispersion, and above all too much solitude in thinking and modeling.
It has to be said that the eternal "it won't work" discourages more than it mobilizes.
What's missing here is the essential "team spirit"...
I finally agreed, after hours of discussion with Robinwood46, to freely repost everything I do or think on the subject, and too bad, even if a little Colombian says I found it, today I don't give a damn...
Apart from the documentary interest of the character, you have to definitively forget about Bessler's leads (MT or others), to hope to approach the truth, otherwise it's confusing.
He undoubtedly did something, but probably not what we think.
The end of his life says it all, he begged for subsidies to survive, it's very surprising when you're sitting on a gold mine, he didn't know the balances ...
Last edited by thx4 on Mon Jul 03, 2023 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
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Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
JUBAT, I don't know what gif is but, if you can get it to work fine. It's moving too fast for me to understand it-----Sam
Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
Excellent choice!thx4 wrote:I finally agreed, after hours of discussion with Robinwood46, to freely repost everything I do or think on the subject, and too bad, even if a little Colombian says I found it, today I don't give a damn...
All us sad, dying old farts can't take it with us. Share it or lose it :D
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Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
THX4, i don't know who this Robinwood46 character is, but I'm glad he convinced you to stop the TOP SECRET nonsense.
Ovyyus is right about not being able to take it with us, it's the sad, dying old farts bit i don't agree with, although he does have a point. Age is a factor that i thought would make it easier to convince people to share their thoughts, as opposed to keeping everything close to the chest, to be "the one".
Jubat's sceptical comments are far more helpful than "I've found the answer, but I'm not telling", " mine will work in a few days", " I've done steps 3, 7 and 8, the next step is to work out how many steps" and all the other nonsense posts that say absolutely nothing of any use to anyone, other than the ego of the person posting.
We must acknowledge, if we analyse the situation objectively, that this community has a lot of similarities with a sect. Certainly in the case of many members there is the belief that Bessler wasn't a fraud. Beliefs are excellent foundations for building sect like communities. Just as we can't prove scientifically that God exists or doesn't exist, we can't prove that Bessler was a fraud or wasn't a fraud. We are free to believe whatever we choose. The vast majority of the residents of this planet believe that Bessler was a fraud, without a wheel that replicates Bessler's to prove he was a fraud, the majority of this community believe he wasn't a fraud, without a wheel to prove he wasn't. We all live in a world of believe whatever we like. If enough people agree with your belief it is acknowledge as a valid religion, or a scientific fact, if not you belong to a sect or are a pseudo scientist, or a crazy person fit for the loony bin (time travellers included). Throughout history we have been repeatedly proven to believe any old shit, yet we still insist on inventing beliefs and then we deform reality to cling to them.
Ovyyus is right about not being able to take it with us, it's the sad, dying old farts bit i don't agree with, although he does have a point. Age is a factor that i thought would make it easier to convince people to share their thoughts, as opposed to keeping everything close to the chest, to be "the one".
Jubat's sceptical comments are far more helpful than "I've found the answer, but I'm not telling", " mine will work in a few days", " I've done steps 3, 7 and 8, the next step is to work out how many steps" and all the other nonsense posts that say absolutely nothing of any use to anyone, other than the ego of the person posting.
We must acknowledge, if we analyse the situation objectively, that this community has a lot of similarities with a sect. Certainly in the case of many members there is the belief that Bessler wasn't a fraud. Beliefs are excellent foundations for building sect like communities. Just as we can't prove scientifically that God exists or doesn't exist, we can't prove that Bessler was a fraud or wasn't a fraud. We are free to believe whatever we choose. The vast majority of the residents of this planet believe that Bessler was a fraud, without a wheel that replicates Bessler's to prove he was a fraud, the majority of this community believe he wasn't a fraud, without a wheel to prove he wasn't. We all live in a world of believe whatever we like. If enough people agree with your belief it is acknowledge as a valid religion, or a scientific fact, if not you belong to a sect or are a pseudo scientist, or a crazy person fit for the loony bin (time travellers included). Throughout history we have been repeatedly proven to believe any old shit, yet we still insist on inventing beliefs and then we deform reality to cling to them.
Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
What you don’t understand about the greats is they all had teachers and peers. They all stole ideas and concepts. They achieved greatness through inspiration, mentorship, collaboration, and a relentless drive. More than anything else they had great drive. How many times did it take Edison to invent the lightbulb.Jubat: I've watched and followed the progress of the restoration of Union Pacific's Big Boy 4014 and Ed is the lead engineer. What an amazing life. Astronauts have gone to moon, Chuck Yeager broke the speed of sound, Henry Ford developed the model T, Edison the light bulb, Tesla AC current, and the Wright Brothers the aeroplane. All the inventor greats whom I look up to and admire greatly. What they all had in common is actual manifestation of their ideas and on some level we all admire them.
and we are expected to believe than an invention that would literally change the world was invented by a temperamental German simpleton?
I don’t think people realise or appreciate how incredibly smart Bessler was. In his time and before only the super smart made it out of serfdom and into high society life. Even the intelligent was made mostly for the upper-class. In his works we have left there is hidden concepts and codes everywhere. Most people in our community don’t want to recognise them because they realise that they can never figure them out or that they believe there is no way anybody could be that smart to place them there.
Ahhh yes regret. I believe most of us came here knowing that there is only about 1% chance Bessler was not a fraud or a misdirected notion of perpetual motion. The people here if not working on the Bessler problem would just shift over and work on the obsession of another regret.I'm quite an adept mechanic and am considered bright by my peers, but I've diverted quite a bit of time and money over the years to the quest, and it's left me severely jaded because I could have funded some pretty good trips with the missus, improved the home, or became a pilot. I had hopes of what I could gain financially if I just did this or that. It would have made more sense to actually go to school and become what I had wanted to become originally instead of wasting my life on such a fruitless and pointless endeavour. Yes I made the choice, and I was totally duped.
That is the problem you were doing it for money instead of personal growth and insatiable intrigue. Remember, life is a journey of continuous learning and self-discovery. While regrets may arise, they can also propel us toward making better choices in the future. There is no shame in quitting without burning down the landscape behind you; I always admired Ralph for this.. I had hopes of what I could gain financially if I just did this or that.
What goes around, comes around.
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Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
To me it was self-evident that Bessler's wheel worked just fine. The big problem is critics. They are incapable of resolving how it was done. therefore, it must be impossible, (or a fraud). If you will forgive me for saying so.
One thing is for sure; no one has a clue what I'm doing------------------------------Sam
One thing is for sure; no one has a clue what I'm doing------------------------------Sam
Last edited by Sam Peppiatt on Mon Jul 03, 2023 2:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
I first learned about Bessler in the late 80's early 90's when I was a kid studying for doctorate degrees. I don't think there were translations for me then. I don't remember what Universities that I participated in but I managed to find schools that would accept cassette recordings as part of my participation since I was only about 5 years old. I had studied medicine that creates cancer or mutations. I might be a very important part of modern medicine but I wouldn't know based on my current thinking condition. So I'm saying that I came here with prior interest even if I didn't remember it very clearly. I think most people come here skeptically but when I was a kid researching I considered research like it was new or inventive and I didn't disregard Bessler because I believed new information was out there. There is no pseudoscience just dumb quasi scientists when there is obvious pseudoscience created by them. Also, I immediately found a solution when I was a kid then and tried to share it with my bank, the gears that become stronger with additional gears. It's more of a weapon than a tool though. I know this all in hindsight, I was actually pretty banged up when I joined the forum. I had been attacked between 2004-2009 and suffered possible concussions. I have no idea what's going on, what happened to my bank I have not confirmed anything, and I can't prove that I had an education at a young age like I think and like I'm saying now and I have no credibility. I have no credibility and none of my ideas have really earned your guys respect either. You are not being duped but none of you might have any clue what you are doing. I wanted to end this paragraph with a joke not an insult. :)daxwc wrote: ↑Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:47 am
Ahhh yes regret. I believe most of us came here knowing that there is only about 1% chance Bessler was not a fraud or a misdirected notion of perpetual motion. The people here if not working on the Bessler problem would just shift over and work on the obsession of another regret.I'm quite an adept mechanic and am considered bright by my peers, but I've diverted quite a bit of time and money over the years to the quest, and it's left me severely jaded because I could have funded some pretty good trips with the missus, improved the home, or became a pilot. I had hopes of what I could gain financially if I just did this or that. It would have made more sense to actually go to school and become what I had wanted to become originally instead of wasting my life on such a fruitless and pointless endeavour. Yes I made the choice, and I was totally duped.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
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Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
What happened to you? Who attacked you? If you don't mind me asking---------------------Sam
What happened to you? Who attacked you? If you don't mind me asking---------------------Sam
Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
Einstein's ability to challenge conventional thinking and approach problems from unconventional angles is truly inspiring. His willingness to question established norms opened up new avenues of scientific discovery and revolutionized our understanding of the universe. Where would the mother of invention be without people like him?Jubat:
I just don't want everyone to be yes-men and nod up and down like a bobble-head on the dash of their car. All these hopefuls running around here like chickens with their heads cut off. Can't one of us be a nay-sayer or the voice of reason?
There are lots of people here who play the voice of reason.
What goes around, comes around.
Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
I think it's cool you sought PM for financial gains. Different strokes for different folks. It's all good in the end. All good.
PM is Forever and so are Diamonds:
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Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
I've talked about this before I think. My family attacked me. I was also injured in a slip and fall because a girlfriend assaulted me. I think the majority of the shenanigans might be because I had a bank and I wasn't sharing money. And the family was angry about the divorces that my parents had and I think they kept a really negative attitude towards me. I was assaulted in elementary school years, year 2001 by the girlfriend and 2004-2009 every year without fail and they all probably were nasty concussions.Sam Peppiatt wrote: ↑Mon Jul 03, 2023 2:14 pm preoccupied,
What happened to you? Who attacked you? If you don't mind me asking---------------------Sam
Last edited by preoccupied on Mon Jul 03, 2023 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Mark Twain
Re: MTs, WM2D, and WM Basic Language Script Code
Let it be known that on this 3rd day of July in the year of our LORD 2023, I henceforth release Walter Clarkson also known as WC from the $1200 check stipulation.