Thx Machine II

A Bessler, gravity, free-energy free-for-all. Registered users can upload files, conduct polls, and more...

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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by preoccupied »

"In my opinion, there are no superior men, only opportunities that some don't see."

Really? I know that I am both inferior and superior. I was born with a 400+ IQ and graduated with doctorate degrees in kindergarten but I was assaulted and suffered concussions. I read Bessler's documents through University documents in old German when I was 5. My perpetual motion machine that I made then caused gears to grow stronger with additional gears. I am so stupid right now it's not even funny. It is a little funny. Like laughing at the challenged or dangerously stupid. It's obvious that Bessler's clues are real and direct at specific clues. MT1 is likely a string tied to a weight on a post rotating along a lever in a circle. There is a line there in the drawing indicating a string in MT1. MT13 obviously can use the perpetual motion machine rule that you can have an infinite outer lever if you rotate it 90 degrees along the rim of a wheel first positioning it out away from the wheel and then leaving it perpendicular that 90 degree turn. This can reset MT13 with some kind of length of lever maybe infinite lever could do it then because it can be infinite. Also MT18 works great if you unfold a rolling box of springs that I shared recently on the forum and that I drew a long time ago or I might have posted it a long time ago I don't remember. I had it on my computer a long time ago. However that computer is dead and thrown in the trash by now. The point is though this MT18 version that I'm referring to has been here on Earth in concept since I joined the forum and tried to calculate twisting the right angle on a swastika over and over again. That is 3 MT's that are actual working designs and maybe others would work with similar use of the same concepts. I am superior to you all what I lack in technical knowledge I make up for in sound logic with what little I do have. Like making technically accurate statements. I do that. I am superior and it feels good.
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by WaltzCee »

You should write sci-fi Jon. That's your strong suit.

Mechanical engineering, meh, not so much.
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by agor95 »

WaltzCee wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 2:31 am .
You should write sci-fi Jon. That's your strong suit.

Mechanical engineering, meh, not so much.
Thanks Bro'

And your strong suit - anyone know?

I know I will not be able to reach your standards.
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Last edited by agor95 on Sun Jul 09, 2023 8:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by WaltzCee »

Really? I know that I am both inferior and superior. I was born with a 400+ IQ and graduated with doctorate degrees in kindergarten but I was assaulted and suffered concussions. I read Bessler's documents through University documents in old German when I was 5.
Calling bullshit when I see it, monkey boy.

By the by, shouldn't you be off in some corner wacking your itti bitti python off? Thought you had me on ignore, you lying sack of defecation.
Last edited by WaltzCee on Sun Jul 09, 2023 7:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Thx Machine Candidate

Post by agor95 »

Hello Thx

There is a candidate small project that could be constructed as a forum initiative.

The base is a pendulum which should be possible with the components you have available.

The pendulum's pivot can slide vertically along the post connecting to a stand.

The pivot is supported by a compressed spring below and within the slot.

This should have been studied by many forum members being a goto project.

The forum initiative is related to the pivot's prime mover.

Last edited by agor95 on Sun Jul 09, 2023 7:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by agor95 »

Hi Bro' WaltzCee

I am sorry that someone beat you up to try and get some civility into you. I imagine the arrogance you label others is a reflection of yourself.

I can see why you and James are so close.

Looking at IQ information Albert Einstein had around 160 IQ.
A Standard Deviation method is used so 100 IQ is 50% of the population tested.
160 IQ is 1% of the population and 400+ is in the fantasist population.

P.S. What we were is not in the now. Who you are now is the base to what you will become.
Last edited by agor95 on Sun Jul 09, 2023 9:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by WaltzCee »

You are such a pompous ass.
mommie dearest wrote: Sat Jul 08, 2023 9:36 am . .. .. ..
  • I have thought upon this threads recent posts and two notions come to mind.

  • The first is this threads original post. So thx4 can you give us a summary and update on how you are doing?
Oh, you thought upon it? Thank you, my turd. We are so unworthy!
  • This is thx4 thread and we should give him some respect.
  • The other notion is Mental Health. We could all use it right now ;)
My, what a notion. Might I add, you sure put the mental in health, sir.
  • It's important we take time to balance how we address the 'The Quest' in our lives.
    We should think; Retrospectively was that a good use of my time.
Walter to quest, Walter to quest, come in quest!
Ah, retro thinking! How right brained of you, sir. Particularly amazing for one with only one brain cell yet 2 hemispheres! Astounding!!
  • Have you changed for the better in the pursuit of the 'The Quest'.
I certainly will put that on my things to ponder upon list.
  • I imagine 'The Quest' as a tree were as you climb up the tree you learn.
Were as you climb? Horrible. Right hemisphere, wrong time? Have you considered getting the free edition of grammerly?
  • I am not lazy but active and the learning creates stronger branches.
How exactly does a monkey boy like you strengthen the branches of a tree?
  • So I do not fall back to the ground thus wasting time or money does not happen.
  • 'The Quest' is a destination not a goal. Exploration and exercise is the product.
  • I am mindful each post has it's affect on others.
    Thus effecting the atmosphere within the forum.
  • I just ignore some members exhaled posts.
You lying sack of defecation.
  • I choose what atmosphere I breath.
I fart in your general direction.
  • All the Best Thx4 - Update Please.
update. update. Pweeze update.
You bring to mind a mash of mommie dearest & Elmer Fudd.

This was free hand on a napkin. I'm one of the first persons on Earth to do pixel editing. Any monkey can use the tools others have developed.

I'm telling you Jon, you're missing your calling.
Sci-fi/fantasy. Practice writing screenplays. Hollywood is screaming your name!
Last edited by WaltzCee on Sun Jul 09, 2023 10:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the future is here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by preoccupied »

WaltzCee wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 7:46 am .
Really? I know that I am both inferior and superior. I was born with a 400+ IQ and graduated with doctorate degrees in kindergarten but I was assaulted and suffered concussions. I read Bessler's documents through University documents in old German when I was 5.
Calling bullshit when I see it, monkey boy.

By the by, shouldn't you be off in some corner wacking your itti bitti python off? Thought you had me on ignore, you lying sack of defecation.
I didn't ignore you. My mechanical engineering is weak but I have logical common sense even in what I do have in it.

I started talking almost immediately after birth and played violin and voice acted cartoon series at 3 years old or possibly younger. By the time I was in kindergarten I had a couple doctorate degrees. I didn't study math like some other famous high IQ people of similar quality. I studied medicine but I did in this time invent perpetual motion machine stuff and did research Bessler as an interest having had to read it in German at the time around 5 years old with only trigonometry level education which was all was required at the time for medical degrees. After having concussions from elementary school years from people assaulting me I was a shell of my former self that earned my doctorate degrees but in 2001 I time looped and were several people including Sir Isaac Newton. So I took my brain damage with no advanced math knowledge since at the time I had about an Algebra level understanding of math and I studied in Britain until I invented calculus as Newton in just a few months in which I did the whole life's work of Sir Isaac Newton while time traveling. I don't know why history says I never had sex as Newton right now because I had a lot of sex, I just didn't want to have any kids with women. So butt sex. History doesn't give it justice because I got in trouble periodically because I was rough in bed and the police then had large thick swords and I took the swords and crushed them in my hands, melting them from the pressure of my super strength, super strength being a side effect of the time machine that I had at the time. It was a spectacle, people understood that I had super powers. A similar thing happened when I was Napoleon in an earlier time loop before Newton. As Napoleon I punched incoming canon balls with my fist. I'm kind of funny actually. I remember charging a bridge where there was a stand off and punched a canon ball point blank out of a canon making the ball explode on my fist, to get my men to charge the bridge. I am a beacon of truth. These are not lies, nothing that I say is a lie. I would be more impressive without the brain damage.
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by WaltzCee »

We're here to help, Jon. We're not your enemy
How to Write Time Travel in Film and TV
  • Okay, so you want to write some time travel screenplays. We have a course you can take to learn the basics of screenwriting, but if you want to learn about time travel stay right here. Or go into the future. I'm new to this. Or am I?
Time travel comes in lots of . . .
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the future is here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Warning JUBALAND is on fire!!!

Post by thx4 »

Attach the blue inertia block and see what happens...
We're in an erratic configuration, the next one will be synchronized.
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by thx4 »

Nothing special lol
The idea is to exploit the counter torque, a really pleasant proto 😊
Last edited by thx4 on Tue Jul 11, 2023 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by thx4 »

The inertia of the disc is maintained and can be increased by the special balance wheel.
The balance acts as a lever on the blue bearing, but the blue bearing is already in motion, so we don't need to wind it up like an ordinary weight...
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by thx4 »

One of the blue weights is a little heavier when it goes down, it tensions the spring, the kinetics make it go to 6:05, the spring restores the accumulated force...
A spring part to be improved
Last edited by thx4 on Tue Jul 18, 2023 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Energy ?

Post by thx4 »

Après pas mal d’expérience en tous genres, j’en arrive à la conclusion que le moteur de Bessler est purement gravitaire, l’inertie n’agit pas, c’est même contre-productif. 52 tours minutes cela n’ira jamais plus vite…
Ce sont donc des poids assez lourds qui tombent.
Cette simple constatation est importante car elle élimine un peu près tout ce que j’ai vu ces dernières années, roue à déséquilibre Mt13,21,24 etc.

Je vais réfléchir dans cette direction.
Si vous avez des idées dans le genre je suis preneur.

After a great deal of experimentation of all kinds, I've come to the conclusion that the Bessler motor is purely gravitational; inertia has no effect, in fact it's counter-productive. 52 rpm is as fast as it gets...
So it's quite heavy weights that fall.
This simple observation is important because it pretty much eliminates everything I've seen over the last few years, unbalanced wheel Mt13,21,24 etc. I'm going to think in this direction.

I'll be thinking along these lines.
If you have any ideas along these lines, I'd love to hear from you.
Last edited by thx4 on Sat Oct 07, 2023 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Energy ?

Post by agor95 »

thx4 wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2023 9:34 am After a great deal of experimentation of all kinds, I've come to the conclusion that the Bessler motor is purely gravitational.
I respect your experimentation and your empirical conclusion.

The question that has been unanswered is how does a purely gravitational device supply excess energy to combat dissipating losses?

While looking at a purely gravitational effect. It's odd how work energy has to be used to accelerate a mass.
But no work is required to accelerate a falling mass. It is as if the mass is stationary or moving at constant speed.

Only then do we have no work energy being used on the inertial mass.

When thinking around the subject one thinks on about accelerating a charged particle creates a resistive magnetic field.
All matter has charged particles within; That be wood or lead as in Besslers time.

But when the speed is constant the magnetic field goes to zero.

Then again we have seen a magnet dropped down within a copper pipe does not accelerate as fast due to gravity.
For there is a counter magnetic field created as the free falling mass drops.

There are suttle interactions were purely gravitational effects interact with other temporary secondary affects.

Last edited by agor95 on Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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