How Bessler's Wheel Works

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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by UbWe »

JUBAT wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:52 pm Without getting too technical, I would assume telling everyone to copy your build is the key to a working Bessler wheel. You've got it figured out and where Einstein and Newton weren't necessarily wrong, but their understanding was lacking.

So stay tuned, JL is on the verge of a working wheel - any day now!
Are you suggesting that Bessler was a fraud? What Bessler wrote;
Das Triumphirende Perpetuum Mobile Orffyreanum
Johann Bessler, Kassel, 1719, pp. 16-23
Provided by Al Bacon
Translation by Ted of Chicago

Except for a small change in the external dimensions of the wheel for raising weights (or so-called "running wheel"), I have organized everything together in accordance with those structures of the previous machine which I had broken to pieces. These small changes occurred by chance and do not need to be defended.

Around the firmly placed horizontal axis is a rotating disc (low or narrow cylinder) which resembles a grindstone. This disc can be called the principle piece of my machine. Accordingly, this wheel consists of an external wheel (or drum) for raising weights which is covered with stretched linen. The base of the cylinder is 12 Rhenish feet in diameter. The height (or thickness) is between 15 and 18 inches. The axle (or shaft) passing through the center is 6 feet long and 8 inches thick cross-sectionally.

So if I use drums like these to hoist the weights at the top then it's my wheel, right? I just don't want to get technical and say when one end
of a lever is lifted it rotates a drum that lifts the weight. Can you explain why that can't work?
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Last edited by UbWe on Sat Jul 15, 2023 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by JUBAT »

I say: Copy James' wheel it works.
Your reply: Are you saying Bessler was a fraud?

Do you see the cognitive dissonance in that line of logic?
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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by UbWe »

JUBAT wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2023 3:18 pm I say: Copy James' wheel it works.
Your reply: Are you saying Bessler was a fraud?

Do you see the cognitive dissonance in that line of logic?

When you said
So stay tuned, JL is on the verge of a working wheel - any day now!
you were being sarcastic. If you actually thought
I was right then you'd be talking about Bessler and his work and not about me.
Do you see the cognitive dissonance in that line of logic?
And when I move out of the United States it will be because Alan Bauldree could not let me pursue a life in the U.S. And with the surgery I need, I
won't be able to trust an American doctor because 13 years of being left to suffer is what it is. There's nothing like having a thread about you calling
you the ultimate fraud when you have severe complications from the treatment of cancer. And yet when I had cancer AB Hammer told me to shove it up my ass which is where it was because he had it worse than me, he was getting ready to eat dinner. That post still exists today. And yet working at Bessler's
Wheel made me the target because I am 1/2 Norwegian and 1/2 American. Bessler was 1/2 Polish and 1/2 German. Wagner and his friends ruined his life.
Moving out of the U.S. will add to the Johann Bessler legacy. People will know that I was attacked just like Bessler for working at something.
Last edited by UbWe on Sat Jul 15, 2023 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by JUBAT »

Trying to have a conversation with you does not automatically mean an attack. You have talked about leaving the usa many times before. So do tell James. When are you leaving?
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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by UbWe »

JUBAT wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2023 4:41 pm Trying to have a conversation with you does not automatically mean an attack. You have talked about leaving the usa many times before. So do tell James. When are you leaving?
Just own up to it Alan, you just want me to be the "other woman" in your life so everyone will notice you. What's sad is that you and your friends do not discuss Bessler's work but only discuss that I'm a jerk towards you. And to understand Bessler's Wheel, some of it is technical, simple just won't work. An example is if you do not understand trigonometry then you probably wouldn't understand why it works. This is because the science behind it could not be considered.
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Last edited by UbWe on Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by JUBAT »

Why do you keep accusing me of being Alan? I most assuredly am not. If you don't stop, then I'm going to start calling you Ralph.
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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by UbWe »

JUBAT wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:45 pm Why do you keep accusing me of being Alan? I most assuredly am not. If you don't stop, then I'm going to start calling you Ralph.

Because you are. The reality is Alan you need me to notice you so you can ruin my life. And you can’t do that if I won’t have a conversation with you.

p.s., remember when you told Stephen Hartmann who owns that I killed someone? And when I told him that I didn’t you said you didn’t want to talk about that but you’d tell me what we’d talk about.
And Alan, you’re showing what Bessler went through for being 1/2 Polish. Kind of makes believe it’s not a coincidence that someone like Bessler is reaping his work. That just shows that in 300 years that people like you are both encouraged and supported.
Last edited by UbWe on Sat Jul 15, 2023 9:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by JUBAT »

I'm sitting here in my recliner a few states over from where you live James and for you to think I'm Alan without having any proof whatsoever is idiotic behaviour. Even though I'm a senior citizen, my dad is still alive and he suffers from the same malady as you where he is so insistent about a train of thought and he most assuredly knows. The look on his face when he's proven wrong is of total bewilderment and "how could this be?" followed by blaming someone else for his erroneous conclusion.

From the time I was born, I was raised in a home where my dad was special needs due to 2 layers - a physical malady he contends with and a mental one that was exacerbated by a severe car crash he experienced when I was single digit years old.

I'm no stranger to growing up with those who suffer from mental illness. They tend to isolate themselves because nobody wants to be around their craziness. You exhibit all the same symptoms of my father and then some. I'm not a doctor though.

Of all the things you say to provoke people, you calling me Alan without having any proof whatsoever and being insistent about it really exposes your level of insanity and idiocy. You can't even make a working wheel and now you parade around like a clairvoyant claiming you know who is on the other end of the computer screen.

The reason why you get so much negativity thrown your way is totally based on your behaviour. You get what you dish out.

The mental illness dad has repeatedly left me frustrated in that there was no amount of explaining, no amount of logic, no amount of exposing his errant train of thought that would get him to back down. To this day he is insistently stubborn, stiff necked, and no matter how hard you try to explain to him his errant thoughts, he will not buckle one iota. So there he sits, wracked with mental illness, blaming everyone for everything, and he absolutely refuses to accept any responsibility for how he has behaved or admit even a little bit that he could be wrong or have some mental illness. He used to write notes to people and tell them how his in-laws poisoned his coffee and made him wreck his car. I grew up the son of the town idiot and I had my very own court jester personal clown for a dad.

As a result, nobody comes to see him, nobody wants to know him, and even my mother can't stand him. He goes for walks alone and only animals like him because they can't understand what he's saying. I see him occasionally and only for short periods of time before he's simply too much to deal with and I have to leave him be.

This is your eventuality JL. You are what others would call impossible. You refuse to reason, you think you know who I am, you hold grudges for decades, refuse to own up to your previous posts (like what WC) shared, and just prattle on and on about all kinds of disjointed thoughts, past wrongs, and despite your scripture quoting - you can't even exercise one of the prime actions Jesus spoke of - forgiveness. Clearly forgiveness doesn't involve constantly digging up the past and living it anew day in and day out.

I wish you all the best, but as I had to do with my father, I finally just had to leave him alone because the frustration of trying to deal with his mental illness was just too much to handle. It isn't normal and therefore that kind of a mind doesn't respond to normal reasoning tactics.

At least you got one thing right in your latest post by referring to your current design as your next failure. I hope you can prove me wrong.
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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by ovyyus »

I moved this discussion response here because I didn't want to hijack James other topic where the below post was made by JUBAT. Also, this topic has already been trashed in evidence.

James created this topic on the day he created his new username. Shortly after James created his first post, JUBAT posted a derogatory statement and alerted his accomplice. It’s all there from page 1 of this topic for anyone to read. My comments below in green...
JUBAT wrote: Tue Jul 18, 2023 12:47 pm Ah okay well if you love James that much and his insanity, I'll keep responding, but I'm telling you if you side with his mental illness then you no better than him.

I'm not crying victim here. You're the one making passive aggressive statements about me saying the wheel won't be solved yet James keeps prattling on about ab hammer, nazis, racial purity, etc. Im most assuredly not ab..that is a 100 percent lie and fabrication and you even side with that level of mental illness?

The only way to defuse people like James is to ignore them. Then you say I'm playing victim?

Okay you got it then ovulus. I'll keep replying to keep you happy.

I think James is looking for a husband. You should go pay him a visit.

You sound like James. No offence to James.

You're blind...saying I initiate attacks. Nope...false claim. If you go back, you'll see James initiates it.

Anyone can read page one of this topic... 18 minutes after James created this topic, you posted, "Hey Walt he's back with another failed invention!". You pretend he attacked you first when the opposite is true!

Try to have a productive discussion with him and he will always turn on you. He himself said he is not a kind person.

You didn't try to have a discussion, productive or otherwise. You alerted an accomplice who quickly posted, “He's a loser, but he's agor's loser.”. You both knew how James would respond, I guess you were both counting on it. When you two are done with James, will you turn on ‘agor’?

James needs some love and I think you would be the kind of person he's looking for. He needs someone sympathetic to his cause.

Ovulus the JL apologist.

Has a nice ring to it...

What is wrong with you.
Last edited by ovyyus on Wed Jul 19, 2023 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by thx4 »

@Ovyus, excellent, Jubat is a second pseudonym, which one? mystery...
He says he''s spent part of his life wasting his time with research on B, and he would never have come to this forum before, I have no doubt about the answer. 😊
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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by agor95 »

thx4 wrote: Wed Jul 19, 2023 6:59 am @Ovyus, excellent, Jubat is a second pseudonym, which one? mystery...
He says he''s spent part of his life wasting his time with research on B, and he would never have come to this forum before, I have no doubt about the answer. 😊
You have some up the dynamics of the bear baiting that is present in this forum well.

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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by WaltzCee »

thx4 wrote: Wed Jul 19, 2023 6:59 am @Ovyus, excellent, Jubat is a second pseudonym, which one? mystery...
He says he''s spent part of his life wasting his time with research on B, and he would never have come to this forum before, I have no doubt about the answer. 😊
Better to remain silent & thought of as one with an answer, then to spill the beans & be known as clueless.
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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by WaltzCee »

ovyyus wrote: Wed Jul 19, 2023 6:41 am I moved this discussion response here because I didn't want to hijack James other topic where the below post was made by JUBAT. Also, this topic has already been trashed in evidence.

James created this topic on the day he created his new username. Shortly after James created his first post, JUBAT posted a derogatory statement and alerted his accomplice. It’s all there from page 1 of this topic for anyone to read. My comments below in green...

. .. .. .
You are such a considerate soul. Not very accurate, but definitely considerate.

Let's review. James began the OP titled
  • How Bessler's Wheel Works
UbWe wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:31 am
  • It's being built.
  • I'll also need to move out of the U.S. In November 1938 in Berlin, they called it a Kristallnacht. You simply terrorize people
    you don't like and they leave the country. And when I leave the U.S., Alan Bauldree and Ralph Lortie will say I did not earn their green dot of approval.
    And yet I am a disabled Veteran who served Honorably in the U.S. Navy. That and Bessler's Wheel cannot give me the right to have a life in the
    greatest country in the world.
    Wagner ruined Bessler's life, right? Courtesy of the U.S. Navy I know there are other countries that will let a U.S. Navy Veteran have a life. The U.S.
    simply is not that country. And a PhD librarian in Utrecht Netherlands has seen John Collins post to me. Why would he care about a library that has an original Johann Bessler book. I am 100% handicapped and he chose not to support my efforts.
    The moral of the story, when drowning you swim for your life. Those who aren't drowning will drown you. I actually had a sibling tell me when I almost drowned that he wouldn't have saved me but would have pushed me down. That describes this forum.
    • No, it describes how people that really know you would treat you

    I have 2 different builds that I am doing. And Waltz and AB Hammer, I'll be glad to leave your country. I'm a disabled Veteran while niether of you served America. https ://you tu .be /ZwSOQdfy2fY
Then spent a whole 3 words speaking to the point. It seems Bessler's wheel is the focus of an ongoing investigation and can't be discussed.

Then with the balance of the OP, James proceeds to derail the thread he just started.

Then further down thread asks, why doesn't any one want to talk Wheel?
Last edited by WaltzCee on Thu Jul 20, 2023 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Walter Clarkson
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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by UbWe »

WaltzCee wrote: Thu Jul 20, 2023 11:12 am
ovyyus wrote: Wed Jul 19, 2023 6:41 am I moved this discussion response here because I didn't want to hijack James other topic where the below post was made by JUBAT. Also, this topic has already been trashed in evidence.

James created this topic on the day he created his new username. Shortly after James created his first post, JUBAT posted a derogatory statement and alerted his accomplice. It’s all there from page 1 of this topic for anyone to read. My comments below in green...

. .. .. .
You are such a considerate soul. Not very accurate, but definitely considerate.

Let's review. James began the OP titled
  • How Bessler's Wheel Works
UbWe wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:31 am
  • It's being built.
  • I'll also need to move out of the U.S. In November 1938 in Berlin, they called it a Kristallnacht. You simply terrorize people
    you don't like and they leave the country. And when I leave the U.S., Alan Bauldree and Ralph Lortie will say I did not earn their green dot of approval.
    And yet I am a disabled Veteran who served Honorably in the U.S. Navy. That and Bessler's Wheel cannot give me the right to have a life in the
    greatest country in the world.
    Wagner ruined Bessler's life, right? Courtesy of the U.S. Navy I know there are other countries that will let a U.S. Navy Veteran have a life. The U.S.
    simply is not that country. And a PhD librarian in Utrecht Netherlands has seen John Collins post to me. Why would he care about a library that has an original Johann Bessler book. I am 100% handicapped and he chose not to support my efforts.
    The moral of the story, when drowning you swim for your life. Those who aren't drowning will drown you. I actually had a sibling tell me when I almost drowned that he wouldn't have saved me but would have pushed me down. That describes this forum.
    • No, it describes how people that really know you would treat you

    I have 2 different builds that I am doing. And Waltz and AB Hammer, I'll be glad to leave your country. I'm a disabled Veteran while niether of you served America. https ://you tu .be /ZwSOQdfy2fY
Then spent a whole 3 words speaking to the point. It seems Bessler's wheel is the focus of an ongoing investigation and can't be discussed.

Then with the balance of the OP, James proceeds to derail the thread he just started.

Then further down thread asks, why doesn't any one want to talk Wheel?

Walt, the reason I have Bessler's Wheel to myself is because for the last 18 years ab hammer and rlortie and their friends have done to me what you're doing now. And it's always been allowed. I think it's funny when ab hammer posted that he won't let me use cancer as a shield. I actually looked bad when he said that. I mean when I had cancer, what was I supposed to do for him? And if my work on Bessler's Wheel is its solution then their attacks on me could be displayed with Bessler's Wheel in Saxony, Germany to show people what life is like in the U.S.
I think I'll stay offline while I finish my builds. I think it as ab hammer once told me, if it's not going to be about him then he's going to ruin it for everybody.
And with what it takes to learn the engineering behind Bessler's Wheel, ab hammer and his friends discouraged people from associating with me so they couldn't learn it by working with me. In the military we call that tactic divide and conquer, that's what the U.N. did with Palestine in 1947 and as you see there's little left of Palestine. And yet you can see what Israeli Zionists reluctantly agreed to. I have to agree, those Palestinians are a problem that Israelis need to find a solution for.
And with healthcare, the U.S. spends over twice as much as these countries except for Norway who spends 55% of what the U.S. does while the U.S. doesn't insure everyone and has the worst healthcare of these countries.

Cost per capita for healthcare and that countries rating

Australia Sweden U.S. France Norway
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Last edited by UbWe on Thu Jul 20, 2023 4:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How Bessler's Wheel Works

Post by WaltzCee »

Now honey, I only made 2 points. No need to go running off.
Walt, the reason I have Bessler's Wheel to myself is because for the last 18 years ab hammer and rlortie and their friends have done me this way.
The first was
  • Why do you start a thread, then after 3 words, immediately derail the thread?
& the 2nd
  • How people treat you once they really get to know you.
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