Hitch Your Horse in Front

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Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by UbWe »

That's what Bessler said in Mt 20. With the failure I am building, it might mean to hitch the lever in front. And this would make the
pulley being rotated the wagon and the lever the shaft that a horse is hitched to. Yet with a hitching post the reins of the horse are hitched in front of it.
And with that configuration if the horse (roller at the end of the lever) is hitched in front then the lever is pulled across the weird shaped object. Then that'd be like walking a horse that is pulling a wagon. I doubt it can work because someone smarter than me would've figured it out and built it.
With Mt 20, not sure why it has long levers that rotate a weight for it because it's not like a drum rotating could lift a weight. This might also get into
The dog creeps out of his kennel
just as far as his chain will stretch.

I think that might explain why the horse is hitched in front. Maybe Alan Bauldree could say if this is right because he's the expert.

p.s., As oyvvus told me, Alan Bauldree deserves credit for this and not me because he's already built it. I saved his post. The only credit I deserve is if Alan Bauldree believes I deserve any credit. After all, I don't want Scott Ellis banning me for not following forum rules or having John Collins reminding me that I am a loser and I shouldn't bother the forum leaders who are highly knowledgeable. I also saved John Collins post as well because as he said, I'm the problem.. And all in support of Alan Bauldree and his friends.
So if the garbage I'm building does work, only Alan Bauldree can talk about it. He's a good man who is also honest as the day is long and not a killer like myself.
Hitched Horse.png
Hitch Your Horse.png
Last edited by UbWe on Sun Jul 16, 2023 2:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by eccentrically1 »

I wonder if Alan died.
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Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by UbWe »

eccentrically1 wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2023 11:57 am I wonder if Alan died.
He's always been allowed to use an alias. Jubat talks to me the same way Alan does. He and his friends say I need to quit being a jerk to him.
And Alan even creates fake accounts on Instagram and Facebook to contact me. There's Kate's Ag which is https://www.instagram.com/kate121530 When he says
Bringing the gap between
she says bridging the gap. I post work on Instagram which is https://www.instagram.com/jameslindgaard1/ I also have over 1,000 likes for the test to see if I need to correct the ratio for leveraging
weights to rotate upwards in my own design.
When Alan was allowed to dominate me, that created a very bad situation for me. ubeaut who is an Australian told me that I had to be personally
pleasing to ab hammer while he moderates me. Why would I like being dominated that way when I am pursuing Bessler's Wheel so I can have
surgery and a life? Yet all Alan has heard is that I should be his willing victim. It's like on Facebook, I can't really get to know anyone because it
might be him. And as Alan told me, if I don't what he says, I won't live or be a part of his group when he has a perpetual motion machine. I find it
scary that I might not live if I don't do what he says. And he didn't get banned for saying that.
With the clue on Mt 20, math let me know that pulling 2 rollers over the peacock's tail would create too much resistance. And with Mt 20, that
confirms my suspicions.
That's why The dog creeps out of his kennel just as far as his chain will stretch.
To work out the specific
mechanics for that I'll need a hoist/pulley mounted on the wheel along with the peacock's tail. I also have most of the wood that I need to make 4 more weight wheel assemblies then Bessler's Wheel will have 8 weights.

p.s., when Alan told me that I have to do exactly what he says if I want to live, he might've meant that such a beautiful and loving man such as himself
inspired me to live for him by building him an invention. Basically he was just motivating me to find loving him is a reason for me to live.

p.s.s., thought I'd show both builds. I am finishing the tab extensions for my design. The half moon discs on my work table is for Bessler's Wheel.
If they both work then I can have surgery in another country. I have to prove I'm not ignorant so doctors will listen to me. Of course it might be the
only way they can help me is if they choose to say malpractice. I can show in radiological reports where they ignored my medical condition.
Mt 20.9.png
Mt 20.1.png
Mt 20.1.png (64.05 KiB) Viewed 7267 times
Last edited by UbWe on Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:04 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by ovyyus »

eccentrically1 wrote:I wonder if Alan died.
I don't think so. His father died earlier this year and his obituary states he is survived by his two sons, one of which is Alan. Alan has sure made a mark in the armoury field.

James, there is no doubting your persistence in pursuing a solution to Bessler's wheel. There is also no doubting you ability to build and experiment. My wish is that you might consider setting aside your various perceived personal grievances and free yourself of a burden that you probably don't need to carry. At least you aren't complaining about how you've wasted your life on a pointless pm quest, as some of your critics constantly do. That being said, if your unique kind of crazy leads to a solution then have at it!
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Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by UbWe »

ovyyus wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 12:11 am
eccentrically1 wrote:I wonder if Alan died.
I don't think so. His father died earlier this year and his obituary states he is survived by his two sons, one of which is Alan. Alan has sure made a mark in the armoury field.

James, there is no doubting your persistence in pursuing a solution to Bessler's wheel. There is also no doubting you ability to build and experiment. My wish is that you might consider setting aside your various perceived personal grievances and free yourself of a burden that you probably don't need to carry. At least you aren't complaining about how you've wasted your life on a pointless pm quest, as some of your critics constantly do. That being said, if your unique kind of crazy leads to a solution then have at it!

When Alan Bauldree tells me he does not believe I deserve a life in the U.S. and that he will not let me have one and uses fake accounts to send me messages, he's attacked me for 18 years. rlortie told me many times that I have to give my work to him. https://metro.co.uk/2019/10/04/dad-acci ... -10862450/
Christopher Bergen was wishing his AMERICAN father-in-law Happy Birthday and his father-in-law killed him. His father-in-law did not recognize his son-in-law who he met and thought he was his American friend. The media never identified his look alike or showed what he looks like. I'll attach image of posts made attacking me, okay? Who gets attacked for having colorectal cancer or for surviving cancer? And why would John Collins attack me for working at Bessler's Wheel when nobody else is?
I'll need to leave the U.S. to have a life and might never again live in an English speaking country. rlortie and ab hammer do not like me because I am 1/2 Norwegian I also learned to talk in Norway and suffered a 50% hearing loss because I served in the U.S. Navy with a Norwegian accent). And Alan has told me that he will teach me what it means to be an American, I have to give him credit for my work and you agreed with him.
My question would be why is it a problem to pursue Bessler's work in a forum supposedly dedicated to realizing his wheel? And when John Collins basically calls me a loser for being 100% disabled and needing surgery is not perceived, he supported Alan and his friends who won't build anything.

The 2 links are to a rare book that Dr. Bart Jaski of Utrecht University in Utrecht, Netherlands has. We have discussed doing a show of Bessler's Wheel with Bessler's book. The question is, was Bessler a fraud or was his life ruined because he was not ethnically pure like Wagner was? And if you look through the book, some of the Mt drawings pertain to Wagner's Roaster, I attached it's image.
https://www.uu.nl/en/special-collection ... nn-bessler
https://objects.library.uu.nl/reader/in ... g/mode/1up
oyvvus says alan bauldree should have my work.png
John Collins attacking me for asking for his help with abuse.PNG
AB Hammer making fun of colorectal cancer.png
oyvvus wishingI died from cancer.png
Wagner's Roaster.png
Last edited by UbWe on Mon Jul 17, 2023 12:56 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by Fletcher »

ovyyus wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 12:11 am
eccentrically1 wrote:I wonder if Alan died.
I don't think so. His father died earlier this year and his obituary states he is survived by his two sons, one of which is Alan. Alan has sure made a mark in the armoury field.

James, there is no doubting your persistence in pursuing a solution to Bessler's wheel. There is also no doubting you ability to build and experiment. My wish is that you might consider setting aside your various perceived personal grievances and free yourself of a burden that you probably don't need to carry. At least you aren't complaining about how you've wasted your life on a pointless pm quest, as some of your critics constantly do. That being said, if your unique kind of crazy leads to a solution then have at it!
Well said Bill .. that said, this fellow has been coming here under various names for about 15 years or so .. he as been banned about that many times also under those names .. because he reverts to type each and every time within a couple of posts .. I for one, as soon as I recognise his first post under a new handle (almost immediately), without hesitation put him on "ignore" because he never could and can not help himself, and its all downhill personal tirades ad nauseam from there .. and I would guess that if people haven't put him on ignore because of his past and present behaviour then they just move down to the next post without reading him at all .. so be it until he learns to self-regulate his behaviour, which for 15 years hasn't changed .. he needs to get a deaf dog ..
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Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by UbWe »

Fletcher wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 1:09 am
ovyyus wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 12:11 am
eccentrically1 wrote:I wonder if Alan died.
I don't think so. His father died earlier this year and his obituary states he is survived by his two sons, one of which is Alan. Alan has sure made a mark in the armoury field.

James, there is no doubting your persistence in pursuing a solution to Bessler's wheel. There is also no doubting you ability to build and experiment. My wish is that you might consider setting aside your various perceived personal grievances and free yourself of a burden that you probably don't need to carry. At least you aren't complaining about how you've wasted your life on a pointless pm quest, as some of your critics constantly do. That being said, if your unique kind of crazy leads to a solution then have at it!
Well said Bill .. that said, this fellow has been coming here under various names for about 15 years or so .. he as been banned about that many times also under those names .. because he reverts to type each and every time within a couple of posts .. I for one, as soon as I recognise his first post under a new handle (almost immediately), without hesitation put him on "ignore" because he never could and can not help himself, and its all downhill personal tirades ad nauseam from there .. and I would guess that if people haven't put him on ignore because of his past and present behaviour then they just move down to the next post without reading him at all .. so be it until he learns to self-regulate his behaviour, which for 15 years hasn't changed .. he needs to get a deaf dog ..

You mean when I am attacked for no reason? Who else builds in here? No one. Isn't that odd? Why do I have to work for ab hammer? That
is what you're saying. After all, ab hammer created a thread calling me the ultimate fraud. Why is that okay? What was I doing wrong?
This thread is white supremacy and is very much supported in here. https://besslerwheel.com/forum/viewtopi ... =10&t=4656
Yep, the person posting hate was pacified. What makes ab hammer so special he can openly attack me and make wild accusations?
What oyvvus originally said to ab hammer before changing his mind, he called ab hammer's tactics Gestapo tactics. How did that become
I'm the problem? Why was Alan allowed to start a thread attacking me as a fraud. Was Bessler called a fraud?

And now Fletcher, it seems that you guys believe Bessler was a fraud. You guys attack my credibilty just like ab hammer;
https://besslerwheel.com/forum/viewtopi ... =10&t=4656 Can anyone show where I did what ab hammer claimed? Nope, not
even he could show something but was trusted. And Fletcher, read what oyvvus said first, I wasn't a problem in the forum. His own words
but he changed his mind because that is what ab hammer wanted.
And Fletcher, why is it okay for WaltzCee to say what he did about me? I was really touching other boys in church and trying to give them
butt cancer when I was 13? Why do I have to tolerate that? Is that perceived by me in the wrong way and WaltzCee was actually being nice to me?
And just think, this is because ab hammer doesn't like me because he's a "pure" American.
Gestapo Tactics.png
Last edited by UbWe on Mon Jul 17, 2023 1:44 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by UbWe »

Fletcher wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 1:09 am
ovyyus wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 12:11 am
eccentrically1 wrote:I wonder if Alan died.
I don't think so. His father died earlier this year and his obituary states he is survived by his two sons, one of which is Alan. Alan has sure made a mark in the armoury field.

James, there is no doubting your persistence in pursuing a solution to Bessler's wheel. There is also no doubting you ability to build and experiment. My wish is that you might consider setting aside your various perceived personal grievances and free yourself of a burden that you probably don't need to carry. At least you aren't complaining about how you've wasted your life on a pointless pm quest, as some of your critics constantly do. That being said, if your unique kind of crazy leads to a solution then have at it!
Well said Bill .. that said, this fellow has been coming here under various names for about 15 years or so .. he as been banned about that many times also under those names .. because he reverts to type each and every time within a couple of posts .. I for one, as soon as I recognise his first post under a new handle (almost immediately), without hesitation put him on "ignore" because he never could and can not help himself, and its all downhill personal tirades ad nauseam from there .. and I would guess that if people haven't put him on ignore because of his past and present behaviour then they just move down to the next post without reading him at all .. so be it until he learns to self-regulate his behaviour, which for 15 years hasn't changed .. he needs to get a deaf dog ..
I won't bother trying to reason with you white supremacists anymore Fletcher. I mean when oyvvus wishes I died from cancer because ab hammer doesn't like me and what has ab hammer built? Nothing. And if my current build works then this forum will be labeled as a white supremacist forum. After all, working at Bessler's Wheel is frowned upon. That means this forum is not about realizing Bessler's work. And since I've lived in a non-English speaking country in Europe and spoke their language, maybe that gave me more respect for Bessler's work while you guys thought it was a joke. And for someone like me to pursue it, I'll basically be showing that if you're not ethnically pure you'll pay a price for it just as Bessler did.
Using banning someone to demand obedience is basically fascism. To be liked in here I'd have to quit building and make friends with Alan, Tarsier and Walt, right? I think that sums things up. And yet you guys could've apologized for what I've had to tolerate but instead I'm just imagining it.

BTW Fletcher and Bill, why is it crazy for someone to pursue an operation that will let me be healthy? Why do you guys want me to suffer? And with my situation, if I would've been allowed to pursue Bessler's Wheel so I could have the surgery I want, I might've been able to help Amy Pohl who is John Collins granddaughter and has suffered similar medical problems as I have. I might've actually been able to help her some. And yet pursuing Bessler's Wheel so I can have major surgery is "crazy". And who knows, with what I've gone through, I might've been able to inspire Amy to want to be more functional. And I have had people say that I was suicidal because of the trauma I suffered on a daily basis. Even ended up in a psychiatric hospital and yet they agreed with me, I need to be pursuing surgery so they released me.
That could make for a good story for the Daily Mail. They could write about how Amy and I had similar medical conditions and if I would've been allowed to pursue Bessler's Wheel then when she had medical problems, since I probably would've been friends with John Collins then I might've helped to keep Amy's condition from becoming so severe.
Last edited by UbWe on Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by UbWe »

Fletcher wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 1:09 am
ovyyus wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 12:11 am
eccentrically1 wrote:I wonder if Alan died.
I don't think so. His father died earlier this year and his obituary states he is survived by his two sons, one of which is Alan. Alan has sure made a mark in the armoury field.

James, there is no doubting your persistence in pursuing a solution to Bessler's wheel. There is also no doubting you ability to build and experiment. My wish is that you might consider setting aside your various perceived personal grievances and free yourself of a burden that you probably don't need to carry. At least you aren't complaining about how you've wasted your life on a pointless pm quest, as some of your critics constantly do. That being said, if your unique kind of crazy leads to a solution then have at it!
Well said Bill .. that said, this fellow has been coming here under various names for about 15 years or so .. he as been banned about that many times also under those names .. because he reverts to type each and every time within a couple of posts .. I for one, as soon as I recognise his first post under a new handle (almost immediately), without hesitation put him on "ignore" because he never could and can not help himself, and its all downhill personal tirades ad nauseam from there .. and I would guess that if people haven't put him on ignore because of his past and present behaviour then they just move down to the next post without reading him at all .. so be it until he learns to self-regulate his behaviour, which for 15 years hasn't changed .. he needs to get a deaf dog ..

I saved your post Fletcher because it proves my point. As oyvvus said, I'm crazy. Who has spent 20 years in this forum and has no work to show for it?
All of the pure English speakers it seems. No one with orpheus.org has really built something, Tarsier and WaltzCee have basically built nothing.
And yet my thinking is crazy. Why? Why am I the problem? People who are native English speakers and have no work to show don't like me. Why?
Why do you hate me when you've had an easy life because you're a native English speaker living in an English language country? Even my own family
disowned me for having a Norwegian accent. One sibling even explained to me that we had the same sperm and egg donor but we weren't family.
At Christmas, my "pure" English speaking brothers would not eat my Father's Christmas present from his mother in Norway. They sat on the other side
of the living room and watched us eat it by ourselves. If family is that way on Christmas Day itself, I've seen that about the entire time I've been in this forum.
As for medical conditions, after receiving a medical procedure a month later I had a drug resistant infection that almost killed me. As a result I spent 3 weeks in the hospital. That resulted in such severe pain that a doctor set me up for surgery to see if they could do something. I told him I was willing to donate a cadaver so doctors would know why some people don't like living in extreme pain. Ask Amy Pohl if that sounds familiar. I was attacked for pursuing surgery.
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Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by UbWe »

This is hysterical. Nazis hated my father for being a Norwegian in Norway. They did catch his friend who they banned from Norway.
Actually they banned his friend who was with him from life. Those nice Germans did not approve of their work. Kind of why I like the
movie Narvik. It was Germany's first defeat of WW II and because Germans were upset they bombed Narvik out of existence.
And yet those nice Germans were there to help them. And of course Americans didn't like my father just as most of his sons did not
like him. Kind of why I think I take Bessler's work a little more seriously. I also learned to talk while living in Europe in a non-English
speaking country. I wouldn't expect Americans to care about what happened in the Republic of Saxony but I am from Dayton, Ohio,
Home of the Wright Brothers. They showed how to pursue a challenging subject and Bessler's Wheel is a part of European history. I
learned a lot about them and their work because there is a Carillon Park in Dayton, Ohio that is a historical park/museum and then
learned more as the years went by.
But I am in the wrong part of the world. It is possible that I'll move to Thailand. What can I say? Americans love Donald Trump and he
promotes nationalism.
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Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by ovyyus »

Fletcher wrote:Well said Bill .. that said, this fellow has been coming here under various names for about 15 years or so .. he as been banned about that many times also under those names .. because he reverts to type each and every time within a couple of posts .. I for one, as soon as I recognise his first post under a new handle (almost immediately), without hesitation put him on "ignore" because he never could and can not help himself, and its all downhill personal tirades ad nauseam from there .. and I would guess that if people haven't put him on ignore because of his past and present behaviour then they just move down to the next post without reading him at all .. so be it until he learns to self-regulate his behaviour, which for 15 years hasn't changed .. he needs to get a deaf dog ..
Yes, I hear you. However... after all the judgments, James persists. That seems applaudable somehow. My views are changing as the forum evolves.

I never use the "ignore" feature because I like seeing everything. I would rather see James, and simply choose not to get involved, than have him banned. I don't have to read it and I don't have to like it. If someone is delicate, then don't read it. If he started bombarding every topic with repetitive ideological nonsense then I guess that might be a problem. Oh wait :P
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Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by Fletcher »

Low tolerance and empathy lol .. I don't do crazy, or victim .. out of sight, out of mind .. better things to do with my time ..

cheers ..
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Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by UbWe »

This is what I posted in 2009 when I had cancer. Both ab hammer and rlortie attacked me even though I had cancer. I was attacking their credibility.
They even got more "pure" English speaking people to attack me as well. And as ab hammer posted in 2011, my using cancer as a shield not to do what he told me was like punching him in the nose and then saying I wear glasses. And yet it's the 2 posts where I saw something mattered in how Bessler positioned the lines on his wheel with the pendulum and how I could modify what I had built so weights could be lifted.
Although I probably would've need to be allowed to consider math to realize why hitching your horse in the front matters but people approving of ab hammer's statement saying I will not be allowed to use cancer or any other medical problem as a shield is disgusting. I have to ask myself what kind of people supports attacking someone who has a serious medical condition? After all, Jubat is allowed to attack me because Jubat says that I am being a jerk towards them while I'm working on an actual build. Really? I have to quit building and make nice with Jubat who has no work to show? How does that
even begin to make sense? It's even worse when his friend WaltzCee openly attacks my being disabled. If he attacked Amy Pohl, would that be tolerated?
I doubt it but in here, attacking me is allowed and cancer or serious complications are no excuse to ask "pure" English speaking people not to attack me.

And fro fun, I'll even say that rlortie and ab hammer did not like me for running over K-314 because they love Russia.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_submarine_K-314 Yep, people who are willing to do that do not deserve a life in the U.S. That's the real reason
and not because I'm 1/2 Norwegian. Why I was told that I would not be allowed to use my military service as an excuse or a crutch to live in the U.S. I think
Putin will like this one when he hears it. He and I both know what really happened. I could say that in here and at overunity.com that I receive either the Bessler treatment or the K-314 treatment.
This is why IMO ab hammer told people I killed someone and then told me not to talk about my military service. He never served in the military and yet is
a patriotic American.

@Alan Bauldree, aka Jubat, aka LadySilverRose, oyvvus said we were "hashing it out". Will you please give me the conditions that I have to accept to work for you. You did say 100% credit and all money, right? And I have to be nice to you as well. I have to be seen as being Thankful to the Lord Jesus that I could work for a "pure" American and Christian like yourself.

Luke 10:38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”

41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.[a] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

You are correct Alan, Jesus says that my problems do not matter when I am serving his Christian who is holding onto what is better and that is that you're a "pure" American. Jesus died on the cross for you and does support you.
Cancer as a shield.png
Last edited by UbWe on Mon Jul 17, 2023 1:32 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by UbWe »

This shows the start and end of
hitching your horse in front
. This also explains what
The dog creeps out of his kennel
just as far as his chain will stretch.
is as well. But it seems no one has considered Bessler's writings and drawings much. Then again,
I need surgery. Still, I'll stay away so Alan who is Ralph's partner (Jubat said he'd call me Ralph) can talk "wheel".
Hitching Your Horse in Front.png
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Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front

Post by JUBAT »

Nobody cares except you James.

To everyone else: anyone who is reading these rants from ubwe. There is nothing you can say to thwart people of this sort. I think it's obvious there is something wrong with his mind. My father is the same way and all you can do is leave him alone. Unless I'm specifically attacked I won't be replying to his posts.

It truly is best if he is ignored and nobody reply to his posts because he doesn't respond to logical thought.
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