Inclined plane Roberval system.

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Inclined plane Roberval system.

Post by savoniuspiral »

This concept is loosely based on a device, that is part of a system hidden in MT 92. Believe there are other systems in that MT that use 2 types of liquid with different density e.g. Ink (lamp black)- Mercury and air. Their are many clever references to these in AP. They are not part of this design.

When applying force on the inclined planes attached to the vertical beams of a Roberval balance, (ROB for short) the vertical beams receive a side force. The ROB turns "with force" when the correct inward or outward side force is applied during rotation.

Video linked below shows some examples of the Roberval frame behavior, when force is applied to the inclined planes. The weights of the slide/ followers are equal.

The ROB system below only turns 90 degrees clockwise- counterclockwise (pendulum style). It's an easier design, compared to a ROB system that turns 360 degrees.
The 90 degrees tilting movement could be used in a variety of ways to achieve 360 degree rotation of a wheel.

Image-1, below is basically showing a ROB with a lever connected to the vertical beam. The lever moves either 45 degrees CW or 45 degrees CCW from the horizontal position, (90 degrees total).
The lever is actually a Track and an inclined plane that a Roller slide system runs on. The roller follower places force onto the track.

NOTE: "the design could also use a geared type Roberval, instead of the parallelogram linkage."


Gearing is used to change the angle of the Ramp/ lever, similar to the geared version of a Roberval balance, (a chain/sprocket could be used).
When the Sun gear is turned, it also turns the planet gear "that the Ramp/lever is attached to", the same degrees.
For the plus or minus 45 degree action of the lever Ramps a crank is used. A connecting rod attached to the sun gear from a smaller diameter crank, causes that sun gear to only turn 90 degrees CW or 90 degrees CCW.
The crank needs to turn 4 times the speed of the ROB frame, this allows the levers/ramps to be in the correct up or down angled position to apply an inward or outward force during rotation.

the crank is also connected to the ROB horizontal central axle, using another crank and 4:1 ratio gearing. (not shown in the images or video).

To counteract the force that the Ramp/levers receive during their upwards or downwards 90 degree rotation. (negative/positive force applied by the followers), a cam with the correct profile is connected to the Sun gear, and a roller slide-follower applies the opposite force on that cam. If one slide moves up at the same rate/ distance as the other moves down, "with equal force applied to both" the Ramp/lever and CAM systems would be balanced.
This leaves the rotational force created by the side force applied to the ROB vertical beams to be utilized for self sustained rotation with excess force to perform work.

Image-2 below shows only a system with 1 lever ramp on the left side. "there would be another lever system on the other right ROB vertical beam". ( Image -3 shows a split view of both halves of 1 rob system, the ROB frame receives an equal downward force on each side).

The cam system connected to the sun gear, plus the crank gearing connections to the ROB frame is not shown. (trying to make a cam in algodoo isn't easy).

video linked below shows both halves of 1 system, and their movement
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Re: Inclined plane Roberval system.

Post by Fletcher »

Nice study and sims SS .. glad you are still at it with thoughtful concepts and experiments - thought you'd escaped the funny farm long ago lol ..
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Re: Inclined plane Roberval system.

Post by savoniuspiral »

Thanks Fletcher.
Still here, "my supply of day passes ran out".

Have not spent as much time as previously, in this crazy pursuit.
Thoughts changed due to believing the wheel is much more than just an energy device.

Spent time building and modifying systems based on my previous posts (using opposed force to overcome resistance).
many new ideas came from these experiments.
as well as trying to further decipher AP and some MT's.
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