With how math applies to Bessler's Wheel, algebra allows the values on the left to be subtracted from the right side.
While with his design it's not much of a gain. it does decrease the amount of work it takes to lift a weight. Also when
the weights are at an angle, that also decreases the amount of work to lift a weight.
The issue with the design is as scientists have said, it will operate continuously. This means to get more work out of
a perpetuum mobile (Bessler's description) more weight is added. Then if you want more energy out of the design,
just add more weight and of course the frame might need to be reinforced.
If a weight is lifted straight up then it will require the maximum amount of work. But if the angles of 22.5º and 45º are
averaged then over that 22.5º of rotation, that value is .924 + .707/2 = 0.815. That simply means if a weight is lifted from
22.5º to 45º after passing top center, it will require 81.5% of the work as it would require for a vertical lifting of the weight.
With my design, it should be even more advantageous and this is why I like using math. It helps me to understand what
work is being done and how much energy that work requires. I can't suggest someone spending a few years to either
relearn or learn math for this and that is probably the #1 reason why people fail. And since I am from Dayton, Ohio which
is the home of the Wright Brothers and have worked for the Boeing Airplane Co., I know how they pursue Research and
The values I placed on the drawing are to the left and right of the y axis. This means that the movement that matters is
along the x axis because it's that movement that generates torque. And with this, if the weights at 22.5º are ignored then
the other 3 weights are an example of how the weights have a union with the field (the frame of the wheel).
Walt, with this; inquiring minds want to know - who has a working wheel?
ultimately, isn't that the final test of everyone's thinking?
If you were paying attention then you'd know that Aldo Costa of France has a working wheel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsBplmMDcRQ&t=6s and Reidar Finsrud of Norway has a device that uses magnets;
As for me, when the IPCC said;
Carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) are each important to climate forcing and to the levels of stratospheric ozone (see Chapter 2). In terms of the globally averaged ozone column, additional N2O leads to lower ozone levels, whereas additional CO2 and CH4 lead to higher ozone levels. Ozone depletion to date would have been greater if not for the historical increases in CO2 and CH4. The net impact on ozone recovery and future levels of stratospheric ozone thus depends on the future abundances of these gases. For many of the scenarios used in the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment (IPCC, 2013), global ozone will increase to above pre-1980 levels due to future trends in the gases.
https://csl.noaa.gov/assessments/ozone/ ... y/ch5.html
For me, that will be a start. You'll need to consider that over 700 scientists with the IPCC didn't know what their report meant. And yet how to verify trigonometric identities gave me a model I could adapt to create a solution with. And you already know that I plan on correcting Newton's and Einstein's mistakes. Allowing for gravity having energy and dark matter to be why changes how physics is perceived. Einstein wanted to know what propagated the
motion of light, that's what his 1915 paper on General Relativity was about. If he would've thought of space as being 3 dimensional and not on a plane then
he'd be saying what I'm saying. And I think people might say it's nice of me to tolerate the abuse because as a hole snipe, there's what I want to do.
Just an FYI, I started becoming interested in atmospheric chemistry when I worked in an engine room with 2 D type boilers on the USS Kitty Hawk while stationed in San Diego. With Einstein, I read a biography on him when I was 13 or 14 and was introduced to dark matter (he called it the aether) and light bending.