Hitch Your Horse in Front
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- Posts: 1897
- Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:12 pm
Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front
It's a shame the wheel doesn't run on hoarse sh*t; it would run forever-------------------------------Sam
Last edited by Sam Peppiatt on Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front
And if I have figured out Bessler's Wheel, will I deserve to have surgery and a life in an English speaking country? It'll be too lateSam Peppiatt wrote: ↑Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:02 pm It's a shame the wheel doesn't run on hoarse sh*t-------------------------------Sam
for that. It will make this forum and orpheus.org look bad. Create a forum to promote someone's work and then call that person a fraud.
For the people who don't like me, all they have is an opinion and no work to show, not in math, science or building, just opinions that
you guys are better.
Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front
You can have your surgery now in the USA. Nobody is stopping you and it certainly isn't contingent on solving the wheel. Nobody ever said it was. Where in the heck did you get an idea like that?
I am NOT AB Hammer either. Quit accusing me of being him.
I am NOT AB Hammer either. Quit accusing me of being him.
Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front
I'd think working through medical hardship and spending my money would not be a reason for me to be harassed but it is.
People will wonder why I was allowed to be harassed like Bessler was. And yet how many people have spent over a decade
in here and have learned nothing about math or science? That to me seems like a waste of time.
And all I'll be able to say is that you guys want to tell me how to think when you do nothing. I think it is about you guys feeling
superior because most people in my situation would hear good luck, hope it works for you but instead I hear how stupid I am.
At least I know this forum is about proving Bessler to be a fraud. Why pursuing his work is a joke. And yet I do receive the
"Bessler" treatment. And I'll be able to enjoy my work by staying out of this forum. I'm just someone for you guys to attack and
People will wonder why I was allowed to be harassed like Bessler was. And yet how many people have spent over a decade
in here and have learned nothing about math or science? That to me seems like a waste of time.
And all I'll be able to say is that you guys want to tell me how to think when you do nothing. I think it is about you guys feeling
superior because most people in my situation would hear good luck, hope it works for you but instead I hear how stupid I am.
At least I know this forum is about proving Bessler to be a fraud. Why pursuing his work is a joke. And yet I do receive the
"Bessler" treatment. And I'll be able to enjoy my work by staying out of this forum. I'm just someone for you guys to attack and
Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front
Who is harassing you? I haven't seen it. I've just seen replies from myself and others and nothing is harassment that I can see. You go on and on about it, but I just don't see it anywhere. In fact I've encouraged you to get your colon looked at here. Nobody has said not to.
Of course if you claim you know better than Einstein and Newton, you're going to catch a bit if flak, but that's to be expected. It's not a personal attack...it's skepticism at your claim and you can expect that. It's not harassment. It's critique and that is to be expected. In fact, if I started claiming that, you can bet I'd be critiqued so it's nothing to do with you personally. It has everything to do with the claim.
Go get your colon surgery done, check with the VA for assistance, and get it done here in the states. I'm all for it and I'm encouraging you to go get it done. Others have as well. Sure WC took your xray pic and stuck your head in it...but that was in the past and it wasn't me that made the picture. Times have changed James...go take care of your health - nobody is telling you not to. If it's cancer, don't screw around and put it off. Take care of it now.
I'm also not AB Hammer. He wouldn't care enough to encourage you to go to the VA for your colon either. Leave him out of this because I'm telling you I am not him.
Of course if you claim you know better than Einstein and Newton, you're going to catch a bit if flak, but that's to be expected. It's not a personal attack...it's skepticism at your claim and you can expect that. It's not harassment. It's critique and that is to be expected. In fact, if I started claiming that, you can bet I'd be critiqued so it's nothing to do with you personally. It has everything to do with the claim.
Go get your colon surgery done, check with the VA for assistance, and get it done here in the states. I'm all for it and I'm encouraging you to go get it done. Others have as well. Sure WC took your xray pic and stuck your head in it...but that was in the past and it wasn't me that made the picture. Times have changed James...go take care of your health - nobody is telling you not to. If it's cancer, don't screw around and put it off. Take care of it now.
I'm also not AB Hammer. He wouldn't care enough to encourage you to go to the VA for your colon either. Leave him out of this because I'm telling you I am not him.
Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front
Unbridled generosity :D
My last build, maybe . .. .. .
I've decided to take the bridle off. I hereby nominate James as head hole-snipe in charge!
Teach us some science. I've been goofing off too much and not building enough.
But don't mention my name.
::: genie goes back into the bottle :::
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the future is here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Advocate of God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and redeemer of my soul.
Walter Clarkson
© 2023 Walter W. Clarkson, LLC
All rights reserved. Do not even quote me w/o my expressed written consent.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the future is here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Advocate of God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and redeemer of my soul.
Walter Clarkson
© 2023 Walter W. Clarkson, LLC
All rights reserved. Do not even quote me w/o my expressed written consent.
Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front
Great, you two might now have enough spare time to start your own topics and show what doesn't work.
Last edited by ovyyus on Wed Jul 26, 2023 7:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front
I'd say if I know the solution to that problem then I know the solution to Bessler's Wheel at the same time. And on a personal note, all of my siblings got married and had children. They all learned to talk in the U.S. (an English speaking country). I think my not being allowed to have a family speaks for itself.On a strictly mathematical level, engineers know how to design planes that will stay aloft. But equations don't explain why aerodynamic lift occurs.
https://www.scientificamerican.com/arti ... n-the-air/
And I think people will not find it surprising that I got banned when ab hammer said he wanted to molest me. Why I need to "quit be a jerk" towards him, then it's not sexual molestation. And ab hammer has told me that the V.A. (Veteran's Administration) has treated him for his "problem" which would
have involved their mental health professionals.
To be technically correct, when I told him that when I thought about him it made my butt hurt. He said that he would dominate me even more.
When I told him that he reminded me of the guy that molested my 2 oldest brothers he asked me if I would do what he wants. I think people
will find it disturbing that I was banned while his friends support him to this day. That is like waltzcee posting to me that the church is okay with
sodomites today. What does that have to do with Bessler? Nothing. But that does support what ab hammer said to me and IMO was supporting ab hammer.
And with ab hammer, he said he had this same issue with his Executive Officer (2nd in command) and that the V.A. helped him 25 years later.
You guys ignored that clear warning. Your "heckling" me is IMO "conditioning" me for ab hammer. Why it is repeated that it is my attitude towards
Jubat and that I need to "quit being a jerk" towards him. That is personal and has nothing to do with the work I am doing when I am pursuing Bessler's Wheel.
And oyvvus, why planes can stay up in the air is because the Earth's orbital velocity is 7.9 kilometers per second in the troposphere (what we live in) while the Earth's mass escape velocity (the speed to leave Earth's orbit) is 11.2 kilometers per second. As a result, there is more air at higher altitudes. That is why planes can develop thrust and lift with very little air pressure. I don't think you guys will understand the science but I do consider ab hammer to be a sexual predator. His stalking me online gives me that impression.
Last edited by UbWe on Wed Jul 26, 2023 2:43 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front
Oh Jubat honey-sweetie pie, could this work sweetums? If a line pulls rollers over the ab hammer's tail, will it rotate the pulley and hoist the top and bottom weights up? You know, like if we're together you could go all perpetual on me as well you big hunk of a stud muffin you!!
Do you guys like the way that sounds? I've tolerated it for about 18 years. And with the Mt 125 build that waltzcee showed, that can work as well and
in how many of Bessler's drawings did he use water? This isn't an issue is for you guys? I can get more than one Bessler wheel to work as well as 2 or 3 of my own designs. What I am going to do is to use Bessler's Wheel to move out of the U.S. and pursue Atmospheric Chemistry and Astrophysics in another country. I think when I can explain a part of the IPCC's report that has been ignored, I think people will accept that I am an intelligent person.
After all, with my experiment, it'll be involving gravity and the Van Allen radiation belts which is why astrophysics. This is also PhD level research so I doubt I'll be heckled. It'd look really bad if scientists said it can't work and then it does. The issue is that they cannot explain their own observations. The current
understanding of science simply does not allow for a solution.
We get 28.96 g/mol. Therefore 28.96 g/mol is the molecular weight of Air. 1 mol of air has this much kinetic energy; KE = 903843.4635 J. 1 joule is 1 watt.
1 mol is Avogrado's number which is 6.0221408^23, that's a lot of particles and when gasses move up to 5 miles high or more, that's where the energy is going.
Once I get my use out of Bessler's Wheel, you guys can talk all you want about me. I added the centripetal force. It reduces gravity to about 9.5m/s.
At altitude, the change favors centripetal force.
p.s., With atmospheric gasses and centripetal force, I used 1 mol (about 22.4 liters) and 28.96 grams. Increasing the volume/mass of atmospheric
gasses when considering centripetal force will allow for the atmosphere that we have. This would suggest that the atmosphere works in "fields".
And there are weather patterns and the wind usually isn't steady but will have gusts.
The things I mentioned about Newton's and Einstein's work on gravity is just basic observations. An astrophysicist or astronomer would tell you that.
My experiment is more complicated than saying shifting Einstein's gravity well or factoring Newton's gravitational attraction between 2 masses so that
the acceleration of each mass is equal to the other one. Then double that value. Just basic math and science.
And with the research I am pursuing, I am hoping to prove that CO2 directly supports the recovery of the ozone layer. This mens before reducing CO2 emissions, ODSs (ozone depleting substances) would need to be reduced. That would require the IPCC and the United Nations to change their policy
on climate change to what I promote, reduce ODSs first and then capture CO2 so it can be used for carbon neutral fuel or for supporting the ozone layer when and if necessary.
I think you guys have only been the warm up for what I'll be doing. Instead of being at the center of Bessler's Wheel I'll be at the center of climate change.
With my surgery, doctors will disagree with me. Of course they might be covering up malpractice. My being successful will allow me to have the surgery I want. And since I have imaging going back to 2013, how did 7 hospitals in 2 states and maybe 60 doctors miss it? Why I think it's best to not have surgery in the U.S. When I worked, coworkers told me I wouldn't make it out of the operating room alive if they heard me say that doctors and hospitals ignore their mistakes because that increases profit.
p.s.s., I have ordered the lead I'll need and should finish Bessler's Wheel in August. And with Utrecht University, they'll help to make it known.
Do you guys like the way that sounds? I've tolerated it for about 18 years. And with the Mt 125 build that waltzcee showed, that can work as well and
in how many of Bessler's drawings did he use water? This isn't an issue is for you guys? I can get more than one Bessler wheel to work as well as 2 or 3 of my own designs. What I am going to do is to use Bessler's Wheel to move out of the U.S. and pursue Atmospheric Chemistry and Astrophysics in another country. I think when I can explain a part of the IPCC's report that has been ignored, I think people will accept that I am an intelligent person.
After all, with my experiment, it'll be involving gravity and the Van Allen radiation belts which is why astrophysics. This is also PhD level research so I doubt I'll be heckled. It'd look really bad if scientists said it can't work and then it does. The issue is that they cannot explain their own observations. The current
understanding of science simply does not allow for a solution.
We get 28.96 g/mol. Therefore 28.96 g/mol is the molecular weight of Air. 1 mol of air has this much kinetic energy; KE = 903843.4635 J. 1 joule is 1 watt.
1 mol is Avogrado's number which is 6.0221408^23, that's a lot of particles and when gasses move up to 5 miles high or more, that's where the energy is going.
Once I get my use out of Bessler's Wheel, you guys can talk all you want about me. I added the centripetal force. It reduces gravity to about 9.5m/s.
At altitude, the change favors centripetal force.
p.s., With atmospheric gasses and centripetal force, I used 1 mol (about 22.4 liters) and 28.96 grams. Increasing the volume/mass of atmospheric
gasses when considering centripetal force will allow for the atmosphere that we have. This would suggest that the atmosphere works in "fields".
And there are weather patterns and the wind usually isn't steady but will have gusts.
The things I mentioned about Newton's and Einstein's work on gravity is just basic observations. An astrophysicist or astronomer would tell you that.
My experiment is more complicated than saying shifting Einstein's gravity well or factoring Newton's gravitational attraction between 2 masses so that
the acceleration of each mass is equal to the other one. Then double that value. Just basic math and science.
And with the research I am pursuing, I am hoping to prove that CO2 directly supports the recovery of the ozone layer. This mens before reducing CO2 emissions, ODSs (ozone depleting substances) would need to be reduced. That would require the IPCC and the United Nations to change their policy
on climate change to what I promote, reduce ODSs first and then capture CO2 so it can be used for carbon neutral fuel or for supporting the ozone layer when and if necessary.
I think you guys have only been the warm up for what I'll be doing. Instead of being at the center of Bessler's Wheel I'll be at the center of climate change.
With my surgery, doctors will disagree with me. Of course they might be covering up malpractice. My being successful will allow me to have the surgery I want. And since I have imaging going back to 2013, how did 7 hospitals in 2 states and maybe 60 doctors miss it? Why I think it's best to not have surgery in the U.S. When I worked, coworkers told me I wouldn't make it out of the operating room alive if they heard me say that doctors and hospitals ignore their mistakes because that increases profit.
p.s.s., I have ordered the lead I'll need and should finish Bessler's Wheel in August. And with Utrecht University, they'll help to make it known.
Last edited by UbWe on Wed Jul 26, 2023 7:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front
And here are 2 pictures, a hurricane/typhoon which needs a warm ocean above 84º F./28.9º C. And if you look at the black hole, doesn't it
look like the hurricane/typhoon? What if the same laws in physics applies to both bodies? A charged mass gains rotation and develops an
eye in the center? We know the eye of a hurricane/typhoon is calm because of its lower atmospheric pressure to the vortex/ spiral mass
surrounding it. What if the laws of physics applies to both masses in the same fundamental way?
look like the hurricane/typhoon? What if the same laws in physics applies to both bodies? A charged mass gains rotation and develops an
eye in the center? We know the eye of a hurricane/typhoon is calm because of its lower atmospheric pressure to the vortex/ spiral mass
surrounding it. What if the laws of physics applies to both masses in the same fundamental way?
Last edited by UbWe on Wed Jul 26, 2023 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front
With this, because the line that pulls the "trolley" assembly follows the outline of the "Peacock's Tail", the leverage stays at a 4 to 1 ratio
when lifting the top and bottom weights. When Bessler said his "Peacock's Tail" barely fit in the wheel, he would've created too steep of
a climb. As anyone can see, over a 90º it does get steep but it should still be manageable. Everything fits under the top weight being lifted.
What the 4 to 1 basically states is that 1/2 of the torque will be used to lift 2 weights over 90º of rotation. And yet the imbalance will allow
for another 90º of rotation with an imbalance. Of course with the science projects that I'm pursuing, they all involve gravity. An example is
that ice ages are caused by a shift in the Earth's moment of inertia. And during an ice age, the Earth's moment of inertia moves closer to
its axis of rotation. This allows for a more circular orbit around the Sun.
And with a perpetual wheel, with my design, I can have 5 inches/12.5cm of overbalance with a radius of 18 inches/45cm while with my Bessler
build, to have the same overbalance I'm going with 40 inches/1m for the 5 inches/12.5cm of overbalance. My design should rotate more quickly
which will allow it to develop more power. As you can see, perpetual motion wheels can mimic ice ages and interglacial periods.
p.s., If people want to discuss gravity instead of heckling, it seems the faster the Earth spins (my wheel), the less effect the Sun's orbital velocity
because of its gravity accelerates the Earth. Then when glaciers melt it spins slower and the Sun's orbital velocity because of gravity increases
the velocity that the Earth orbit's the Sun (Bessler's Wheel). Bessler's Wheel most likely will have a quicker rim speed than my design. The height
a weight drops is greater so it will accelerate more because of gravity.
And if I want people to take me seriously, my experiment (CO2 + H2O > CH2O + O2) might be a lucky guess. And it might be that computer
modeling will show that the Sun's orbital velocity due to gravity ties in nicely with ice ages and inter-glacial periods. They'd be able to show where
when the oceans drop 400 feet or 122 meters, that shift in mass changes how the Earth orbits the Sun. And this changes how the Sun's gravity
accelerates the Earth in its orbit.
After all, who says we can't reduce CO2 emissions like over 700 scientists at the IPCC say? And yet a lot of those scientists might be glad to get
back to doing science. One woman in Georgia, USA and not the country Georgia quit the IPCC because she didn't support the work that was
going to be pursued.
Yep, I can spend a lot of time designing a build and doing the math for it and I still have time to do a little science on the side.
when lifting the top and bottom weights. When Bessler said his "Peacock's Tail" barely fit in the wheel, he would've created too steep of
a climb. As anyone can see, over a 90º it does get steep but it should still be manageable. Everything fits under the top weight being lifted.
What the 4 to 1 basically states is that 1/2 of the torque will be used to lift 2 weights over 90º of rotation. And yet the imbalance will allow
for another 90º of rotation with an imbalance. Of course with the science projects that I'm pursuing, they all involve gravity. An example is
that ice ages are caused by a shift in the Earth's moment of inertia. And during an ice age, the Earth's moment of inertia moves closer to
its axis of rotation. This allows for a more circular orbit around the Sun.
And with a perpetual wheel, with my design, I can have 5 inches/12.5cm of overbalance with a radius of 18 inches/45cm while with my Bessler
build, to have the same overbalance I'm going with 40 inches/1m for the 5 inches/12.5cm of overbalance. My design should rotate more quickly
which will allow it to develop more power. As you can see, perpetual motion wheels can mimic ice ages and interglacial periods.
p.s., If people want to discuss gravity instead of heckling, it seems the faster the Earth spins (my wheel), the less effect the Sun's orbital velocity
because of its gravity accelerates the Earth. Then when glaciers melt it spins slower and the Sun's orbital velocity because of gravity increases
the velocity that the Earth orbit's the Sun (Bessler's Wheel). Bessler's Wheel most likely will have a quicker rim speed than my design. The height
a weight drops is greater so it will accelerate more because of gravity.
And if I want people to take me seriously, my experiment (CO2 + H2O > CH2O + O2) might be a lucky guess. And it might be that computer
modeling will show that the Sun's orbital velocity due to gravity ties in nicely with ice ages and inter-glacial periods. They'd be able to show where
when the oceans drop 400 feet or 122 meters, that shift in mass changes how the Earth orbits the Sun. And this changes how the Sun's gravity
accelerates the Earth in its orbit.
After all, who says we can't reduce CO2 emissions like over 700 scientists at the IPCC say? And yet a lot of those scientists might be glad to get
back to doing science. One woman in Georgia, USA and not the country Georgia quit the IPCC because she didn't support the work that was
going to be pursued.
Yep, I can spend a lot of time designing a build and doing the math for it and I still have time to do a little science on the side.
Last edited by UbWe on Thu Jul 27, 2023 12:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front
waltzcee asked me if I had learned to make coffee yet because ab hammer, aka jubat wants to know. ab hammer told me 2 things.
He will not let my being a Veteran who served in the U.S. Navy to have a life in the U.S. and I need to quit being a jerk to him. I build
while he doesn't. And yet what people will understand is that I was treated like Bessler. That is what Wagner and his friends were about, right?
To give everyone an idea of how they missed the obvious, there is this drawing of Bessler's (2nd image). If you notice, there are 3 crosses. What do 3 crosses mean?
And with me, my experiment in Atmospheric Chemistry and Astrophysics works then I'll be able to move to a country where I can pursue
research to determine how much energy in the Earth's atmosphere comes from gravity or from the Earth's magnetosphere. I think there are
countries that will let me pursue my life without having to be nice to someone who I don't like.
And Alan, just think, you helped to keep me from having a family. You should be proud to be a "real" American.
p.s., As a Christian Alan, do you know why 3 crosses matters? Or is that just garbage some people like talking about?
And people will know you won't let me know anyone online because it's your freedom of speech to create fake accounts to contact me on
social media platforms saying you don't know me but you want to get to know me. I have been told that England has cyber stalking laws while
the U.S. does not. The U.S. might reconsider that when you used your constitutional rights to prevent me from having a life in the U.S.
After all, if I show what the IPCC is not talking about in their report, what NOAA is not talking about in its report and have solved that, then
it might be embarrassing to the U.S. for fighting a proxy war with Russia while I have to flee the U.S. to have a life. Other things have happen
but yours is the only prolonged attack outside of doctors refusing to help me. But that is what Bessler's Wheel is for, my having surgery is
dependent on that. 13 years tells me doctors will do nothing.
I think people will just see this as the Johann Bessler sequel. And Alan, in your defense I'll say if your Christian church didn't abort my family
then you wouldn't have had the opportunity to create problems for me in Jesus name. These guys probably don't know that you're a devout Christian
and a Bible scholar as well. And yet you're a typical Christian. People will see why Jesus died on the cross, it was for people like you.
I'm repairing some parts on my build. Still, this forum is no place to discuss perpetual motion. And if I become famous because of science, you
guys can say how you hated me. And I'll need to remember that once I build the other 4 weight wheel assemblies so my Bessler build will have
8 weight wheel assemblies, pulley and hoist mounts should be easy enough to do. My path to surgery and a show in Utrecht. Why I need to have
a good attitude. If I learned from you guys, do you think anyone would like me?
He will not let my being a Veteran who served in the U.S. Navy to have a life in the U.S. and I need to quit being a jerk to him. I build
while he doesn't. And yet what people will understand is that I was treated like Bessler. That is what Wagner and his friends were about, right?
To give everyone an idea of how they missed the obvious, there is this drawing of Bessler's (2nd image). If you notice, there are 3 crosses. What do 3 crosses mean?
And with me, my experiment in Atmospheric Chemistry and Astrophysics works then I'll be able to move to a country where I can pursue
research to determine how much energy in the Earth's atmosphere comes from gravity or from the Earth's magnetosphere. I think there are
countries that will let me pursue my life without having to be nice to someone who I don't like.
And Alan, just think, you helped to keep me from having a family. You should be proud to be a "real" American.
p.s., As a Christian Alan, do you know why 3 crosses matters? Or is that just garbage some people like talking about?
And people will know you won't let me know anyone online because it's your freedom of speech to create fake accounts to contact me on
social media platforms saying you don't know me but you want to get to know me. I have been told that England has cyber stalking laws while
the U.S. does not. The U.S. might reconsider that when you used your constitutional rights to prevent me from having a life in the U.S.
After all, if I show what the IPCC is not talking about in their report, what NOAA is not talking about in its report and have solved that, then
it might be embarrassing to the U.S. for fighting a proxy war with Russia while I have to flee the U.S. to have a life. Other things have happen
but yours is the only prolonged attack outside of doctors refusing to help me. But that is what Bessler's Wheel is for, my having surgery is
dependent on that. 13 years tells me doctors will do nothing.
I think people will just see this as the Johann Bessler sequel. And Alan, in your defense I'll say if your Christian church didn't abort my family
then you wouldn't have had the opportunity to create problems for me in Jesus name. These guys probably don't know that you're a devout Christian
and a Bible scholar as well. And yet you're a typical Christian. People will see why Jesus died on the cross, it was for people like you.
I'm repairing some parts on my build. Still, this forum is no place to discuss perpetual motion. And if I become famous because of science, you
guys can say how you hated me. And I'll need to remember that once I build the other 4 weight wheel assemblies so my Bessler build will have
8 weight wheel assemblies, pulley and hoist mounts should be easy enough to do. My path to surgery and a show in Utrecht. Why I need to have
a good attitude. If I learned from you guys, do you think anyone would like me?
Last edited by UbWe on Thu Jul 27, 2023 1:56 pm, edited 10 times in total.
Re: Hitch Your Horse in Front
This is a photo Christoper Le Quesne took of the Andromeda galaxy. The light at its center might be the result ofUbWe wrote: ↑Wed Jul 26, 2023 8:00 pm And here are 2 pictures, a hurricane/typhoon which needs a warm ocean above 84º F./28.9º C. And if you look at the black hole, doesn't it
look like the hurricane/typhoon? What if the same laws in physics applies to both bodies? A charged mass gains rotation and develops an
eye in the center? We know the eye of a hurricane/typhoon is calm because of its lower atmospheric pressure to the vortex/ spiral mass
surrounding it. What if the laws of physics applies to both masses in the same fundamental way?
one aspect of Newton's gravity would allow for what's in the center of that galaxy is to be space that is stretched/excited as a result of gravitational lensing by the mass surrounding the core of the galaxy. Basically the gravity of the galaxy would act internally as well as externally. That is how dark matter is inferred, by how matter such as galaxies are formed such as spiral galaxies.
Notice how Andromeda looks like a black hole? If I actually took the time to learn science, I'd like to apologize for doing something like that.
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=68 ... _tn__=EH-R
Last edited by UbWe on Thu Jul 27, 2023 2:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I'll Attempt a Basic Expalnation
This is an outline. It is basically what I am building. The weight at BC (bottom center) is behind the stand. The weight at 315º (45º BTC, before
top center) is under balanced. The weight at TDC (top dead center or 0º) is in its neutral position. It is equally counterbalanced by the at BDC.
They are both being lifted by the top weight. The pulley and hoist lifting the top weight is not shown at this time.
The weight 45º ATC (after top dead center) is overbalanced. Its opposing weight at 225º (45º ABC, after bottom dead center) is under balanced. I also
use math differently than taught in school and is what calculators use. The 2nd image shows a 30º angle. Is that sine or cosine? It's both. What I do
to separate then is have cosine come from the y axis and sine from the x axis. That makes sin 30º the inverse function of cosine 60º. This way I know
what axis I am moving in the same direction as. I will be proposing this change. The arc cos 30º could be moving clockwise from the y axis. That would
show that cosine is moving from the wrong axis. Just wanting math to agree with itself.
Why this matters will be made known when I explain how the 4:1 ratio works. But first I am outlining what is needed to be known so everyone will have
the same information. If you can't use a calculator or a scientific calculator, try searching the equation. With the mechanics, they should be easy enough
to understand. I've rebushed bearings, overhauled steam turbines, HiPacs, etc. I've also used block and tackle to move pumps in an engine room.
If you have mechanical experience like rebuilding engines or transmissions, that'll help. Understanding how things work together will help make it easier how to understand how parts working together perform a function and how that function can be quantified. And with me, I've always calculated work as
in.lbs. but for the metric system, there really isn't an equivalent because that's considered as force and not as work. A basic unit could be 10cm x 1/2kg.
That describes work = mass x distance. That allows for a simple reference for lift a 1 kg (example) weight 12.5 cm. The correct answer is in n-m and yet
the equivalent work will need to be performed.
And what I might do is explain why some use of leverage decreases the amount of overbalance. That's why I made a small change to quote Bessler.
p.s., I might give everyone a couple of days to consider this. Why? It's easier if everyone understands the same frame of reference. TDC and BDC are
from timing a car (especially with a point gap ignition system). With º (degrees), if anyone wants to check my work. And with something like 45º BTC,
then a sin 45º = x is easy enough to solve. All torque is factored along the x axis only. The y axis matters when considering work performed.
It's a little technical but it's the drop that matters. And with lifting the weights, if their movement was graphed out then the drop or lift would be less than
the distance they move along a channel/spar.
top center) is under balanced. The weight at TDC (top dead center or 0º) is in its neutral position. It is equally counterbalanced by the at BDC.
They are both being lifted by the top weight. The pulley and hoist lifting the top weight is not shown at this time.
The weight 45º ATC (after top dead center) is overbalanced. Its opposing weight at 225º (45º ABC, after bottom dead center) is under balanced. I also
use math differently than taught in school and is what calculators use. The 2nd image shows a 30º angle. Is that sine or cosine? It's both. What I do
to separate then is have cosine come from the y axis and sine from the x axis. That makes sin 30º the inverse function of cosine 60º. This way I know
what axis I am moving in the same direction as. I will be proposing this change. The arc cos 30º could be moving clockwise from the y axis. That would
show that cosine is moving from the wrong axis. Just wanting math to agree with itself.
Why this matters will be made known when I explain how the 4:1 ratio works. But first I am outlining what is needed to be known so everyone will have
the same information. If you can't use a calculator or a scientific calculator, try searching the equation. With the mechanics, they should be easy enough
to understand. I've rebushed bearings, overhauled steam turbines, HiPacs, etc. I've also used block and tackle to move pumps in an engine room.
If you have mechanical experience like rebuilding engines or transmissions, that'll help. Understanding how things work together will help make it easier how to understand how parts working together perform a function and how that function can be quantified. And with me, I've always calculated work as
in.lbs. but for the metric system, there really isn't an equivalent because that's considered as force and not as work. A basic unit could be 10cm x 1/2kg.
That describes work = mass x distance. That allows for a simple reference for lift a 1 kg (example) weight 12.5 cm. The correct answer is in n-m and yet
the equivalent work will need to be performed.
And what I might do is explain why some use of leverage decreases the amount of overbalance. That's why I made a small change to quote Bessler.
I'd say I know what his small change was. And with math, that would agree with his statement.Except for a small change in the external dimensions of the wheel for raising weights (or so-called "running wheel"), I have organized everything together in accordance with those structures of the previous machine which I had broken to pieces. These small changes occurred by chance and do not need to be defended. https://besslerwheel.com/writings/das_triumphans.html
p.s., I might give everyone a couple of days to consider this. Why? It's easier if everyone understands the same frame of reference. TDC and BDC are
from timing a car (especially with a point gap ignition system). With º (degrees), if anyone wants to check my work. And with something like 45º BTC,
then a sin 45º = x is easy enough to solve. All torque is factored along the x axis only. The y axis matters when considering work performed.
It's a little technical but it's the drop that matters. And with lifting the weights, if their movement was graphed out then the drop or lift would be less than
the distance they move along a channel/spar.
Last edited by UbWe on Thu Jul 27, 2023 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.