Build Updaye 1.0

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Re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by UbWe »

JUBAT wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:09 pm I'm still here. I just elect to be no part of your conversations. Enjoy your platform.
What I'd expect Alan to post. People don't like getting caught. And Alan, what people might start considering is when a group
of people attack me and say I'm the problem because I need to be nice to you that those people are all you using different
aliases. Like you told me, you're a private builder and can't let me work openly with people online. And I get banned because
I keep building.
And now you can show them why they made the right choice is supporting you Alan. As for me, I'll tell people to avoid this
forum and because of their support for you.

And I'll probably need to make known that I am unhappy with you stalking me online. That should be illegal but it isn't in the U.S.
I have been told that in England you would've been arrested for stalking me.
Last edited by UbWe on Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by JUBAT »

Go in peace James. I've nothing to do with you. Go ahead and file suit against Alan. I'm sure he would be pleased.

May the God of the heavens rebuke you. Get away from me. I want nothing more to do with you.
Last edited by JUBAT on Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by UbWe »

JUBAT wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:52 pm Go in peace James. I've nothing to do with you.

Jubat, You do because I believe you're Alan. When I tried discussing my work you wouldn't let me. And
now if I leave, that is what you told me I had to do. I think when my work becomes known I'll say what I
posted, IMO you, waltzcee and ab hammer are all the same person. After all, you knew who Ralph is
and he hasn't posted in here in years. You always did need to be seen as controlling me. And stop talking
about me with whatever alias you use. You should be required to earn respect by actual work
or knowledge you demonstrate and not by using me to improve your credibility. Bye Alan

I'll be able to use "jubat's" posts to show why I can't live in the U.S. I'd have to fight him. But I will be able to
leave the U.S. in peace saying I am doing what he told me to do. I don't think there's nothing worse than trying
to discredit someone so you can make yourself look good. People will wonder why my actually pursuing
Bessler's work was a problem.
And Jubat aka Alan, Bessler was a freemason. 3 crosses in one of his drawings is why I pursued his work.
And as you and Alan have shown, you guys don't like me while you're both religious.
Last edited by UbWe on Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:28 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Understanding Bessler's Work

Post by UbWe »

I do think my build will work as well as Bessler's. Why this matters is once Bessler's Wheel becomes known, I'll let people know
that no one at, or understands Bessler's work. My being disliked and called the problem
should give people an idea of how much they understand that type of engineering.
And so how can someone discuss Bessler's Wheel when they don't understand what his clues suggest? They can't, And for people who
have never heard of Bessler before will need to be made aware of this. I didn't create this problem while I did try to avoid it.
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Re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by WaltzCee »

ovyyus wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:12 pm I think this topic is a good example of someone sharing their work on the forum, even with the few diversions along the way. It's also an example of just how banal James recent critics have become.
a banal j_Alan_L critic once wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 11:00 pm Curiously, you haven't littered your youtube channel with complaints about abhammer. Perhaps you don't like pooping in your own sandpit?
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Re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by JUBAT »

To clarify James...i mean leave me alone but I'm not saying leave the forum although that would be nice.

You think I'm AB Hammer? Sue me. I dare you...bring it on. You'll soon find out I'm not AB Hammer and your lawsuit will be for someone I am not. I don't mess around and I'll tell you this right now...Ive won every lawsuit I was ever in so choose wisely and think hard before you proceed.

You won't win.
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Re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by WaltzCee »

I wouldn't be to worried about it Jubat. No lawyer in their right mind would take that case. There are shysters who would, yet they'd want to be paid up front.

J_Alan_L 's pockets aren't that deep.

Final point, although he is a character, he personally has defamed himself worse than any could possibly hope to.
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Re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by Tarsier79 »

Jubat. He says what he says to try to get a reaction, just like a naughty 6 year old. He knows full well you are not AB. It is a pity he fills with his repugnant spew and malignant drivel. It doesn't matter if you want to respond to him or not, just don't take anything to heart if it comes from self centered idiocy and trying to drag everyone down to his level.
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It's a dead duck

Post by WaltzCee »

I see it a bit differently, Kaine. J_Alan_L has monitorized his YouTube channel and is trying to paint himself as the world's leading expert on Bessler & PM.

He wants to use as a blog to drive traffic to his channels. He is deliberately trolling any who disagree with him. Same jimmy boy, different day.

Bessler wheel is a ghost town, so management tolerates him.

His wheel isn't going to work. If it were spun up to 30 rpm, everything would be slung out as far away from CoR as it could get.

It's a dead duck.


I find this annoying about James Alan. Recently I bumped a thread where he challenged someone's idea, claiming he had the idea 10 or 15 years prior.

Then he complains no one posts any science, math, builds, etcetera. It's obvious he tries to bully people by gaslighting them.

He pretends he's the only one alive born with a brain. & his present business model isn't predicated on building a wheel that turns, his motive is to turn a buck.

Everything he 'knows' he figured out reviewing Bessler's work assisted by math & science and his 'superior intellect'. No help from any living soul.
Last edited by WaltzCee on Sat Jul 29, 2023 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Advocate of God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and redeemer of my soul.
Walter Clarkson
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