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Re: Bullying

Post by UbWe »

Tarsier79 wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 5:00 am I have very little interest in astronomy, but that would be a refreshing change.
https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=a ... a%20galaxy

I asked if light bending could tell the difference between a star and a galaxy relative to the Andromeda galaxy.
I'm the most recent comment.
E = hv which Planck said. Then Einstein said light bends when moving past the Sun. 4Gm/c^2r is the
basic formula. With the Earth on one side of the Sun and then the other it'd help to separate stars from galaxies.
I find it a little hokey because matter is 2Gm/C^2r. It should be cr^2.
You know how it goes, Newton makes a mistake and then Einstein makes a mistake. And next thing I know you'll say I made a mistake.
See how that works?

p.s., they can't say stars are in front of the Andromeda galaxy. This suggest the camera is zooming in past stars in the Milky Way galaxy (our galaxy).
The other issue that current technology can't tell the difference between a galaxy and a star. That's most likely the case because there are no
"shadows" in front of the Androneda galaxy. This is basic science, right?

c^2r is the energy of light while cr^2 is light's motion past a body like the Sun.
Andromeda 2.jpg
Last edited by UbWe on Sun Jul 30, 2023 6:19 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Bullying

Post by ovyyus »

Tarsier79 wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 8:00 pm This thread is another example of why you should be banned again.

Once again you have twisted everyones words to suit your own narrative.

You would be welcome here and on all the other forums you have been banned from if you just stopped being an asshole.
Trev wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:43 pm Second that. Really miss the old websites reputation system where when they got so many red marks they were banned.
I agree about the old reputation system. Not only did it send a message to assholes, it also sent a message to those at the summit of mount stupid.

I think James has proven himself better at trolling than anyone else on the forum. His lifetime of experience gives him a clear advantage. Anything anyone says in response to anything James says just perpetuates the soap opera. We've had a couple of decades to know how this one works, right? ... he gets banned and then he comes back with a new username and the cycle repeats. I've lost count of the cycles.

Surely a bunch of smart puzzle solvers can collectively come up with a plan that works? Hopefully that plan doesn't include trashing the forum by mount stupid crusaders who say the forum is already dead.
Last edited by ovyyus on Tue Aug 01, 2023 1:03 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Bullying

Post by Tarsier79 »

Surely a bunch of smart puzzle solvers can collectively come up with a plan that works? Hopefully that plan doesn't include trashing the forum by mount stupid crusaders who say the forum is already dead.
Im not sure there is a solution to that particular problem.

JL can and has (on occasion) made a positive contribution, and could continue to if he chooses to.
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Re: Bullying

Post by ovyyus »

I don't expect anyone will change anytime soon, whether they be assholes or stupid, because I don't think either have much choice about their nature. Therefore, we deal with things as they are. At least we know what doesn't work: more words to and from assholes and mount stupid.

I have a lot of respect for how John Collins deals with an asshole trolling a family member. It doesn't get much more personal than that. Yet John sees it for what it is and chooses not to dignify it with a response. Kudos to John.
Last edited by ovyyus on Tue Aug 01, 2023 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bullying

Post by UbWe »

ovyyus wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 2:42 am I don't expect anyone will change anytime soon, whether they be assholes or stupid, because I don't think either have much choice about their nature. Therefore, we deal with things as they are. At least we know what doesn't work: more words to and from assholes and mount stupid.

I have a lot of respect for how John Collins deals with an asshole trolling a family member. It doesn't get much more personal than that. Yet John sees it for what it is and chooses not to dignify it with a response. Kudos to John.

I don't think offering to try and help Amy is trolling. I'll even be able to make your comment known to King Charles III. If I asked if he were to encourage
her to be like King George VI that I'd be trolling her? I'll make that known to him and let him know that John Collins would not care to see King Charles III
try to inspire her. If that's an example of trolling then is he an asshole and is stupid? I think he will enjoy being associated with such comments.
I am starting to think once I've finished Bessler's Wheel and it becomes known considering a lawsuit for slander for against everyone who has either attacked or supported my being attacked. waltzcee is allowed to attack me for being 100% handicapped. He is John's friend and that is how John deals
with people who troll the handicapped. I saved the post. It will show that I am the victim of some extreme abuse by you guys because I'm building
Bessler's Wheel and that's ruining the forum.

When King Charles III sees my post to John Collins and his ignoring me and then you saying I am trolling him with his daughter, then his seeing comments hating me in this thread, I think King Charles might mention John Collins name publicly and not in a good way. And when King Charles III sees John Collins post to me when I asked for help about the bullying in here, he joined in. It's possible his King might say British citizens who represent England shouldn't promote fascism. I do think it's disgusting when all you guys can do is attack me. And I will let King Charles III know that this forum parallels the occupation of Norway of which Narvik is an example. And then I'll ask his opinion and will accept what John's King Charles III decides. Fair enough?
At the same time, the school that allowed the girl to get bullied didn't think they could be sued. You guys might want to seriously consider what
you're saying can't happen to you or John Collins. He is the Head Master and is aware of the bullying. Ignorance isn't an excuse, right?
Last edited by UbWe on Tue Aug 01, 2023 11:58 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Bullying

Post by WaltzCee »

UbWe wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 4:39 am
Tarsier79 wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 3:36 am Using Amy to further your own narrative is extremely low, even for someone as deplorable as you.
Can I have some fun with you?

A guy pursuing a PhD in astrophysics blocked me from his Facebook page.
.....Color me surprised.

. .. .. .
I guess the answer is to sue everyone on Earth.
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Re: Bullying

Post by UbWe »

WaltzCee wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:01 pm
UbWe wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 4:39 am
Tarsier79 wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 3:36 am Using Amy to further your own narrative is extremely low, even for someone as deplorable as you.
Can I have some fun with you?

A guy pursuing a PhD in astrophysics blocked me from his Facebook page.
.....Color me surprised.

. .. .. .
I guess the answer is to sue everyone on Earth.

Just the people in this forum. Remember when you accused me of molesting and raping children in church? When I show posts like
that attacking me are allowed, it'll make it easier for me to sue you guys. And now oyvvus and tarsier can that's why John Collins likes you, you
know what this forum is about while my building is the problem. Thank You waltzcee for painting a clear picture which will help people to
understand what this forum is about.
To be technically correct waltzcee, you said that when I was 13 or 14 years old that when I was in youth group at church that I was touching the private parts of other kids and sodomizing them. And who likes you? Fletcher, oyvvus, John Collins, and tarsier. I think it might take King Charles III to
wonder why so much hatred is supported.
Last edited by UbWe on Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bullying

Post by UbWe »

One thing I will make known is that it's my opinion that you guys want me screwed over the way George Westinghouse
screwed over Nikola Tesla. And yet it is characterized as a "noble" thing Tesla did when he let George Westinghouse rip
him off. Kind of why George got rich while Tesla got poor.
I think people will agree with me that the contract they signed could've been renegotiated but Tesla might've been the
victim if bullying. After all, he saw how well Edison was doing so why not him?
Nikola Tesla Was On Track To Be The World's First Billionaire. Instead He Died Penniless
At one point, the royalty payments on his Alternating Current patent were worth hundreds of millions dollars. By most estimates, Tesla's royalties were so valuable that he easily should have become the world's first billionaire and the richest person on the planet, by a long shot.

But none of that happened.
Unfortunately, not only did Tesla burn through his entire personal fortune on failed projects, he also threw away away his most lucrative patent and subsequently his chance to become a billionaire.
I think he was bullied by George Westinghouse because he wanted it all for himself and got it.
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Re: Bullying [guest]

Post by agor95 »

There is a Way!

There is a way were new registered users are put in an initial group.

It's a group that acts like a mini-forum.

You are promoted to the main forum when you have shown you are able to function within the community.

Unfortunately any newbies have too suffer whoever is stuck in the 'air lock' so to speak.

Once you are in the main forum you do not see those in the airlock.

This works when a forum has a low frequency of new active members.

Normal guests are able too read the main forum as normal.

P.S. All things are possible with an active administration.

Last edited by agor95 on Tue Aug 01, 2023 2:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bullying [guest]

Post by UbWe »

agor95 wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 2:52 pm There is a Way!

There is a way were new registered users are put in an initial group.

It's a group that acts like a mini-forum.

You are promoted to the main forum when you have shown you are able to function within the community.

Unfortunately any newbies have too suffer whoever is stuck in the 'air lock' so to speak.

Once you are in the main forum you do not see those in the airlock.

This works when a forum has a low frequency of new active members.

Normal guests are able too read the main forum as normal.

P.S. All things are possible with an active administration.

I am mindful when ab hammer said "I will show you how to get a wheel for free". Just attack JL. One way or another we'll get his work.
It is like ab hammer aka alan bauldree told me, if he doesn't own me everyone will hate me. You and your friends have proved him true.
He did say only he could make me credible and that he has to receive all credit and all money or no one will ever like me. And none of
you guys like me just like he said.
After all, my work is worthless but if I did as was told then I'd have no work. Your post shows why this forum has problems. They had a
green dot and red dot and you wanted green dots. And ab hammer would say, guys, will you ban JL, I don't want him in here because
he won't give me his work and I wold be banned. And yet the most credible people really have never had any work to show. And agor,
once I finish my build and it works.people will believe when I say these guys want to steal my work from me because I live in the U.S.
but I am not like them.
An example is Christopher Bergen came from Norway speaking Norwegian like me. His father-in-law did nothing wrong when he
killed him. He said his son-in-law wishing him Happy Birthday on his birthday made him afraid for his life. When does a man who has
met the guy who married his daughter and took her to Norway not recognize him? Christopher deservedly got banned because his
father-in-law thought he should've stayed in Norway where he belonged. Why there was a problem like the one in here.

https://metro.co.uk/2019/10/04/dad-acci ... -10862450/

Gratuler med dagen means Happy Birthday. It is not said in a menacing or threatening way. And please tell me if he married your daughter
and you met him that you'd recognize him. Nope, it was all Christopher's fault just as everything is my fault.
And agor, I'd like to Thank You for getting me to remember why this forum is so toxic.

p.s., I do owe John Collins an apology. As it turns out I was trolling him. With his gofundme page for Amy;
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-our-amy-to-walk-again the person who got King George VI wasn't a qualified doctor. The best
doctors couldn't help him. And John wants to get Amy the best healthcare money can buy, just the opposite of the movie so I do owe John Collins
an apology for trolling him and will have nothing to do with Amy or King Charles III in the future.

Since I lived in Seattle, Washington, USA for about 3 decades, their university has an opinion on the movie which I guess none of you have ever

January 12, 2011
‘The Kings Speech mostly true to life, UW expert on stuttering says Ludo Max, UW associate professor of speech and hearing sciences, says that the movie is an accurate portrayal of stuttering and of the techniques used to overcome the speech disorder during the 1930s and 1940s.
A stutterer since childhood, Bertie – the kings nickname – feared becoming king because of the roles public speaking requirements.
https://www.washington.edu/news/2011/01 ... ring-says/

And what the expert might not be saying is that King George VI was told to get mad. You guys tell me to be passive. That might be what hurts
a certain young woman, she's a good girl and is not offensive.
Last edited by UbWe on Tue Aug 01, 2023 4:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Bullying

Post by UbWe »

You guys with your white supremacy created the problem. I'm a guest and you want me to give you my work. Won't happen.
What you guys don't care about is one day Amy Pohl and her parents will hear me say I might be able to help her but John Collins
and besslerwheel.com considered that me trolling him. And while I am attacked for being handicapped, that's acceptable because
I have something you want when you guys could've learned something about Bessler's Wheel. Buut you guys are too "good' to learn.
And with Amy, she has her grandfather and you guys, it's God's will and I can accept that. BTW, my being a guest demonstrates
that I am expected to be subservient to you guys. And since Bessler's Wheel is the Republic of Saxony (now Saxony, Germany) I
will ask them if my treatment in this forum suggests I am a victim of white supremacy.
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Re: Bullying

Post by WaltzCee »

Just the people in this forum. Remember when you accused me of molesting and raping children in church?
No, I don't. You'd have to directly quote me & provide a link.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the future is here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: Bullying

Post by ovyyus »

agor95 wrote:P.S. All things are possible with an active administration.
Yes, but what is possible in a forum where admin is not always active?

We see how these assholes and idiots continue to stumble around each other vandalising the forum while pursuing their dull little agenda's. We know these members are not dissuaded by reason or common sense. I expect they will each continue to trash the forum until they get what they want. Both seem to want the same thing - kill the forum.

Setting up some sort of naughty corner is a waste of time. Banning doesn't work. Talking just makes it worse. Ignoring them won't stop them trashing the forum. Ideas?
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Re: Bullying

Post by Tarsier79 »

I like the idea of someone not being able to post for 1 week except in a welcome topic. Make the sign up take more effort and agree to a set of conditions on acting responsibly etc, then Wack-a-mole.

It is surprising the forum isn't inundated by more spam and stupidity than it currently is.
Last edited by Tarsier79 on Tue Aug 01, 2023 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bullying

Post by ovyyus »

Spambots are way easier than assholes or idiots.

The problem with a short quarantine area is that any asshole or idiot can be good for a while. Then they get out and nature returns.
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