Perpetual SeeSaw

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Perpetual SeeSaw

Post by UbWe »

This can demonstrate basic f = ma = mv. The 2 stops at top can also have a "kicker" to help the weight roll out when it reaches its upper most position.
And the weight that is moving downward will have an external stop rotate it up the arm. This will shift the balance and would have the stops attached to the wheel and the stops not attached to the wheel acting as unbalanced forces.
What would also determine the velocity of movement in either direction is the net torque and the mass (weight) of the frame. The frame will have momentum (mv) as well. This would be a basic exercise to understand some of the basic math and laws of physics that applies to motion or Newton's 1st law of motion and why thermodynamics do not matter in this instance despite claims to the contrary.
With the pivot, each side of the frame allows for it to pivot on top of a single point. No bearings, no resistance. And if anyone has a spherical object at home, slowly roll it towards an object and you'll notice that it's momentum will change direction. Newton's cradle is an example of that. And a seesaw really isn't talking "wheel" is it? Does it have to be a wheel? And with the 2 tall pieces, a string can perform the same function.
See Saw.png
Last edited by UbWe on Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Perpetual SeeSaw

Post by Tarsier79 »

This would be a basic exercise to understand some of the basic math and laws of physics that applies to motion or Newton's 1st law of motion and why thermodynamics do not matter in this instance despite claims to the contrary.
That is a big claim without an actual physical build.
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Re: Perpetual SeeSaw

Post by UbWe »

Tarsier79 wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 3:43 am
This would be a basic exercise to understand some of the basic math and laws of physics that applies to motion or Newton's 1st law of motion and why thermodynamics do not matter in this instance despite claims to the contrary.
That is a big claim without an actual physical build.
Says the person doesn't understand Angleske. Do you understand what the word "exercise" means?
a process or activity carried out for a specific purpose, especially one concerned with a specified area or skill.
"an exercise in public relations"
the use or application of a faculty, right, or process.
And now I am teaching you to understand your own language. I just wonder why you think anyone should have to answer to you when you're too lazy to do any work?

p.s., I forgot that ab hammer said that "pure" people like yourself are better and should be served by people like me. I think when I make that known
that people will believe me and that people like you support him. And when people find out that you LOVE harassing someone who is 100% disabled,
those are Australian values, right? It is because oyvvus told me he hopes I am afraid while living in an English speaking country. And when all is said and done, I'll probably sue for supporting my being abused in this forum. Their posts will show that they supported toxic behavior like yours and oyvvus, people online do get sued for what you guys have been doing to me.
Last edited by UbWe on Tue Aug 22, 2023 10:32 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Perpetual SeeSaw

Post by Tarsier79 »

Exactly my point. That is a lovely looking see saw.
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Re: Perpetual SeeSaw

Post by UbWe »

And you just said you like pretty like ab hammer but you can't do 3rd grade math. How often did your friend ask me if I'd let him
say it's pretty enough for him? Yep, you know what's pretty but you can't do 3rd grade math. Are you looking for a date? I remember
ab hammer told me that Hell hath no fury like a women scorned and now you're scorning me.
I would think and this is just me but anyone who would think their opinion would matter in a perpetual motion forum would be to know
some math and science. And you "pretty" boys only seem to want another guy's attention. It's like you want to matter to me when I have
projects that I'm pursuing. Maybe some of you guys are scorned women? I mean try to discuss something and then you get your panties
twisted. I bet that must be uncomfortable for you.
At the same time, people shouldn't encourage trolling like some of you and your friends do. And some of you will become known. After all,
your friend waltzcee said he's going to kill me and now here you are standing in for him. Is that all some of you guys know?

And tarsier79, where I live it is illegal to cause someone to commit suicide. I think a conspiracy to do the same would also be illegal. If it is
then where I live could extradite you from Australia and I think Australia would be willing to let you stand trial in the U.S. People get extradited
all the time. After all, I have a working Bessler Wheel I think people will believe me when I say some people want me dead so they can either
take my work or it's just fun to cyberbully someone to death. I am 100% disabled and have suffered from my disabilities for over 10 years. That
shows that you and your friends have no conscience. In the U.S., posts like your are bulletin board material. In American football that means
your hatred is motivating me to see what grief I can cause you and your friends in your lives. After all, people will probably think that anyone
who loves harassing someone who is disabled and is pursuing surgery should be made to hate their life is sick and in need of psychiatric help.
ab hammer will probably get it because he's already told me that a psychologist diagnosed him with having mental illness.

And tarsier, my post shows I tried discussing engineering and science when you paraphrased what ab hammer, aka jubat told me, I have no authority
to say I know anything. And then you went to "it's a pretty seesaw". I think people will find it strange that the most credible people in this forum
don't know math or science and claim that only a working wheel proves that someone knows math or science.
Last edited by UbWe on Tue Aug 22, 2023 11:16 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Perpetual SeeSaw

Post by JUBAT »

WC did not say he was going to kill you. He dug up an old post of yours Lindgaard and quoted you. It was you who originally posted it.

You are the absolute king of bullshit. I've never seen so much shit dribble off the tips of someone's fingers.

I'm not AB Hammer so I've never said you have no authority. You bring this upon yourself with your constant lies, back biting, sexual connotations, and the only thing perpetual about you is your complete and unadulterated bullshit.

I think hoolra is the username you used on back in 2015 if anyone wants to go over there and read more of your same foolishness. You have a track record of this schizobabble. Lord Lindgaard...King of Bullshit!
Last edited by JUBAT on Tue Aug 22, 2023 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Perpetual SeeSaw

Post by UbWe »

JUBAT wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 12:09 pm WC did not say he was going to kill you. He dug up an old post of yours Lindgaard and quoted you. It was you who originally posted it.

You are the absolute king of bullshit. I've never seen so much shit dribble off the tips of someone's fingers.

I'm not AB Hammer so I've never said you have no authority. You bring this upon yourself with your constant lies, back biting, sexual connotations, and the only thing perpetual about you is your complete and unadulterated bullshit.

I think hoolra is the username you used on back in 2015 if anyone wants to go over there and read more of your same foolishness. You have a track record of this schizobabble. Lord Lindgaard...King of Bullshit!

Your day is coming Alan. And those nice doctors at the Veteran's Administration Hospital might have a nice long chat with you.
And I think people might be starting to notice all you and your friends do is attack me and nothing else while I have work to show.
Evryone can I see I posted an exercise for considering math and science and here you and your friend(s) are attacking me, again.
Remember when you told me I have no authority to think I know anything? I'll refresh your memory, I am quoting you and am also
providing a link to your post as well as a screenshot. You said I cannot speak with authority. I don't have to do what you say. And
now I just proved that your friend said he is going to kill me. He couldn't show where I posted that as you claim. So I also proved
you to be a liar who will do whatever you have to to ruin my life. Your lack of work suggests that you and your friends are dangerous.
Remember that you can only speak with authority on the subject if you have a working wheel ... ty#p197674
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James Lindgaard's Blogspot

Post by WaltzCee »

Jala aka James-Alan Lindgaard aka etc. wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2020 3:01 am Not sure what to say. Native Englishers aren't better. And working together to promote Bessler isn't allowed. It's all about who is better.
You guys know who I don't like. My father lived under the 3rd Reich. He knew real Nazis. Care to compete against them? I know their tactics. My father taught me about such things. If you can't compete against real Nazis, you will bore me with your nationalism.
The simple reality is that I will kill you and be done with it. Such things get old and I have no need for them. If you have need for such ignorance, it's not a life I would be ending. Hitler lost because people said no. Just don't become a part of that kind of history. The war really isn't over.
please send the case number so I can report to Mr Rodney & turn myself in.
Last edited by WaltzCee on Tue Aug 22, 2023 12:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the future is here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: James Lindgaard's Blogspot

Post by UbWe »

WaltzCee wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 12:37 pm .
Jala aka James-Alan Lindgaard aka etc. wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2020 3:01 am Not sure what to say. Native Englishers aren't better. And working together to promote Bessler isn't allowed. It's all about who is better.
You guys know who I don't like. My father lived under the 3rd Reich. He knew real Nazis. Care to compete against them? I know their tactics. My father taught me about such things. If you can't compete against real Nazis, you will bore me with your nationalism.
The simple reality is that I will kill you and be done with it. Such things get old and I have no need for them. If you have need for such ignorance, it's not a life I would be ending. Hitler lost because people said no. Just don't become a part of that kind of history. The war really isn't over.
please send the case number so I can report to Mr Rodney & turn myself in.
Once I realize Bessler’s Wheel I am going to ask the DOJ to charge you for saying you are going to kill me. I think they will because you guys can be considered as terroristic threatening. It will look bad when I move out of the U.S. because I have to fear for my life.
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Re: Perpetual SeeSaw

Post by JUBAT »

He quoted you Lindgaard. You were the original poster and all Walt did is quote you.

You are a flaming bullshit idiot.

It's your own words and I'm not AB Hammer.

You will never leave the USA because no other country will have you. We are stuck with you because Kentucky was just declared an asylum.

Here is your original post under your then account name Jala: ... ll#p171823

You go ahead and charge people with quoting you and see how that goes.

Bullshit artistry at its finest.
Last edited by JUBAT on Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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James Lindgaard's Blogspot

Post by WaltzCee »

Once I realize Bessler’s Wheel
that ain't never going to happen.
Last edited by WaltzCee on Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the future is here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: Perpetual SeeSaw

Post by UbWe »

Why don’t you guys post your work if you’re so smart?
Oops, you guys are so good you don’t have to show any work but will claim anything you can think of and expect to be treated as forum leaders who are knowledgeable. That’s called just plain crazy.
I think you’ll be able to claim that you’re mentally I’ll is why you said you were going to kill me.

And FYI, research I am pursuing will explain this. What can I say? I was willing to take the time and do the work necessary to learn something. ... n-the-air/
Last edited by UbWe on Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Perpetual SeeSaw

Post by JUBAT »

We did not say we were going to kill you. You issued the original threat here: ... ll#p171823 and Walt merely quoted you. More bullshit from the great king of bullshit Lord Lindgaard.

Your other post I just read about the atmospheric pressures of Venus and Mars is a perfect post. Though horribly off topic, you managed to not mention one idiotic bullshit false claim about the forum and its members. Well done on that one post. These however are riddled with your bullshit. Stop lying Lindgaard. Walt was quoting something you typed under your Jala name back in 2020. You can't hide from that...anyone can see you posted it and Walt quoted it.

You have dug an awfully deep hole.
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Re: Perpetual SeeSaw

Post by UbWe »

JUBAT wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:49 pm We did not say we were going to kill you. You issued the original threat here: ... ll#p171823 and Walt merely quoted you. More bullshit from the great king of bullshit Lord Lindgaard.

Your other post I just read about the atmospheric pressures of Venus and Mars is a perfect post. Though horribly off topic, you managed to not mention one idiotic bullshit false claim about the forum and its members. Well done on that one post. These however are riddled with your bullshit. Stop lying Lindgaard. Walt was quoting something you typed under your Jala name back in 2020. You can't hide from that...anyone can see you posted it and Walt quoted it.

You have dug an awfully deep hole.
Alan, All people need to consider is this thread you started about me. You said I am the ultimate fraud and told so many lies. And now you're using a fake account saying your not Alan who has stalked me for 18 years. I think everyone will see how fixated you are on ruining my life by any means necessary. If I wrote that then you would've been using that years ago but never did. It's a fact you know everything I post online. And Alan, why don't we talk about you and your Executive Officer in the Coast Guard. You said you followed orders and he didn't so he was supposed to do what you said. He was an E-7 to you being an E-4 but he was supposed to be about what you wanted. I think that is what's happening here and why you should go to the Veteran's Administration hospital. I will give them a call and let them know that you're having problems again like what they've seen you for. ... =10&t=4656
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Re: Perpetual SeeSaw

Post by JUBAT »

Well your failure to properly identify that I'm not AB Hammer shows just how off base you are. I've repeatedly told you I'm not him and I'm not about to let you trick me into proving who I am. For crying out loud AB even posted his ID online and even though the pertinent info is blocked out, I'll never stoop so low.

This is why I want I BEG you..go to the cops, the law, get an attorney and go after AB Hammer. Go for it! I have absolutely nothing to worry about and if the law investigates, they will soon see what a loon you are because I'm not AB and your lawsuit will be against someone who is not me.

Do you know just how retarded that looks?

It's great for me because I get a free ride. You get your Norwegian knickers in a knot over AB Hammer and he takes all the blame while I get to sit here, monitor your posts for bullshit and issue the corrections, and not a care nor worry in the world because I'm not him. You are so self-assured in your assumption it's wonderful. I feel like that dude on the Wizard of Oz who was behind the curtain running the voice.

Actually, it's kind of great that you're so AB Hammer focused. It completely takes the heat off of me.

Starting telling the truth in your posts and I won't have to keep correcting you. You have a reputation to uphold so keep digging Lindgaard. I'm having the time of my life.
Last edited by JUBAT on Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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