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Gill Simo
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Post by Gill Simo »

It's coming up to a quarter of a century since I first became enslaved to the pursuit of PM & throughout that time I've always have the strongest/strangest of feelings that this Quest of all Quests is destined?

Like you's all, I've no idea if/how destiny comes to be a thing. But whatever the magic might be, I think we are all well aware of it.
We express it as `Necessity is/will be the Mother of Invention`

It seems to be seen as proven, especially in past situations of great need but we can only still wonder..& doubt..its truth.
For neigh on 25yrs I've felt that its time will come when it's time, when it's most needed...& wondered as to what about that time needed it to be..that time?
Now, right now...I feel no further need to wonder.

The human race falling apart at every possible seam, spiritually/socially/financially etc...& of course, Geo-politically.

As it stands there could surely be no needier time for Divine intervention other than fingers actually hovering/twitching over buttons of doom around the globe..

I feel the time is very nearly upon us, surely?

And you's please?

I've always sensed that the majority here see the introduction of their free-energy solution in kinda shallower terms...personal satisfaction/ego/fame/money & the like. If that be so then I'm guessing the majority here will have interests that don't run deep enough to entertain the notion of their wonderful discovery resetting/cleansing humanity at its hour of need at all?
Last edited by Gill Simo on Sun Oct 22, 2023 11:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Feelings?

Post by Tarsier79 »

I am not so sure a PM wheel will do much spiritually for anyone, except perhaps delude the inventor into believing his path is ordained by god, just as Bessler did.

Yes, PM is needed now, more than ever. Ideally it would have been found 10 years ago. Covid has shown us how quickly the air and waters become clean and clear, and how quickly we normalise them becoming thick with pollution. Some scientists say we are past the point of no return in damaging our environment and the planet will spiral into desolate wasteland.

I think nearly everyone, regardless of how they would wish to deliver their discovery are not naive enough to think that it wouldn't be developed and create a free energy revolution. Although some might be deluded enough to think their design will be protected by patent or IP.

None of it matters, because I can guarantee no-one here has found the answer required for any of it to happen.
Last edited by Tarsier79 on Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Feelings?

Post by JUBAT »

I think PM would just make matters worse because with every well-meaning invention comes those who abuse it. When man discovered flight, it wasn't long before it was used in war. So if someone wanted to generate free power, areas that once didn't have power could now have it and then with that goes evil intent from fleecing people by charging them to charge their batteries to making their own rail guns and powering lathes to make guns. It just doesn't end.

The only thing that will bring peace to the earth is mankind ascribing to an authority that is not human and is if higher intelligence. The reward for agreeing with that is eternal life. The inverse is also true.

In the near future, there will be a cry of peace and security, followed by an overwhelming attack on the world's religions. Churches will be boarded up and demolished. The bank accounts of the world's religions will be reduced to zero. The merchants of the world will look on with sadness and how far this empire of false religion will have fallen to the point of being reduced to nothing.

A few people over the earth will still practice their faith and be persecuted for it. When that persecution begins, this triggers God to act and Armageddon begins with sincere ones surviving.

You may scoff at what I've just written, but it's been prophesied. When it occurs as I have written it, you will know the Bible was right all along.

I do not say these things to incite fear, but to serve as a warning for what is soon to occur.

Since the Bible doesn't talk about Bessler, I'm not sure where his idea of PM fits into everything, but maybe at some point in the future, mankind will be granted the knowledge of machines even better than Bessler's. A clean earth with free energy for all. Since God confused the languages at the tower of Babel when He saw that man was advancing in knowledge far quicker than he anticipated, he also can control what technologies man is allowed to progress with. Imagine with free energy how quickly we could remove ourselves from the planet. I mean we are already there now with nuclear power, but free energy for the common man in the remotest parts of the world would open them up to reading stuff online (the good and the bad) and eventually incite global violence.

Any technology can be used for good or for bad and until people with good hearts fill the earth, certain technologies have to be forbidden I'm afraid. That is just my opinion because no technology can ever being about global peace. It's man's heart condition that dictates that.
Last edited by JUBAT on Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Feelings?

Post by preoccupied »

The spirituality from PM that I get comes from time travel. I did so much time travel that I absorbed the consciousness of creating part of all of the Universe in memory at a young age. In that when I create duplicates of myself that live a life in the past I absorb some of their experiences in my mind as a phenomena. So I'm a man, maybe an atheist, and possibly God. I was Sir Isaac Newton in a time loop year 2000. My explanation for PM comes from manipulating space in that space itself can create and destroy matter and energy based on how it's maneuvered by mechanics. But what does this do to space itself? Maybe nothing is free. Space is infinite is it not? Does space change when manipulating space for Perpetual motion stuff?

I have a few workable PM hypothesis's but I am not sure if you agree with me Tarsier79. There is the manipulation of inertia which has two paths. One is flight. Spin a T and flap its arms to move on your own inertia from the spinning. The other is pulling the same two levers that a T has by its axle like a clacker toy. The clacker toy effect on a wheel would steal from the gravity its using on the clacker because it must move out of its frame of reference from a gravitational force in order for that force to be multiplied by the clacker effect. I hypothesize that there is only a possible doubling of the force of gravity by the clacker effect. So if the clacker force was too fast it would drag the weights through space as they try to double their rotation only. You see I obviously don't know how it will work yet. Or I have forgotten about it because of my many concussions. PM can also be achieved with negative torque suspensions and torque suspensions I hypothesize. You can divert force into structures and that is how Hermes ran so fast and Jesus walked on water. Actually it's so bizarrely easy to figure out I don't even want to describe it enough for it to become a weapon by my blatant reveal. However, just with what I have said it would be apparent to any person seeking the same insight. So Yahweh used this to support stones for his pyramids construction too. However flooding the Earth came from an X shaped machine or a variation of an x shaped machine concept.

Mechanics was never my specialty. It is just apparently on my level to figure out thus there is time travel. When I was in preschool I think that I got a bachelors degree and when I was 3 years old I think that I might have done a doctorate in CRISPR. I remember playing classical violin around 2 years old. Concussions and many painful experiences later I am about maxing out my potential by writing semi correctly here and etc. in general without any ability to have strong academics at the moment. You can call my Bessler wheel drawings an unhealthy preoccupation while I am unable to grasp basic intellectual skills and retain their knowledge like Algebra or read a book all of the way. I am so dumb right now I am not even kidding. Dumb ass statements and logical ideas is the best I can do right now with my limited ability.
Tarsier79 wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:07 am
I think nearly everyone, regardless of how they would wish to deliver their discovery are not naive enough to think that it wouldn't be developed and create a free energy revolution. Although some might be deluded enough to think their design will be protected by patent or IP.
I should get a patent on Calculus because I'm Sir Isaac Newton. And my PM's. And directional freezing which is an idea I'm sure someone stole from me. If I had a patent on Calculus people could pay me to teach it worldwide and all literature that mentions it could pay me a royalty. I would like that. I stand by the assertion that Newton invented all forms of Calculus and that the other creators and contributors mainly used his ideas that he shared freely in letters to them. If the world doesn't honor Sir Isaac Newton for inventing PM then maybe you're right Tarsier79, it is deluded to think their design will be protected by patent or IP.
Last edited by preoccupied on Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Feelings?

Post by MrTim »

I've always sensed that the majority here see the introduction of their free-energy solution in kinda shallower terms...personal satisfaction/ego/fame/money & the like. If that be so then I'm guessing the majority here will have interests that don't run deep enough to entertain the notion of their wonderful discovery resetting/cleansing humanity at its hour of need at all?
My "quest" has always been personal. There is only a slim chance of financial reward (while threading between financial destruction. I have a way, but it will be a squeaker. However, I know I'm going to lose everything.) As to helping humanity, it's all up to what they do with it. My conditions are simple: Use At Your Own Risk (I will not be held responsible for your stupidity.) and; Don't Steal the Credit For It. Otherwise, go get rich. I'm not going waste my time chasing down people who have little money for royalty payments, or go up against large governments who would never pay anyway.
All that said, I also won't release a working design if I don't have legal protection in place. Just can't trust people these days. Sorry, that's the way it's gonna be...
"....the mechanism is so simple that even a wheel may be too small to contain it...."
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Re: Feelings?

Post by preoccupied »

MrTim wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 4:19 am
I've always sensed that the majority here see the introduction of their free-energy solution in kinda shallower terms...personal satisfaction/ego/fame/money & the like. If that be so then I'm guessing the majority here will have interests that don't run deep enough to entertain the notion of their wonderful discovery resetting/cleansing humanity at its hour of need at all?
My "quest" has always been personal. There is only a slim chance of financial reward (while threading between financial destruction. I have a way, but it will be a squeaker. However, I know I'm going to lose everything.) As to helping humanity, it's all up to what they do with it. My conditions are simple: Use At Your Own Risk (I will not be held responsible for your stupidity.) and; Don't Steal the Credit For It. Otherwise, go get rich. I'm not going waste my time chasing down people who have little money for royalty payments, or go up against large governments who would never pay anyway.
All that said, I also won't release a working design if I don't have legal protection in place. Just can't trust people these days. Sorry, that's the way it's gonna be...
MrTim is fully exposing his ego despite the emphasis from Gill Simo on the wonderful discovery resetting/cleansing humanity at its hour of need. Hahaha... What I see nobody talking about is how it will kill the entire human race by destroying the gravitational effects of Earth in a negative way. I seem to be the only person who thinks that might happen on the forum. If this is true then as an enforcement the gravity versions of PM should not be used except for demonstration purposes so possibly in stadiums as concerts like orchestras or rock bands do. So your hopes of saving humanity might be reduced to entertainment value only. And non gravity PM would be a dangerous weapon but we might need it in some hands because Jupiter is hostile life that is the size of planets like hours such that our planet would be swallowed whole in a random act by such giants. Right now my library of such PM devices is limited to my recent recollection of fractional suspensions series and negative torque suspensions. There is the possibility that if you invent PM and are honored for it, you would have more respect to get patent maybe permanent life long patent in all countries in the world if you are popular rather than legally protected. In such a scenario maybe the one who is looser with his discoveries and not so reserved would be more popular. But I don't know public opinion that well. It's all sociology.
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Re: Feelings?

Post by thx4 »

"La race humaine s'effondre à tous les niveaux possibles, spirituellement/socialement/financièrement, etc... et bien sûr, géopolitiquement."
Je pense tout le contraire, 8 milliards d'habitants, (énergie nucléaire, la pénicilline, les congés payés, le mariage pour tous, etc)
Au moins 4 milliards de trop, mais l'humain comme les rats sait s'auto réguler, donc aucun souci.

"je suis Sir Isaac Newton."

Si tu pouvais arrêter avec ces conneries tu serais surement pris un peu plus au sérieux, du coup je n'ai plus envie de te lire, même pas drôle, débile.
Tu me rappelles les croyants en la réincarnation, c'est toujours un pharaon, jamais un papillon étonnant...

"Cela dit, je ne publierai pas non plus de conception fonctionnelle si je n'ai pas mis en place une protection juridique. Je ne peux tout simplement pas faire confiance aux gens de nos jours. Désolé, c'est comme ça que ça va se passer..."

Je peu comprendre, mais la question Quesque que tu fais là puisque l'échange n'est pas possible, tu veux savoir si un membre avance plus vite que toi ? lol

Pour conclure, si on ne définit pas d'où vient l'énergie, toutes discussions sur Bessler est inutile, est proche de débile.
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
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Re: Feelings?

Post by thx4 »

"La race humaine s'effondre à tous les niveaux possibles, spirituellement/socialement/financièrement, etc... et bien sûr, géopolitiquement."
Je pense tout le contraire, 8 milliards d'habitants, (énergie nucléaire, la pénicilline, les congés payés, le mariage pour tous, etc)
Au moins 4 milliards de trop, mais l'humain comme les rats sait s'auto réguler, donc aucun souci.

"je suis Sir Isaac Newton."

Si tu pouvais arrêter avec ces conneries tu serais surement pris un peu plus au sérieux, du coup je n'ai plus envie de te lire, même pas drôle, débile.
Tu me rappelles les croyants en la réincarnation, c'est toujours un pharaon, jamais un papillon étonnant...

"Cela dit, je ne publierai pas non plus de conception fonctionnelle si je n'ai pas mis en place une protection juridique. Je ne peux tout simplement pas faire confiance aux gens de nos jours. Désolé, c'est comme ça que ça va se passer..."

Je peu comprendre, mais la question Quesque que tu fais là puisque l'échange n'est pas possible, tu veux savoir si un membre avance plus vite que toi ? lol

Pour conclure, si on ne définit pas d'où vient l'énergie, toutes discussions sur Bessler est inutile, proche de débile.

"The human race is collapsing on every possible level, spiritually/socially/financially, etc... and of course, geopolitically."
I think quite the opposite, 8 billion inhabitants, (nuclear energy, penicillin, paid vacations, marriage for all, etc).
At least 4 billion too many, but humans like rats know how to regulate themselves, so no worries.
"I am Sir Isaac Newton."
If you could stop with this bullshit you'd probably be taken a bit more seriously, so I don't feel like reading you anymore, not even funny, stupid.
You remind me of believers in reincarnation, it's always a pharaoh, never an amazing butterfly...
"That said, I also won't publish a functional design unless I have legal protection in place. I simply can't trust people these days. Sorry, that's the way it's going to be..."
I can understand, but the question Quesque what are you doing there since the exchange is not possible, you want to know if a member moves faster than you? lol

To conclude, if we don't define where the energy comes from, any discussion about Bessler is useless, is close to moronic.
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
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Re: Feelings?

Post by preoccupied »

"I am Sir Isaac Newton."
If you could stop with this bullshit you'd probably be taken a bit more seriously, so I don't feel like reading you anymore, not even funny, stupid.
You remind me of believers in reincarnation, it's always a pharaoh, never an amazing butterfly...
I am 15+ ambitious individuals in history. I have basically described the time travel before and I don't mean to be repetitive about it. You make a valid point. I want to be taken more seriously. I want to take your advice right now. I'm not seeking praise for being Newton I am just saying random stuff that is on my mind.
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Re: Feelings?

Post by preoccupied »

sky scraper foundation example.png
This is an example of negative torque suspension in which the supporting levers hold a weight lighter on their handles or in this case dirt on the ground for a sky scraper. It takes less force to hold the levers or it should because pressure is being applied on the structure (I think). That was sort of what I was referring to. If something were to smack into the levers hard would they not be more resilient? Or would that depend on whether it's a low or high gear ratio being pressed into? This is not necessarily all of my examples and I don't know if my examples would work as I've not tested any and I only remember using some in 2003. I'm not messing with you.
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Re: Feelings?

Post by Gill Simo »

Puuuuuling this back on course if I may dare?

I have waxed previously in the past, that you's good folk appear to have zero understanding & therefore appreciation, of the creature you attempt to track down. That's quite important don't you think?...'cos it would sure as hell mean that none of you's will ever, ever, find it. And equally, it means that you've no way of assessing the result should you ever find it.
I always get the impression that for the most part you imagine your discovery immediately becoming your small & very likely super successful small business venture. Like "Done it, now just to sell it"
The creature is Enlightenment...should you discover this beast, should you become Enlightened to it, then it will not require any selling, any convincing.
Its truth will be immediately apparent to any eye that fall upon it..& so the eyes of all of humanity will very quickly have done so...before the sun next sets as they say, all will have been Enlightened to it.
There is no way, considering the structures of our civilization & the precarious state that they're now in, that it could withstand such a thunderous blow as this.
It will surely fall..not gracefully, not surprisingly &, I still feel, not before time.
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Re: Feelings?

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

No wonder I can't get my wheel to work!

Maybe you could enlighten us on how it was done----------------------Sam
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Re: Feelings?

Post by Tarsier79 »

Enlightenment is your own path. If you hope to achieve it through PM, I feel you are probably looking in the wrong place.

Also, peoples motives or spirituality have no correlation to their mechanical ability, theoretical knowledge, creativity or observational and examination expertise.

I have waxed previously in the past, that you's good folk appear to have zero understanding & therefore appreciation, of the creature you attempt to track down. That's quite important don't you think?...'cos it would sure as hell mean that none of you's will ever, ever, find it. And equally, it means that you've no way of assessing the result should you ever find it.
I would put forward that the answer does not lay in the Sabu. Considering the amount of time you have spent on that particular path, do you understand what is required for PM?
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Re: Feelings?

Post by WaltzCee »

I would put forward that the answer does not lay in the Sabu.
Good read here:
  • 5000-Year-Old Sabu Disc Is The Clear Evidence Of Advanced Technology In Ancient Egypt
https://www.howandwhys.com/mystery-of-5 ... sabu-disk/
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Re: Feelings?

Post by thx4 »

I am not a specialist, but given the fragility of the material, it was not a spare wheel. 🙂 Most likely a lamp... It remains a very beautiful object.
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
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