After all boils down to this?

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Gill Simo
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After all boils down to this?

Post by Gill Simo »

I began this Quest on 29/07/2000, a windy/wet Saturday evening when I was confronted by a whole window display brightly promoting JC's book here in Glastonbury. It was my dearly departed friend's birthday & I bought her the book knowing she'd love it.

My date of birth is 19/01/, as of today, 02/11/2023, I've spent exactly one-third of my life questing for the day!

So..I'll celebrate this special day by attempting, in vain no doubt, to convince all, myself the more so, that it hasn't all been a complete waste of a whole third of my life.
Throughout that third I've wrestled away mentally trying to imagine the Sabu Disc every which way now only arrive at the below, surely the most simple thing possible to imagine re the Sabu Disc!
Lay a Sabu Disc flat onto a flat surface.
Take a flat disc of slightly less diameter, create a sphere at its centre, preferably the same in diameter as the axle diameter to go through the Sabu Disc.
Lay this centrally on top of the Sabu Disc.

Press the edge of this disc, anywhere around, until its outer edge touches the outer edge of the Sabu Disc....the top disc now sits at a slant to the Sabu Disc/surface.
I've sat a rough cardboard disc as per, onto one of my Sabu Disc's & an equally rough visual measurement with a protractor suggests around 25 I've opted to imagine that it might be as per the Tropics on Earth...23.4 degree.

Now continue to press around this disc's edge in either direction around the edge of the Sabu Disc.
The disc will roll around/away from the shoe, over the adjacent petal & on, next shoe/next petal....around & around....performing a constant 23.4 degree Euler's Disc motion, or something very similar, around the edge of the Sabu Disc.

A second Sabu Disc is placed on top...set at the correct distance, such that the edge of the central disc is touching its edge also (same as bottom Sabu Disc) but 180 degree around the axle.

Place all three discs vertically on an axle (FIG 1)
FIG 1.png
Turn the two Sabu Discs against each other...this will induce the Euler motion into the central disc The disc, in that motion, will continue to drive the two Sabu Disc's in reverse.

I'm not going to attempt a step by step guide here...that would involve a whole lot of words & ever increasing confusion no doubt....think about it long/hard enough & you'll eventually see this obvious hidden within.

The central disc (weight) can be as large/heavy as one might wish, so long as it has, operating at its centre, the two Sabu Discs causing it to turn in its Euler fashion about the axle. The normal rules apply re weight acting at a distance around an axle.

As ever, although I could perhaps speculate, I've no real idea as to how/why a Euler's Disc acting about an axle might ever I'm only attempting to offer something innovative to the cause.

I will speculate however, that this possible Bessler'esque gravity device would also be a magnetism device...indeed, was, in relation to the Sabu Disc's original employ.

A little thoughtful imagination will quickly suggest how things may be arranged in that event to create a very powerful energy device, compared to this relatively weak gravity one.
"Everything you know will always equal the sum of your ignorance"
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Rocking - Birthday

Post by agor95 »

Hello Simo

Happy birthday to you; If a little late.

As you know the Sabu disc is made of sone and was found in 1930's.
So it could not have inspired Bessler but has inspired you. So that is what matters here.

I appreciate two Sabu inspired discs could cause an active rocking motion on a central
disc as you have explained.

I kind of went beyond that to a Sabu like bowl. Two that rotate opposite like the above example. The central disc being a tetrahedron instead.

One could have these Sabu bowls causing a rocking motion.

It is possible to have a motion that rotates the tetrahedron in a double axle rotation.

A rotation is preferred over a rocking motion.

The bowls have a grove recessed like a spiral. Thus the points of the tetrahedron are guided from their start position to their finish position.

Which results is them being in the same symmetric form at the end.
Just think on a cube being rotated 1 quarter turn. It's rotated and looks the same.

Those with blender skills could create a tetrahedron rotated form and use it to create the internal concave form of the bowl.

Also a person with modelling skills [clay] could assist in create your 3D idea.

Last edited by agor95 on Fri Nov 03, 2023 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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