If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by preoccupied »

scissor jack two springs1.png
The power source is gravity. The method I'm using is a gear train advantage where I try to reduce the distance a spring travels that reloads the mechanism. In this scissor jack drawing I used a small scissors scissor jack that has a small distance the spring has to travel to lift up a scissor jack that is 45 degrees position. The other spring lifts up the weight while its hanging and the scissor jack is compressed without a weight resistance. This is a mechanical work around to try to use gravity as a source of energy.

In Bessler's writing he talks about a stork's bill and I apparently confused what he meant to mean the scissor jack. I'm sorry. I was confused about the concept. Scissor jacks appear in Bessler's drawings too.

The source of energy could be turning overbalanced positions in on themselves using springs. In gravity overbalanced positions are the source of energy. So if this turns the overbalanced position turning in on itself makes the spring is the source of energy. So all I've got is spring and gravity energy. What is your three sources of energy?
Last edited by preoccupied on Fri Feb 02, 2024 3:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by magnagravity »

Well: Jerry, may I call you Jerry?
The spring is not really a spring it is called a coil per the shape of the design - A spring looks like a rolled up flat metal thing that goes into a clock - A coil is designed like a coil that goes on a car or in a clicker ink pin.
so: like the bird bill confusion of jacks an springs you must have the right translation to 1700's Engineering references
like the cherry picker is not a man that pick cherries it is a car engine remover device.
the stork bill is a device on a wind mill that is a removable wedge on a shaft. or something like that. om that time zone.

getting back to your coil that is a storage device of force only - not a power source on it's own
because Gravity is the power source for the coil ------- Again 1 power source is a ONE to ONE input to output ratio device
after friction zero or less is the output amount.

( What I do is build a prototype testing device ) This give the answer to all the unknowns - Drawings always work in your head -
but the real prototype device is not in your head - and real is the real proof of what really happens -
Everything else is just guessing - and guessing is not proof of a working device - unless you are like Tesla that could build and test motors
in his head - Of course then he build the real working deal and now it is working for most everyone. outside his head. but now he is dead.
and all that is left is bed. good night it's 1:30 somewhere in the world

maybe the Sun will come out tomorrow : And tomorrow ( I forgot the rest of how the song goes ) -- fill in the blanks for yourself please --
thanks MG - just waiting for the spring to bounce back. ( not the coil thing - that's totally wrong ) well: at least only a storage thing
can't be all bad? -- Or can it?
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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by agor95 »

Hi magnagravity
magnagravity wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 10:23 pm The concepts of what I am making reference to on the Bessler wheel project - Is not the Bessler mechine - only the drawings of the concept of a maybe - only theory concept - not a tested or made device as a proven system - only ideas - If's and only If's - could work -

That is what I am willing to talk about -

no disrespect to people wishing to tell their stories on thing not related to this subject - but I would rather talk only about the
( If Bessler made the wheel work - What energies were used ) Note: Theory only - nothing written in stone -

from above I pick and chose the people I wish to answer their questions on this subject - again no disrespect - just focus on the subject -
I found your post amusing. However your scope of interaction is clearly stated after all the negative and contradictory prior text.

Members have studied different skills and subjects in their lives to achieve there current understanding; conceptually.

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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by magnagravity »

Hi agor95, Prier to being on this forum I have conversed with thousands of people from all walks of life
you asked what studies have I done? - Well: conversing with people: ; All forums collect people wishing to show how smart they are by
writing on someone else's thoughts. Very few on forums have developed ideas of their own, And when a person comes to a forum with ideas they have created - without coping from others from and on the internet - Lots of people get ( There are so many terms of their emotions - all not good - that creative thought by others - not them - - brings out --- aggressions of all forms -- cause people on forums to lash out at the ones that bring new ideas of their own to a forum and such.
The idea that it is impossible to build a device that runs on forces to energy makes people believe they are smarter and can make the impossible because they are smarter, However, There is only a few concepts that can produce to working system, and everyone is coping the ones that have failed to develop those concepts. And we a talking millions and millions of people.
So people like me that have ( Studies the concepts on their own without coping the failed concepts ) And have made such working devices
from those concepts ----- And tell people on these forums there are working devices they can view ----
two things happen
#1 first A few people: will attack and will do what they can to get Me banned from the forum - mostly forums like this type wish to banned first. I have been banned for just saying I have working technology.
#2 This forum however at this point: To keep from knowing how a workable technology works: They all avoid --- Looking at a string that may contain working technology.
( you made note that my negative interaction started after - Like I said - this is not my first rodeo - If you have noticed only 2 people on this forum have posted - ( I like jerry's views - He is on the right track in a way - but missing the second concept relation to develop at working system ) There are only 2 people posting one must be jerry. I know you asked in your head.

anyway the concepts of working technology is somewhat simple, but is somewhat impossible to show on this forum,
So with that -- depending on how long you wish to keep looking for a workable type system of any type
I say this because people on a Bessler forum - have no chance of making a working Bessler machine in the 21st. century
you would have to be a mill-right wood worker, and know the Wind Mill technology of the 1700's
it's not happening, they are forum dwellers. not engineer's for the 1700's

My systems use 21st. century technology beings how I am living in the 21st. century now.
Plus - if indeed someone got the bessler wheel to work - Gravity power on that scale - Is totally useless - the whole 12 foot wheel
produces about 350 watts output - at the time in 1717 - 1/2 hp. working on gravity plus - Was really something
but today a car runs on at lest 150 hp. that would be a very big trailer with a very big wheel on it behind your car.

where as my technology of the 21st century can produce about 300 hp. and fit under the hood very easy. No gas - no batteries - no extra money spent on fuel. or charging batteries. No brainer -

people are trying so hard to be the first one's to make a working technology - it's already done - over 20 now -
I just keep improving the machines - others keep trying to figure out how to make the first one. ( makes me laugh )

I am now leaving on my own, but if you are interested in seeing or talking about working technology - I know the other on this forum are not interested - again - I don't care - ( I make these offers and no one wishes to know anyway ) Why do they look? if they do not want to find? - The search for the truth - is only a lie. for each their own lie of course.

look up EttCM energy technology - Energy to torque Conversion Motor - my email contact, are there somewhere -

good bye, and good afternoon. din-ma Tom
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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

Why do I get the feeling that I've heard all of this Bull Sh*t before, from a doctor. Yea, that was it, a Dr. Wlazlak----------------Sam
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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by agor95 »

Hi magnagravity

Sorry to hear you have conversed with thousands of people and received poor treatment.
I only know this forum and it's true we are a funny bunch.
The principle of building your own understanding instead of following others is a valid approach.
I would like to think a fresh concept build from the ground up is worth while. You of cause proof that is true.

I think you are safe and would not be banned for having a working device for 20 years.
Other members have stated the same over the years.

Looking at a string that may contain working technology.

You did post a sequence of digits and you referred to is as a string.
However I skipped passed that until you can clarify?

I agree with you a text based forum with limited attachment options is not the basted place to present concepts.

You are correct it's bested to use 21 century technology first.

I can only speak for myself with regards caring for the truth. We all have a choice searching for truth or living a lie.

I will check out 'look up EttCM energy technology'.

Thanks din-ma Tom
Last edited by agor95 on Fri Feb 02, 2024 11:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by JUBAT »

Well if your principles are electrical, that's fine. There is a place for that, but did you miss the URL for this forum? It's besslerwheel.com and we are here to try and figure out how he did it...whether real or faked...and so far nobody has that we know of.

Bessler's wheel was MECHANICAL pm which can be turned into electrical energy. Not much yeah, but still free!

I'm open to seeing your demonstrations, but until you show, it's just talk...

Just like my claims to have figured it out...it's just talk until proven otherwise. Unlike others, I'm actively building my idea.

Got the lathe cross slide in today which I will use to custom grind my own parts from scratch precisely and so that the weights match.

Long live the venerable angle grinder.
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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by Tarsier79 »

I remember him now.... I didn't realise it was him, but I was close to engaging negatively with him due to his holier than thou attitude.

I hope he stays gone this time
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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by JUBAT »

Yeah he's a legend in his own mind. I'm not without sin, but it seems like he pops in to brag and then disappears. Probably has an electrical meter where he sees the voltage increase, but never once thought to check current.
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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by agor95 »

Hi All

I checked out 'EttCM energy technology' Tom Wlazlak

Watched his YouTube presentation from May 2023 and read his documents on the file server.

Well as personalities go we have a few here just as individual.
When you have been touting your original idea to thousands and getting treated in a way you do not want.
You might develop a way of dealing with your treatment.

We have a large variety of contributors to hand. They all know the reason for this site.

Naturally a device that creates sustained torque under a physical load that circulates the devices energy is one thing.

I am sure Tom appreciates his device did not achieve this 20 years ago.

I do recognise although his device and a Bessler's inspired device are completely different.

There are similarities between a magnetic motor based on an interaction of rare Earth permanent magnets interacting with electric coil magnets vs a motor based on swinging masses.

Both have to do work via a consistent torque output.

For commercial reasons the torque needs to compete in torque output with tesla electric motors or the new wind turbines that use rare Earth magnets.

Both used methods of measuring the energy dynamics that have the possibility of inaccurate results.
So several methods of measuring and physical bench testing are required to allow cross checking.

Really we have people who are temporal trans-dimensionalists. Other working from the virtual surface of a blackhole.
And others dabble with pre-quantum philosophies of reality.

Well we do tolerate much and would it be good to have a more open reputation?

P.S. A person should not be surprised if this forum focuses on it's reason for being and not on their project.

Last edited by agor95 on Sat Feb 03, 2024 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by Fletcher »

Agor .. my takeaway from his discussions here is that he has some ideas on how to build a B. wheel and the forces and energies involved - but doesn't want to discuss them in a forum designed for such a purpose - he wants to direct traffic to another private place ..

By way of presumably building his credibility factor in engineering he says 20 years ago he built a device that he has constantly improved and now puts out 3 times the power it consumes to run ..

Agor .. in your reading of his background etc has anyone asked him if his "working" home device has been looped back on itself so its own 3x output power is also its input 1x power with a 2x balance left over to do external Work ? And did he give an answer ?
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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by magnagravity »

Yes, I am the guy that ask ( if Bessler -- because this is a bessler URL forum -- make the wheel work - as to say Maybe and maybe not -
--jubat-- What if I have the answer - To how maybe Bessler made his wheel device work on more than one non-energy
I say non-energy because I am Scientist and an Engineer. following the rules of Physics, ( at the beginning of this string there is a note: Don't be Rude - and don't comment if you are not interested in the topic - it seem you are only interested in being rude - I think I may have answered why people are rude rather than smart. is written down somewhere on this string. - knowing you jubat would show up sometime on this string -- moving on --
That is ( What Energies were used? ) This means most everything - including electrical unless you are not that smart in thinking out side the box. - it seem because nobody really knows whats in the box of bessler - it could be an electric motor and batteries.
There are batteries that are 3000 years old - so what else is not possible by your account? -- no point in asking a person that is rude. --
We have already covered why people are rude.

I have written the answer to how the multi energy format and send drawing to ---- John Collins ---- you know - The Bessler wheel fourm -
I was also treated very rude on his forum enough to leave. Rude people make it impossible for the people that are really interested in finding the answer to someone that may have the answer, but they never get to know because of the rude - bullies - WHY?
I call it Suppression of information by the rude - bullies - and it seem most forum leader take the side of the bullies - WHY?
moving on again.
He wrote me back a very nice letter - making a comment that he was very impress on my Engineering skills
NOTE: The concepts sent to him were non-electrical based - I have both electrical and non-electrical working type systems -
but again - I all around the world even though you don't know it, people are working on the concepts - given away for free to anyone that ask - But it is on the ones that are smart enough to ask - rude / bullies never ask for some reason
the 20 years old linear test motor that is shown on many other forums is also non-electrical based - If you know how - it is EASY -
If you don't - Well: not very smart on the part of the people that don't want to know - But keep trying your at least 20 behind -

Note: for all those people that say I don't have working systems, You're Suppression works on all the people that are not smart enough to find out for themselves - But I am OK with you saying it does not work - because I only get the people that are smart enough to understand the concepts of what is being presented to them. This helps me weed out the stupids from the smarts -- Thanks -
even though you think you're not helping - It seems I can use all the help I can get - from any source - Fun Stuff

Making comments on a public forum such as this, and as being an American: The first Amendment to the Constitution: allow freedom of thought, expression, and allow other to call you what were they like - The people that made this Amendment was very smart in allowing everyone to be right in what they say, Whatever you wish to think is your's and your's alone - and with that you in your mind are always right. by the way thanks about the - holyer than thou - thing. sometimes your right. Well: according to the Constitution you must be right.
Again I reserve the right to return comments on the rude / bullies - you know who you are - Ah, it's only because you are not loved.
You are all very good at guessing - who I may be - Why don't you come over a visit me - I will make you a free lunch -

Tom Wlazlak - 10202 SW. 216 st. Vashon Washington 98070 - How many of you people have the gut to give where you live - for real -
google it - it's not an apartment. I am one of those self made types - It's what I do. try it sometime - better than getting a bed sore
I visit and have people visit me all the time so I don't need to hide behind a false ID like the ones on forums do.
Every one of my aka's go right back to me Tom Wlazlak - I always say I am not hard to find - I have nothing to hide - and I show anyone that wishes to see my technology and test for themselves in Person in Person for real - I am willing to do so -
So if you say someone is not telling the whole truth, First prove it to be true, or stick to the - freedom of your chose. not a very smart chose if you chose to be rude. it always comes back to the suppression issue. why do they show up on forums - who put them there?

if there were not rude bullies on these forums the interested ones could have something that works on limitless energy.
I am not kidding - I do have working free energy device that work on Magnetic only - even the electric ones work on magnetic only -
magnetic and gravity or of the same force to energy concept - electric is also force to energy concepts -
but the science people have made the lesser smart people believe it is different. and not the same as gravity force.
but in the older Electrical Engineering hand books - Electrical is in the same format as magnetic and Gravity.
So when these people come along saying if it is electrical it does not conform to what we are using is Gravity - They have proved how smart they are NOT, I just wanted to point that out to the smarter ones.
But I have enough people to talk with outside forums - that is why I do not stay long - there is only so many hours in a day -

In fact this time is up on this forum. really come and visit - there is a free lunch - I build a small restaurant on my property so I did not have to go out and get the flu. during that time of flu season. having lots of money is nice. everyone should try it.

It is a don't believe what your told, forum,---- Good day - MG ---- Also either do it, or don't do it, But do it because you what too.

letting others do the thinking for you, --- What does that mean ? bullies rule!!

Just a thought?
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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by Tarsier79 »

A lot of free energy claimants, such as yourself, don't understand energy enough to understand that you do not have a working device. You cannot close the loop on any of them. Your claims are false.

We are 20 years behind what? A lack of understanding?

Generally, this forum treats people they way the people act.

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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by agor95 »

Hello Fletcher
Fletcher wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 8:32 pm Agor .. in your reading of his background etc has anyone asked him if his "working" home device has been looped back on itself so its own 3x output power is also its input 1x power with a 2x balance left over to do external Work ? And did he give an answer ?
Well I did give Tom's material a quick scan and watched his YouTube presentation.

I keep an open mind as new information helps stimulate innovation.

A quick summary; based on this limited material and time.

Tom has created a permanent magnet and electromagnet unit.
Where the flux of each are inline when the current flows one way.
When the current flows the other they counter act but are still inline.

This causes an increase in the flux in case 1 and reduces the flux to near zero in case 2.

In the YouTube presentation from last May 2023 a proportion of the output was not used as the input.

So this example did not have what we call the reset present or test loopback.
These tests could have been done by Tom or others. Put those test were not present in my partial reading of his material.

Saying that Tom naturally wants to build confidence with the people he communicates with in the
same way we want to build confidence in posters. You could use the word 'creditability'.

Although Tom appears to need text space to release his issues.

He has expressed a thought we should have mused about;
That a purely mechanical concept can be implemented in an electrical or magnetic analogue.
Or the other way around allowing concepts in one to be implemented in the other technologies.

When I first read his material my imagination pictured a car being held above a crusher.
The car is being held up by a powerful magnet. Then it drops when the operation hits the switch.

Now those not in the know may think this was done using an electromagnet and he just switched it off.
An electromagnet coils get hot when a current is on.

So the car is held up by a permanent magnet and the car drops when a brief current is pulsed to reduce the magnetic flux.

We should also note a magnetic flux is most powerful when the target object is in contact with or within the flux.
The affect reduces quickly as a gap increases between the two.

P.S. Anyone who works on a subject for multi-decades should be tolerated.
There are times when non-related material may stimulate new insights related to this forum purpose IMHO.

prototype motor.pdf
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Last edited by agor95 on Sun Feb 04, 2024 1:32 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: If Bessler made the wheel work - what energies were used

Post by Fletcher »

Thanks Agor .. I wonder if Tom is aware of the free-energy forum OverUnity.com ? - they have a specialist magnet motors and electronics section - I'd imagine their members would be all over this, to replicate and validate his claims, and report back to the forum members etc ..

It would be unusual if Tom hadn't found his way there in 20 odd years I guess .. there are some very knowledgeable and helpful people there just looking for a project like his ..

Tom in doc prototype motor wrote:It has been a year or so in the meantime a few new items have came to pass
The photo below is a prototype motor that performs an interesting Output

The output is 270 watts running at 611 rpms
The interesting part is the input to make this happen is 90 watts

The more interesting part is there are 2 coils that make 270 watts if 20 coils are used the
output would be 2,700 watts
The interesting part is the input is still 90 watts to produce 2,700 watts output

In fact this technology can produce megawatts using no input power, whatever is produced is
usable power and that small amount of power needed
to make this system work is removed from the generated power output. And this all conforms
to the laws of Physics. Totally missed by everyone.
Simple, Easy, no brainer tech. Just missed by everyone in Science, Electrical Engineering,
Physics. and so on.

The Big Question: Should anyone be told how easy this can be done? Or should the world be
left in the dark. Still.

Thanks Tom, Merry Christmas
Tom's prototype motor
Tom's prototype motor
Last edited by Fletcher on Sun Feb 04, 2024 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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