Bessler's Wheel in 2024

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Bessler's Wheel in 2024

Post by Orreus »

In his Bessler's Apologia Poetica he wrote;
The dog creeps out of his kennel
just as far as his chain will stretch.
He knows how to please by playing
with his toys and knick-knacks.
He wags his tail, creeps through the hoop,
https:// besslerwheel . com/writings/apologia . html

https:// youtu . be/0QGUzyEu36I

A successful demonstration will have people wondering why I am the problem. What was it that I did wrong?
Of course Bessler was treated poorly and was 1/2 Polish while I am 1/2 Norwegian. I think people will see that
parallel. And recovering from surgery (having it in the morning) will give me some down time to relax.

And with a kennel assembly to work with, I can attach opposing levers (one on each side of the assembly) with
their supports using glue. Then if I don't like how they work I can easily separate the parts from one another. Just
one aspect of this being a prototype. When I consider an idea, I rarely ever do it my way but find what way works
best. And with levers that might have a bend (angle) in them, I can try various combinations.
And yet I'm the "bad person" because I actually worked at this? Just too funny!
Last edited by Orreus on Sun Feb 04, 2024 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bessler's Wheel in 2024

Post by Orreus »

With a prototype, appearance does not matter. A successful demonstration would have this become a
museum display, most likely in Zittau, Saxony, Germany. And it's possible that outside of Saxony, it'll be
how fast can it spin and how much power can it make?
And a successful demonstration will have them redefining leverage. That would be what accounts for work
and what allows for it. And with surgery in about 14 hours, for the next 2 to 3 weeks I'll be limited to
considering how I'll want the kennels to work with the levers. And what will help me is considering some math
while working with a 1:1 scale model on SketchUp.
And yet I am hated while I am 100% disabled and need major surgery.
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Re: Bessler's Wheel in 2024

Post by Orreus »

This image shows where another section will need to be added to the lever assembly. That section will go on the outside
of the kennels. This will probably become known as one of Bessler's coolest tricks that he used. And while I am recovering
from surgery (again!) I'll be able to consider how I want to go about it.
I'm just working to finish the build as I can disassemble it and then finish it the way it should be finished. And it's possible
that while this build can work the build itself might not be finished. That would be to remind people that it is a prototype.
And who knows, people might wonder if really wanted to repeat what happened in 1712.

Just an FYI, my sibling https://www . facebook. com/paul.lindgaard can you believe he learned a snakk Engelsk i Amerika
while I learned to talk in Norway. I think that will show people that discrimination happens. After all, I am the ultimate fraud.
https://besslerwheel . com/forum/ viewtopic.php?f=10&t=4656

And what has AB Hammer ever shown? That he enjoys attacking me.
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Re: Bessler's Wheel in 2024

Post by Orreus »

If you guys don't get it, when the lever riding on the disc moves away from the axle, it rotates a pulley/hoist.
A working wheel will have mathematicians, engineers and scientists reconsidering how work can be accounted
for (lifting a weight) and what allows for work (w = md).
With a wheel, w = md is a guideline. Why? w = md is a linear (straight line) calculation. A wheel rotates. This
requires a different definition of work and because I've taken the time to do the math, I have a solution. This can
get technical. An example is when Einstein said that gravity warps space. While space can warp, what Einstein
overlooked is that gravity emanates from a given mass (say the Earth as an example) 3D or three dimensionally
(in all directions equally to keep things simple).

Just not sure what's going to become of this forum if I'm successful. It'll be sad when people find out that no one
in here understands Bessler's work. And yet you guys have earned that distinction.
Last edited by Orreus on Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bessler's Wheel in 2024

Post by JUBAT »

Enough already Lindgaard. Get out of here cretin.
Last edited by JUBAT on Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bessler's Wheel in 2024

Post by Orreus »

JUBAT wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:57 am Enough already Lindgaard. Get out of here cretin.
I'd say you should be in a hospital Alan but in here you're one of these guys. The question might
get asked if you can own me. If you're not allowed to own me then why should I care about you?
Because your friends both support and encourage you. People will be shocked when I say I prefer
a woman but your friends keep saying I'm yours.
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Re: Bessler's Wheel in 2024

Post by JUBAT »

You're supposed to be perma-banned from the forum and you know you're not supposed to be here.

Won't be long and Scott will cut off this account too.
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Re: Bessler's Wheel in 2024

Post by agor95 »

Hello James

I hope you are well and ready too present a successful device.

I believe for anyone to spend so much time on a device they need to have done their foundational proof work.

I have stated that confidence come from proving a concept with maths, sims and small prototypes.

I believe most members like to read posts that have a current positive message.

After all who want to wast their time on reading low value material.

So how have your test gone on since your last visit?

[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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