Interesting study: “Tired light” and the CCC theory

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Interesting study: “Tired light” and the CCC theory

Post by Oystein »

Hello again.

The latest years I have been busy doing carpentry on our houses, and bringing up my two sons. One son with a diagnosis, that has demanded much effort from me. My plan before going "all-in" on the reconstruction of Besslers wheel, became to make our home complete and family safe and happy, including mental support/time for our kids. Luckily my son also had great talents that needed nurturing. He was demanding in school, and was first thought to be "dumb" and moody. All he wanted was to study maps, flags, facts, history and space. If not, he was angry and "in his own world".

I have worked to get the school to accept his talents, rather trying to make he just fit in. When he tried chess, we could prove that he had some special intelligence. I have sat down and learned chess with him, and have tried to follow.. After studying chess for 3 months on Youtube at age 11, I took him to the local chessclub for adults. He started beating several of them right away, and created quite a stir.. I felt this was now the first time we got to harvest from all the years of hard work, and we could prove he had good things going for him. And after another Youtube study, he also won the school song/dance competition. Solo-singing perfectly the whole "Nations of the world",

My son is now 13, he now wins chess tournaments, and more and more often he asks me about my personal take on the universe. If the machine existed..What about the Big Bang, what about the universe's own creation, or "God"? What about energy in your view, daddy? He reads up on latest theories, and got his numbers straight.. Then he wants to know of my work on Bessler.. who was he? Did it happen? Who was Leibniz, what happened to the last machine he had? What laws of the universe must be wrong, if the machine was real? I answer that today's "laws" of the universe doesn't allow the machine to have worked as claimed. But what if it did work as claimed? Well, then energy at some level/s has to be able to be created and destroyed.. simple as that.. Where does that lead us? he asks.. Well. let's do a thought experiment: If light/energy could be "destroyed".. then the Red-Shift does not have to be physical expansion.. and then the Big Bang doesn't have to have happened 13 mill years ago..but could be much older.. Then if Big Bang didn't happen.. then energy through some property/process in space must be created then..? If so, then both Big Bang and God's creation would obsolete then daddy? Well.. yes, sort of..maybe..

Then he has started to study my findings, my code-documentation and so forth. Happily he easily understands what it says and he is VERY exited. So now it is my son that pushes me to start to build the final experiments and model/product. But firstly the family must be provided for, the houses totally fixed, so nobody cares if we work for a year and fails miserably, I say.. He understands..

With all this in mind, I came across this research/study article below. I always look for studies that will allow the existence of Bessler's wheel, and I'm looking forward to show it to my son later today.

Best wishes from a fulfilled father
Enter Rajendra Gupta, a seasoned physics professor who isn’t afraid to question the status quo. With years of research under his belt, Gupta is shaking up our understanding of the universe.

Gupta, based at the University of Ottawa, conducted a study that suggests we might not need dark matter or dark energy to explain the workings of the universe. This bold claim is turning heads in the scientific community.

“Tired light” and the CCC theory
At the core of Gupta’s research is a model that combines two theories: covarying coupling constants (CCC) and “tired light” (TL).

We’ve always been taught that the fundamental constants of nature — like the speed of light or the charge of an electron — are unchanging. But what if they aren’t fixed after all?

The CCC theory suggests these constants might actually vary across the universe. If that’s the case, it could alter our understanding of everything from the tiniest particles to the largest galaxies.

Then there’s the “Tired Light” idea. Normally, we think the redshift of light from distant galaxies — the way light stretches into longer, redder wavelengths — is because the universe is expanding.

But the TL model offers a different take: maybe light loses energy over vast distances. This energy loss would cause the redshift without needing the universe to expand.

So, what happens when you put these two theories together? ... e_vignette
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Re: Interesting study: “Tired light” and the CCC theory

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

Sounds like you are really trying to figure out how Bessler's wheel worked. FWEIW, I'm fairly certain now, (as certain as I can be) that the wheel had constant torque. The same way with a water wheel; it has constant torque, from the weight of the water. For a wheel to turn; weight or weights, have to shift in on the up side and out on the down side, this has been known for a hundred years.

To keep the constant force of gravity applied to the wheel at all times,(like the water wheel), the weights have to be shifting constantly. Constantly shifting in on the up side and out on the down side. I found a way to do that. The weights have to be round and set into round rings. In this way they can shift constantly, (they roll in on the up side and out on the down side), providing constant torque to the wheel. However, I still have to find a way to shift them.

I'm hoping you might give my Idea(s) a fighting chance, no one else will--------------------Sam

ETA LYDIA,(Live your days inspired anew). I might add, I feel for your son, sounds like he has gained a lot of self esteem!
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Re: Interesting study: “Tired light” and the CCC theory

Post by Fletcher »

Nice to hear from you Oystein, and hear things have gone well for you these last few years - and see that you are still at the coal face in mind and body ..

I think you have your priorities exactly right ! - family first, then hobby ( ok, maybe a little more ) second - especially young children learning about the world ..

I'm glad your son is interested in the B. story, or at least your B. story ( you've contributed so much over the years ) - you are very fortunate indeed that he is wanting to spend the time with you on your project, and share the mental exercise with you - with the way his mind apparently works he could very well be of great value to you to bounce ideas off and make that breakthrough and/or progress to the finish line - that is, if he is also interested in learning the Classical Physics as well as having the ability to see things that little bit differently ..

It's often been said that it just might take a functional savant mind to finally connect all the dots and bring it all together .. best !

cheers -f
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Re: Interesting study: “Tired light” and the CCC theory

Post by Oystein »

Thank you, both.

Through those years with my son I have learned a lot about the human mind and how we think. Being so close every day, to a "special" mind in development, is exhausting but also rewarding and a very interesting process.

I have also "tested" how he reacts to the material I research, at different ages.

By doing that I documented something concrete about how bias works. Bias is indeed how we react to information by applying knowledge. (true or not). Bias will also be biased by consensus. Or let's call it "collective bias". A thing isn't more true even if more people agree, but it makes it even easier to agree.. But It only means that more people agree. (true or not).

In my book I have written about some interesting observations about how my son reacts to visual information before he was educated in school, and then later, after a few years at school. This result I named "The shadow of knowledge".

By learning, we see what we have learned, but this knowledge also creates a shadow. Information "placed" in "the shadow of knowledge" will not easily be discovered. Grown ups (or educated people) are often bad at being open to things having more than one answer, and "my answer is always the correct one".. not both of us.. or none..

As I have mentioned before, I claim that I discovered that Bessler's MT is more than mere drawings of machines with comments. It also explains other knowledge and methods know to wise men at the time. In the form of mathematical, numeric, geometric, gematric, methods and simple historical ciphers.

I use one example from the German mathematician and artist Albrecht Durer, in the book.
When my son was somewhere around 5 years old, I showed him the magic square of Albrecht Durer.
Consesus say that this magic square contains 16 numbers, from 1 - 16. But does it? I asked my son to look for the numbers...
Can you find number one?.. "There daddy"
Can you find number two?.. "There daddy"
Can you find number five?.. No, number 5 isn't there..
Can you find number nine?.. No, number 9 isn't there.. ( But what is this?.. I pointed- - a strange symbol looking like a question mark, he answered..but it's not nine)
The rest of the numbers he found.

Later at age 7 or 8, with more knowledge after going to school, he didn't answer the same.
When I asked him to find the five, he found it, and when asked to find nine he also found it.
He answered: hmmmm... I see there are all the numbers from 1 to 16, and no other symbols than those two can be 5 and 9, and they also kind of looks similar to them. So.. it's 5 and 9 there! And they can be added to find a common sum in all directions, so it have to be so. "The show is over"!

Then I said, you now answer like any educated person would do. If you make a google search you will also get confirmations that you are correct. Good, so we are finished then?

Then I said: No, you have just proven that knowledge is "dangerous", You get biased, and want to prove you are right, and it makes you stop being curious! It was your uneducated and unbiased conclusion that was also but even more more correct. 5 and 9 is not drawn as the numbers 5 and 9 should. Because they are indeed NOT 5 or 9. ("Hence very magic square".) Durer was an artist compared to da Vinci and was also a good mathematician. He knew how numbers was drawn. I claim the solution/reason for this can be found in MT. MT contains more than PM, and also had added value! Because it contained more than one intellectual/historical secret!

I think, knowledge (and age) makes your brain less curious and more into being right, to not waste energy.

What the two symbols actually means, is forever? hidden in "the shadow of knowledge" (of it supposedly being "5" and "9".)

I claim that Bessler knew why they where drawn not as 5 and 9 in Durers engraving, and what they meant. people may ask, "but would it lead us to Besslers PM" ?? Not directly, but in the end, I think - yes. You have to know the letters before you can read etc.

Have a nice week, and a good cup of morning coffee!

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Re: Interesting study: “Tired light” and the CCC theory

Post by johannesbender »

If you identify 15 as 15 or 51 then you know 5 is 5 , and if you identify 13 as 13 or 31 then you know 3 is 3 , and if you identify 16 as 16 or 61 then you know where 6 is , etc etc , but let me show you where 9 actually is .(neglecting the math)

Cant believe its like 11 years ago when i found that watermark ... decoration
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Re: Interesting study: “Tired light” and the CCC theory

Post by Oystein »

Yes I think you are correct about a "watermark "6" being placed behind the "5".
But firstly I think the miss-drawn number 5 itself need a justification.

As I found in Bessler's papers, there exists a method of using Pythagoras to create a special geometric proof. Along the way i found that firstly the 3-4-5 triangle of Pythagoras need to be found and hidden. Especially in religious art. Gods gematria was far more connected and sought than we think today. Even Newton searched for ancient knowledge "sacred" or perfect geometry hidden among numbers and gematria in the bible. secretly placed by the original writers. Let's call it "G" for Geometry and God. It is believed that this search, and various proofs and discoveries is what masonic and in particular Rosicrucian tradition is and was about.

My son also said that it looked like a hidden "6" but it also looked like a central "hub" he said, so to tell us that the 5-plate could be "rotated" on it's axle!

This fits with my discovery of Bessler's "incomplete five" discovered by John Collins. But I suggested that it was incomplete because it had to. Because it was both 5 and 3, and therefor also meant 5,3 (thus adding up to 8)

Interestingly, if the "5" is really/secretly 5 and 3=8, then we would need an almost invisible 6 to make it back to 5 mathematically.. 5+3=8 Then 8 + secret 6=14 and finally 14=1+4=5.

So by following the methods I discovered in Bessler's drawings (and I claim MT was also made to prove). The following occurs. I have written it as pictures and comments. Feel free to enjoy (or hate).

53 8 88 Durer Magic square God Eye.jpg
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Re: Interesting study: “Tired light” and the CCC theory

Post by johannesbender »

Oystein wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2024 10:10 am Yes I think you are correct about a "watermark "6" being placed behind the "5".
But firstly I think the miss-drawn number 5 itself need a justification.

As I found in Bessler's papers, there exists a method of using Pythagoras to create a special geometric proof. Along the way i found that firstly the 3-4-5 triangle of Pythagoras need to be found and hidden. Especially in religious art. Gods gematria was far more connected and sought than we think today. Even Newton searched for ancient knowledge "sacred" or perfect geometry hidden among numbers and gematria in the bible. secretly placed by the original writers. Let's call it "G" for Geometry and God. It is believed that this search, and various proofs and discoveries is what masonic and in particular Rosicrucian tradition is and was about.

My son also said that it looked like a hidden "6" but it also looked like a central "hub" he said, so to tell us that the 5-plate could be "rotated" on it's axle!

This fits with my discovery of Bessler's "incomplete five" discovered by John Collins. But I suggested that it was incomplete because it had to. Because it was both 5 and 3, and therefor also meant 5,3 (thus adding up to 8)

Interestingly, if the "5" is really/secretly 5 and 3=8, then we would need an almost invisible 6 to make it back to 5 mathematically.. 5+3=8 Then 8 + secret 6=14 and finally 14=1+4=5.

So by following the methods I discovered in Bessler's drawings (and I claim MT was also made to prove). The following occurs. I have written it as pictures and comments. Feel free to enjoy (or hate).

you have an intelligent son imo.
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Re: Interesting study: “Tired light” and the CCC theory

Post by Oystein »

For those interested, I find this page on Pythagoras, freemasonry, magic squares and down to the last paragraph :
"A second meaning (of the 3-4-5 triangle) would be that the planets revolve abound the sun and not the earth, which during the middle ages would be great heresy."

This is exactly what I found and concluded from Bessler's work. Geometry/math facts about the earth, moon and solar system that can only be true if the Earth revolve around the SUN, and always is the 3-4-5 triangle needed. (The triangle made from the magic squares: Saturn Mars and Jupiter). And it had to be secretly conveyed, because of the great heresy to the church, thus the community in general.. ... eiled.html
A nice lecture on the way to understand Besslers book.. (IMO).
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Re: Interesting study: “Tired light” and the CCC theory

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

I've always thought of the freemasons as the first, or at least the beginnings, of the first labor unions. The stone cutters were probably the first skilled workers at the time and, had to work in secret or, be punished or even killed--------------Sam
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