The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by Frog »

Fletcher wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 10:40 pm Frog .. here is the MT556v we speculate some of your design elements coincidentally resemble .. [ from John Collins MT ] ..

That’s the principle, it’s balanced and 3.
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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by Frog »

Roxaway59 wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 10:14 pm Hi Frog, are there anymore details about the operation of it and about the inventor?

It looks like its based on the design on page 170 of JC's book.

That design has three double pendulums all placed roughly in a triangle.

It reads -
The handwriting says, “Demonstration: Pounds (weights) in
This is the Norwegian text:
Dobbel loddarms pendelsvinghjul:

Til bruk for produksjon av miljøvennlig, fornybar energi.

Teknikken i oppfinnelsen bygger på elementær fysikk og oppdagelsen av hvordan et balansert svinghjuls funksjon kan deles vertikalt slik at den ene halvdelen av svinghjulet opptrer som en pendel og den andre halvdelen som et svinghjul. Ved å ha tre like fester hengende i samme radiale avstand likt fordelt i et trekantmønster på svinghjulet med hver sine doble loddarmer som er forbundet til hverandre med tannhjul og en tilpasset fjær. Ved å låse et feste på toppen av svinghjulet og dreie svinghjulet med låst feste videre mot nitti grader vil loddet på den nederste loddarmen på festet utøve et moment imot den øverste loddarmen via tannhjulene så fjæren spennes ut ved at loddarmene splittes slik at de står loddrette ovenfor hverandre så svinghjulet blir i balanse. Når svinghjulet dreies videre over nitti grader vil loddarmene gradvis falle utover til en større radial avstand og starte en pendelbevegelse ifra sitt nullnivå med et nullpunkt i bunnen av svinghjulet slik at svinghjulet vil pendle ned til bunnen. Når festet med loddarmene er på bunnen av svinghjulet frigjøres festet ifra låsemekanismen så festet med loddarmene henger fritt på svinghjulet i rotasjonen opp til toppen av svinghjulet.

Pendelbevegelsens kinetiske energi vil da gå til svinghjulets rotasjon og differansen mellom kinetisk energi brukt og kinetisk energi generert kan da brukes til produksjon av ren energi ved å koble til en generator til akselen av svinghjulet.

På en enkel måte kan en produsere miljøvennlig energi.

Det kreves et balansert vertikalt stilt svinghjul med en fast aksel (Fig.1-F). Det kreves et stativ som akselen med svinghjulet er montert i (Fig.1-E). Det kreves tre fester med tannhjul, fjær og dobble loddarmer (Fig.1-BJ)+(Fig.1-AR)+(Fig.1-NE). Det kreves tre låsemekanismer (Fig.2i). Det kreves en generator (Fig.1D). Ved å ha fester (Fig.2ME) med hver sine loddarmer (Fig.2-JM) som er forbundet til hverandre med tannhjul (Fig.2-MB) og en tilpasset fjær (Fig.2-LJB). De tre festene henger i samme radiale avstand i et trekantmønster på svinghjulet slik at svinghjulet alltid er balansert uansett hvordan det dreies og hvilken posisjon festene har på svinghjulet så lenge festene ikke låses. Ved å låse et feste med doble loddarmer på toppen av svinghjulet (Fig.1-BJ) når loddene har kortest avstand til akselen av svinghjulet vil det få et nullpunkt (n1) på toppen og hvis det dreies forbi sitt nullpunkt (n1) vil svinghjulet ha potensiell energi mot nullpunktet (n1). Ved å låse et feste på toppen av svinghjulet og dreie svinghjulet nitti grader vil loddet på den nederste loddarmen på festet utøve et moment imot den øverste loddarmen slik at fjæren spennes ut til loddarmene står loddrette overfor hverandre (Fig.1-R) som også medfører at svinghjulet blir i balanse og at nullpunktet (n2) peker til samme side. Når svinghjulet med låst feste dreies videre over nitti grader vil loddarmene på nytt utøve et moment på hverandre å falle ut og sammen til en ytre posisjon (Fig.1-AR) der loddene har lengst avstand til akselen av svinghjulet som flytter nullpunktet (n3) til bunnen av svinghjulet og starter en pendelbevegelse ifra sitt nullnivå til bunnen av svinghjulet med potensiell energi. Når festet med loddarmene er på bunnen av svinghjulet (Fig.1-O) vil festet til loddarmene frigjøres ifra låsemekanismen da vil svinghjulets pendelbevegelse opphøre i dette forholdet ved at loddarmene henger loddrette videre i rotasjonsretningen opp til toppen av svinghjulet. Ved at pendelbevegelsen bare er på den ene siden av svinghjulet vil pendelbevegelsen avsluttes når den når nullpunktet (n3) i bunnen av svinghjulet. Ved at pendelbevegelsen avsluttes på pendelbevegelsens nullpunkt (n3) på bunnen av svinghjulet vil den kinetiske energien gå inn i svinghjulet hvor differansen mellom kinetisk energi brukt til å dreie svinghjulet med festet og loddarmene nitti grader og kinetisk energi produsert av svinghjulets pendelbevegelse fra dens nullnivå til bunnen kan brukes til produksjon av ren energi ved å koble til en generator (Fig.1D) til akselen av svinghjulet.

Ved at et stativ med et svinghjul som har tre fester med doble loddarmer med tannhjul og fjær som er fordelt i et trekantmønster slik at svinghjulet alltid er i balanse uansett hvilken posisjon det dreies og festene står i. Når et feste låses på toppen av svinghjulet og dreies nitti grader spennes fjæren ut og loddarmene deles og står vertikalt ovenfor hverandre slik at svinghjulet blir i balanse. Ved at hjulet dreies videre over nitti grader vil loddarmene falle ut til en ytre posisjon som da starter en pendelbevegelse. Ved at pendelbevegelsen bare er på den ene siden av svinghjulet vil pendelbevegelsen avsluttes når den når nullpunktet i bunnen av svinghjulet ved at festet frigjøres ifra låsemekanismen dermed vil den kinetiske energien ikke gå til en oppadgående kinetisk pendelbevegelse men gå inn i svinghjulet. Differansen mellom kinetisk energi brukt til å dreie svinghjulet nitti grader og den kinetiske energien generert ved pendelbevegelsens nullpunkt på bunnen av svinghjulet kan brukes til produksjon av ren energi.

Here it is translated to by chatGPT:

Double Pendulum-Arm Flywheel:

For the production of environmentally friendly, renewable energy.

The invention’s technique is based on elementary physics and the discovery of how the function of a balanced flywheel can be divided vertically so that one half of the flywheel acts as a pendulum and the other half as a flywheel. This is achieved by attaching three evenly spaced mounts in a triangular pattern on the flywheel, each with double pendulum arms connected by gears and a custom spring. By locking one mount at the top of the flywheel and rotating the flywheel with the locked mount to 90 degrees, the weight on the lower pendulum arm of the mount exerts a torque against the upper pendulum arm through the gears, stretching the spring as the pendulum arms separate and stand vertically opposite each other, bringing the flywheel into balance. When the flywheel is rotated further past 90 degrees, the pendulum arms gradually extend outward to a greater radial distance and begin a pendulum motion from their zero level, with a null point at the bottom of the flywheel, causing the flywheel to swing downward. When the mount with the pendulum arms reaches the bottom of the flywheel, the mount is released from the locking mechanism, allowing the pendulum arms to hang freely on the flywheel as it rotates upward to the top of the flywheel.

The kinetic energy of the pendulum motion then contributes to the flywheel’s rotation, and the difference between the kinetic energy used and the kinetic energy generated can be used to produce clean energy by connecting a generator to the flywheel’s axle.

This enables simple production of environmentally friendly energy.

• A balanced vertically mounted flywheel with a fixed axle (Fig.1-F).
• A stand to hold the axle and flywheel (Fig.1-E).
• Three mounts with gears, springs, and double pendulum arms (Fig.1-BJ, Fig.1-AR, Fig.1-NE).
• Three locking mechanisms (Fig.2i).
• A generator (Fig.1D).

The mounts (Fig.2ME), each with pendulum arms (Fig.2-JM) connected by gears (Fig.2-MB) and a custom spring (Fig.2-LJB), are arranged in a triangular pattern at the same radial distance on the flywheel. This ensures that the flywheel remains balanced regardless of its rotation or the positions of the mounts, as long as the mounts are not locked. By locking a mount with double pendulum arms at the top of the flywheel (Fig.1-BJ), where the weights have the shortest distance to the flywheel’s axle, the system establishes a null point (n1) at the top. If rotated beyond this null point (n1), the flywheel possesses potential energy relative to it. Locking a mount at the top and rotating the flywheel 90 degrees causes the weight on the lower pendulum arm to exert torque against the upper arm, stretching the spring until the pendulum arms stand vertically opposite each other (Fig.1-R), balancing the flywheel and aligning the null point (n2) accordingly. Further rotation beyond 90 degrees allows the pendulum arms to exert torque on each other again, moving outward to an external position (Fig.1-AR) where the weights are farthest from the axle. This shifts the null point (n3) to the bottom of the flywheel and initiates a pendulum motion from the zero level to the bottom of the flywheel with potential energy.

When the mount reaches the bottom (Fig.1-O), it is released from the locking mechanism, halting the pendulum motion as the pendulum arms hang vertically and continue rotating upward to the top of the flywheel. Since the pendulum motion only occurs on one side of the flywheel, it concludes when it reaches the null point (n3) at the bottom, where the kinetic energy is transferred to the flywheel instead of continuing into an upward pendulum motion. The difference between the kinetic energy used to rotate the flywheel 90 degrees and the kinetic energy generated at the pendulum motion’s null point at the bottom can be used to produce clean energy by connecting a generator (Fig.1D) to the flywheel’s axle.

By combining a stand with a flywheel equipped with three mounts, each with double pendulum arms, gears, and springs, arranged in a triangular pattern, the flywheel remains balanced regardless of its rotation or the position of the mounts. When a mount is locked at the top of the flywheel and rotated 90 degrees, the spring stretches, and the pendulum arms separate and stand vertically opposite each other, balancing the flywheel. Further rotation past 90 degrees causes the pendulum arms to extend outward, initiating a pendulum motion. Since the pendulum motion only occurs on one side of the flywheel, it concludes when it reaches the null point at the bottom, where the mount is released from the locking mechanism. Thus, the kinetic energy is not transferred to an upward pendulum motion but into the flywheel itself. The difference between the kinetic energy used to rotate the flywheel 90 degrees and the kinetic energy generated at the pendulum motion’s null point at the bottom can then be utilized to produce clean energy.
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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by Roxaway59 »

Thanks for that detailed answer Frog.

I know that pretty much everyone on the forum will want to know. Do you have an actual working machine?

Also does this mean that it is only driven by gravity?

Last edited by Roxaway59 on Mon Nov 25, 2024 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by Fletcher »

Hey Frog .. can you post up Fig 2. please .. we need to see the detail of the spring assist and the locking mechanism etc that is mentioned in the written description from your above post ..

Cheers ..
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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by Frog »

Fletcher wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 11:49 pm Hey Frog .. can you post up Fig 2. please .. we need to see the detail of the spring assist and the locking mechanism etc that is mentioned in the written description from your above post ..

Cheers ..
Here it’s it
Last edited by Frog on Tue Nov 26, 2024 1:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by Frog »

Roxaway59 wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 11:42 pm Thanks for that detailed answer Frog.

I know that pretty much everyone on the forum will want to know. Do you have an actual working machine?

Also does this mean that it is only driven by gravity?

What would you believe? A working machine or your own mental understanding?

It’s not driven by gravity, it’s driven by changing the direction of potential energy.
It just looks like it’s driven by gravity.
You have to always use kinetic energy to generate potential energy in the negative direction of the rotation of the wheel.
It’s happening in the top quarter of the wheel.
So it’s not gravity that is the source, it’s the changed potential of the energy that you put in.
Last edited by Frog on Tue Nov 26, 2024 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by Fletcher »

Frog wrote:
Here it is
Thanks for that - reproduced below with spring shown in Yellow ..

Frog4.jpeg (11.13 KiB) Viewed 831 times
Frog4a.gif (4.87 KiB) Viewed 831 times
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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by Frog »

Fletcher wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 1:24 am
Frog wrote:
Here it is
Thanks for that - reproduced below with spring shown in Yellow ..

Yes - this is right, the right principle for the bidirectional wheel.
Thanks for fixing this drawing flipping problem:-)
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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by sparkshade »

Wow this look genuine!
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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by sparkshade »

Fusion model.. This is pretty smart man! I'm thinking guitar string for the leaf springs.
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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by sparkshade »

3D printing the POC.
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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by Tarsier79 »

Nice work.

It isnt genuine though. At least not someone who has a genuine working model.
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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by sparkshade »

Tarsier79 wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 4:27 am Nice work.

It isnt genuine though. At least not someone who has a genuine working model.
That's true but I'm sufficiently interested to test it. But yeah always in equilibrium, the spring though is what interest me here, there's a swing to it that can be of use to me.
Last edited by sparkshade on Tue Nov 26, 2024 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by thx4 »

Tarsier79 wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 8:58 pm This doesn't look like anything new, or anything that has any possibility to work to me.
Quelqu'un peu faire quelque chose pour le taré de service ?
Merci Frog pour ce partage, as tu une idée précise de la vitesse de croisière de l'ensemble ?
Je suis impatient de lire les sim de Fletcher.

Can someone do something for the freak?
Thanks Frog for sharing, do you have a precise idea of the cruising speed of the set?
I can't wait to read Fletcher's sims.
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
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Re: The Wheel is solved in a New Norwegian Patent

Post by Frog »

thx4 wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 5:49 am
Tarsier79 wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 8:58 pm This doesn't look like anything new, or anything that has any possibility to work to me.
Quelqu'un peu faire quelque chose pour le taré de service ?
Merci Frog pour ce partage, as tu une idée précise de la vitesse de croisière de l'ensemble ?
Je suis impatient de lire les sim de Fletcher.

Can someone do something for the freak?
Thanks Frog for sharing, do you have a precise idea of the cruising speed of the set?
I can't wait to read Fletcher's sims.
The cruising speed is set by the diameter of the wheel - the length of the pendulum decides the speed of the wheel.
The length of the pendulum is the radius of the wheel.
And it the wheel that is a pendulum, and decides the speed.
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