Another Perpetual movement

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Another Perpetual movement

Post by thx4 »


Coretux est un visiteur de ma chaine youtube, il m'a écrit personnellement pour tenter de m'expliquer qu'il avait un MP (pourquoi pas)
Il m'a envoyé quelques images et descriptif.
Le probléme, je n'ai plus internet depuis hier et j'utilise mon téléphone, ce qui est tres lent. Il veut absolument m'entendre au téléphone mais je ne parle pas anglais :)
Je vais tenter dans la journée de vous envoyer les images et le peu de descriptif... il viendra surement en parler avec nous.
Il ne me lache plus lol.

Coretux is a visitor to my youtube channel, and he wrote to me personally to try and explain that he had a PM (why not).
He sent me some pictures and a description.
The problem is, I've had no internet since yesterday and I'm using my phone, which is very slow. He absolutely wants to hear me on the phone but I don't speak English :)
I'll try later today to send you the pictures and the little description... he'll probably come and talk about it with us.
He won't let me go lol.
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
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Re: Another Perpetual movement

Post by thx4 »

Messge du 14 novembre...

Hello, Anthony,

My friend and I don't have enough information to start a serious study...
I suggest you post your project on, you register on the forum, I'm there and so is my friend. You can post your idea and you'll see that someone, or even I, will reply to you, it's easier that way.
Best regards
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
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Re: Another Perpetual movement

Post by thx4 »

Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
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Re: Another Perpetual movement

Post by coretux »

Hello Thx4,

It seems you are misunderstanding me. I don’t want to talk on the phone. I want to communicate with you with a messaging or Chat application or site such as Telegram or Google Chat or Signal or Whatsapp or WeChat. Can you please tell me which one of those you can use so we can communicate faster. This forum is nice but I would prefer something private and even faster.

You don’t need a phone for a messaging app or site. You can use a laptop or desktop computer to access a chat app or site.

Please tell me which one you prefer.

thx4 wrote: Sun Dec 01, 2024 9:58 am
Coretux est un visiteur de ma chaine youtube, il m'a écrit personnellement pour tenter de m'expliquer qu'il avait un MP (pourquoi pas)
Il m'a envoyé quelques images et descriptif.
Le probléme, je n'ai plus internet depuis hier et j'utilise mon téléphone, ce qui est tres lent. Il veut absolument m'entendre au téléphone mais je ne parle pas anglais :)
Je vais tenter dans la journée de vous envoyer les images et le peu de descriptif... il viendra surement en parler avec nous.
Il ne me lache plus lol.

Coretux is a visitor to my youtube channel, and he wrote to me personally to try and explain that he had a PM (why not).
He sent me some pictures and a description.
The problem is, I've had no internet since yesterday and I'm using my phone, which is very slow. He absolutely wants to hear me on the phone but I don't speak English :)
I'll try later today to send you the pictures and the little description... he'll probably come and talk about it with us.
He won't let me go lol.
Last edited by coretux on Sun Dec 01, 2024 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Another Perpetual movement

Post by thx4 »

Bonjour Coretux,

Il y a 3 ans je suis rentré en contact avec RH46, qui parle un Français impeccable, malgré tout nous sommes arrivés plusieurs fois a ne plus nous comprendre, il a fallu revenir au dessin, vidéo etc, bref rien de simple.
Plusieurs membres ici se feront un plaisir de rentrer en contact avec toi en privé (donne moi les noms je te dirai 🙂), je plaisante.
Maintenant l'idéal serait de passer dans ton cas par un logiciel de simulation, ensuite si tu le veux je pourrais te faire les croquis précis et l'impression 3D, et l'envoi même au US, j'en fait plusieurs fois par mois...
Par manque de temps et de compréhension Je ne ferai pas plus...
Le meilleur pour la suite.

Hello Coretux,

3 years ago I got in touch with RH46, who speaks impeccable French, despite everything we came several times to no longer understand each other, we had to go back to drawing, video etc, in short nothing simple.
Several members here will be happy to get in touch with you privately (give me the names and I'll tell you 🙂 ), just kidding.
Now the ideal would be in your case to go through a simulation software, then if you want I could make you precise sketches and 3D printing, and even send it to the US, I do it several times a month...
For lack of time and understanding I won't do more...
All the best for the future.
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out.Greetings.
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Re: Another Perpetual movement

Post by coretux »

Hello Thx4, I'm just now reading this reply by you. I'm sorry for the slight delay.

I appreciate your reply as well as your emails. Thank you for your reply and all the emails you have sent. Thank you for the kind words and potential offer to help me.

It seems we were misunderstanding each other, especially through email. I am sorry for that. This caused frustration to both of us. I did my best to communicate with you.

I now see you lacked time. I'm sorry for the hold up. I suspected that was a possibility.

I see you offered to help me get in touch with some members here if I need to. I don't know if you're only joking, but if you're not I would seriously be interested in that. I would be extremely grateful if you did and appreciative.

I am disappointed we couldn't work together. I was eager and looking forward to work with you.

I have ideas to improve your own models and projects you have posted to YouTube. I wish I could have shared them with you. It's a shame I wasn't able to.

I see you no longer want to communicate through email. That's fine. I'm disappointed about that, but it's ok. However, if I want to reply to your comments in this forum about projects in this forum is that permissible by you?

Thank you again.

x4 post_id=211066 time=1733061476 user_id=2052]
Bonjour Coretux,

Il y a 3 ans je suis rentré en contact avec RH46, qui parle un Français impeccable, malgré tout nous sommes arrivés plusieurs fois a ne plus nous comprendre, il a fallu revenir au dessin, vidéo etc, bref rien de simple.
Plusieurs membres ici se feront un plaisir de rentrer en contact avec toi en privé (donne moi les noms je te dirai 🙂), je plaisante.
Maintenant l'idéal serait de passer dans ton cas par un logiciel de simulation, ensuite si tu le veux je pourrais te faire les croquis précis et l'impression 3D, et l'envoi même au US, j'en fait plusieurs fois par mois...
Par manque de temps et de compréhension Je ne ferai pas plus...
Le meilleur pour la suite.

Hello Coretux,

3 years ago I got in touch with RH46, who speaks impeccable French, despite everything we came several times to no longer understand each other, we had to go back to drawing, video etc, in short nothing simple.
Several members here will be happy to get in touch with you privately (give me the names and I'll tell you 🙂 ), just kidding.
Now the ideal would be in your case to go through a simulation software, then if you want I could make you precise sketches and 3D printing, and even send it to the US, I do it several times a month...
For lack of time and understanding I won't do more...
All the best for the future.
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Re: Another Perpetual movement

Post by Tarsier79 »

Hi Coretux.

Welcome to BW. BW can be a useful asset depending on your goals and approach.

Good luck

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Re: Another Perpetual movement

Post by coretux »

Thanks Tarsier, can you tell me how to delete a reply?
Tarsier79 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 7:05 pm Hi Coretux.

Welcome to BW. BW can be a useful asset depending on your goals and approach.

Good luck

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Re: Another Perpetual movement

Post by Tarsier79 »

You can't delete it. You can only edit it, and remove the content you don't want. And only if you do it within an allotted time. There should be a pencil icon above your post to edit.

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Re: Another Perpetual movement

Post by coretux »

Why can't you delete replies?

I was trying to reply to Thx4 and I don't know if he got tagged because I accidentally deleted the code that would tag him when I was writing my reply to him in the text field. From the looks of it, I don't think he got notified.

Tarsier79 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 7:23 pm You can't delete it. You can only edit it, and remove the content you don't want. And only if you do it within an allotted time. There should be a pencil icon above your post to edit.

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Re: Another Perpetual movement

Post by coretux »

Bonjour Thx4, je viens juste de lire cette réponse de votre part. Je suis désolé pour le léger retard. J'apprécie votre réponse ainsi que vos emails. Merci pour votre réponse et tous les emails que vous avez envoyés. Merci pour vos aimables paroles et votre offre potentielle pour m'aider. Il semble que nous nous soyons mal compris, notamment par courrier électronique. J'en suis désolé. Cela nous a tous deux frustré. J'ai fait de mon mieux pour communiquer avec vous. Je vois maintenant que tu as manqué de temps. Je suis désolé pour le retard. Je soupçonnais que c'était une possibilité. Je vois que vous avez proposé de m'aider à entrer en contact avec certains membres ici si j'en ai besoin. Je ne sais pas si vous plaisantez, mais si ce n'est pas le cas, cela m'intéresserait sérieusement. Je vous serais extrêmement reconnaissant si vous le faisiez et j’apprécierais. Je suis déçu que nous n'ayons pas pu travailler ensemble. J’avais hâte et j’avais hâte de travailler avec vous. J'ai des idées pour améliorer vos propres modèles et projets que vous avez publiés sur YouTube. J'aurais aimé pouvoir les partager avec vous. C'est dommage que je n'en ai pas pu. Je vois que vous ne souhaitez plus communiquer par e-mail. C'est très bien. Je suis déçu de cela, mais ça va. Cependant, si je souhaite répondre à vos commentaires sur ce forum concernant les projets de ce forum, est-ce que vous le permettez ? Merci encore.

Hello Thx4, I'm just now reading this reply by you. I'm sorry for the slight delay.

I appreciate your reply as well as your emails. Thank you for your reply and all the emails you have sent. Thank you for the kind words and potential offer to help me.

It seems we were misunderstanding each other, especially through email. I am sorry for that. This caused frustration to both of us. I did my best to communicate with you.

I now see you lacked time. I'm sorry for the hold up. I suspected that was a possibility.

I see you offered to help me get in touch with some members here if I need to. I don't know if you're only joking, but if you're not I would seriously be interested in that. I would be extremely grateful if you did and appreciative.

I am disappointed we couldn't work together. I was eager and looking forward to work with you.

I have ideas to improve your own models and projects you have posted to YouTube. I wish I could have shared them with you. It's a shame I wasn't able to.

I see you no longer want to communicate through email. That's fine. I'm disappointed about that, but it's ok. However, if I want to reply to your comments in this forum about projects in this forum is that permissible by you?

Thank you again.

thx4 wrote: Sun Dec 01, 2024 1:57 pm Bonjour Coretux,

Il y a 3 ans je suis rentré en contact avec RH46, qui parle un Français impeccable, malgré tout nous sommes arrivés plusieurs fois a ne plus nous comprendre, il a fallu revenir au dessin, vidéo etc, bref rien de simple.
Plusieurs membres ici se feront un plaisir de rentrer en contact avec toi en privé (donne moi les noms je te dirai 🙂), je plaisante.
Maintenant l'idéal serait de passer dans ton cas par un logiciel de simulation, ensuite si tu le veux je pourrais te faire les croquis précis et l'impression 3D, et l'envoi même au US, j'en fait plusieurs fois par mois...
Par manque de temps et de compréhension Je ne ferai pas plus...
Le meilleur pour la suite.

Hello Coretux,

3 years ago I got in touch with RH46, who speaks impeccable French, despite everything we came several times to no longer understand each other, we had to go back to drawing, video etc, in short nothing simple.
Several members here will be happy to get in touch with you privately (give me the names and I'll tell you 🙂 ), just kidding.
Now the ideal would be in your case to go through a simulation software, then if you want I could make you precise sketches and 3D printing, and even send it to the US, I do it several times a month...
For lack of time and understanding I won't do more...
All the best for the future.
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