Hypothesis .. Raising GPE without using Law of Levers ? ..

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Re: Hypothesis .. Raising GPE without using Law of Levers ? ..

Post by Fletcher »

Agreed, enjoy ..

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Re: Hypothesis .. Raising GPE without using Law of Levers ? ..

Post by daxwc »

Fletcher: Bottom lining it - it appears that momentum can be conserved and energy not - if the swinger carts pendulum can swing and gain vertical height ( gain GPE ) - and this must be due to the split reaction inertias at time of momentum impulse ( ft = mv ) originally given .. IOW's the Work Energy Equivalence Principle appears to be violated under these conditions ( at the local level but not at the cosmos level ) ..
Well if it wasn’t in a computer I would have thought the rotating earth. You are right there might be an unnoticed or hidden energy input, possibly due to split reaction inertias or an asymmetric impulse distribution. To verify these findings somebody needs to conduct a real-world experiment to confirm the results observed.

So what motion is needed to accelerate this anomaly in a rotating frame of reference not just a straight line?

Inertia has significant lag time in experiments things don’t always work out as envisioned. 8)

Have fun doing nothing! Not sure how you turn off the internal mental dialog 8)
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