It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, than trying to solely profit

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re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, than

Post by rlortie »


I also wish to thank you for your below quote. It has been some years since I communicate with Eric, so I do not know if he even remembers me. Around 2001 and maybe into 2002 we were quite involved in running down Dennis Lee dealers. Even made the news papers and local TV news. Got the attorney General in the state of Washington to sit up and take notice.

Thanks Again!
It appears though Robert that you think James is a creation of Ralph, or that they are in on something togther. If this is indeed the case then all you have to do is write Eric Krieg a short note and ask him if Ralph is legit. Eric might not share your belief in free energy but he is honest.
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re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, than

Post by Fletcher » ... 6777#16777

As close as I can get without wasting to much time tonight. Anyways "persistence beats resistance" which you have in spades Ralph & I hope Ned recovers his memory in time to help you out.
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re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, than

Post by Wheeler »

I am wondering now if James may have chosen you as his ideal candidate for creating him a wheel.

When he told me to start with the weight and razor test, I said why, and he did not like this.
He seemed to think I would not challenge him by questioning why. He might fire you, if you question him.
He keeps you by saying things on the forum about how good you are. You usually do not think bad of someone who is giving you credit.
Maybe you two should get a third party to verify this now. A third party would add credibility to his claim and give you a break to catch your breath.
You could have this resolved in one hour, if you let someone else you trust confirm it. Surely, James would want this for you.
James and you both need this if you have something.
Once you have found the design of a working wheel, I would not think you would simply put it away for 40 years, then go onto a forum and ask someone else to build it for you.
Like Bill said, it makes no sense and I am afraid you have walked into a web, and he acts as if he will save you. You cannot move because the web is holding you.

Let me know if I am out of line here.
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re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, than

Post by AgingYoung »

Slowly this is beginning to make sense to me. If I were more politically minded I'd have grasped it from the very beginning. Ah, well. I had a thought about an earlier comment on this thread. When someone has the ability to fire you you tend to be very nice and well mannered around them. Unless you wake up one morning humming the tune, 'take this job and ...'

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re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, than

Post by rks1878 »


U asked why I don't go to Indiana and see "james" myself.
I can't see what doesn't exist.
There is no working wheel, no plans, no nothing. There is a "james" but no james IMHO.

Why don't you just stop the charade?
Robert (The Carpenter's Boy)

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re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, than

Post by rlortie »


Still having frustration to unload? :-)

No, there is no plans in Indiana, I have them. That is to say I have the originals drawn in the mid 1960's. That is unless James has drawn another set. Have I ever said that these plans were capable of building a working wheel. no I have not.

If you were to send me a set of plans, and I built it. Then you claimed that you once had a working wheel, why and how would that involve me.

I will try one more time Robert. There is no working wheel here and there is no collusion between me and James. I do not defend what goes on here other than to fight for my own credibility.

Now would you please explain what you mean by "Please stop the charade" What charade are you referring to. Have you not read the above previous post's.

If you still believe in the possibility that James and I are one and the same then why would I pay long distance phone charges to talk to myself at area code 317, when I am out here at 541 What would I expect to gain. I have better things to do with my time than type letters such as this.

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re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, than

Post by Michael »

Get a grip Robert, please. I've given you the link to proof. The only thing Ralph is guilty of is enthusiasm, and that includes positive support comments made privately about you.
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Re: re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, t

Post by Michael »


...It has been some years since I communicate with Eric, so I do not know if he even remembers me. ...
He does Ralph. I asked Eric myself about you yesterday. Here is the content of the letters exchanged between us, Eric's is in bold.

>Hi Eric. Have you ever heard of a guy named Ralph Lortie? He's a somewhat 60 year old guy or so and claims that he helped you kick Dennis Lee out of Oregon. Is this true? Michael Olson

yeah, he's a cool guy

Could you let him know that Dennis is going to be trying to rip people off in the name of Jesus in Oregon again:
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Re: re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, t

Post by rlortie »

A reply to JBWheeler:

<I am wondering now if James may have chosen you as his ideal candidate for creating him a wheel.>

He did not choose me to create him a wheel, but to build a wheel of his design while he also built one for confirmation.

<When he told me to start with the weight and razor test, I said why, and he did not like this.>

The razor test was simply an example of unbalanced weight and shows an example of weight to distance ratio and it's implications.

<He seemed to think I would not challenge him by questioning why. He might fire you, if you question him.>

I do not work for him and I question him as much as I please about a lot of things. Besides one does not fire a friend without just cause. A friend is some one who has earned your respect.

< He keeps you by saying things on the forum about how good you are. You usually do not think bad of someone who is giving you credit.>

No he does not "Keep me" by giving me credit. He gives credit to all who he feels deserves it. I simply built a wheel of his design for my own curiosity. I have received credit from a lot of people who I could care less about. You can not give respect to earn friends you must earn it yourself otherwise it is useless.

<Maybe you two should get a third party to verify this now. A third party would add credibility to his claim and give you a break to catch your breath. You could have this resolved in one hour, if you let someone else you trust confirm it. Surely, James would want this for you.>

A third party to confirm what? I do not claim any connection other than I have a wheel sitting in my shop that does not run. You once told me that you had the answer. Where is your confirmation. Typing letters such as this is considered a break from working in the shop and catching my breath.

<James and you both need this if you have something.
Once you have found the design of a working wheel, I would not think you would simply put it away for 40 years, then go onto a forum and ask someone else to build it for you.>

I do not need confirmation as that is what I thought I was doing.
I built the wheel because of what I saw in its design. As to whether it had been built 40 years ago or not was irrelevant and had no bearing on my judgment. Those who are attempting to duplicate bessler has less to go on than what James gave me within his design paper. yet there are many here who chase Besslers once working wheel claim. What is the difference? I only see a matter of 260 years.

< Like Bill said, it makes no sense and I am afraid you have walked into a web, and he acts as if he will save you. You cannot move because the web is holding you.>

I have not walked into any more of a web than anyone on this forum chasing Bessler. He is not holding me anymore than Bessler, Ken or any member here is holding you. He does not act as if he will save me, as I do not need saving. I have done nothing to be saved from. I see it as the forum feels it is time for my turn in the barrel for a while and nothing more.

<Let me know if I am out of line here.>

You are and you are not, If you stop and think that you are attempting to do what Bessler alleged to do and I attempt to do what James alleged to do, What is the difference between you and I. Are you in Bessler's web.

Last edited by rlortie on Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, than

Post by Michael »

Fletcher did you mean James instead of Ned?
As close as I can get without wasting to much time tonight. Anyways "persistence beats resistance" which you have in spades Ralph & I hope Ned recovers his memory in time to help you out.
I'm guessing the folk hero has left a mark down under.
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re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, than

Post by rks1878 »


My opinion is that the 15" working kelly wheel is a sham and you are sort of perpetuating that sham by giving it respect.

The kelly wheel is no more a self-runner than a manhole cover rolling on edge down a street in San Francisco would be.

Why haven't you visited the working 15" working kelly wheel? Or, Kelly could send you a video of it whizzing around. It's hard to put hazmat on digital media unless it's dropped in the toilet. So careful handling eliminates that roadblock.

No, I am not frustrated. I FEED off of challenges and setbacks...

For all you know, I'm just trying to get my thread to be the one with the highest number of page views. It has been a life long goal of mine you know.
Robert (The Carpenter's Boy)

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re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, than

Post by rlortie »

For all you know, I'm just trying to get my thread to be the one with the highest number of page views. It has been a life long goal of mine you know

Hey: If that is all your after I will help you out.
My opinion is that the 15" working kelly wheel is a sham and you are sort of perpetuating that sham by giving it respect
How do you figure, I do not recall ever saying anything about a 15" wheel or respecting one. I know nothing of what you speak. James has never told me that he had a 15" working wheel.

If this statement refers to the one he claims to have attempted to send me. I do not recall him specifying that it worked. I do know that he made it clear it was not the same design he swears worked for him in the past.
He did say that it contained soda bottles, which is a far cry from his ramp design

I definitely do not believe in perpetuating a sham or respecting such. As Michael has told you via Eric, I am a vigilante against shams. What I respect is an aging man who admits to be loosing his memory and shows signs that may be leading to senile characteristics, and is man enough to admit it.

After all he does keep telling you, he cannot remember, so why not let it go at that. Why do you think he keeps changing the subject when asked what he claims he cannot remember. Why keep insisting that I have anything to do with it.

This should help fill another page. :-)

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re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, than

Post by Wheeler »

You have answwered my questions totally, and I have no doubts about what you are trying to do now.
Thank you for the clear reply.
JB Wheeler
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re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, than

Post by ovyyus »

Thanks for your replies Ralph. It makes a little more sense now - time to move on.

The accusation that you and Jim are the same person, or that you're involved in some form of deception, is preposterous.

I think it's time Robert got his thread back - if that's his real name - lol
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re: It Would Be More Noble To Clear J. Bessler's Name, than

Post by james kelly »

THANK YOU BILL, very much.